Design of Mixers For Chemical and Biochemical Industry: Y. Ibryamova, D. Dobrudzhaliev, B. Ivanov
Design of Mixers For Chemical and Biochemical Industry: Y. Ibryamova, D. Dobrudzhaliev, B. Ivanov
Design of Mixers For Chemical and Biochemical Industry: Y. Ibryamova, D. Dobrudzhaliev, B. Ivanov
3, pp 6-11, 2010
Copyright © 2009 Trakia University
Available online at:
ISSN 1313-7069 (print)
ISSN 1313-3551 (online)
This paper examines the design of mixers for the chemical and biochemical industry. Depending on
the mixing phases mixers possess different construction features. The design of mixers includes
technological and strength calculations of these sets, able to create stable emulsions and suspensions
used as raw materials in a number of productions or as finished products intended for consumers.
The calculation and sizing of these facilities are made by means of specific algorithms, which are
carried out in peer-reviewed software products. The use of such software helps facilitate most
calculations for various types of mixers: a liquid-liquid, solid-liquid and liquid-gas.
Figure 1. List of developed projects. Figure 2. Starting a new project, specifying the
name of the project.
3. 1. Setting the geometrical characteristics bottom and top of the apparatus-Figure. 3 and
(height, diameter) and choosing the type of Figure. 4, Figure. 5.
3. 3. Setting the type of the mixed components, process and calculating the thickness of the
physical-chemical properties of fluids, hull, the top and the bottom-Figure. 7 and
thermodynamic parameters of the mixing Figure. 8.
Figure 7. Calculating the sides of the hull. Figure 8. Resizing the body elements.
3. 4. Sizing of structural strength and welds, securing and strengthening the apparatus to
calculating the nozzles and methods for hull-Figure. 9 and Figure. 10.
3. 9. Calculating and sizing the anchorage on the fundamentals-Figure. 19 and Figure. 20.
Figure 19. Calculating the legs. Figure 20. Sizing the attachment.