August 2019 Kiwanis Newsletter

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AUGUST 2019 Kiwanis Breakfast Club of Oconomowoc

P.O. Box 462 Oconomowoc, WI 53066

Meetings - 1st 2nd & 3rd Wednesday at 7:15 AM
Café Labelle at the Life Enrichment Center-Shorehaven
1306 West Wisconsin Avenue
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and
one community at a time.

President’s Corner – Jerry Schneider who might be interested in joining.

Our club has so much to offer.

As I mentioned in This week in

Kiwanis I was on vacation last week
in Eagle River. Here is what I
August is here. This is usually our mentioned about the lakes.
hot month. Let’s hope this is not a I didn't know this but the 2 Chain of
normal year and that the hot and Lakes(Eagle River Chain- 9 lakes)
humid weather is behind us. and the (Three lakes Chain- 20 lakes)
form the largest fresh water chain of
Only 2 months left in our fiscal year lakes in the world. Some say 30 total
which runs from October 1st to lakes. To get from one chain to the
September 30th. Most of our other you have to take a lift. The
budgeted donations have been Three Lakes chain elevation
disbursed for this fiscal year. The last is higher. We made it to about 14
large donation will be to the FFA and lakes. Channels between the lakes
is presented at their Farm Day in with a lot of beautiful scenery in the
September. This is always a great channels and on the lakes. I have
event to attend. Usually it is on a included an article about this at the
Wednesday and we go there right end of the newsletter.
after the meeting
Have a great August !
Please continue to ask people to join
us for a breakfast . You never know
Jane Fredrich, Captain
Carolyn Crom
Andy Wagner
Len Zacharias
Gary Frankie
We need at least 1 more team
August 7- Breakfast Meeting
member preferably 2 for Jane's
August 12 Shorehaven Bingo
team. Jane lost 2 members from her
August 13 Kids Fest Parking
team, Jack and Chet. If you are not
August 14 Breakfast Meeting
on a team and can join please let me
August 17 & 18- Art Festival- Shuttle
know. This is only once every 3
Artists & Food Stand
months from about 6:15 PM to about
August 21 Breakfast Meeting
7:45 PM. Jane's team is the following
August 28 Board Meeting
months- February, May, August and
November. Always the second
Monday of the month.


August 7 Jane Fredrich Fred Schnell 8- 6
August 14 Jim Fulmer Tom Herbert 8-21
August 21 Tom Ginn

Tom & Nancy Massnick 8-7

Tom & Karen Herbert 8-9
Tom & Nadine Slowinski 8-10
Debbie & Gene Mauel 8-19
deferrals leading to a total collection
of 17 units. These 17 units will go to
help 51 patients in and around our
community hospitals this summer.

I very much appreciate all that the

Kiwanis do in hosting successful
blood drives and the kind donors you
have in Oconomowoc Community.
The donations given at your blood
AUGUST 7th - Ashippun Fire Chief
drive this summer mean so much to
all our family, friends, co-workers,
AUGUST 14th – Girl Scouts
etc in our Wisconsin hospitals
fighting at a chance to heal and
AUGUST 21st – Circle K
survive. As you know, donations are
dangerously low this summer – so
AUGUST 28th - Board Meeting
low, we are down to a half-day
supply of blood for many vital blood
BLOOD DRIVE types (O neg, A pos). Thank you
The blood drive was held on July 23. again for your kind hearts hosting
After a very slow start for with myself and Versiti to help
appointments in early July it turned provide blood to our Wisconsin
out to be very successful. Thanks to hospitals. NATALIE
all who worked and donated. I even
made a point to donate which I have
been procrastinating on. It went very
good and I found out that I might be
a unique donor capable of making
platelet donations. I am looking in to
the details of this. Please consider
becoming a blood donor at our
Following is information FEED THE PIG
from Natalie Kukla our Sandy K. is collecting Piggly Wiggly
Territory Account Rep. for receipts and turning them in.
To Oconomowoc Kiwanis---
Your drive did awesome! Looks like
we had 21 registered donors, 15
successful whole blood donations, 1
successful double red donation, and 3 THANKS SANDY !!
Artists to their parking area and for
ART FESTIVAL workers in the food stand.
Signup sheets will be at the meetings.
Spouses, children and friends are
welcome to help out in the food tent.
Could use a couple more for the 1 to
5 shift on Sunday.

We serve a Seafood Salad or Chicken

Salad on a bed of lettuce on pita
bread with chips and pickle. We also
sell beef and ham sticks, string
cheese, Kiwanis peanuts and

The artists are very happy with the

shuttle service to their parking area.
Not many, if any, festivals provide
this service.
Steve is handling the driver sign up
and I will have the food tent sign up.


