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Flume Analysis

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Structure : Elevated Flume
& Location sta. 0 + 79.98 to 0 + 95.98 MC
L = 16 m.
span, L = 8.00 m.
no. of spans = 2.00 use : 2.00 spans @ 8.00 m.
2 Flume L = 16 m
new outlet stationing is : 0 + 96
Hydraulic Design Analysis
1. Canal Elements:
Elements Above Below
Q 0.0375 0.0375
V 0.612 0.434
A 0.0695 0.0855
b 0.40 0.40
d 0.18 0.22
D 0.575 0.575
Dc - -
R 0.099 0.1094
t 0.40 -
S 0.00184 0.000812
ss:1 - :1 - :1
n 0.015 0.015
TB 93.23 93.04
WS 92.83 92.68
CB 92.65 92.46

2. Velocity & Velocity Heads:

head avai, Ha = 0.15 m.
Flume Vel., Vf = 1.50 mps (assumed)
hva = 0.0191
hvb = 0.0096
hvf = 0.1148
0.30Δhv1 = 0.0287
0.50Δhv2 = 0.0526

3. Flume Invert Slope

Inv. F(2-3) = Y - (0.30Δhv1 + 0.50Δhv2) = 0.1087
Sf = 0.00679

4. Aprrox. Water depth "d", flume "b" & flume velocity

with Sf = 0.00679
n= 0.018 V= 2.8847 d2/3
b = 2d V= 0.0188 /d2
A = 2d2 d= 0.151
P = 4d b= 0.30 A= 0.045
R = 0.50d use : d = 0.15 Vf = 0.833
R2/3 = 0.630 d2/3 b= 0.30 hvf = 0.035

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5. Check for Critical Condition

-To test if flume is flat enough to insure that design flow will be stable.
use: n = 0.014
d= 0.15
b= 0.30
q= Q = 0.125 cum/sec/m.
dc = q2 1/3
= 0.117 m
Vc = Q = 1.070
Rc = 0.066
Sc = 0.00897 OK, Sc > Sf

6. Computation of Headlosses
HL = inlet + friction + outlet = 0.139 OK, HL < Ha
= (0.30Δhv1 + hf + Δhv2) + 10%

7. Check Q
using b = 0.30 Qr = 0.038
d= 0.15
s= 0.00679 Qs = A.V
n= 0.018 = 0.037 OK

Page 2
8. Transition Lengths

θ1 = 27.5 θ2 = 22.5
Y1 = 1.5d Y2 = 1.5d

0.30 ba = 0.40 bf = 0.30 0.30 bb = 0.40

Y1 = 1.5d Y2 = 1.5d

water surface lines

Li = 1.00 Lf = 16 Lo = 1.00

Y1 = 1.5d + ( ba - bf ) = 0.32
Y2 = 1.5d + ( bb - bf ) = 0.38

Li = Y1 = 0.61 say 1.00 m

tan θ1
L0 = Y2 = 0.92 say 1.00 m
tan θ2

9. Elevations

Li = 1.00 Lf = 16.00 LO = 1.00

TB EL = 93.23 TB EL = 93.04

WS EL = 92.83 WS EL = 92.68

CB EL = 92.65 df = 0.15 CB EL = 92.46

Sf = 0.0067938

1 2 3 4

elev 2 = hf + elev3 elev 3 = ws el4 - ho - df

= 92.63 = 92.52
Adopt a flume section:
b= 0.30 m
d= 0.15 m
D= 0.40 m
Sf = 0.00679


Structure : Elevated Flume
& Location sta. 0 + 79.98 to 0 + 95.98 MC

Structural Design Analysis

1. Design Parameters
a. Allowable Stresses:
fc' = 211 kg/sqcm psi = 0.07045 k/scm
fc = 95 kg/sqcm psf = 4.890 k/scm
fs = 1,270 kg/sqcm
R= 16.84 kg/sqcm
k= 0.411
n= 9.30
j= 0.863
vc = 4.24 kg/sqcm
vp = 20 kg/sqcm
Es = 2,040,000 kg/sqcm
Ec = 219,340 kg/sqcm
ua (top bars) = 27 kg/sqcm for 12mm bars
20 kg/sqcm for 16mm bars
(other than = 38 kg/sqcm for 12mm bars
top bars) 28 kg/sqcm for 16mm bars

b. Unit Weights of Materials

water, ww = 1,000 kcm
natural dry earth, wne = 1,800 kcm
natural saturated earth, wse = 2,000 kcm
well compacted moist earth, wce = 2,200 kcm
submerged earth, wsub = 1,200 kcm
plain concrete, wc = 2,300 kcm
reinf concrete, wrc = 2,400 kcm
steel, ws = 7,850 kcm
angle of repose of nat dry soil, Φ = 30 O

c = (1-sin Φ)/(1+sin Φ) = 0.67

allow. soil bearing pressure, qa = 10,760 ksm
Allowable Live Loads (LL)
b<= 0.60 m. = 100 ksm
0.60 < b < 1.00 m. = 180 ksm
1.00 < b < 1.50 m. = 280 ksm
b > 1.50 m. = 400 ksm

