(BEWOLF-44) Bloody Bathtub: Historical Background Briefing Special Rules
(BEWOLF-44) Bloody Bathtub: Historical Background Briefing Special Rules
(BEWOLF-44) Bloody Bathtub: Historical Background Briefing Special Rules
- USSR vs Japan
Setup order
1 x2
2 x7
3 x4
4 x3
5 x10
6 x6
7 x6
8 x2
Historical Background
9 x1
Briefing Special Rules
Red Army = cooking with gas. They had a crappy start, Standard cave rules apply: it is possible for the Allies on
but once at cruising speed, they just started trucking a cave hex to roll instead of moving to convert them to
along. hills.
Motivated by Uncle Jo, Russian Generals are crushing it
everywhere. Wiping the German off the map isn?t good
enough any longer, so they open a second front in the
Pacific, just to please that good old chap Franklin.
Playing field? Nothing less than Wakkakanai (???) on
the North tip of Hokkaido (???).
If you're going to fool around at the brothel, just like
after a party, there's no need to clean up the place.
Hence it is with great pomp and ceremony that the XIIIth
Army of Marshal Scarletine, nicknamed ?The Plague?,
arrives in a pleasant Japanese bay.
Although on closer examination, it might be less of a
cake walk than expected.
On the edge of that bathtub stands general Nikkeï
Oppoto. His mission? Prevent at all costs the Bolsheviks
from gaining a foothold in the Land of the Rising Sun.
Needless to say, failure is not an option.
When brutish louts meet fanatical loonies on a beach,
better not to get between them making sand castles!
Conditions of Victory
8 medals
6 command cards
Allies play first
The objectives medal are temporary.
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Produced with permission, for non-commercial use only.