Merged Competencies G8
Merged Competencies G8
Merged Competencies G8
First Quarter
PROGRAM STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro- Asian Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings conntend with; variuos reading styles
vis – à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by which information may be organized, related, and
delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting information.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering an informative speech based on a specific topic of interest keeping in mind the proper and
effective use of parallel structures and cohesive devices and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Use appropriate cohesive
devices in composing an
informative speech
EN8LC-Ib-5.1: EN8VC-Ib-8: EN8LT-Ib-8: EN8RC-Ib-7.2: Individual Cooperative
Listen for important points Use context clues from the Describe the notable literary genres contributed by Scan for logical connectors Learning
signaled by volume, material viewed to determine African writers to determine the text type
2 projection, pitch, stress, the meaning of unfamiliar
intonation, juncture, and rate words or expressions EN8LT-Ib-8.1: EN8WC-Ib-1.1:
of speech Identify the distinguishing Generate ideas and their
EN8V-Ib-10.2: features of notable African chants, poems, folktales, relationships
EN8OL-Ib-3.11: Determine the meaning of and short stories
Use the correct sounds of idiomatic expressions by noting EN8WC-Ib-1.1.6:
English context clues and collocations Organize ideas in one-step
word, phrase, and
EN8G-Ib-7: sentence outline forms
Use parallel structures.
Use appropriate cohesive
devices in composing an
informative speech
10 Culminating Activity
Second Quarter
PROGRAM STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a
deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Afro- Asian Literature and other texts
types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine Culture and those of other countries
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: East Asian literature as an art form inspired and influenced by nature; relationship of
visual, sensory, and verbal signals in both literary and expository texts; strategies in listening to long descriptive and narrative texts;
value of literal and figurative language; and appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to patterns of idea
PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective
paragraphs, appropriate grammatical signals or expressions in topic development, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
10 Culminating Activity
Third Quarter
PROGRAM STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture and those other countries.
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance,
and behavior.
EN8LT-IIIa-11: EN8RC-IIIa-10:
Identify the notable literary genres Share ideas using opinion-
contributed by Southeast Asian marking signals
Use modals appropriately
2 EN8LC-IIIb-8.2: EN8RC-IIIb-12.1: EN8VC-IIIb-3.4/4.4/5.4: EN8V-IIIb-15.3: Individual Cooperative Learning
Judge the relevance and worth Recognize propaganda Determine the Explain the meaning of a word
of ideas presented in the text techniques used in a given text target audience of a material through structural analysis
listened to viewed (prefixes, roots, suffixes)
EN8OL-IIIb-5: Identify the notable literary genres EN8WC-IIIb-1.1.6: EN8RC-IIIb-10:
Observe the use of correct contributed by Southeast Asian Transcode information from a Share ideas using opinion-
stress, pitch, and juncture when writers graphic organizer to a topic or marking signals
delivering a persuasive speech sentence outline
EN8LT-IIIb-11.1: EN8G-IIIb-3.6: Use modals
Identify the distinguishing features appropriately
of notable poems, short stories,
dramas, and novels contributed
by Southeast Asian writers
3 EN8LC-IIIc-7: EN8VC-IIIc-18: EN8RC-IIIc-2.13: EN8LT-IIIc-2.2: Individual Cooperative Learning
