Lisa told someone that she had broken up with her boyfriend the day before, had seen Peter with another girl at the club, and that she and Peter had been fighting a lot. Lisa also said that Amanda was going to talk to Peter about it, and that she thought Peter should call her that day.
Lisa told someone that she had broken up with her boyfriend the day before, had seen Peter with another girl at the club, and that she and Peter had been fighting a lot. Lisa also said that Amanda was going to talk to Peter about it, and that she thought Peter should call her that day.
Lisa told someone that she had broken up with her boyfriend the day before, had seen Peter with another girl at the club, and that she and Peter had been fighting a lot. Lisa also said that Amanda was going to talk to Peter about it, and that she thought Peter should call her that day.
Lisa told someone that she had broken up with her boyfriend the day before, had seen Peter with another girl at the club, and that she and Peter had been fighting a lot. Lisa also said that Amanda was going to talk to Peter about it, and that she thought Peter should call her that day.
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EXAMPLE: “I broke Lisa said that she had broken
up with myboyfriend yesterday” (Lisa) up withher boyfriend the day before. “I saw Peter with a girl at the club” Lisa said that she had seen Peter (Lisa) with another girl in the club. “We have been fighting a lot” (Lisa) Lisa said that they had been fighting a lot “Amanda is going to talk to Peter Lisa said that Amanda was go to about it” (Lisa) talk with Peter about it “I think Peter should call me today” Lisa said that she thought Peter (Lisa) should called her today “ You will receive an e-mail from Peter Lisa said that I would receive an e- today” (Lisa) mail form Peter “ I think Peter and I should get Lisa said that she thought that married” (Lisa) peter and her should gotten married “I can call him today but it isn’t a good Lisa said that she could called him idea” (Lisa) ---- but it wasn’t a good idea “I have cried a lot” (Lisa) Lisa said that she has cried a lot. “I may go to Peter’s party next week” Lisa said that she may gone to (Lisa) Peter’s party next days “Peter will ask me to forgive him” Lisa said that he would ask her to (Lisa) forgive him