Pass - Fail Form: ST ND

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Student Student No. Grade

Course Teacher Period

st nd
Select One è ☐ 1 Semester ☐ 2 Semester ☐ Year-Long

Students may take electives courses on a pass/fail basis. Students will also be permitted to choose their final
grade as a letter grade or pass/fail. Grades in a course taken as a pass/fail will be determined according to
the district grading scale. To receive credit for a pass/fail course, a student must earn at least a D- or 60%.

In order for this program to function effectively, the following guidelines have been established.
1. Courses taken as pass/fail will receive graduation credit and will be counted towards eligibility. The
student must fulfill all course requirements.
2. Students in grades 9-12 may take up to one (1) credit per year Pass/Fail (in addition to P.E.) in all
areas excluding core classes and foreign languages.
3. For students choosing the grade option (A, B, C, D, F), only the semester and final grade will be
4. The initial choice of pass/fail must be made during the first four (4) weeks of a semester of a year
course and will stay in effect throughout the entire course. The policy for adding or dropping a course
shall also apply to pass/fail. The student, his/her parent, and the teacher must complete and sign a
pass/fail registration form. Interested students may secure this form in the Counselors office.
5. A student choosing the grade option (A, B, C, D, F) must do so by the end of the course.
6. A grade of satisfactory (pass) or unsatisfactory (fail) will be given for progress each grading
period. The teacher should record all letter grades as usual in his/her grade book. Pass/fail will be
recorded only on grade cards and permanent record cards.
7. Pass/fail courses will not be counted in determining grade point average for Honor Roll, Class Rank, or
Academic Awards unless the grade option is chosen.
8. Pass/fail grading may be utilized in grades 5-8 as determined by the building principal in consultation
with the teaching staff and by approval of the Superintendent.
9. English Language Learners (EL) students (K-12) may take any class pass/fail as long as
recommended by the appropriate school staff.
10. Students in grades 7-8 taking high school classes must take the class for credit. Students in 7-8
taking these classes may choose pass/fail option at any point in the course.

Student Signature Date

Teacher signature Date

Counselor signature Date

Parent signature Date

Rev: 8/2016

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