Inorganic Chemistry Questions
Inorganic Chemistry Questions
Inorganic Chemistry Questions
Na2SO4 + Carbon A + B
A+E F + H2O + Na+
2. Identify A to E:
2 H O
A + N2 B C
+ D
Alkali metal
3. Identify A to E:
A + NaOH B C D
White ppt.
All B, D and E decolorize acidified KMnO4.
4. Identify A to C
NH3+CO+CO2 A + NaOH B White fumes
(Colourless salt)
2 KMnO (acid)
C Colourless
White ppt.
5. An inorganic compound (A) on treatment with AgNO3 gives white ppt. of (B) soluble in aqueous
ammonia to form a compound (C). (A) provides golden yellow colour to flame and on heating with
conc. H2SO4 gives colourless gas (D), which gives white fumes with NH3.Compound A liberates
greenish yellow gas when treated with MnO2 in the presence of H2SO4. Identify (A to D).
6. Element (M) is a shiny and highly reactive metal (melting point 63°C) and element (X) is a highly
reactive non-metal (melting point –7.2°C). They react to form a compound with the empirical
formula MX, a colourless, brittle solid that melts at 734°C. When dissolved in water or when in the
molten state, the substance conducts electricity. When chlorine gas is bubbled through an aqueous
solution containing (MX), a reddish-brown liquid appears and Cl– are formed. Aqueous solution of
MX gives yellow coloured precipitate with Na3[Co(NO2)6]. From these observations, identify M
and X.
7. An inorganic compound (A) loses water of crystallization on heating. It’s aqueous solution:
(i) Gives white turbidity with HCl.
(ii) Decolourizes I2 in KI solution.
(iii) Gives white precipitate with AgNO3 which turns black on standing.
8. A metal (A) is silver-white and soft. Its hydroxide gives orange coloured solid with O3. Metal
chloride solution gives yellow ppt. (B) with sodiumhexanitrocobaltate (III) solution. Similar test is
given by ammonium ion also. On adding perchloric acid (HClO4) to the metal chloride solution,
white crystalline ppt. (C) is formed which is slightly soluble in water but practically insoluble in
absolute alcohol. Identify (A), (B) and (C) and write balanced chemical reactions also.
9. (i) An inorganic compound (A) is formed on passing a gas (B) through a concentrated liquor
containing sodium sulphide and sodium sulphite.
(ii) n adding (A) into a dilute solution of silver nitrate, a white precipitate appears which quickly
changes into a black coloured compound (C).
(iii) On adding two or three drops of ferric chloride into the excess of solution of (A), a violet
coloured compound (D) is formed. This colour disappears quickly.
(iv) n adding a solution of (A) into the solution of cupric chloride, a white precipitate is first formed
which dissolves on adding excess of (A) forming a compound (E).
Identify (A) to (E) and give chemical equations for the reactions at steps (i) to (iv).
10. A compound (X) imparts a golden yellow flame and shows the following reactions:
(i) Zinc powder, when boiled with a concentrated aqueous solution of (X), dissolves in it and
hydrogen is evolved.
(ii) When an aqueous solution of (X) is added to an aqueous solution of stannous chloride, a white
precipitate is obtained first which dissolves in excess of solution of (X). Identify (X) and write
equations at step (i) and (ii).
Na[Cr(OH) ] / H O H SO
11. 4
2 2 2
(B) 4
Yellow Orange colour
A reacts with S to give two salts of sulphur. Write the structures of A,B and C.
12. A colourless and transparent crystal of a compound (A) burns with apple green flame. When (A)
treated with some soluble sulphate, produced a white solid (B), which is extremely sparingly soluble
in water, but moderately soluble in conc. HNO3. The compound (B) is used in the manufacture of
a paint known as permanent white. When (B) is fused on charcoal with sodium carbonate, it gives
three compounds C, D, and E. E is a gas. C gives blue colour when treated with Fe+3 and p-
aminoN,N-dimethyl aniline in acidic medium.
