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Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur Final Year Seminar Report Format

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Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur


Final Year Seminar Report Format

1. Introduction

This document describes the standard format for PRACTICAL TRAINING reports to be
submitted as part of the fulfilment of the B.Tech Degree at the Department of Computer
Engineering of PIET. Students have to ensure their reports conform to the required format
before submission for examination.

2. Practical Training Seminar Report

2.1 Typing Instructions and Length of the Report

The total length of the main report should be at least 40 A4 pages. The text of the main
report shall be spaced 1.5 lines, with a font TIMES NEW ROMAN of size 12 and justify
alignment for normal text with 1 inch top, left, right and bottom margins. All the titles must
be of size 16 times new roman font and bold. The subtitles must be of font times new
roman with bold effect and size 14. All the specific terms or definitions must be with italic
effect. Appendices and other manuals can be in single space and a smaller font size.
Appendices should be kept small and bounded together with the main report. However, user
manuals, programmer manuals and bulky data dictionaries should be contained in the CD.
Student must write their Practical Training Title, registration number, branch, section,
academic year and college name on the CD. The report should be clearly written, and
should include only relevant information.

2.2 Format
All final year practical training seminar reports must be prepared in the following sequence:

1. Front Hard Cover Page

2. Title Page
3. College Certificate
4. Company Certificate
5. Declaration
6. Acknowledgment page
7. Abstract
8. Table of Contents
9. List of Tables
10. List of Figures
11. Abbreviations (if any)
12. List of Symbols/ Nomenclature (if any)

MAIN REPORT: Chapter wise

1. Chapter 1 - Introduction
a. Significance of the training
b. Company profile (Company infrastructure, number of
employees, organizational structure, branches, product,
services, project and any other)
2. Chapter 2 – Technology specification
a. Language learned (in case of project)
b. Tools or company technology( in case of case study)
3. Chapter 3 – Project description or case study description
Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

4. Chapter 4 – Snapshots of the project or screen layout (in case of case

5. Limitation
6. Future scope of the project
7. References (or bibliography)
8. Appendices (if required)
9. The back hard cover

2.2.1 Front and Back Cover and Binding

Hard binding should be used for all reports and appendices. As sketched in the sample
pages, the words “FINAL YEAR PRACTICAL TRAINING SEMINAR REPORT” (font size 11, bold,
upper case, center aligned), the practical Training title (font cambria, font size 14, bold,
upper case, center aligned), the student’s name (font size 11, bold, center aligned), the
ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY, JAIPUR” (font size 11, upper case, center aligned) and the
academic year (font size 11, center aligned) should appear on the front cover.
Front Cover of the Report – Sample (Annexure 5.1)

2.2.2 Title Page

The first page of the report should be a title page. It should consist of the words “FINAL
YEAR PRACTICAL TRAINING SEMINAR REPORT” (font size 11, bold, upper case, center
aligned), the project title (font cambria, font size 14, bold, upper case, center aligned), the
student’s name (font size 11, bold, center aligned), the words “DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER
size 11, upper case, center aligned) and the academic year (font size 11, center aligned)
and Project No, Guide’s name (font size 10, bold, left aligned), and deliverables (e.g.,
number of document volumes, software, hardware and etc.) (font size 10, left aligned)
should also be included. The cover page should fit on one page.
Title Page – Sample (Annexure 5.2)

2.2.3 Certificate
College Certificate to be included.
Certificate – Sample (Annexure 5.3)
Company Certificate to be included
Declaration to be included (Annexure 5.4)
2.2.4 Acknowledgement
Following the abstract page, students may want to acknowledge the contributions or
assistance of others to the practical training. It should be kept in one double-spaced A4
page. The student must sign on the acknowledgement.
Acknowledgement – Sample (Annexure 5.5)

2.2.5 Abstract Page

It consists of an abstract of the report of not more than 200 words outlining the project. The
abstract should be comprehensible to readers of the report and enable them to judge the
report’s potential interest. The Keywords and Subject Descriptions should follow
immediately after the abstract in the same page, each with not more than five careful
selected items. Any suitable word that reflects the nature and content of the practical training
may be chosen as a keyword. The student should consult the seminar guide when in doubt
which keywords and descriptors be used Briefly formulate the problem that has been
Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

investigated, the solutions derived, the results that have been achieved, and your conclusions.
It should be kept in one double-spaced A4 page with times new roman font size 10 and
aligned as justify.