1984/1985 .

This year’s Art Festival is Saturday

August 17th and Sunday August18th.
Help will be needed to shuttle the

We have received a request from the

Band-Aids for financial help. They
are fundraising to help send the OHS
Wind Symphony to perform at the
2020 New York Invitational Music
Festival held at Carnegie Hall. Only
3 high school bands from around the
country have been invited so this is Thanks to everyone who worked
quite an honor and opportunity.
at the Brat Fry on July 13th.
The board discussed what we should
do to give our support. Based on the SPECIAL THANKS TO
fact we should have a surplus in our MEMBERS WIVES--NADINE
project account after all donations SLOWINSKI, LYNNE
are paid out for this fiscal year and ZACHARIAS,LINDA
this does not include any Art Festival STEINLEIN AND SUE
income it was approved to donate our SCHNEIDER.
net proceeds of the food stand this
The weather was warm but we
year to the Band-Aids for their
fundraiser. The amount of our profit escaped any rain. We had a good
for the past couple of years has been day earning about $500.00 in
approx. $800.00. Signs will be posted food sales and another $77.00 in
and we can tell potential customers donations.
what we are doing. Thanks to Piggly Wiggly for
having these weekly brat fry’s
for the non-profit organizations
We will be helping with the
parking. This will be from 8
AM to about 1PM. We have 8
signed up so far.
Sharon Manke was our guest on
July 17th and we donated
$500.00 to the Kids Fest which
Some of our crew at work has been budgeted.
This free event which started Our outing on lake Mendota, was lots
very small has grown to become of fun, the weather was perfect. The
a large event now held at captain did a great job talking about
all the places of interest. The food
Roosevelt Park. A great family was amazing, if anyone was still
event that we are happy to hungry, it wasn’t because there
support with the donation and wasn't enough to eat. Carol Wagner
volunteer support. led us all in singing Happy Birthday
to Andy. The 2 hours went fast, but
wonderful social time.
Carolyn Crom

If you have any suggestions for a

possible Christmas gathering please
let us know.


Thanks to everyone who helped
out. Andy indicates it was very
successful. We collected $338.00
in cash and about 300 pounds of
non- perishable food. The SHRIMP DINNER
Legion appreciated our help. Only 3 months away- Sunday
November 3rd. Brigid Heydt has
volunteered to be the new
Chairperson. If she hasn’t
already, she may be contacting
you for help with the many tasks
leading up to the dinner. She has
some great new ideas for
sponsorships and the silent
BOAT CRUISE ON LAKE auction and will be getting the
MENDOTA- SUNDAY JULY info out soon. Thanks Brigid.
SHRIMP DINNER Also if you want to join the
CONTINUED committee let Jim know.
Also many thanks to Thanks to Jim for once again
heading up this Parade
Andy Wagner for heading
Committee. Such a great event
up the dinner for the past but with a lot of planning

