Super Retro-Cade V1.1 00README1ST
Super Retro-Cade V1.1 00README1ST
Super Retro-Cade V1.1 00README1ST
By flashing the image with Lakka, you will have an identical unit to the revision 1.1 units that began
shipping in 2018Q3.
Files provided:
This is almost certainly what you came for. The md5sum is contained within the filename. To flash, find
yourself someone knowledgable in Linux, because it's required for this. Get Lakka up and running
following the directions (steps 1-7) here:
using at least a 16GB SD card (or microSD with adapter), then *MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR CURRENT
INSTALL* (dismount all mounted volumes from mmcblk2, then do a block-level dd copy of
/dev/mmcblk2 to /storage).
Put the FULLDUMP on the Lakka SD root (/storage once booted) from a Linux box, then dd that back to
/dev/mmcblk2 (make sure all the volumes are dismounted again, Lakka will remount them from NAND
on every boot!). You're upgraded.
mmcblk2p1.tar.gz: tarballed copy of the files in partition 1, contains the game database and all writable
data (Dalvik cache and modifiable settings/configurations), imagery, emulator support data). This
partition is significantly altered on first boot, and contains content related to games added via external
SD media (orientation, etc.) that is not removed even when the games are.
mmcblk2p2.tar.gz: tarballed copy of the files in partition 2, contains a small amount of data including
the boot logo.
mmcblk2p7.tar.gz: tarballed copy of the files in partition 7, the main Android partition. Basic OS utilities,
configurations, fonts, JAR archives, libraries, cores, media, and included games. This is the partition with
the most change in V1.1.
mmcblk2p12.tar.gz: tarballed copy of the files in partition 12, two very small files with unknown
function that appear to be related to low-level display settings.
mmcblk2p16.tar.gz: tarballed copy of the files in partition 16, which contains only an empty, formatted
Linux filesystem that appears to never be written to.
Mostly tried this out. You'll need an 8GB+ (16GB+ prefered) microSD/SD and a USB keyboard.
2) Go to to
3) Click Get and follow the steps to get the "Allwinner Orange Pi" image, "OrgangePi Lite" and write the
image using the instructions provided from on the microSD/SD.
4) On the Super Retro-Cade, boot once to allow the auto-resize of storage (it'll take a while)
5) Back in WIndows, on one partition is "uEnv.txt". Use Notepad++ or similar and change the first line to
read: "bootargs=console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 boot=/dev/mmcblk0p1 disk=/dev/mmcblk0p2
consoleblank=0 quiet tty retroarch=0" (ie add "tty retroarch=0" to the end) to enable a terminal and
disable auto starting retroarch service
7) Use ext2explorer (run as administrator) to access the second partition and copy the firmware there.
8) SD back in the Super Retro-Cade, let it boot up. You should end up with a Lakka# prompt in the
corner. It should auto mount the nand/emmc/whatever to /storage/roms/<different partition names>
9) With the USB keyboard connected, you'll need to umount all the nand partitoin stuff: "umount
/dev/mmcblk2p*"; it'll complain about all the stuff not actually mounted.
10) You should already be in storage. If you type "ls" you should see your firmware listed.
11) If (10) is true, you should first backup your current firmware with "dd if=/dev/mmcblk2
of=firmware_backup.img bs=1M". When done, "ls -l firmware_backup.img" and it should be ~3.7GB big.
12) if (11) is true, you can try writing over a new firmware. This is the destructive bit, and not something
I've verified (but it should work). If things go wrong, you should be able to follow step (14) to recover
your Super Retro-Cade. Having said that, if you want to take the risk and presuming you named your
firmware "firmware.img", use "dd if=firmware.img of=/dev/mmcblk2 bs=1M".
13) You might want to run "sync" first. But definitely run "shutdown -h now". You should see a "reboot:
System halted". And that point, turn off the Super Retro-Cade, take out the SD card, and reboot and see
if the firmware works.
14) If something went wrong and presuming you made a backup, power off the Super Retro-Cade,
follow steps 8-10, and then do "dd if=firmware_backup.img of=/dev/mmcblk2 bs=1M".
I can't stress enough that I haven't verified any of this, but it should be as straight forward as the above.
AFAIK, so long as you have a good firmware you should be able to boot from the SD slot and restore a
firmware. Personally, I'm not interested in risking it. :)