7 ApdxE Envmethods
7 ApdxE Envmethods
7 ApdxE Envmethods
Prepared by:
Section Page
1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background – Study History............................................................................................ 2
1.3 Site Location and Description.......................................................................................... 2
6.0 Reporting......................................................................................................................... 14
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
Table Page
1 Sampling Summary................................................................................................................... 9
2 Summary of Analytical Parameters.......................................................................................... 12
3 Chemicals to be Analyzed........................................................................................................ 25
Figure Page
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
This sampling plan was prepared by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) to
support the environmental sampling component of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s
(CDC) National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) study entitled, “A Cross-Sectional
Exposure Assessment of Environmental Exposure Among Children with Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia/Acute Myelocytic Leukemia and A Reference Population In Churchill County, Nevada.”
This document will be referred to as the CDC/NCEH study protocol within this sample plan.
The CDC/NCEH study protocol was designed to assess exposure to a variety of chemicals,
radioactive elements, and infectious agents among children diagnosed with leukemia (acute
lymphocytic leukemia [ALL] and acute myelocytic leukemia [AML]), and compare their exposure to
that of their immediate family members (parents and siblings only) and to reference families. The
reference families will consist of children without cancer diagnoses, and their parents. Exposure will
be assessed by measuring for specific analytes within blood, urine, and indoor and outdoor
environmental samples, in conjunction with a questionnaire about pertinent risk factors.
As described in the CDC/NCEH study protocol, the study was designed as a cross-sectional
exposure assessment of current exposures; it is very difficult to collect reliable information about
exposures that happened in the past. Environmental samples will be collected from the current
household of each participating case and control family to help interpret the results of the blood and
urine tests. In addition to the case-family’s current home, environmental samples will be collected
from each house they previously occupied within Churchill County, Nevada during the defined time
period for this study. Environmental samples will also be collected from the previous residences of 1
out of every 4 control children in each frequency strata. The control family whose historic residences
will be sampled will be randomly selected without prejudice to number of residences or duration of
residence. The CDC/NCEH study protocol determined that environmental samples would consist of
indoor air, play yard soil, drinking water, and household dust from each past and current residential
location. NDEP will collect samples, coordinate the laboratory analysis, and disseminate the results
of the indoor air, play yard soil, and household dust; the US Geological Survey will be responsible
for the collection and analysis of drinking water.
The CDC/NCEH will be provided the laboratory analysis of the environmental measurements from
participating family homes. If environmental contamination or exposure is detected above
enforceable action levels, appropriate action by the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
(NDEP) or other appropriate governmental entity will be taken.
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
The following background information was taken from the CDC/NCEH study protocol document. In
July 2000, Dr. Randall Todd, State Epidemiologist, identified an increase in the incidence rate of ALL
for Churchill County, Nevada. According to the Nevada State Cancer Registry, the first case of ALL
diagnosed in Fallon, Nevada was in 1997, with 2 subsequent cases in 1999, and 9 additional cases
diagnosed by July 2000. In September 2000, Dr. Todd began an investigation of the case families by
administering a questionnaire and collecting drinking water samples from case-family homes. The
questionnaire covered residential history prior to conception, pregnancy history, water supply choices
and use, chemical use inside the home, occupational history of parents, sources for radiation and
electromagnetic (EMF) exposure, child activities, and smoking in the home. The investigation did not
reveal any obvious risk factor or etiology. In total, 14 cases of childhood leukemia were detected in
Churchill County, Nevada between 1997-2001.
In February, 2001, Dr. Mary Guinan, State Health Officer for Nevada, convened an Expert Panel to
review the State of Nevada’s investigation and other literature about ALL among children. Following
recommendations from this Expert Panel, the State of Nevada formally requested assistance from
both CDC/NCEH and ATSDR on March 7, 2001 for further evaluation of risk factors or etiologic
exposures linked to this childhood leukemia cluster in the Fallon area. ATSDR has been asked to
evaluate contaminant releases in Churchill County, Nevada and provide an assessment of completed
exposure pathways for the case families. CDC/NCEH was asked to design and conduct a cross-
sectional exposure assessment of selective contaminants using environmental (household) and
biologic specimens for case families and a reference population.
Environmental samples will be collected from residential properties of both case and control families.
Residences will be located both in Fallon and throughout Churchill County. The control homes will
be selected by CDC/NCEH through a random-digit dialing protocol. There are approximately 21
case homes, which include current and past Fallon residences of the case families. There will be
approximately 60 control residential properties.
Situated in the Lahontan Valley at an elevation of 3,965 feet above mean sea level, the City of Fallon
is located 60 miles east of Reno, Nevada. U.S. Highway 50 crosses the town in the east-west
direction, and U.S. Highway 95 passes through the town in the north-south direction. U.S. Interstate
80 passes the area in a southwest-northeast direction 28 miles northwest of town and can also be
reached traveling 32 miles north of town. The incorporated area occupies approximately two square
miles within Sections 1, 25 and 36 of Township 19 North, Range 28 East, and Sections 30, and 31 of
Township 19 North, Range 29 East, Mount Diablo Baseline and Meridian. The geographic
coordinates are 39 28’ to 39 29’ N latitude, 118 27’ 45" to 118 28’ 45” W longitude.
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
The Deputy Administrator of the NDEP will oversee this project with divisional bureaus and staff
providing support. The NDEP will prepare and implement this Sample Plan that will support the
environmental sampling objectives described in the CDC/NCEH Cross-Sectional Exposure Study.
NDEP will collect environmental samples as appropriate, arrange for laboratory analysis of the
samples, organize the laboratory results from the various laboratories used, and provide these
results back to CDC and to the property owners, or renters, identified as case and control homes.
NDEP will coordinate other Federal and State Agency activities in support of this study. NDEP
may also be utilizing commercial laboratories for selected environmental analysis.
- Nevada State Health Department: Provide radon screening test kits and laboratory
analysis. Provide laboratory analysis of a limited number of radionuclides in soil and
indoor dust.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Region 9: Provide laboratory
analysis of soil and home dust samples for metals, organo-chlorine pesticides and
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and semi-volatile organics. The EPA regional laboratory
will also be providing air sampling collection equipment.
- U.S. EPA Environmental Response Team (ERT): Provide home dust sample collection
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS): Will be collecting tap water samples at the case and
control homes, independent of NDEP sample collection activities.
