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Design of Mixers For Chemical and Biochemical Industry: Y. Ibryamova, D. Dobrudzhaliev, B. Ivanov

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Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl.

3, pp 6-11, 2010
Copyright © 2009 Trakia University
Available online at:
ISSN 1313-7069 (print)
ISSN 1313-3551 (online)


Y. Ibryamova1*, D. Dobrudzhaliev1, B. Ivanov2

Technical Faculty, University Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov, Burgas, Bulgaria.
Institute of Chemical engineering, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria.

This paper examines the design of mixers for the chemical and biochemical industry. Depending on
the mixing phases mixers possess different construction features. The design of mixers includes
technological and strength calculations of these sets, able to create stable emulsions and suspensions
used as raw materials in a number of productions or as finished products intended for consumers.
The calculation and sizing of these facilities are made by means of specific algorithms, which are
carried out in peer-reviewed software products. The use of such software helps facilitate most
calculations for various types of mixers: a liquid-liquid, solid-liquid and liquid-gas.

Key words: Mixers, design, chemical and biochemical industry.

INTRODUCTION technology and constructive strength

Suspensions and emulsions in raw-material calculations involving all the elements of the
flows are used in a number of chemical and mixers. Computational procedures are carried
biochemical processes. A number of finished out by strictly defined algorithms, which have
products must also occur in a steady state for provided a basis for recently developed
the purposes of their transport and use. Many software products. Simulators that fully
of the products in the food-manufacturing automate the design process are increasingly
industry must exist in such sound systems. used in engineering chemistry. They have huge
That is why their obtaining is essential and is a databases with construction materials used for
major task for such productions. The mixers the various elements of mixers. The major
are the equipment, which is used for this advantages of these software products are the
purpose, being the outfit, inside which a consistent design and visualization. The
mixture of different phases: liquid-liquid, organized interface to usable Office
solid-liquid and gas-liquid is carried out. The applications and the creation of documentation
phases define the type of industrial mixers. The of each option are extremely useful for the
development of such sound systems depends effective multi-variant design.
on a number of factors such as the physical-
chemical properties of the mixing components, Design of mixers
temperature, pressure, the presence of The basic algorithm design
surfactants, emulsifiers, coagulants, etc. Of 1. Review of the existing (developed) drafts of
particular importance are the conditions for the mixers.
conduct of the process of mixing and mixer
structures. The design of the mixers includes Figure 1 presents a list pane (automatically
_________________________________ prepared) with already implemented projects
*Correspondence to: Yunzile Ibryamova, of mixers. The examination and presentation of
Technical faculty, University Prof. Dr. Assen an already completed project provides an
Zlatarov, Prof. Yakimov Str. 1, 8000, Burgas, opportunity for increasing the designer’s skill
Bulgaria., Phone: 0894301679, E-mail: and saves time in the development of such a
[email protected]

6 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010

2. Specifying the name of the Project-Figure. 2.

Figure 1. List of developed projects. Figure 2. Starting a new project, specifying the
name of the project.

3. Calculating a new mixer.

3. 1. Setting the geometrical characteristics bottom and top of the apparatus-Figure. 3 and
(height, diameter) and choosing the type of Figure. 4, Figure. 5.

Figure 3. Geometric characteristics Figure 4. Geometric characteristics (inside diameter).

(cylindrical height).

3. 2. Choosing the construction materials for

the court, the top and the bottom (Selected
from the database menu)-Figure. 6.

Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010 7

IBRYAMOVA Y., et al.

Figure 5. Torispherical head 10 %. Figure 6. Choosing the materials.

3. 3. Setting the type of the mixed components, process and calculating the thickness of the
physical-chemical properties of fluids, hull, the top and the bottom-Figure. 7 and
thermodynamic parameters of the mixing Figure. 8.

Figure 7. Calculating the sides of the hull. Figure 8. Resizing the body elements.

3. 4. Sizing of structural strength and welds, securing and strengthening the apparatus to
calculating the nozzles and methods for hull-Figure. 9 and Figure. 10.

8 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010

IBRYAMOVA Y., et al.

Figure 9. Welds. Figure 10. Calculating the nozzles.

3. 5. Setting the quantity of impellers-Figure. 11 and Figure. 12.

Figure 11. Quantity of impellers. Figure 12. Impeller type.

3. 6. Setting the impeller type-Figure. 13 and Figure. 14.

Figure 13. Flat Anchor. Figure 14. Concave Radial Turbine.

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IBRYAMOVA Y., et al.
3. 7. Shaft's position-Figure. 15 and Figure. 16.

Figure 15. Center. Figure 16. Out center.

3. 8. Supporting-Figure. 17 and Figure. 18.

Figure 17. With footstool. Figure 18. Overhung.

3. 9. Calculating and sizing the anchorage on the fundamentals-Figure. 19 and Figure. 20.

Figure 19. Calculating the legs. Figure 20. Sizing the attachment.

10 Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 8, Suppl. 3, 2010

IBRYAMOVA Y., et al.

INTERFACE applications, traditionally used for shaping the

In advanced software systems for design and documentation (MS Word, MS Excel, etc.) are
simulation a friendly interface is organized developed too.
together with the constructor, which facilitates
the dialogue with the computer system. If DOCUMENTING
necessary, the user can consult the special Each calculated variant and each step of the
literature and manuals, finding the necessary algorithm calculation option can be
data, which are missing in the electronic documented by transferring the information in
databases. Also, interfaces with applications the word system (MS WORD). Figure 21 and
developed as modules in different Figure 22 present documentation of a
programming environments (VISUAL BASEС computational version of a particular type of
JAVA, etc.), are organized, thus increasing the mixer. This documentation is automatically
effectiveness of the designer’s work. In stored and expands the projects database,
addition, interfaces to other Office respectively the designer’s skills.

Figure 21. Home page. Figure 22. Characteristics of impeller.

CONCLUSIONS Moscow, Mechanical engineering, 744 pp.(

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advantage that can be used for training purposes apparatus and installations in biotechnology,
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