Esophageal 1

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Dr. Edward Yu
(Updated August 2010)

A. Incidence: <5/100,000 in U.S. ; <10/100,000 in Canada.

gastroesophageal cancer of adenocarcinoma is on the rise
as compare to squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.

B. Risk factors: Tylosis, Plummer-Vinson Syndrome, Caustic Injury,

Achalasia, Smoking, Alcohol.

C. Basic patient Work Up requires the following:

History & Physical
Barium swallow
CBC, Blood chemistry
Chest x-ray , Chest /Abdominal CT +/_ PET
Endoscopic U/S

X-ray of a patient with lower third esophageal cancer.(barium filling defects)

CT scan of a patient showing lower esophageal cancer.
PET-CT scan of a patient showing lower esophageal cancer .

D. Esophageal cancer staging uses TNM system:

Staging (TNM):
• T1 Tumor invades lamina propria or submucosa.
• T2 Tumor invades muscularis propria.
• T3 Tumor invades adventitia.
• T4 Tumor invades adjacent structures.
• N1 Regional nodes mets.

Staging (TNM):
stage I T1, N0
stage II A- T2-3, N0 ; B-T1-2, N1
stage III T3-4, N1
stage IV M1 ( including Celiac nodes involvement).

E. Esophageal cancer management modality options:

1. Surgery:
• Aim is to achieve R0 resection (complete resection of tumor).
• The 5 yr. survival after R0 resection is 15-20%.
• The median survival is about 18 months.

2. Radiation Therapy:
• Randomized prospective trial (Radiation Therapy Oncology Group-RTOG
8501 ) showed that radiation alone of 64Gy at 2Gy/fx, 3yr. survival rate
is zero.
• Radiation therapy alone reserved for palliation or for medically unable to
receive chemotherapy.
• Pre-op. or post-op. radiation therapy has been shown to have no survival
• Post-op radiation therapy can offer local control benefit in high risk
patients.( Fok et al,Surg 1993,Teniere et al., Surg Gyn 1991).

3. Chemoradiation:
• Randomized prospective trial (RTOG 8501) also showed that combined
chemo (5FU/Cisp) + radiation therapy (50Gy) has survival benefit over
radiation therapy (64Gy) alone.
• The 5 yr. overall survival (OS ) of combined modality is superior (27%)
than radiation therapy alone (0%) , median survival 14 mos.(month) of
combined versus (VS) 9 mos. of radiation alone.
• Local failure rate of combined chemoradiation is also superior ( 47% )
over radiation alone( 65%).
• Higher dose of radiation therapy (64.8Gy) with same chemo showed no
additional benefit : median OS with higher radiation dose of 13 mos VS
standard 50 Gy of 18.1 mos. not-significance ( NS), 2 yr. OS of 31% VS
40% (NS), and local/regional failure of 56% VS 52% ( NS).
• Presently research focus on new investigational agents : paclitaxel-
based, docetaxel-based, irinotecan-based, and cetuximab- based
chemotherapy to improve overall survival.

Randomized Control Trials (RCTs ) comparing pre-op chemoradiation

therapy(Trimodality) with surgery alone .
• Although the concept is reasonable, confirmatory result is still pending.
(Urba et al, JCO 2001; Walsh et al, NEJM 1997; Bosset et al, NEJM 1997;
Burmeister et al, Proc.ASCO 2002 ; Malthaner et al, BMC Cancer 2004).

4. Brachytherapy:
• It is used mainly for palliation when given alone.
• It has local control of 25-35%, median OS of 5 mos.

RTOG 9207 combined modality(5FU/Cisp/50Gy) followed by intra-luminal

brachytherapy boost, local failure rate of 27%; acute toxicity Grade 3-5 58%,
26%, 8% ,respectively; fistula rate of 18%/yr. ; therefore , at the present time
brachytherapy is not recommended by the American Brachytherapy Society as a
boost when using with high dose rate concurrent with chemotherapy.

5. Chemotherapy:
• It is used mainly for palliation when given alone.
• Pre-op chemotherapy may provide small benefit in survival over surgery
alone. Confirmative result is pending (Int.0113 study, Thirion et al , Proc
ASCO , 2007 ) .
• Chemotherapy agents for esophageal cancer include: Cisplatinum, most
active, >20% response rate. Others include 5FU, Mitomyc. Bleomyc,
Doxorub, Vind, Paclit, Vinorel.
5FU + Cisp combination has response rate of 20-50%.

6. Endoscopic palliation:
• Laser
• Ballon dilation
• Photodynamic
• Intracavitary irradiation and plastic or expandible metal prothesis,

all of above is for symptom control only.

Trimodality management of resectable esophageal cancer is evolving, many
cancer centers favour the neoadjuvant management ( chemoradiation followed
by surgery) although final confirmative result is pending.

There is no clinical data available to compare the benefit of neoadjuvant VS

adjuvant resectable esophageal cancer.

London Regional Cancer Program (LRCP) has started a Prospective

Randomized Clinical Trial “ QUINTETT “ in 2009 to compare Pre-op
chemoradiation VS Post-op chemoradiation for resectable esophageal cancer .
The result of this trial may provide further insight to the optimal management of
trimodality treatment.

Outside the context of clinical trial setting at LRCP:

Esophageal cancer that is operable, resectable T1-T3

The recommended management is:
• Esophagectomy
• After complete resection:
o If N0, the management is observation only.
o If N1, (or resection margins involvement) the recommended
management is post -op chemoradiation.

Esophageal cancer that is operable, resectable T1-T3

It is not unreasonable to offer concurrent chemotherapy (5FU/Cisp) + radiation
therapy (50Gy) as an alternative treatment option besides surgery ( RTOG
8501). Survival can approach that of surgery alone in some circumstances.

Esophageal cancer that is inoperable T4, or surgery refusal

The recommended management is concurrent chemoradiation .

Inoperable disease and patient is unable to tolerate chemotherapy, the

management can be best supportive care.

Best supportive care includes the following:

o Obstruction-stent, laser, photodynamic therapy.

o Radiation therapy (xrt )(external beam, brachytherapy).
o Nutrition - external feeding (J-tube).
o Pain control - xrt/medications.
o Bleeding - xrt/surgery/endoscopic therapy.

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