The Eagle River Chain of Lakes

in far northeastern Wisconsin is
known to fishermen as prime
Musky water, but the lakes are
also a prime vacation
destination for the entire
family. The Eagle River Chain
includes nine lakes that span
3,928 acres with 68 miles of
Yes, it is also time to start shoreline: Catfish Lake,
thinking about the Christmas Voyageur Lake, Eagle Lake,
Parade on December 7th , only 4 Scattering Rice Lake, Otter
Lake, Lynx Lake, Duck Lake,
months away. Wow !!
Yellow Birch Lake, and nearby
Jim Fulmer has cancelled the Watersmeet Lake. The chain,
parade meeting at Café LaBelle although partly natural lakes, is
on August 10th as they will be created and deepened by the
closed because of the Triathlon. Otter Rapids Hydroelectric Dam
New meeting rescheduled for at the end of Watersmeet Lake.
August 24th at 8AM at the café. Vilas County, next to the
Please let Jim know if you have Michigan state line, and
adjoining Oneida County are in
been on the committee if you
the Northern Highlands Lake
would like to continue or not. District of Wisconsin, one of
the highest densities of lakes in River Chain (1614 feet) to the
North America. somewhat higher Three Lakes
Chain (1625 feet). WVIC also
The connecting Three Lakes maintains the 2.5-mile channel
Chain, also known as Burnt below the hoist into Cranberry
Rollways Reservoir, contains Lake (955 acres). Other
another 7,600 acres and 106 popular lakes nearby are Dam
miles of shoreline. But, instead Lake, North Twin Lake, and
of three lakes, there are Bass Lake. The lakes are
actually 20 connected in this relatively shallow; the deepest
chain, with several more not spot is 57 feet. Although the
technically connected but a water is clean, clarity is poor as
very short distance away. All the water is stained with
are great fishing lakes: Long tannin, a naturally occurring
Lake, Planting Ground Lake, harmless byproduct of
Rangeline Lake, Townline Lake, vegetation. (Hint for the Musky
Round Lake, Island Lake, Little Hunter: use fluorescent baits at
Fork and Big Fork Lakes, the edges of the weed beds.)
Fourmile Lake, Medicine Lake,
Laurel Lake, Spirit Lake, Big The two chains are bound by
Stone Lake, Deer Lake, Crystal Eagle River on the north and
Lake, Dog Lake, Big Lake, Three Lakes on the south. The
Whitefish Lake, Maple Lake, area saw sporadic settlement
and Virgin Lake. Although it is throughout the 1800s, but
popularly stated that there are settlers soon found the soil too
28 lakes in the chain, it thin for much farming. As a
appears there are more than local wit says, the land wasn't
that indirectly connected. good for much except growing
Together the two chains create trees, and it did that in
the largest inner coastal abundance. The few settlers
freshwater chain in the world. coexisted with local Native
Americans for several years.
The Eagle River Chain of Lakes
and the Three Lakes Chain are It wasn't until the 1880s that
connected and navigable by there was a major influx of
boat via an ingenious tramway lumbering men and lumber
at the Burnt Rollways Dam, interests to the Eagle River
operated by the Wisconsin Chain of Lakes area. Coming
Valley Improvement Company across from the Upper
(WVIC). In operation since Peninsula of Michigan, loggers
1911, the hoist system moves flooded into the small
boats from the lower Eagle settlement of Eagle River. At
one point, the town had over angler's enjoyment. In winter,
2500 residents, mostly living in there is ice fishing on the
hotels and boarding houses. lakes. Truly, fisher folk could
Rail lines soon were laid to be happy here year round.
transport out the lumber
produced. Rail travel opened The Eagle River Chain of Lakes
up the possibility of visits to never saw the intense resort
the northern lakes for many, development of many lakes
and the area quickly became farther south, likely due to its
popular for hunting, fishing and remote location. It has always
camping. Currently the sported a few resorts scattered
population is around 1500 and among the lakes and is
stays stable at that number. beginning to develop more
Smaller Three Lakes saw a resort properties and condos.
similar temporary lumber boom Some lakes are sparsely
and settled back to become a populated; none are crowded.
sleepy small town that enjoys There is everything here from
its visitor population exclusive resort complexes
immensely. Most of the with all desired amenities to
harvestable timber was small fish camp-type properties
exhausted by 1910 and has to family homes. Although
since been replanted and re- some are year-round
grown. residences, more are summer
cottages. Most services are
Fishermen come here to pursue accessible by boat, and Eagle
the famed and wily River has a solid supply of
Muskellunge but can also catch restaurants, activities and
Walleye, Northern Pike, entertainment. Water sports
Crappie, Perch, Largemouth enjoyed here include rafting,
Bass, Smallmouth Bass, kayaking, sailing, boating,
Bluegills, Rock Bass, several waterskiing, jet skiing,
varieties of Bullhead Catfish, swimming, snorkeling, diving,
and Shiners. The Eagle River and windsurfing, so there's
Area Chamber of Commerce always plenty for the non-
and Visitor Center and Musky fisherman to do on the water.
Clubs Alliance of Wisconsin,
Inc. sponsor the Annual The Eagle River Chain of Lakes
National Championship Musky offers plentiful off-lake
Open Tournament in August activities, too, including golf,
each year. There are several mountain biking, cross-country
other fishing tournaments skiing, downhill skiing,
scheduled annually for the snowboarding, sledding, tubing,
hiking, hunting, horseback
riding, and miniature golf.
Wildlife viewing is a popular
pastime, particularly the many
bald eagles in the area.
Combine two of these while
hiking or biking the Three Eagle
Trail starting near Three Lakes.
Groomed snowmobile trails add
to the enjoyment of the winter
months. And the Town of Eagle
River is prepared to entertain
any discerning visitor with
shopping and fine dining.
Visitors to the Eagle River
Chain of Lakes soon find that
Eagle River is nicknamed the
"Snowmobile Capital of the
World," because the World
Championship Snowmobile
Derby is held at an ice oval on
the north side of the city. The
Wisconsin Hockey Hall of Fame
is at the Eagle River Stadium in
Eagle River. The Historical
Depot has displays from early
Eagle River area logging days.
And, each winter, the
historically faithful Klondike
Days Voyageur Encampment is
held near town.Yes, the Eagle
River Chain of Lakes demands
more than a cursory look. It's a
beautiful setting for outdoor
activities and year round fun.

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