Abstract – Sample (Annexure 5.6)

2.2.6 Table of Contents

In addition to the heading of each section, sub-heading can also be used but its depth
should be kept to a minimum. Details of appendices should also be given here. Students
may use more than one A4 page for the content page.
Table of Contents – Sample (Annexure 5.7)

2.2.7 List of Tables

The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the tables in the text.
One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.
List of Tables – Sample (Annexure 5.8)

2.2.8 List of Figures

The list should use exactly the same captions as they appear below the figures in the text.
One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head.
List of Figures – Sample (Annexure 5.9)

2.2.9 List of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature

One and a half spacing should be adopted or typing the matter under this head. Standard
symbols, abbreviations etc. should be used.
List of Symbols ,Abbreviation– Sample (Annexure 5.10)

2.2.10 Main report

Add Header & Footer on from the Introduction (Chapter-1) Page to the End of your Report.
(Annexure 5.11).
The structure of the main part of the report will vary according to the nature of the practical
training. It is both convenient and conventional to organize the report in a hierarchical
structure: Chapters, Sections, Sub-sections, and etc.

2.2.11 Appendices

Information of secondary importance (and information whose inclusion would break the flow
of the report) should be placed in Appendices. These include programme listing, electronic
data sheets and data dictionary etc.
 Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix
2, etc.
 Appendices, Tables and References appearing in appendices should be numbered and
referred to at appropriate places just as in the case of chapters.
 Appendices shall carry the title of the work reported and the same title shall be made
in the contents page also.
Appendices – Sample (Annexure 5.12)

2.2.12 References
Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

A list of all books, report, papers, etc., referred to in the report or consult during the
course of the practical training should be given under the References or Bibliography
section. The reference material should be listed in the alphabetical order of the first
author. The name of the author/authors should be immediately followed by the year
and other details. A typical illustrative list given below relates to the citation example
quoted above.
References – Sample (Annexure 5.13)

References – Sample (Annexure 5.14)

1. Ariponnammal, S. and Natarajan, S. (1994) ‘Transport Phonomena of SmSel – X

Asx’, Pramana – Journal of Physics Vol.42, No.1, pp.421-425.
2. Barnard, R.W. and Kellogg, C. (1980) ‘Applications of Convolution Operators to
Problems in Univalent Function Theory’, Michigan Mach, J., Vol.27, pp.81–94.
3. Shin, K.G. and Mckay, N.D. (1984) ‘Open Loop Minimum Time Control of Mechanical
Manipulations and its Applications’, Proc. Amer. Contr. Conf., San Diego, CA, pp. 1231-

2.2.13 Table and figures

By the word Table, is meant tabulated numerical data in the body of the practical training
report as well as in the appendices. All other non-verbal materials used in the body of the
project work and appendices such as charts, graphs, maps, photographs and diagrams may
be designated as figures.

2.2.14 Page number and Section number

The number of pages for main report is at least 40. The page number here starts from the
first page of Introduction to the last page of conclusion/summary. All other pages like
abstract, contents, list of figures, list of tables, list of abbreviations, acknowledgements, list
of references, bibliography, are not counted in these 100 pages. Please number 1, 2, 3, to
100 (the maximum) for your main report and number i, ii for all other pages in front of the
main report. You are requested to continue your main report numbering for
reference/bibliography pages that come at the end.
A hierarchical numbering scheme for chapter numbering shall be used. For instances, use
1 for chapter one, 2 for chapter 2, 1.1 for the subsection of chapter 1, and etc (See the
of Contents).

3. Deliverables
2 Copies of the report.(Department/Student). Department Report should Contain the CD’s
which include the Executable File, Database, Coding of Projects, README file providing
the Details of how to run the projects. Registration number, branch, section, academic
year and college name must be clearly written on the CD.
Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.1: Final Year Technical Seminar Report Format (Front-Page of the Report –



Submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology

Rajasthan Technical University


Student Name
(Registration No.)


(Academic Year 2019-20)
Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.2: Final Year Technical seminar report Format (Title Page of the Report –



Submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of Bachelor of Technology

Rajasthan Technical University


Student Name
(Registration No.)


(Academic Year 2019-20)

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.3: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (Bona-fide Certificate –




This is to certify that Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report entitled
“PROJECT NAME” has been submitted by “Student Name (Registration No.), XYZ
(CE/11/001)” for partial fulfilment of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology of
Rajasthan Technical University. It is found satisfactory and approved for

Date: <Date>

Mr. Deepak Moud Dr. Dinesh Goyal

Head, Director,
Dept. of Comp Engg PIET, Jaipur

PIET, Jaipur

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Company Certificate to be attached

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.4: Final Year Technical seminar report Format (Declaration-Page of the Report
– Sample)


I hereby declare that the seminar report entitled “Project Name(in capital)" was
carried out and written by me under the guidance of Mr. Krutibash Nayak and Ms.
Sneha sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering,
Poornima Institute of Engineering & Technology,Jaipur. This work has not been
previously formed the basis for the award of any degree or diploma or certificate nor
has been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree or diploma.