- Agency for Toxic Substances And Disease Registry (ATSDR): Provide technical support
to NDEP in reviewing and implementing the Sample Plan. ATSDR will also assist NDEP
in coordinating Agency activities.
The NDEP portion of the project will use the Incident Command System (ICS) as the model tool for
command, control and coordination. ICS uses principles that have been proven to improve efficiency
and effectiveness in a business setting. The entire Fallon Investigation includes personnel from the
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Nevada State Health Division, Nevada Department of
Agriculture, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Primary
contacts for the Fallon Investigation are as follows:
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
The objective of this sampling event is to support the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention’s study plan for “A Cross-Sectional Exposure Assessment of Environmental Exposure
Among Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Acute Myelocytic Leukemia and a
Reference Population in Churchill County, Nevada.” The CDC study design is a cross-sectional
exposure assessment of selective contaminants using biological specimens and environmental field
sample analysis for case-family homes and a reference population. The cross-sectional exposure
assessment design will allow for the comparison of laboratory testing results from case-children’s
blood and urine to their family members’ samples; and between case families and control families.
Environmental samples will be collected from the current and household of each participating
family (case and control) to assist the CDC’s interpretation of their results of the blood and urine
tests. Past households of case families and a portion of the control families will also be sampled.
The data collected in this study will also be used by ATSDR to investigate and assess any
completed exposure pathways in the case families. Finally, the results of the environmental
sampling will be reviewed by the NDEP. If environmental contamination is detected above
enforceable action levels, appropriate action will be taken by the NDEP.
The NDEP designed this environmental sampling protocol for the collection of surface soil, indoor
air and home dust sampling for the participating study homes. The NDEP will implement this
environmental sampling plan upon concurrence of the CDC/NCEH and appropriate agencies that are
part of this multi-agency investigation.
The CDC/NCEH study protocol estimated that environmental samples would be collected from
approximately 100 residences in Churchill County. This figure includes current and past residences of
cases (n=22), and current residences of all control subjects (n=52), and past residences of 1 out of
every 4 control children enrolled in the study, assuming each control family has 2 past residences in
Churchill County (n=26).
The types of samples and analytical parameters were determined based on goals and objectives of the
CDC/NCEH study protocol and recommendations of the expert panel that met in March and July
The locations and analytical parameters of the sampling will be discussed in the following sections.
Overall, NDEP will be collecting the same set of samples from each participating case and control
home. These samples will include:
- One outdoor soil sample
- One indoor air sample
- One indoor dust sample
- One indoor radon kit
Field sampling will be consistent with EPA standard operating procedures (SOPs), as appropriate, or
other SOPs as determined by NDEP. Sample handling and shipping will follow standard EPA Chain
of Custody protocols. All SOPs may be found as attachments to this document. If any significant
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
deviations from the SOPs occur during field implementation, the sampling team will be responsible
for documenting such deviations.
Laboratory analysis provided by EPA Region 9 will follow the Regional Laboratory’s Quality
Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) practices followed for EPA Superfund Sites. Some samples
analyzed through the EPA Regional laboratory will be sent to EPA Contract Laboratory Program
(CLP) laboratories for analysis. These laboratories will also follow their EPA contract specified
QA/QC procedures. The commercial laboratories contracted by NDEP will provide the NDEP with
information regarding their use of performance evaluation samples, previous laboratory audits, and
ethical conduct. In addition, specific information regarding the laboratory's performance with the
particular methods to be used for the samples will also be provided. This and other information will
be reviewed by the NDEP Project Manager and deemed satisfactory before the laboratory is selected
and a contract negotiated.
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
All sampling activities will be performed by the NDEP sampling teams. Each team will consist of a
team leader and two to three samplers. A NDEP field coordinator will be stationed in Fallon and
will coordinate sampling schedules with the team leader and the residents. The team leader will be
responsible for communication with the residents of each home. Each sample team will be
responsible for the proper field documentation and field collection of environmental samples.
NDEP sample teams will be familiar with the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for this study
and SOPs will be followed whenever possible.
Every effort will be made by the NDEP to ensure that the sample teams will not know if a
residential property is from the case or control group. Samples will be identified by a house
number assigned by the CDC/NCEH and given to the NDEP field coordinator. The house number
and address will be given to the team leader. All samples and chain of custody records will only
utilize the house number. Sample number and type will be denoted by the following code:
House Number:
Assigned by CDC/NCEH. Numbers will run from 001 through 100.
Surface Soil = SS
Home Dust = HD
Wipe Sample = WS
Indoor Air = IA
Radon Kit = RK
Equipment Blank = EB
Samples will be numbered according to the number of samples collected at each residence. This
last number is provided in case additional samples are needed at a sample location. For example, if
two dust samples are required at House #17, the following sample numbers would be used:
This would denote that House 17 had two dust samples; HD-01 and HD-02.
Table 1 provides a summary of sample type and general location for the sample.
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
The following sections describe the sample collection procedures for the various matrices that will
be collected during the sampling event.
One soil sample will be collected from a children’s play area at each study residence. The specific
area will be determined by the team leader after consulting with the residents of each home. The
sample will consist of a three-part composite of the surface soil of the designated play area.
Samples will preferably come from dirt play areas.
All surface soil composite samples will be collected at a depth of 0 to 3 inches using disposable
scoops and aluminum pans. The sampler will don a disposable Tyvek suit and booties and use
clean powder-free latex or nitrile gloves at each sampling location to minimize the chance of
cross-contamination. The samples will be homogenized in a dedicated aluminum tray.
Homogenization will be performed by removing all stones and extraneous matter, thoroughly
mixing the aliquots, and dividing the soil into four roughly equal aliquots. This procedure will be
repeated three times.
If all of the play areas at a study residence are grass covered, three (3) small areas of grass will be
removed and the first 0-3 inches of soil below the grass cover will be collected from the area. The
grass will be removed with a small disposable or steel garden trowel. Care will be taken to replace
the grass and clean potting soil will be added below the grass to restore the sample area. All soil
sampling activities will be conducted according to the Surface Soil Sampling Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP) developed for this sampling event; this SOP may be found as Attachment A.
One air sample will be collected from a frequently used room of each study home, such as the
living room or other room frequently used by the children of the family. The sample will be
collected as a “grab” or instant sample by using a Summa canister. The exact location will be
determined after consulting with the residents of each home. The canister will be placed at a
height of approximately three feet off the ground. This height was selected to approximate a
child’s breathing zone.