2. Flume Design Data:

- section flowing full
- side beams to carry loads
base, b = 0.30 m. taken from the hydraulic design
depth of water, d = 0.15 m. taken from the hydraulic design
depth, D = 0.40 m. taken from the hydraulic design
floor slab thickness, tfs = 0.10 m. assumed value
side beam thickness, tb = 0.13 m. assumed value
column height, H = 3.00 m. to be provided

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flume/span length, L = 8.00 m. taken from the hydraulic design

number of spans = 2.00 m. taken from the hydraulic design
total flume length = 16.00 m. taken from the hydraulic design

3. Design of Floor slab:

a. Loading, Shear & Moment:
Loadings: (one-meter strip)
wt. of water, ww = 400 kg/lm use 'D'
wt. of concrete, wc = 240 kg/lm slab only
live load, LL = 100 kg/lm from allowable loads
total load, wt = 740 kg/lm

Loading combinations:
1. ww + wc = 640 kg/lm
2. LL + wc = 340 kg/lm

effective loading = 640 kg/lm

b. Shear & Moment:

i- due to water's horizontal thrust/meter
horizontal load, Ph = 80 kg/m-run
horizontal moment, Mh = 11 kg-m.

ii- due to normal loading

V= wt.L / 2, = 96 kg/m-run
M = wt.L / 12, =
5 kg-m.

use V = 96 kg/m-run
effective M = 11 kg-m.

iii- compute for the 'd' reqd :

due to moment:
d= M 1/2
,= 0.80 cm
due to shear:
d= V ,= 0.23 with t fs = 10 cm.
va.b effective 'd' = tfs - 2.5
the greater value of 'd' reqd = 0.80 = 7.50 cm.
d' (from the assumed t fs) = 7.50
use 'd' = 7.50 cm

iii- compute for steel reinf:

@ midspan @ support
As = M ,= 0.13 sqcm 0.13
using 12mm Φ bars, As = 1.13 sqcm 1.13
spacing req'd = 872 cm 872
use spacing = 45 cm o.c. 45
temp bars= 0.002bt, = 2.00 sqcm 2.00

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using 10mm = 0.785 0.785

spacing req'd = 39 39
use spacing = 30 30

For the floor slab:

thickness = 10 cm.
main - 12mm bars @ 45 cm o.c.
temp bars - 10mm bars @ 30 cm o.c.

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Structure : Elevated Flume
& Location sta. 0 + 80 to 0 + 95.98 MC

Structural Design Analysis

4. Design of Side Beams:
a. Loading, Shear & Moment:
Loadings: (form the floor slab)
loading from floorslab = 192 kg/lm side beams:
side beams, wsb = 312 D= 0.50 m
504 t sb = 0.13
load per beam, w = 252 kg/m

b. Shear & Moment:

V = wL / 2, = 1,008 kg. flume/span length, L = 8.00 m
M = wt.L / 8, =
2,016 kg-m.

d' required: d' supplied:

due to moment:
d= M 1/2, = 30 cm ds = 40 cm
due to shear:
d = V , = 18 cm
adopt 'd' reqd = 30 cm OK, < ds adopt d = 40 cm

c. Compute for steel reinf:

@ midspan @L/4
As = M ,= 4.60 3.45
using 10 mm, As = 0.79

no of pieces = 7 5
Еo.n = 21.54
d. Check for Shear:
va = V ,= 1.94 use: min 10mm U stirrups, sp. 20 cm oc
bd min U stirrups- 10mm
v' = va - vc, = (2.30) spaced- 30 com oc
try a 10 mm Ao = 1.571 or d/2 = 20
spacing, s = Ao.fs , = -
v'.b For the side beams:
use 10mm stirrups @ 0 cm tsb = 0.13 m.
d= 0.40 m.
d. Check for Bond: D= 0.50 m.
u actual = V ,= 1.36 ok < Ua main reinf: 7 pcs - 10 mm.
Еo.jd stirrups: 10mm U stirrups @ 20 cm oc

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Structure : Elevated Flume
& Location sta. 0 + 80 to 0 + 95.98 MC

Structural Design Analysis

5. Design of Flume Seat:
a. Loadings:
side beamsloads, V, = 1,008 kg. acting at 0.04 m., from column face
flume seat, wfs = 37 kg. Assume flume seat size:
load/length = 1,045 kg. width, w = 0.25 m.
depth, D = 0.30
total load = 2,090 kg. length, L = 0.21
Assume column size:
b. Shear & Moment: longitudinal direction, c = 0.20
V= 1,045 kg. transverse direction, w = 0.35
M= 44 kg-m. length, L = 8.00

d' required: d' supplied:

due to moment:
d= M 1/2, = 3 cm ok, dreqd < ds ds = 22 cm
due to shear:
d= V ,= 10 cm ok, dreqd < ds
adopt 'd' reqd = 9.9 cm OK, < ds adopt d = 22 cm

c. Compute for steel reinf:

