Art 1 Syllabus
Art 1 Syllabus
Art 1 Syllabus
Course Description: Art 1 is designed as an introductory course to Fine Arts curriculum. As such it
introduces the basics of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design and serves as a survey course in a
variety of artistic media and techniques. Art 1 also fulfills the requirements for a Fine Arts credit which is
required for graduation. This course will have a strong emphasis on drawing as a means of expressing
Student grades will be broken up into three parts. The first category is participation.
Students are expected to arrive to class every day ON TIME and participate in the
activities for the day. Your grade in this category is NOT determined on artistic ability,
rather your willingness to participate in and dedication to classroom projects. This
category of grading will constitute up to 5 points per day (25 points per week) of your
overall grade. If a student misses a day of class it is their responsibility to meet with me
during Warrior Time (schedule posted on my classroom door) to get make up work.
Make up work will not be accepted any later than two weeks after the absence in
question (unless there are circumstances that warrant otherwise). Classes wasted or
skipped are not redeemable absences. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL A WEEK BEFORE
A 90% - 100%
B 80% - 90%
C 70% - 80%
D 60% - 70%
F below 60%
The second graded category will consist of tests, quizzes, classwork, thematic unit
projects, and other assignments which are “criterion assignments” (Right and Wrong
answers). Crafts is about process and skill. Crafting techniques takes a great deal of
work and dedication to learn as an artistic skill.
The final part of your grade will be your final, which will consist of a multi-day essay
project about what you have learned in class over the year as well as multiple choice
Classroom Expectations:
Simple. Be respectful of one another, follow school rules and policies in the classroom.
Do Not have electronic devices out for nefarious purposes (I find this to be incredibly
Materials Use:
As part of the WVDE standards for this and all art courses, students must used
materials in a safe and appropriate manner. It is an expectation that on a regular basis
we will have cleaning days, where students are to clean up the room. This is a graded
assignment, and is not optional.
Cheating, stealing answers, taking pictures, plagiarizing, and academic dishonesty in any form, including
inappropriate use or misuse of the school’s computer network, cannot be tolerated in the school
environment. The teacher will assess a zero for the assignment for all students involved, confiscate all
evidence, document the situation, and report it to the office. Depending on the circumstances, the penalty
may range from a loss of credit, and possibly a suspension from school.
Intellectual Plagiarism:
All intellectual property must be credited to its originator. Students found in violation of this will be in
violation of plagiarism policy and may receive a zero for doing so. Likewise, copying another's work on
any tests, quizzes, etc. will result in a zero on that assignment.
Students who are absent from class are responsible for making up the work they missed. The following
procedures are offered in effort to clarify this area:
● All makeup work, including tests and quizzes, must be done outside the class period at the
teacher’s discretion.
● Students must make arrangements with all their teachers to make-up the missed work, test, and
quizzes in a timely fashion. It is the student’s responsibility to arrive on time to make-up all work.
If the student does not make-up the work within the allotted time, the teacher is not required to
give credit for the work.
● The student is responsible for initiating the arrangements for the make-up work within two school
days of returning to school
● Make-up work during the activity period of Warrior Time takes precedence over any club or
organizational meeting.
● Make up tests should not be the same as the original one, but shall assess the same areas as
the original test with the same number of points possible.
● Students will be given make up work through Schoology if a suspension extends more than 3
days. Message your teacher and click on the calendar for assignments.
● If teachers have assignments posted on Schoology, click the calendar dates for more information.
KCS Policies on make-up work:
19.09.1 Absences of Two Days or Less. For students in grades 9-12 it is the responsibility of THE
STUDENT to request make-up work within two school days of return to school.
19.09.3 Make up Procedure. Upon receiving makeup work from the teacher, student must submit the
work within a time line designated by the teacher or school policy. Students will be afforded the
opportunity to learn missed concepts occasioned by excused or unexcused absences in order to progress
through their program of studies. Teachers are responsible for providing a minimum of one day for
each day’s absence for students to make up missed work assignments and/or evaluation that are
occasioned by excused or unexcused absences.
Posting of Grades:
Students will have grades updated on a weekly basis (usually on Friday). Project grades that are in
progress will have updated (in progress) grades posted during their work duration.
Materials Usage:
Students are to use the materials in the classroom respectfully. At the conclusion of each class students
are to clean up their materials and work station before leaving. Failure to do so will result in the student,
or the classes privileges of working with those materials.
Students are to have their iPads with them in class every day. Students who do not bring their iPads to
class are still responsible for the work they may have missed during class time that day.
Cell Phones
There are to be no cell phones out for any reason during class. Students have county issued iPads to use
on classroom assignments, and thus there is never a reason to use one.