Air samples will be collected in accordance with the Summa Canister Air Sampling SOP,
developed for this sampling event; this SOP may be found as Attachment B. The samples will be
sent to an approved laboratory for analysis of volatile organic compound parameters. The
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
canisters and all sampling equipment will be pre-cleaned and provided by the EPA Regional
laboratory. The Summa will be sent to the selected laboratory for analysis and then returned to the
EPA Regional laboratory to be cleaned for reuse.
Vacuum dust samples will be collected from the living areas of each study home. This will include
the living room, dining room, bedrooms, hallways and kitchen. Samples will not be collected from
generally inaccessible areas such as behind the refrigerator, storage closet/attic or crawl spaces.
The areas sampled will be measured and recorded in order to perform quantitative calculations.
Approximately 70 grams of sample will be needed to perform the full list of analytical parameters
described in the CDC/NCEH Cross Sectional Exposure Study. The EPA Regional laboratory will
be using approximately 5-10 grams for metals analysis and approximately 30 grams for organo-
chlorine pesticide and PCB analysis. The remaining sample volume will be sent by the EPA
Regional Laboratory to the Nevada Department of Agriculture (NDOA) to be analyzed for
organo-phosphate, carbamate, and pyrethroid pesticides.
Samples will be collected with a Nilfisk Vacuum and collection procedures will follow the Nilfisk
Home Dust Sampling SOP, developed for this sampling event; this SOP may be found as
Attachment C.
A separate dust sample will be collected as a dry-wipe sample and will be laboratory analyzed for
gamma spectrometry, and Uranium 234, 235, and 238. This sample will be collected from a
television screen in a family room or a computer monitor, if the television screen is inappropriate
for sample collection. The wipe sample will be sent directly to a contract laboratory arranged
through the Nevada State Health Department. The field sampling will be conducted according to
the Dry-wipe Sampling SOP, developed for this sampling event; this SOP may be found as
Attachment D.
Radon test kits will be placed in an appropriate location by the sample team leader in accordance
with the Radon Canister SOP developed for this sampling event; this SOP may be found as
Attachment E.
The homeowner will be contacted prior to placement of the radon test kit and instructed to keep
the house closed at least 12 hours prior to placement. It is necessary to keep all external doors
and windows closed for at least 12 hours prior and during the entire test period. Normal coming
and going is acceptable, however external doors should not be left open for periods of more that a
few minutes. Internal/external air exchange systems other than the furnace, such as high volume
attic and window fans, should not be operated for at least 12 hours prior to and during the
measurement period. Operation of closed circulation systems should not affect the test. Swamp
coolers must not be utilized.
At the end of the test period, the testing team will collect the test kits, prepare the appropriate
forms and send the test kit to the laboratory for analysis. The homeowner will receive the test
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
results within two weeks. The Nevada State Health Division will also receive the test results on a
monthly report. The homeowner may obtain interpretation of the test results from the Nevada
State Health Division at (775) 687-5394 extension 275.
3.3 Documentation
A sampling team member will document sample conditions; estimate ambient air temperature
(indoor and outdoor), cloud cover, and other relevant observations of the sample property and
adjacent properties. Documentation will be conducted by using the Combined Field Data Sheets,
developed for this sampling event. These field data sheets can be found at the end of every SOP.
3.4 Decontamination
Personnel field gear and the majority of field sampling equipment scheduled to be used at this site
will be disposable and will be double-bagged and disposed of as dry industrial waste. Any non-
disposable sampling equipment, such as stainless-steel trowels, will be decontaminated at the
Fallon field office and will utilize appropriate procedures, such as washing with a solution of
Alconox (phosphate detergent) and distilled water. Decontamination of the Nilfisk dust sample
equipment will follow procedures outlined in the Vacuum Sampling SOP. All other field
decontamination will follow the Decontamination SOP developed for this sampling event; this
SOP may be found as Attachment F.
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
Table 2 provides a summary of the sampling matrices, analytical parameters, analytical methods,
sample containers, and designated laboratory for this sampling event. Detection levels will be the
best achievable given the sample volumes actually collected for each parameter. A complete list of
analytical parameters is found as at the end of this SOP.
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
5.1 Responsibility
The NDEP Environmental Sample Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that sample
quality and integrity are maintained. The Sample Coordinator will also ensure that sample labeling
and documentation are performed in accordance with the labeling SOP developed for this
sampling event; this SOP may be found as Attachment G.
Air carriers that transport hazardous materials, in particular Federal Express, require compliance
with the current International Air Transport Association (IATA) Regulations, which applies to the
shipment and transport of hazardous materials by air carrier. This study will be utilizing air carriers
to transport environmental samples (not hazardous waste samples), and will be shipping small
quantities of water samples preserved with nitric acid. The water samples will be generated during
field QA/QC procedures. NDEP will follow IATA regulations to ensure compliance.
5.2 Field QC
Field QC will consist of collecting and analyzing rinsate blanks and field duplicates.
The duplicate samples will be collected for the soil and air samples at a rate of one per 20 samples.
Duplicates for the air samples will be collected by filling the containers simultaneously. Duplicates for
the soil will be collected by splitting the sample volume into two distinct samples. Each sample from
a duplicate set will have a unique sample number; the duplicates will be sent "blind" to the lab.
Because of limited availability of amounts (mass) of dust, duplicate dust samples will be collected as
appropriate, based on mass collected in the field.
Rinsate blanks will be collected to test for contamination that could possibly be introduced by the
reusable sample equipment used for this study. They will be collected on the vacuum sampling
equipment that will be decontaminated for reuse. The blanks will be collected at the rate of one per
20 samples and be analyzed for all parameters. The blanks will be collected according to the Field
Rinsate Blank SOP, prepared for this sampling event; this SOP may be found as Attachment H.
5.3 Laboratory QC
A field sample will be designated as a "lab QC sample" at a frequency of 1 per 20 samples and be
analyzed for all parameters. The lab QC sample is the sample the laboratory will use for its internal
quality control analyses. The lab QC sample will be a sample suspected of being contaminated and
which is representative of other contaminated samples. The lab QC sample will consist of a double
volume of sample. The sample containers and paperwork will be clearly labeled "Lab QC Sample."
Laboratory QC samples will be collected from the soil and dust samples as field conditions permit:
The EPA Regional Laboratory QC will comply with all Regional Laboratory SOPs. Contract
Laboratory Program (CLP) analysis will consist of all QC stated in the CLP Statement of Work
Fallon Investigation Environmental Sampling Plan
November 13, 2001
(SOW) and includes all forms and deliverables required in the SOW. Laboratory QC for commercial
labs will be determined by the NDEP contract with the laboratory.
