Purpose of Man

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Man—the Unique Creation
The highest development, the maturity, of created life is man.
Throughout all the centuries no life has surpassed the human life.
Physically, man is weaker than some of the animals, but this weakness
is far outweighed by man's superior consciousness, including his
feelings and reasoning ability. Yet man is not just the highest life
among creation; he is also the unique life. Regarding all the varieties of
plant and animal life that God created, He said that each one was
"according to their kind" (Gen. 1:11,12, 21, 24, 25) or "according to its
kind" (v. 21). But when He came to man, "God created man in His own
image" (v. 27). This is the unique and very important point concerning
Vessels for Expression
Why was man created in the image of God? It was in order that man
might have the ability to express God. No other part of creation has
this capacity, because it was not created according to God's image.
God's intention was that one day He, in the person of Christ, would
enter into man and be expressed through man. Romans 9:21 and 23
reveal to us that man was made as a vessel, a container. In addition, 2
Corinthians 4:7 says, "We have this treasure in earthen vessels." Here
we see a basic revelation of the Bible—man is an earthen vessel to
contain Christ as the treasure.

Let us use the illustration of a glove. A glove is made in the image of the
hand so that the hand might enter into the glove. Likewise, we human
beings have an intellect, emotion, and will which were created
according to Christ, who is the image of God (2 Cor. 4:4). But without
Christ these faculties lack true meaning. Christ Himself has the highest
intellect, the real emotion, and the per-fed will. The faculty of our
intellect may be compared to the empty thumb of a glove—Christ's
intellect may be compared to the real thumb of a human hand. The real
thumb needs to get into the thumb of the glove; then the two will
become one. One is the appearance, the expression, while the other is
the reality, the content. Likewise our capacity of love, goodness, and
patience must become the container and expression of the love,
goodness, and patience of Christ.
Now we can see why God created man. We are here to contain and
express Christ and to be one with Him. Whatever we are, whatever we
have, and whatever we can do are like an empty glove, prepared to hold
all that Christ is, all that Christ has, and all that Christ can do. Everything
we are by nature is inadequate because we lack the divine element. Christ
Himself must enter into every part of us. Exhortations for peace and love,
though given with good intentions, are of no avail because in ourselves we
lack the perfect love and the real peace. Our need today is to receive
the Lord and to be filled with Him.

Being Filled with Christ

Practically, how can Christ enter into our being? Romans 9 tells us that we
are vessels, and Romans 10 shows us the way to fill the vessel. Every
vessel has a mouth, an opening. Our mouth was made to call on the
name of the Lord Jesus so that we could be filled with Him. TheBible
says that He is “rich to all who call upon Him” (Rom. 10:12). Christ is
inconceivably rich. And His riches are not just what He can do for us or
give us; the highest riches are all the aspects of His glorious being flowing
into the corresponding parts of our being. Moreover, because of His death
and resurrection, Christ is now so available to be received by anyone who
would desire Him. He only asks that you turn your heart to Him, open
your mouth, and call upon His name in a sincere and definite way. The
living Christ will meet you and come into your being. Then you will
be a complete person, filled with Christ as your content.

Furthermore, once we have received this rich Christ, we should continue

daily to call upon His name, purposefully opening our whole being to Him.
Each fresh opening results in a fresh filling of the Spirit. How glorious
is the purpose of man! As vessels, we receive and contain Christ so that
He might be expressed through our entire being

1 Man’s Creator has a purpose

For our being here on earth.
In His image we’re created,
To express His rule on earth.
But man fell to Satan’s tempting;
Thus God’s goal was hid from view.
Still our God will have His kingdom,
For His Son will see it through.

2 Jesus Christ will get His kingdom

Notwithstanding Satan’s plans;
He’s obtaining something real by
Growing in the hearts of man.
Nothing like religion teaches:
“You must wait until you die”—
For the kingdom Christ is building,
Is on earth before our eyes.

3 His Son, Jesus, is our Savior.

Once in human form He came.
Now as Spirit He can enter
As the breath of life to man.
As a seed within our spirit
Christ takes root and starts to grow,
Spreading in our inmost being
Till His life we come to know.

4 Time is short, oh, brothers, hear it,

Christ is longing for His Bride.
We can hasten His returning
Simply by the growth in life.
No more struggling, no more striving,
Simply turn to Christ within.
See the seed begin to blossom.
Growing fully into Him.

5 Jesus Christ will get His kingdom

Just by growth—the normal way.
Not an instant transformation;
Growth goes on from day to day.
This life-seed is all-inclusive—
Everything we’ll ever need;
Yes, our God’s eternal purpose
Is within this precious seed.

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