Employ different listening Determine the issue and stand Differentiate facts from opinions Explain how the elements
strategies suited to the topic, presented in the material viewed specific to a genre contribute to
purpose, and level of difficulty EN8WC-IIIc-1.1.6: the theme of a particular literary
of the listening text EN8V-IIIc-15.3: Expand the content of an outline selection
Explain the meaning of a word using notes from primary and
EN8OL-IIIc-5: through structural analysis secondary sources EN8LT-IIIc-2.2.1:
Observe the use of correct (prefixes, roots, suffixes) Express appreciation for
stress, pitch, and juncture when sensory images used
delivering a persuasive speech
Share ideas using opinion-
marking signals
Use appropriate documentation
Use modals appropriately
4 EN8LC-IIId-8.2: EN8RC-IIId-12: EN8VC-IIId-18: EN8LT-IIId-2.2: Individual Cooperative Learning
Judge the relevance and worth Utilize coping reading strategies Determine the issue and stand Explain how the elements
of ideas presented in the text to process information in a text presented in the material viewed specific to a genre contribute to
listened to the theme of a particular literary
EN8V-IIId-25: EN8G-IIId-11: selection
EN8OL-IIId-5: Use appropriate strategies for Use appropriate documentation
Observe the use of correct unlocking unfamiliar words EN8LT-IIId-2.2.4:
stress, pitch, and juncture when EN8G-IIId-3.6: Explain figurative language
delivering a persuasive speech Use modals appropriately used
Compose an informative essay
5 EN8LC-IIIe-7.1: EN8VC-IIIe-18: EN8RC-IIIe-2.1.7: EN8OL-IIIe-1.14: Individual Cooperative Learning
Determine the stand of the Determine the issue and stand React to what is asserted or Use appropriate persuasive
speaker on a given issue presented in the material viewed expressed in a text devices
presented in the text listened to
EN8V-IIIe-12.3: EN8SS-IIIe-1.6: EN8G-IIIe-3.6:
EN8LT-IIIe-10: Arrive at meanings through Show respect for intellectual Use modals appropriately
Appreciate literature as a mirror context clues property rights by acknowledging
to a shared heritage of people citations made in an informative EN8G-IIIe-12:
with diverse backgrounds essay Use emphasis markers for
persuasive purposes
Acknowledge sources by
creating a bibliography
6 EN8VC-IIIf-19: EN8V-IIIf-12.3: EN8RC-IIIf- EN8LT-IIIf-2.2: Individual Cooperative Learning
Judge the relevance and worth Arrive at meanings through Evaluate the details that support Explain how the elements
of ideas presented in the context clues assertions in a text specific to a genre contribute to
material viewed the theme of a particular literary
EN8SS-IIIf-1.6: EN8LC-IIIf-2.10: selection
EN8G-IIIf-3.6: Show respect for intellectual Distinguish facts from opinion
Use modals appropriately property rights by acknowledging cited in the text listened to EN8LT-IIIf-2.2.5:
citations made in an informative Determine key ideas, tone, and
EN8G-IIIf-12: essay. purposes of the author
Use emphasis markers for
persuasive purposes EN8SS-IIIf-1.6.3: EN8OL-IIIf-3:
Acknowledge sources by creating Deliver a self-composed
a bibliography. persuasive speech
7 EN8LC-IIIg-7: EN8RC-IIIg-3.1.12: EN8VC-IIIg-19: EN8LT-IIIg-2.2: Individual Cooperative Learning
Employ different listening Examine biases (for or against) Judge the relevance and worth Explain how the elements
strategies suited to the topic, made by the author of ideas presented in the specific to a genre contribute to
purpose, and level of difficulty material viewed the theme of a particular literary
of the listening text EN8SS-IIIg-1.6: selection
Show respect for intellectual EN8V-IIIg-26:
EN8OL-IIIg-1.14: property rights by acknowledging Analyze intention of words or EN8LT-IIIg-2.2.5:
Use appropriate persuasive citations made in an informative expressions used in propaganda Determine key ideas, tone, and
devices essay techniques purposes of the author
EN8SS-IIIg-1.6.4: EN8RC-IIIg-10:
Use conventions in citing sources Share ideas using opinion-
marking signals
Use modals appropriately.