The NDOA and contract laboratories will follow their standard QC procedures.
As conditions in the field may vary from that planned or conceived, it may become necessary to
implement minor modifications to sampling as presented in this plan. When modifications are needed,
the team leader will be notified, and when appropriate, other members of the project team may be
consulted. In all cases, documentation of field changes will be conducted by the sample team.
Data validation for the samples analyzed through EPA Regional laboratory and CLP laboratory will
be performed by EPA Region 9 Regional Laboratory’s Quality Assurance Staff in accordance with
CLP National Functional Guidelines for Data Review for all soil and dust samples analyzed through
EPA. Data validation for analysis through commercial labs will be determined by the NDEP contract
with the laboratory.
Information gathered from this study will be received by the NDEP. NDEP will
compile the analytical results and field reports according to study number
designations. The completed sampling information will be forwarded to the
CDC/NCEH. A summary of the results will also be prepared so that a
report from NDEP can be forwarded to the property owner of each
study home. The results of the environmental sampling will also be reviewed
by NDEP. If environmental contamination is detected above enforceable action
levels, appropriate action by will be taken by the NDEP.
The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide the sampling teams with a
step-by-step guide for collecting composite surface soil samples using hand trowels. Samples will be
collected in outdoor areas most frequently used by children.
Below is a list of the materials needed for surface soil sampling events. Both disposable and
reusable sampling equipment are required.
□ Personal protective equipment (as specified in the Health and Safety Plan)
□ Sampling Plan (SP)
□ Property location Map/Fallon Street Map
□ 8-oz glass sample containers w/lids
□ Sample log sheets
□ Sample labels/tags
□ Coolers
□ Ice
□ Aluminum mixing tray
□ 1-gallon Ziploc® bags
□ Paper towels
□ Ballpoint pen
□ Permanent marker
□ Plastic (disposable) trowels
□ Steel trowel
□ Plastic trash bags
□ Potting soil
3.1 Perform a general site reconnaissance to verify actual site conditions consistent with the
HASP. Make entries onto the field data sheet as called for on the sheet.
3.2 Locate surface soil sampling area: Identify area of the property most used by children,
for example; play areas, or walk ways. Describe the area on the Field Data Sheet and
estimate the distance and direction from a permanent marker, (20 feet NW of the NE
corner of the house, utility pole, etc.).
3.3 Select a sample area of approximately 25 square feet for the collection of a three-part
composite sample. Sample parts will be collected from three locations within the sample
area. If the child-use area is less than 25 square feet, see Grab Sample instructions in
Step 3.10 below.
3.4 Collect Samples: Put on clean, disposable latex surgical gloves (equivalent) prior to
collecting soil samples.
With the plastic and/or steel trowel, collect 6 heaping trowel-volumes from each of the
three-part sample locations (18 total volumes) from 0-3 inches below ground surface
and put the soil into an aluminum mixing pan. Sample collection will focus on soil
particles, not other materials intermixed in the soil matrix. Using hands covered with
surgical gloves, remove plant material, roots, pebbles greater-than-pea-size (1/4”
diameter), rocks, concrete etc. from the aluminum mixing pan and place them in one of
the sample holes.
If the sample area is covered by grass turf or other non-soil material, cut away or
remove approximately 1 square foot of the non-soil material with a steel trowel and
collect soil from 0-3 inches below the cut-away material with the plastic trowel.
Replace the removed soil with potting soil, and place non-soil material on top. Tamp it
down with your foot and water with home resident’s approval and water source.
3.5 Thoroughly mix the soil volume in the aluminum pan with the plastic trowel or glove-
covered hands. Note the qualities (color, texture, etc.) of the homogenized sample on
the sample log sheet as called for on the sheet.
3.6 With the plastic trowel, place the mixed soil into sample containers as follows.
□ 1 full 8-oz glass jar (Metals analyses)
□ 1 full 8-oz glass jar (o-chlorine pesticides analyses)
□ 1 full 8-oz glass jar (o-phosphate pesticides analyses)
□ 1 full 8-oz glass jar (Aroclor PCBs and SVOCs analyses)
□ 1 full 8-oz glass jar (Archive)
□ 16 oz (approximate) of soil in a double Ziploc® bag (rad analyses)
Place remaining soil into one or more of the sample holes. Top off with potting soil.
3.7 Label each sample container according to the labeling conventions outlined in the SP.
Sample labels will be preprinted. Fill out information called for on the label with a
permanent marker (ballpoint pen ink bleeds when wet).
3.8 Place each glass sample container into a separate Ziploc® bag and put on ice in a
cooler. Place the double Ziploc® bag sample container (Rads sample) in cooler without
3.9. Place disposable plastic trowel, aluminum mixing pan and other trash into a plastic
bag for disposal. If a steel trowel is used, place it in a bag for transport back to the
field office where it will be decontaminated.
3.10 If the sampling location is less-than 25 square feet, collect one grab sample from one
sample hole from 0-3 inches below ground surface. Follow Steps 3.4 through 3.9.
3.11 Keep samples, clean equipment, and trash separate to prevent cross-contamination.
Transport these items to the field vehicle.
To prevent contamination of soil samples from compounds introduced to the site by the sampling
teams, personal protection equipment must be worn and used as specified in the Health and Safety
Plan (HASP). Health and Safety procedures outlined in the HASP must be followed.
Duplicate samples shall be collected at a ratio of 1 for every 10-sample properties (1:10) for quality
control purposes (Blind to Labs).
4.1 Collect 12 heaping scoops from each sample hole to be able to fill duplicate sample
containers for each analysis (i.e.: 2 jars for metals, 2 jars for o-chlorine pesticides,
4.3 Label the original and duplicate sample containers according to the labeling
conventions outlined in the SAAP.
Lab matrix blanks shall be collected at a ratio of 1 for every 20-sample properties (1:20) for quality
control purposes (Not blind to Lab).
4.5 Collect extra sample volumes from each sample hole to be able to fill 5 extra (lab
matrix) sample containers.
4.6 Label these samples the same as the original sample and note on the label “lab matrix
Health and Safety procedures as described and defined in the NDEP Health and Safety Plan
(HASP) must be observed and implemented prior to dust sample collection. Chemical exposures are
not anticipated, and physical or mechanical hazards are only those that would be found in any
typical household environment.