Place: Student Name

Date: Registration Number

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.5: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (Acknowledgement –


A project of such a vast coverage cannot be realized without help from numerous sources
and people in the organization. I am thankful to Mr. Shashikant Singhi,
C h a i r m a n , PGC and Dr. Dinesh Goyal, Director, PIET for providing me a platform
to carry out such a training successfully.

I am also very grateful to Mr. Deepak Moud (HOD,CE) for his kind support.

I would like to take this opportunity to show my gratitude towards Dr. Megha
Gupta & Prof (Dr) Rekha Jain (Coordinator, PTS) who helped me in successful
completion of my Final Year Practical Training. They have guided, motivated & were
source of inspiration for me to carry out the necessary proceedings for the training to be
completed successfully.

I am also grateful to the <Company Project Guide> for his/her guidance

and support.

I am thankful to<Domain Expert> for his/her kind support and providing me expertise of
the domain to develop the project.

I am also privileged to have <Faculty Member(s)> who has/have flourished me with

his/her/their valuable facilities without which this work cannot be completed.

I would also like to express my hearts felt appreciation to all of my friends whose direct or
indirect suggestions help me to develop this project [and to entire team members for their
valuable suggestions.

Lastly, thanks to all faculty members of Computer Engineering department for their moral
support and guidance.

Submitted by:

Student Name:

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.6: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (Abstract – Sample)


A prototype system has been developed to connect an IBM PC or compatible to an IBM

3081 mainframe computer for making direct database accesses. The system includes
programs which run on both the PC and the mainframe to allow communications and
to forward database access queries and the results of the queries. The system was
developed based on the ideas which have been used in different microcomputer
packages. However, no existing system includes the widowing functionality, or the
interactive capabilities have been developed here. The system was developed in Turbo
Pascal for the IBM PC, and IBM Pascal on the main frame. The design criteria and the
implementation details are presented in this report.

Subject Descriptors:
8 CS 1 Distributed Systems
6 CS 4 Web Technology
5 CS 4 Database Management Systems
4 CS 3 Software Engineering

Distributed databases, micro-mainframe link

Implementation Software and Hardware:

IBM PC/XT, MS_DOS 3.1, MS-Windows, Turbo Pascal 3.0.1, IRMA
Card, IBM 3081, VM/CMS, IBM Pascal

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.7: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (Table of
Contents– Sample)
Table of Contents

Description Page No.

Title i
Certificate ii
Company Certificate iii
Declaration iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
List of Table viii
List of Figures ix
List of Abbreviations x
List of Nomenclature xi

Chapter 1: 1

Chapter 2: ...

Chapter 3: .....

Chapter 4: .....

Appendix A – .....123
Appendix B – .....125

References ....128

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.8: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (List of Tables–

List of Tables

Table No Title Page No.

1.1 Thickness of different cables 14

1.2 .............................................. 16

2.1 .................................................. 23

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.9: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (List of Figures–

List of Figures

Figure No Title Page No.

1.1 Schematic representation of a Network 5

1.3 Architecture of Linux 9

2.1 ......................................... 16

5.7 ......................................................... 58

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.10: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format

(List of Abbreviations – Sample)

DB Database
JSP Java Server Page
ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line


Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.11: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (List of
Symbols/Nomenclature – Sample)


English Symbols

A Pre-exponential constant

Ad Droplet cross-sectional area, m2

As Droplet surface area, m2

Final Year Practical Training Report, Academic Year 2019-2020, PIET, Jaipur

Annexure 5.12: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (Chapter – Sample)

Chapter 1

Introduction to Topic Name

1.1 Introduction






Page No. 1 Prepared By: Student Name

Annexure 5.13: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (Apendices – Sample)

Annexure 5.14: Final Year Practical Training Seminar Report Format (References – Sample)


1. Ariponnammal, S. and Natarajan, S. (1994) ‘Transport Phonomena of SmSel – X

Asx’, Pramana – Journal of Physics Vol.42, No.1, pp.421-425.
2. Barnard, R.W. and Kellogg, C. (1980) ‘Applications of Convolution Operators to
Problems in Univalent Function Theory’, Michigan Mach, J., Vol.27, pp.81–
3. Shin, K.G. and Mckay, N.D. (1984) ‘Open Loop Minimum Time Control of Mechanical
Manipulations and its Applications’, Proc. Amer. Contr. Conf., San Diego, CA, pp.

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