A responds to chromyl chloride test. Identify all the unknowns.
13. A colourless crystalline solid (X) deliquescent in nature is obtained from kisserite. It loses 6H2O at
150°C and becomes anhydrous at 200°C. On strong heating it gives white residue which is purgative
and a suffocating gas. X is amorphous with ZnSO4 .7H2O and FeSO4.7H2O. Identify (X).
14. On treatment with cold water, an element (A) reacted quietly, liberating a colourless, odourless gas
(B) and a solution (C). Lithium reacted with (B) yielding a solid product (D) which effervesced
with water to give a strongly basic solution (F). When CO2 (E) was bubbled through solution (C),
an initial white ppt. (G) was formed but this redissolved forming solution (H) when more CO2 was
passed. Precipitate (G) effervesced when moistened with conc. HCl. (G) on heating with excess of
carbon at 2000°C gave (I).
15. A 4 4 3
(B) C (D) E
Metal white ppt. Pungent smelling gas
chloride turns red litmus blue
H 2O aq. sol. of B
Brick red Alkaline solution + Milky suspension
colour heat
17. There are two metal carbonates (A) and (B), which are insoluble in water but soluble in acetic acid
with the evolution of CO2. When potassium chromate is added to their solution, (A) gives a yellow
precipitate which gives apple green colouration in flame test. The precipitate is filtered out. The
filtrate is treated with (NH4)2SO4. White ppt. is formed which gives crimson red colour in flame
test. Identify (A) and (B) and also give equation for the reaction involved.
19. A white crystalline compound (A) swells up on heating and gives violet colour flame on burning.
It’s aqueous solution gives:
(i) White ppt. with BaCl2.
(ii) White gelatinous ppt. with excess of NH4OH which dissolves in NaOH but reappears on
boiling with conc. NH4Cl solution.
Identify the compound (A) and give the reactions.
24. Boron on heating at 700°C in air gives white infusible amorphous powder (A), which is decomposed
when heated in a current of steam to give a white powder (B) and a gas (C). Gas (C) turns red litmus
blue and in aqueous solution gives brown colour with Nessler’s reagent. Compound (B) on strong
heating gives (D). A mixture of (D) and carbon on heating in current of Cl2 gives a colourless
fuming liquid (E). (D) reacts with hydrogen along with aluminium to give (F). (F) on heating with
(C) at 200°C produced inorganic benzene (G). Determine all the unknowns.
25. NH4Cl + BCl3 6 5
26. An inorganic bright red compound (A) on warming with HNO3 changes to a dark brown solid (B).
(B) on treatment with conc. HCl gives out Cl2, on warming, leaving a yellowish white residue (C)
on cooling. What are (A), (B) and (C)?
27. (i) If you have to dissolve lead (II) oxide PbO, which acid you will choose?
(ii) Explain why the reactions with hydrochloric acid and sulphur dioxide show the oxidising
nature of PbO2.
(iii) Predict the result of reacting Pb3O4 with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
(e) CH2 + P2O5 .....
31. A scarlet compound (A) is treated with conc. HNO3 to give a chocolate brown precipitate (B). The
precipitate is filtered and the filtrate is neutralised with NaOH. Addition of KI to the resulting
solution, gives a yellow precipitate (C). The precipitate (B) on warming with conc. HNO3 in the
presence of Mn(NO3)2 produces a pink-coloured solution due to the formation of (D). Identify (A),
(B), (C) and (D). Write the reaction sequence.
+Cl2 NH3 /
A, B and C all are oxides
34. A 500ml glass flask is filled at STP with a mixture of gases X, Y and Z, all of which are diatomic
elemental substances. The initial volume ratio of X, Y and Z is 5:3:1. When the mixture was heated,
a violent exothermal reaction occurred in which all reactants were used up. After the flask was
allowed to cool to its initial temperature, a colourless crystalline compound A was found on the
walls inside the flask. Chemical analysis of A showed that it is a ternary compound in which the
mass percentage of one of the elements is 36%. Identify the gases given that the density of the
heaviest gas is no more than 25 times greater than that of the lightest.