6.1 EPA. 1991. Compendium of Emergency Response Team (ERT) Soil Sampling and
Surface Geophysics Procedures. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response,
Washington, DC. EPA/540/P-91/006.
6.2 EPA. 1991. Removal Program Representative Sampling Guidance. Volume 1 - Soil.
Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, DC. 9630.4-10 P892-
6.3 WESTON, Inc. (Roy F. Weston, Inc.) 1993. Standard Practices Manuel for Soil
Sampling With a Spade, Scoop and Stainless Surface Soil Sampler Auger and Tube
Sampler. West Chester, PA.
6.4 Health and Safety Plan, Prepared in Support of: CDC/NCEH Cross-sectional
Exposure Assessment Study – Churchill County, Nevada. September 25, 2001.
Weather Summary/Estimates:
Sunny/PC/Cloudy _______________________________________________
Est. Wind Speed and Direction _____________________________________
Est. Air Temp – Outdoor ___________________
Sample Description:
The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to describe a procedure for sampling of
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in ambient air. The method is based on samples collected as
whole air samples in Summa passivated stainless steel canisters. The VOCs are subsequently
separated by gas chromatography (GC) and measured by mass-selective detector or multidetector
techniques. This method presents procedures for sampling into canisters at final pressures below
atmospheric pressure (referred to as sub-atmospheric pressure sampling). The Fallon Cross-
sectional Exposure Assessment (CEA) study will include sampling for VOCs from “control and
case” sets of homes to develop a statistical database. The canisters are sent to a certified testing lab
in a timely fashion to insure quality of sample. The results will be returned to NDEP for
consolidation and distribution to appropriate agencies or homeowners.
This method is applicable to specific VOCs that have been tested and determined to be stable when
stored in sub-atmospheric pressure canisters. The organic compounds that have been successfully
collected in pressurized canisters by this method are listed in the Volatile Organic Compound Data
Sheet at the end of this SOP. These compounds have been measured at the parts per billion by
volume (PPBV) level. Chemical compounds to be analyzed are listed in Table 3.
These are standard (i.e., typically applicable) operating procedures which may be varied or changed
as required, dependent on site conditions, equipment limitations or limitations imposed by the
procedure or other site limitations. In all instances, the sampling team should document the
procedures employed.
Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute NDEP endorsement or
recommendation of use.
Sub-atmospheric pressure sampling uses an initially evacuated canister. The canister has a hand
valve and fixed orifice to regulate flow. Sub-atmospheric pressure sampling is performed without a
micrometering valve for taking grab samples. With this configuration, a grab sample of ambient air
is drawn into a pre-evacuated Summa passivated canister. The canister is placed in the approximate
breathing height of the child. The hand valve is opened a quarter turn until the sound changes as it
nears atmospheric pressure, and the hand valve is then closed. Normal documentation, custody and
sealing of the sample are completed and the package is readied for shipping.
After the air sample is collected, the canister valve is closed, cap is installed, an identification tag is
attached to the canister, and the canister is transported to a laboratory for analysis. Upon receipt at
the laboratory, the canister tag data is recorded. Sample holding times and expiration are to be
determined prior to initiating field activities.
Care must be taken not to exceed 40 psi in the canister (do not heat canister above 140 oF). Canisters
should not be dented or punctured. They should be stored in a cool dry place and always be placed in
their cardboard shipping boxes or similar protective carrier during transport and storage.
Contamination may occur in the sampling system if canisters are not properly cleaned before use.
Additionally, all sampling equipment should be thoroughly cleaned. Instructions for cleaning the
Summa canisters are described in ERT/REAC SOP # 1703, Summa Canister Cleaning Procedures.
During this study pre-certified and clean canisters are being supplied. No cleaning of the exterior is
6.1 Sub-atmospheric Pressure Sampling using a Hand Valve and SUMMA (vacuum)
6.2 Prior to sampling collection, the appropriate information is completed on the Canister
Sampling Field Data Sheet found at the end of this SOP and brass cap is removed
with 9/16-inch end wrench.
6.3 Place canister at the “breathing height” of the child (approximately the height of an
average knee) in a room where the child spends the most of the time.
6.4 A canister, which is evacuated to at least 26 inches Hg hand valve, is opened to the
atmosphere containing the air to be sampled.
6.5 The pressure differential causes the sample to flow into the canister.
6.6 This technique is used to collect grab samples (duration of 15 to 30 seconds). The
sampling duration depends on the degree to which the flow is restricted.
6.7 A fixed-orifice flow restrictor will have a decrease in the flow rate as the vacuum
canister approaches atmospheric (which is indicated by a change in pitch or sound
level). Shut off hand valve immediately to avoid canister becoming neutral with
atmosphere. (It should remain in a slight vacuum.) If the canister is allowed to become
neutral, the test is void. Repeat test with new canister.
6.8 Upon sample completion at the location, the appropriate information is recorded on
the Canister Sampling Field Data Sheet and labels (Note the final vacuum reading on
canister: approximately 2 to 10 inches of mercury (Hg) by gauge on tank or separate
gauge as available on each canister. Separate gauge will need to be attached and
removed. Zero gauge before reading).
6.9 Cap the SUMMA Canister with the cap and tighten with wrench slightly to seal vacuum.
6.10 Place canister into a cardboard box labeled for shipping with the Field Data Sheet
information and labels in the plastic luggage tag type of holder.
7.1 All data must be documented on standard chain of custody records, field data sheets, or
site logbooks.
7.2 All instrumentation must be operated in accordance with operating instructions as
supplied by the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified in the work plan. Equipment
checkout and calibration activities must occur prior to sampling/operation, and they
must be documented.
7.3 Duplicate samples will be taken as 1 in 10-samples.
7.4 Blank samples or “zero air,” (sample not taken) will be returned as 1 in 20-samples.
Health and Safety procedures as described and defined in the NDEP Health and Safety Plan
(HASP) must be observed and implemented prior to dust sample collection. Chemical exposures are
not anticipated, and physical or mechanical hazards are only those that would be found in any
typical household environment.
9.1 U.S. EPA, “Environmental Response Team Standard Operating Procedures #1704”, July
27, 1995.
9.2 AIR TOXICS LTD, “Method: TO-14 list of proposed sample tests,” September 30,
9.3 Health and Safety Plan, Prepared in Support of: CDC/NCEH Cross-sectional Exposure
Assessment Study – Churchill County, Nevada. September 25, 2001.