Use emphasis markers for
persuasive purposes
8 EN8LC-IIIh-7.4: EN8RC-IIIh-3.1.12: EN8VC-IIIh-19: EN8V-IIIh-26: Individual Cooperative Learning
Determine various social, Examine biases (for or against) Judge the relevance and worth Analyze intention of words or
moral, and economic issues made by the author of ideas presented in the expressions used in
discussed in the text listened to material viewed propaganda techniques
EN8RC-IIIh-10: Identify similarities and EN8SS-IIIh-1.6: EN8OL-IIIh-3:
Share ideas using opinion- differences of the featured Show respect for intellectual Deliver a self-composed
marking signals selections property rights by acknowledging persuasive speech
citations made in an informative
EN8G-IIIh-3.6: essay
Use modals appropriately
EN8G-IIIh-12: Use in-text citation
Use emphasis markers for
persuasive purposes
9 EN8LC-IIIi-7.4: EN8RC-IIIi-12: EN8VC-IIIi-19: EN8WC-IIIi-2.2.16: Individual Cooperative Learning
Determine various social, Utilize coping reading strategies Judge the relevance and worth Compose an informative essay
moral, and economic issues to process information in a text of ideas presented in the
discussed in the text listened to material viewed EN8OL-IIIi-4.1:
EN8V-IIIi-25: Use appropriate verbal and
EN8RC-IIIi-10: Use appropriate strategies for EN8LT-IIIi-3: non-verbal cues when
Share ideas using opinion- unlocking unfamiliar words Explain how a selection is delivering a persuasive speech
marking signals influenced by culture, history,
Use appropriate documentation
Use modals appropriately
10 Culminating Activity
Fourth Quarter
PROGRAM STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.
GRADE LEVEL STANDARD The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper
appreciation of Philippine Culture.
CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: South and West Asian literature as an expression of philosophical and religious beliefs; information flow in
various text types; reality, fantasy, and opinion in listening and viewing materials; word decoding strategies; and use of information sources,
active/passive constructions, direct/reported speech, perfect tenses, and logical connectors in journalistic writing.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by composing a variety of journalistic texts, the contents of which may be used in composing and delivering a
memorized oral speech featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and
emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Use appropriate logical
connectors for emphasis
2 EN8LC-IVb-6.2: EN8RC-IVb-2.21.2: EN8VC-IVb-12: EN8LT-IVb-13: Individual Cooperative Learning
Infer thoughts and feelings Identify details that support the Raise questions about a Identify notable literary genres
expressed in a text listened to topic sentence particular aspect of a material contributed by South and West
viewed Asian writers
EN8V-IVb-15: EN8WC-IVb-3.4.2:
Use various strategies in Distinguish among types of EN8OL-IVb-3.11: EN8LT-IVb-13.1:
decoding the meaning of words journalistic writing (news report, Use the correct production of the Identify the distinguishing
opinion article, sounds of English when features found in religious texts,
EN8G-IVb-13: feature article, and sports news delivering a manuscript or epics, myths, drama, and short
Use active and passive article) memorized speech in an oration, stories contributed by South
constructions in journalistic in a declamation or in a dramatic and West Asian writers
contexts. monologue
Use past and past perfect
tenses in journalistic writing
3 EN8LC-IVc-3.2: EN8RC-IVc-13.1: EN8VC-IVc-15: EN8LT-IVc-13: Individual Cooperative Learning
Raise questions about the text Note explicit and implicit signals Compare and contrast one’s Identify notable literary genres
listened to (like cohesive devices) used by beliefs/convictions with those contributed by South and West
the writer presented in a material viewed Asian writers
Distinguish among types of EN8V-IVc-15: EN8OL-IVc-3.11: EN8LT-IVc-13.1:
journalistic writing (news report, Use various strategies in Use the correct production of the Identify the distinguishing
opinion article, feature article, decoding the meaning of words sounds of English when features found in religious texts,
and sports news article) delivering a manuscript or epics, myths, drama, and short
EN8G-IVc-14: memorized speech in an oration, stories contributed by South
Use direct and reported speech in in a declamation or in a dramatic and West Asian writers
journalistic writing monologue
Use appropriate modifiers
4 EN8LC-IVd-8.2: EN8LT-IVd-13: EN8RC-IVd-14.1: EN8VC-IVd-20: Individual Cooperative Learning