35. A colourless inorganic salt (A) decomposes completely at about 250°C to give only two products,
(B) and (C), leaving no residue. The oxide (C) is a liquid at room temperature and neutral to moist
litmus paper while the gas (B) is a neutral oxide. White phosphorus burns in excess of (B) to produce
a strong white dehydrating agent. Write balanced equations for the reactions involved in the above
36. (i) A blue coloured compound (A) on heating gives two products (B) and (C).
(ii) A metal (D) is deposited on passing hydrogen through heated (B).
(iii) The solution of (B) in HCl on treatment with K4[Fe(CN)6] gives a chocolate brown coloured
precipitate of compound (E).
(iv) (C) turns lime water milky which disappears on continuous passage of (C) forming a compound
Identify (A) to (F) and give chemical equations for the reactions from step (i) to (iv).
37. Identify (A) and (B) in the following and explain reactions. It is given that V.D of (A) is 17 and
(A) decolourises acidified KMnO4. (A) also gives brown ppt. (B) with alkaline KMnO4. (A)
liberates I2 from acidified KI solution. (A) also removes black stains from old paintings.
38. A light bluish green crystalline compound responds to the following tests:
(i) Its aqueous solution gives a brown precipitate or colouration with alkaline K2[Hgl4]
(ii) Its aqueous solution gives a blue colour with K3[Fe(CN)6] solution.
(iii) Its solution in hydrochloric acid gives a white precipitate with BaCl2 solution.
Identify the ions present and suggest the formula of the compound.
39. An unknown compound ‘X’ on heating loses water of crystallisation. Its aqueous solution gives the
following reactions:
(a) It gives a white turbidity with dilute HCl solution.
(b) It decolourises a solution of iodine in KI.
(c) If gives a white precipitate with AgNO3 which turns black on standing.
Identify ‘X’ and give reactions.
40. A metallic chloride (A) does not respond to chromyl chloride test. However, (A) gives a white
precipitate with limited amount of another metal chloride (B) and grey precipitate with excess
amount of (B). (A) when treated with KI gives a scarlet precipitate which dissolves in excess of
KI forming an important reagent (C). Identify (A), (B) and (C) and write all reactions.
41. A white substance (A) on heating with excess of dilute HCl gave an offensive-smelling gas (B)
and a solution (C). Solution (C) on treatment with aqueous ammonia or NaOH solution gave a
precipitate (D), which dissolves in excess of both the regents. (A) on strong heating in air gave a
strong-smelling gas (E) and a solid (F). Solid (F) dissolved completely in HCl and the solution
gave a precipitate with BaCl2 in acid solution. Identify (A) to (F) and write the chemical
equations for the various reactions involved.
42. An unknown solid mixture contains one or two of the following: CaCO3, BaCl2, AgNO3,
Na2SO4, ZnSO4, and NaOH. The mixture is completely soluble in water and the solution gives
pink colour with phenolphthalein. When 0.1 N HCl solution is gradually added to the above
solution, a precipitate is produced which dissolves with further addition of the acid. What is /are
present in the solid? Give equations to explain the appearance of the precipitate and its
43. A compound ‘A’ on heating loses water of crystallisation. On further heating, a black powder ‘B’
and two oxides of sulphur ‘C’ and ‘D’ are obtained. The powder ‘B’ on boiling with HCl gives a
yellow solution ‘E’. When H2S is passed in ‘E’, a white turbidity ‘F’ and an apple-green solution ‘G’
is obtained. The solution ‘E’ on treatment with thiocyanate ion gives a blood-red compound ‘H’.
Identify ‘A’ to ‘H’.