Molec- Boiling
Chemical Abstract Melting
Service (CAS #) Point (oC)
Weight ( C)
Freon 12 Dichlorodifluoromethane Cl2CF2 120.91 -29.8 -158.00
74-87-3 Methyl chloride (Chloromethane) 340 50.49 -24.2 -97.10
Freon 114 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane ClCF2CClF2 170.93 4.1 -94.00
75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride, Chloroethylene CH3=CHCl 62.5 -13.4 -1,538.00
Methyl bromide, Bromomethane,
74-83-9 CH3Br 94.94 3.6 -93.60
monobromomethane, embafume
Ethyl chloride, Chloroethane,
monochlorethane, chlorethyl, aethylis
chloridum, ether chloratus, ether
75-00-3 CH3CH2Cl 64.52 12.3 -136.40
hydrochloric, ether muriatic, Kelene,
Chelen, Anodynon, Chloryl Anesthetic,
Freon 11 Trichlorodifluoromethane CCl3F 137.38 23.7 -111.00
Vinylidene chloride, 1,1-Dichloroethylene,
75-35-4 C2H2Cl2 96.95 31.7 -122.50
1,1-Dichloroethene, asym-dichloroethylene
Methylene chloride, Dichloromethane,
75-09-2 CH2Cl2 84.94 39.8 -95.10
Methylene dichloride
Freon 113 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluroethane CF2ClCCl2F 187.38 47.7 -36.40
74-34-3 1,1,2-Dichloroethane, Ethylidene Chloride CH3CHCl2 98.96 57.3 -97.00
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene CHCl=CHCl 96.94 60.3 -80.50
67-66-3 Chloroform, trichloromethane CHCl3 119.38 61.7 -63.50
Ethylene dichloride, 1,2-Dichloroethane,
107-06-2 sym-dichloroethane, ethylene chloride, ClCh2CH2Cl 98.96 83.5 -35.30
dutch liquid, brocide
Methyl chloroform, 1,1,1-Trichloroethane,
71-55-6 CH3CCl3 133.41 74.1 -30.40
Methylchloroform, chlorothene
Benzene (including benzene from
71-43-2 C6H6 78.12 80.1 5.50
gasoline), benzol, cyclohexatriene
Carbon Tetrachloride, tetrachloromethane,
56-23-5 perchloromethane, necatorina, CCl4 153.82 76.5 -23.00
Propylene dichloride (1,2- CH3CHClCH2
78-87-5 112.99 96.4 -100.40
Dichloropropane) Cl
cis-1,3-Dichloropropene (cis-1,3- CH3CCl=CH
110.97 76
dichloropropylene) Cl
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene (cis-1,3- CH3CCl=CH
110.97 112
dichloropropylene) Cl
Trichloroethane; 1,1,2-Trichloroethane,
79-00-5 CH2ClCHCl2 133.41 113.8 -36.50
vinyl trichloride, beta-trichloroethane
108-88-3 Toluene, methylbenzene, toluol, C6H5CH3 92.15 110.6 -95.00
Molec- Boiling
Chemical Abstract Melting
Service (CAS #) Point (oC)
Weight (oC)
phenylmethane, methacide
106-93-4 Ethylene Dibromide, Dibromoethane BrCH2CH2Br 187.88 131.3 9.80
Perc, Perk, Tetrachloroethylene,
Perchloroethylene, ethylene tetrachloride,
127-18-4 Cl2C=CCl2 165.83 121.1 -19.00
tetrachlorethene, nema, tetracap, tetropil,
perclene, ankilostin, didakene
Chlorobenzene, monochlorobenzene,
108-90-7 C6H5Cl 112.56 132 -45.60
benzene chloride
100-41-4 Ethylbenzene, Ethyl benzene C6H5C2H5 106.17 136.2 -95.00
m-xylene (1,3-Dimethylbenzene) 106.17 139.1 -47.90
p-xylene (1,4-Dimethylbenzene) C6H5C2H5 106.17 138.3 13.30
Styrene, Ethenylbenzene, styrol, styrolene,
100-42-5 cinnamene, cinnamol, phenylethylene, C6H5CH=CH2 104.16 145.2 -30.60
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-
79-34-5 Tetrachloroethane, sym-tetrachloroethane, CHCl2CHCl2 167.85 146.2 -36.00
acetylene tetrachloride, cellon, bonoform
o-Xylene (1,2-Dimethylbenzene) 106.17 144.4 -25.20
108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (Mesitylene) 120.2 164.7 -44.70
95-63-6 1,3,4-Trimethylbenzene (Pseudocumene) 120.2 169.3 -43.80
541-73-1 m-Dichlorobenzene (1,3-Dichlorobenzene) 1,3,-Cl2C6H4 147.01 173 -24.70
100-44-7 Benzyl chloride C6H5CH2Cl 126.59 179.3 -39.00
Dichlorobenzene; o-Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-
95-50-1 1,2-Cl2C6H4 147.01 180.5 -17.00
Dichlorobenzene; 1,4 Dichlorobenzene, p-
106-46-7 1,4-Cl2C6H4 147.01 174 53.10
Dichlorobenzene, 1,4-Dichlorobenzene(p)
120-82-1 Trichlorobenzene; 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Cl3C6H3 181.45 213.5 17.00
Chemical Abstract Molecular Melting
Service (CAS #) Weight Point (oC)
Hexachlorobutadiene (1,1,2,3,4,4-
Carbon Disulfide
Vinyl Acetate
2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone)
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether
Sample #
Summa ID:
Method: Grab
Time (Seconds):
(Some units have a gauge attached)
SUMMA Canister
The collection of indoor dust samples for multi-purpose comparison requires systematic and
regimented collection and handling protocol. It is the consistent routine practiced at each individual
collection location that allows a direct and representative interpretation of data.
This sampling method defines the fundamental techniques necessary to obtain representative and
defensible indoor dust samples to support an environmental project or study effort. Recognize that
there may be site-specific circumstances that necessitate deviation from the standard protocol
described in this sample collection procedure, and in such case, documentation and record-keeping
diligence is of utmost importance to justify any alternative practice employed.
Sample collection focuses on maximization of both sample mass and careful documentation of area
in which sample mass is collected. The Nilfisk GS-80 high-volume sampler, equipped with a high-
efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, will be used to collect sample mass from pre-measured areas
throughout study homes. Recoverable sample media includes soil and particulate matter having
cross-sectional dimensions of approximately 5 micrometers (µm) and larger, typically embedded in
carpets or deposited on hard-surface areas.