As = M , = 0.19 sqcm
using 12 mm, As = 1.13 Еo.n = 4.39 cm.
no of pieces = 1

d. Check for Shear:

va = V , = 1.93 use: min 10mm U stirrups, sp. 11 cm oc

v' = va - vc, = (2.31)

try a 10 mm Ao = 1.571 min U stirrups- 10mm
spacing, s = Ao.fs , =(34) spaced- 30 com oc
v'.b or d/2 = 11
use 10mm stirrups @ -34.4855 cm (whichever is lesser)

d. Check for Bond:

u actual = V ,= 1.180 ok < Ua

5. Design of Columns:
a. No Sideway, Single Curvature
Long Column : 60 < h/r > 100
Short Column : h/r <= 60

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Allowable Column Load, Pa = 0.85('0.25f'cAg + Asfs) - short column = 13,023

Allowable Column Load, Pa = Pa(short)(1.07 - 0.008h/r) - long column = 8,725
p/g = As/Ag (1-4%)

b. Loadings:
side beamsloads,(P=2V), = 4,032 kg.
flume seat, wfs = 74 kg.
Total Col Load, P = 4,106 kg.
column size :
width(longitudinal), wl = 20 cm
width(transverse), wt = 35 cm
h= 3 m.
c. reinforcements:
try : 6 pcs 16 mm- RSB
Asfs = 15,321 kg
p/g = 1.72 ok
h/r = 50.00 short col < 60
Allowable Column Load, Pa = 8,725 kg. ok, Pa > P

d. ties: column:
use: 10 mm width(longitudinal), wl = 20 cm
spacing, s1 = 48 cm width(transverse), wt = 35 cm
spacing, s2 = 38 reinf: 6 pcs 16 mm- RSB
spacing, s3 = 30 ties: 10 mm @ 30 cm

6. Design of Footing:
a. Loadings:
Column Load, CL = 4,516
Footing Load, FL = 5,194
Allow. Bearing Pressure, qa = 10,760
A reqd = 0.48
transverse dir, c1 = 1.06 try: c1 = 1.50 m
longitudinal dir, c2 = 0.46 c2 = 0.90 m
A supplied, Asup = 1.35
check actual q, qact =
3,345 ok
b. Moments & footing thickness, "d", T
moment(at column face), M = 498 kg-m
d= 4.44 cm
add: 20 to 25 cm) : 29.44
use d = 10 cm.
Tf = 20 cm.
footing weight = 648 ok, actual < assumed
c. Reinforcements:
short dir.(longitudinal) long dir.(transverse)
M= 307 498
As = 2.80 4.54
try: 16 mm: no of pcs = 2 3
use: 16 mm: no of pcs = 4 3

d. Check for Shear:

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Shear Bond Punching Shear

-('d' dist fr col face) -( @ col face) -(col dim + 'd')
x= 0.48 m. 0.58 m. 0.45 m.
y= 0.25 m. 0.35 m. 0.30 m.
V= 1,430 kg 1,731 kg 4,065 kg
v actual = 1.59 kscm 12.25 kscm 5.42 kscm

Floor Slab:
thickness = 10 cm. main reinf - 12mm @ 45 cm o.c.
temp bars - 10mm @ 30 cm o.c.
Side Beams:
tsb = 0.13 m. main reinf: 7 pcs - 10 mm.
d= 0.40 m. stirrups: 10mm U stirrups @ 20 cm oc
D= 0.50 m.
Flume Seat:
w= 0.25 m. main reinf: 1 pcs - 12 mm.
d= 0.22 m. stirrups: 10mm U stirrups@ 11 cm oc
D= 0.30 m.
width(longitudinal), wl = 20 cm reinf: 6 pcs 16 mm- RSB
width(transverse), wt = 35 cm ties: 10 mm @ 30 cm
transverse dir, c1 = 1.50 m. with 3 pcs 16 mm
longitudinal dir, c2 = 0.90 m. with 4 pcs 16 mm
d= 10 cm
Tf = 20 cm

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Pier Width: Longitudinal, PL = 0.20 1.00

Transverse, PT = 0.35 1.00
Pier Height = 3.00 1.00

Footing Width Longitudinal = 0.90 1.00

Transverse = 1.50 1.00 0.25 PL = 0.20 0.90 (longitudinal dir, c2)
ftg. Thickness = 0.20 1.00

Backfill Ht.= 1.50 1.00

span, L = 8.00 m
flume b = 0.30
floorslab thickness = 0.10
side wall: height = 0.40 2
side wall: thickness = 0.13
depth of water = 0.15 PT = 0.35
flume seat(bracket), trnsvrse = 0.76
longitudinal = 0.25 transverse dir, c1 = 1.50
depth = 0.30
0.13 0.30 0.13


0.06 0.10



h= 3.00

heel toe


Foundation Reaction @ toe

= 13.91 Tons/Sq. M.
Foundation Reaction @ heel
= 0.06 tsm

Revised detailed design

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