44. A sodium salt ‘A’ on reaction with dilute H2SO4 gives a gas ‘B’ which on passing in a solution of
an acid ‘C’ gives a white turbidity ‘D’. Gas ‘B’ when passed in an acidified solution of a compound
‘E’ gives a precipitate ‘F’ soluble in dilute HNO3. After boiling this solution, when an excess of
NH4OH is added, a blue coloured compound ‘G’ is formed. To this solution on addition of acetic
acid and aqueous K4[Fe(CN)6], a chocolate brown precipitate ‘H’ is obtained. On adding aqueous
BaCl2 to an aqueous solution of ‘E’, a white ppt. insoluble in HNO3 is obtained. Identify ‘A’ to
45. There are four bottles which contains: CuSO4, Pb(NO3)2, HCl, Na2CO3
By mixing samples of the contents of the bottles in pairs, a chemist made the following
observations :
Bottle (1) + Bottle (2) white precipitate;
Bottle (1) + Bottle (4) white precipitate
Bottle (2) + Bottle (4) no visible reaction;
Bottle (1) + Bottle (3) white precipitate
Bottle (2) + Bottle (3) colourless gas evolved;
Bottle (3) + Bottle (4) green blue precipitate
Find out which compound is in which bottle.
48. A compound (X) in used in the laboratory for analytical purpose. Its aqueous solution undergoes
the following reactions.
(1) On adding copper sulphate solution, a brown mixture is obtained, which turns white on
treatment with an excess of an Na2S2O3 solution.
(2) On adding Ag+ ions, a yellow precipitate in soluble in NH4OH, is obtained.
Identify X and give equations for the reactions in steps (1) and (ii)
49. (i) A black mineral (A) on heating in presence of air gives a gas (B)
(ii) The mineral (A) on reaction with dilute H2SO4 gives a gas (C) and solution of a compound
(iii) On passing gas (C) into an aqueous solution of (B) a white turbidity is obtained.
(iv) The aqueous solution of compound (D) on reaction with K3[Fe(CN)6] give blue compound
(E). Identify (A) to (E)
50. A black compound (A) dissolves in HCl to give a light pink solution. The compound (A) when
added to an oxalate containing dil H2SO4 effervesce due to generation of CO2 gas. The pink solution
gives a pink ppt. on passing H2S. The ppt again dissolves in dil. HCl to give original pink solution.
The addition of NaOH to pink solution gives a white ppt. (B) which on exposure to air changes to
a brown or black ppt. (A). Compound (B) dissolves in conc. HNO3 by boiling to give a solution
(C). A part of (C) on reaction with NaBiO3 given purple colour (D). Another part of (C) on boiling
with PbO2 gives purple colour (D). What are (A) to (D)?
51. p-Amino-N, N-dimethylaniline is added to a strongly acidic solution of X. The resulting solution
is treated with a few drops of aqueous solution of Y to yield blue coloration due to the formation
of methylene blue. Treatment of the aqueous solution of Y with the reagent potassium
hexacyanoferrate(II) leads to the formation of an intense blue precipitate. The precipitate
dissolves on excess addition of the reagent. Similarly, treatment of the solution of Y with the
solution of potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) leads to a brown coloration due to the formation of Z.
52. By means of a chemical reaction, indicate the products resulting from the interaction of equal
amounts of [HN(CH3)3]Cl with LiBH4 in THF.
CaF2/ H2O
Identify the compounds A, B and C.
56. Explain with the help of chemical reactions how arsenic can be detected by Marsh test.
57. Describe how the following compounds behave (i.e. as acids or bases) in liquid ammonia.
(A) NaNH2 (B) NH4Cl (C) NH4NO3
58. Identify the chemical compounds responsible for the following observations.
(A) Concentrated HNO3 looks yellow in colour.
(B) Aqua regia is yellow in colour.
59. Compounds of N (V) and Bi (V) are stronger oxidising agents than the +5 oxidation states of the
three intervening elements. Explain.
60. Using the following data, determine whether Fe+3 can catalyse the following reaction.
H2O2 → H2O + O2
Fe +3 /Fe +2 E 0 = +0.77V
O 2 +2H + +2e-
H 2O 2 E 0 = +0.70V
H 2 O 2 +2H + +2e -
2H 2 O E 0 = +1.76V