Sample mass will be collected in a vacuum bag protected and secured with a secondary poly liner.
The poly liner allows the vacuum bag to be used, removed, and shipped with minimal exposure to
cross-contamination locations. The initial sample is a combination of the dust collected, the vacuum
bag, and the liner until the sample can be properly processed in a controlled, laboratory
environment. A diagram of the Nilfisk GS-80 vacuum is shown as Figure 2.
Primary sample areas will target living areas in which children are most likely to play or spend
proportionately longer amounts of time, i.e. in front of the television, in the middle of the family-
room floor, and the bedroom floor. In addition, entryways or areas in front
of doorways will also be considered primary sample target locations because of the propensity to
track dirt and dust inside the home from outside areas.
It is crucial to the success of this sampling effort to make every attempt to properly obtain as much
sample mass as may be available in any particular household. Because the target analyte list (TAL)
is relatively extensive, sample mass is the overall limiting factor affecting the comparability of data
obtained. Consequently, in instances where study homes are relatively small or when extracted dust
mass from primary target living areas is not likely to be sufficient to support the TAL, secondary
target areas including hallways and/or additional bedrooms may be systematically sampled to
increase the total mass of the dust sample acquired.
In addition to the dust sample collected using the Nilfisk High-Volume Surface Sampler,
relinquished household vacuum bags will be collected as a precautionary measure. In the event that
analytical results pertaining to the collected dust sample indicate discrepancies or inconsistencies,
additional dust mass will then be available for supplemental examination. The household vacuum
bags will be collected only if they have been used exclusively in the home.
Collected samples will be transported to the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP)
field office for shipment to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Laboratory in Richmond,
California. If additional TAL analyses are required to be performed at alternate laboratories, sample
mass will be divided at the EPA Laboratory and shipped under supplemental chain-of-custody
The following materials will be required to conduct the dust samples. Both disposable and reusable
sampling equipment is required.
4.1 Review field data sheets, and documentation materials to confirm adequate and
appropriate field supplies, sample locations, and preliminary measurement
4.2 Upon arrival at the sampling location, document field conditions per the field log
forms and record all requested general information. Don appropriate field sampling
apparel including Tyvek™ pants, Tyvek™ over-shirt, and booties. Make sure to don
booties at the threshold to the residence prior to entering. Take extra surgical gloves
in the house for subsequent use.
4.3 Survey primary and secondary target sample areas and sketch the area to be
sampled. At a minimum, primary target areas should include the main area in the
living room and/or family room, the area immediately in front of the television (if
possible), the main area in the child’s or children’s bedroom(s), and the entry way or
area in front of the primary entrance to the home. Secondary areas may include
hallways or additional bedrooms, (not bathrooms) as necessary or appropriate,
depending on the mass of sample that is expected to be available at the residence.
Record additional information required on the field log forms, as appropriate.
4.4 Use the folding ruler or template to define 1-square meter (m2) areas to be
vacuumed. Masking tape can be used, if needed, to mark off the perimeter of the 1-
square meter areas designated for sample collection. Do not touch the designated
sample areas with ungloved hands. Using masking tape with surgical gloves is not
practical; therefore, extreme caution must be observed while taping to protect the
unaltered integrity of the sample area. If square meter areas are immediately
adjacent, the entire area may be taped in a single unit as long as the exact area is
measured and logged. Allow narrow walking paths between the targeted sample
areas for maneuverability. Make every attempt to remain outside the delineated areas
while preparing the sample areas and conducting the sampling. Do not allow the
Nilfisk vacuum canister to roll into the segregated sample areas. If used, put the used
masking tape in a Ziploc® bag when finished taping delineated sample areas.
4.5 Record the area designed for sampling in each room, as well as the total area
designated for sampling within the entire residence.
4.7 Working from the sample area at nearest side of each room toward the farthest,
begin sample collection at one corner of a delineated sample area. Move the vacuum
head slowly and deliberately in strips the width of the vacuum head along a lateral
axis of the square area. Pass the vacuum head back and forth four times over each
lateral strip, for a total of eight strokes, and on the last pass, angle the vacuum head
to the right or left (depending on the initial corner selected) to begin the next strip,
which will be the width of the vacuum head, immediately adjacent to the completed
strip. Again, pass the vacuum head back and forth for four complete cycles over the
second lateral strip and then angle the vacuum head to begin the third adjacent strip.
Continue this process until the entire designated unit has been vacuumed with four
“double” passes of the vacuum head.
4.8 Visually inspect the sampled area to assess sample collection efficiency. If visible
dust and dirt remain, or if dust or dirt can be dislodged by agitating carpet fibers
with fingertips, then document the observations and rationale used for continuing the
sample collection protocol and repeat step 4.7. If not, prepare to sample the
remaining delineated sample areas.
4.9 Move to the next delineated area designated for sample collection and repeat steps
4.7 and 4.8 until all of the delineated sample areas have been carefully sampled. Turn
off the vacuum when sampling is complete.
4.10 After all delineated sample areas have been vacuumed according to steps 4.8 and
4.10.1 Hold the vacuum head in the air away from any objects or surfaces and turn
on the vacuum;
4.10.2 Tap the nozzle against your hand to dislodge any residual dust remaining in
the nozzle or the hose for collection in the canister;
4.10.3 Turn off the vacuum cleaner and allow it to sit undisturbed for at least 30
4.10.4 Unsnap the two lower wing-nuts and remove the upper body of the canister
from the collection chamber;
4.10.5 Carefully pull the poly liner away from the outside of the canister and
surround the inner vacuum bag;
4.10.6 Carefully pull the vacuum bag away from the intake port and fold the
aperture to secure the dust contents to the degree possible without the use of
adhesives. Close the poly liner around the vacuum bag using caution to
secure the package;
4.10.7 Transfer the poly liner/vacuum bag package into a Ziploc® plastic bag;
4.10.8 Label the exterior of the plastic bag with the designated sample number as
described in Section 3.0 of the Sampling Plan; and
4.10.9 (By office staff): Log the sample numbers on the proper Chain-of-Custody
form(s). Complete the field sample form and store the secured sample in a
moderately chilled cooler during transportation and shipment to the
designated laboratory. Custody-seal the cooler prior to shipment.
4.11 Unplug and prepare the Nilfisk GS-80 for demobilization. Collect all auxiliary
equipment and gear and remove them from the residence.