Judge the relevance and worth Identify notable literary genres Interpret and follow instructions, Analyze the elements that
of ideas presented in the text contributed by South and West directions, notices, rules and make up reality and fantasy
listened to Asian writers regulations based on a material viewed
Use past and past perfect
tenses in journalistic writing
5 EN8LC-IVe-3.14: EN8VC-IVe-12: EN8RC-IVe-13: EN8LT-IVe-12: Individual Cooperative Learning
Summarize information from Raise questions about a Use text type knowledge Appreciate literature as an
the text listened to. particular aspect of a material (narrative in literature, expression of philosophical and
viewed instructions, explanation, factual religious ideals
EN8OL-IVe-5: and personal recount,
Use the appropriate prosodic EN8V-IVe-15: persuasive, expository) to EN8WC-IVe-3.4:
features of speech like pitch, Use various strategies in process information in a text Compose journalistic texts
stress, juncture, volume, and decoding the meaning of words
projection, intonation and EN8G-IVe-14:
speech rate Use direct and reported speech
in journalistic writing
Use past and past perfect tenses
in journalistic writing
Use appropriate modifiers
6 EN8LC-IVf-10: EN8VC-IVf-15: EN8RC-IVf-10.2: EN8LT-IVf-2.2: Individual Cooperative Learning
Process speech delivered by Compare and contrast one’s Distinguish between general Explain how the elements
making inferences from what beliefs/convictions with those and specific statements specific to a genre contribute to
has been listened to presented in a material viewed the theme of a particular literary
EN8V-IVf-15: selection
EN8WC-IVf-7: EN8OL-IVf-5: Use various strategies in
Use primary and secondary Use the appropriate prosodic decoding the meaning of words EN8LT-IVf-2.2.1:
sources to develop a topic for features of speech like pitch, Express appreciation for
journalistic writing stress, juncture, volume, and sensory images used
projection, intonation and speech
EN8G-IVf-13: rate EN8LT-IVf-2.2.4: Explain
Use active and passive figurative language used
constructions in journalistic
Use appropriate logical
connectors for emphasis
7 EN8LC-IVg-8.2: EN8LT-IVg-2.2: EN8RC-IVg-15.1: EN8VC-IVg-20: Individual Cooperative Learning
Judge the relevance and worth Explain how the elements specific Evaluate the accuracy of a given Analyze the elements that make
of ideas presented in the text to a genre contribute to the theme information up reality and fantasy based on
listened to of a particular literary selection a material viewed
EN8WC-IVg-1.6: EN8LT-IVg-2.2.5: Use various strategies in EN8OL-IVg-1.5:
Show respect for intellectual Determine key ideas, tone, and decoding the meaning of words Deliver a
property rights by purposes of the author manuscript/memorized oral
acknowledging sources of EN8G-IVg-14: speech with ease and fluency
information in journalistic writing EN8G-IVg-15: Use direct and reported speech before an audience
Use appropriate modifiers in journalistic writing
Use appropriate logical
connectors for emphasis
8 EN8LC-IVh-10: EN8LT-IVh-2.3: EN8VC-IVh-12: EN8RC-IVh-2.12: Individual Cooperative Learning
Process speech delivered by Identify similarities and Raise questions about a Draw conclusions from a set of
making inferences from what differences of the featured particular aspect of a material details
has been listened to selections viewed
EN8OL-IVh-3.7: EN8LT-IVh-3: EN8V-IVh-15: Use writing conventions to
Use effective non-verbal Explain how a selection is Use various strategies in indicate acknowledgement of
communication strategies: influenced by culture, history, decoding the meaning of words sources
gestures and body movements environment
and eye contact, etc. EN8G-IVh-13:
Use active and passive
constructions in journalistic
Use direct and reported speech
in journalistic writing
9 EN8LC-IVi-3.14: EN8VC-IVi-15: EN8G-IVi-13: EN8RC-IVi-15: Individual Cooperative Learning
Summarize information from the Compare and contrast one’s Use active and passive Synthesize essential
text listened to beliefs/convictions with those constructions in journalistic information found in a given text
presented in a material viewed contexts
EN8WC-IVi-3.4: EN8LT-IVi-12:
Compose journalistic texts EN8V-IVi-15: EN8G-IVi-14: Appreciate literature as an
Use various strategies in Use direct and reported speech expression of philosophical and
EN8G-IVi-3: decoding the meaning of words in journalistic writing religious ideals
Use past and past perfect
tenses in journalistic writing EN8OL-IVi-1.5: EN8G-IVi-15:
Deliver a manuscript/memorized Use appropriate modifiers
oral speech with ease and fluency
before an audience EN8G-IVi-16:
Use appropriate logical
connectors for emphasis
10 Culminating Activity