4.12 Request from the residence, if available, contents of the household’s vacuum bag for
back-up samples.
5.1 If there is no carpet, measure and tape, if needed, hard-floor areas using the same
protocol as that described for carpeting, but work with the vacuum head brushes
down. It will be imperative to maximize sample area and avoid touching delineated
sample areas with anything except the vacuum head. Delineated sampling units in a
configuration that affords access and maneuverability and follow the standard
operating procedures.
5.2 Determine if the household vacuum has been used exclusively in the home and if so,
politely request the study participant to relinquish the household vacuum bag. If the
study participant consents, collect the vacuum bag while wearing gloves to avoid
contaminating the sample, and secure the vacuum bag in a plastic bag. Double bagging
may be necessary. Label the household vacuum bag sample in accordance with the
procedures defined in Section 3.0 of the Sampling Plan.
5.3 Maximizing sample mass is critical to the success and comparability of this
environmental sampling event. Consequently, if subject residence conditions are
atypical and cannot be accommodated by standard operating procedure, alternative
sampling procedures may be implemented as long as conditions and rationale used to
justify such deviations are documented and recorded in detail on field sample forms.
There is no reasonable way to anticipate every possible conditional anomaly, therefore,
field teams must use sound judgment and good, defensible scientific practice if
implementing sampling procedures alternative to those described.
At the end of each sampling event, decontaminate the Nilfisk GS-80 and all auxiliary equipment in a
well-ventilated area in accordance with the following procedure:
6.1 Assemble one of the sampling trains to be used as the decontamination unit for
decontaminating all of the used vacuum heads, hoses, and wands. Insert a clean poly
liner and vacuum bag to perform the bulk decontamination procedure.
6.2 Put on clean surgical gloves and attach a hose and vacuum head assembly to the
vacuum canister. Turn on the vacuum and use a bottle brush to remove any
accumulated dust. Tap your hand on the vacuum head to remove any visible dirt that
accumulates on the brush. When the vacuum head is visibly clean, remove the vacuum
head and spray with reagent grade methanol. Allow the vacuum head to air dry on a
clean surface.
6.3 Use the bottle brush again to clean the wand and hose to dislodge residual dirt and
dust. Again, tap your hand on the wand intake while cleaning with the bottle brush to
increase the vacuum in the hose.
6.4 Repeat steps 6.2 and 6.3 for each vacuum head, wand, and hose assembly requiring
6.5 When all ancillary Nilfisk GS-80 equipment has been decontaminated, remove the dirty
dust bag and poly liner and wipe the inside of the collection chamber with distilled
water. Wipe the inside of all other collection chambers with distilled water as well.
Spray all Nilfisk collection chambers with reagent grade methanol and allow to air-dry.
If decontaminating equipment between residences, wipe the inside of the collection
chambers between uses.
6.6 Wipe the one (1) square meter (m 2) folding ruler, or equivalent, with distilled water and
then spray with methanol. Allow to air-dry on a clean surface.
6.7 Label decontaminated equipment indicating the date of last decontamination and the
initials of the person performing the decontamination procedure.
Never collect a dust sample without being completely sure that the Nilfisk GS-80 and
auxiliary equipment have been properly decontaminated prior to use.
With limited sample mass available for primary TAL analyses, duplicate or replicate sample protocol
may not be viable or feasible (if the team leader determines a duplicate sample is viable, he or she
will use the extra bags supplied by the field office). If viable, duplicate samples can be taken for 1 in
Health and Safety procedures as described and defined in the NDEP Health and Safety Plan
(HASP) must be observed and implemented prior to dust sample collection. Chemical exposures are
not anticipated, and physical or mechanical hazards are only those that would be found in any
typical household environment.
9.1 Compendium of Emergency Response Team (ERT) Collection of Indoor Dust Samples
from Carpeted Surfaces for Chemical Analysis Using a Nilfisk GS-80 Vacuum Cleaner.
9.2 Chuang, Jane C., Callahan, Patrick J., Menton, Ronald G., and Gordon, Sydney M,
Monitoring Methods for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Distribution in
House Dust and Track-in Soil, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 29, No. 2,
9.3 Lewis, R.G., Fortmann, R.C., Camann, D.E., Evaluation of Methods for Monitoring the
Potential Exposure of Small Children to Pesticides in the Residential Environment, Arch.
Environ. Contam. Toxicology 26, 37-46, 1994.
9.4 American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Practice for Collection of Floor
Dust for Chemical Analysis, Designation: D 5438-00.
9.5 Health and Safety Plan, Prepared in Support of: CDC/NCEH Cross-sectional Exposure
Assessment Study – Churchill County, Nevada. September 25, 2001.
Site: Samplers:
Type of Surfaces: Carpet Style: Plush, Level Loop, Multilevel, Shag, Other
Floors: Hardwood, Cement, Tile, Vinyl, Other
General Comments:
This standard operating procedure (SOP) outlines the recommended protocol and equipment for
collection of a dry-wipe sample to analyze potential surface contamination.
This method of sampling is appropriate for surfaces contaminated with non-volatile species of
analytes. Sample size should be determined based upon detection limit desired and the amount of
sample requested by the analytical laboratory. Typical sample size for this investigation is 95.72
square inches (in2). Based upon sampling location, the sample size may need modification due to
area configuration but only one gauze pad will be used.
These are standard (i.e., typically applicable) operating procedures which may be varied or changed
as required, dependent on site conditions, equipment limitations or limitations imposed by the
procedure or other procedure limitations. In all instances, the ultimate procedures employed should
be documented and associated with the final report.
Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute NDEP endorsement or
recommendation for use.
Since surface situations vary widely, no universal sampling method can be recommended. Rather,
the method and implements used must be tailored to suit a specific sampling site. The sampling
location should be selected based upon the potential for contamination. For this investigation, the
recommended sampling locations are: tube television screens, the top and sides of a projection
television, computer monitor screens, and similar surfaces that attract dust.
Dry-wipe samples are collected from a measured surface to indicate surface contamination. While
wearing a new pair of surgical gloves, open a sterile gauze pad and stroke firmly over the sample
surface, vertically and horizontally, to ensure complete coverage. The pad is then transferred to the
sample container, labeled and sent to the laboratory for analysis.
Samples should be stored in a plastic bag, labeled, placed in a second plastic bag, and shipped to the
laboratory performing the analysis. The laboratory will provide the shipping labels and containers. The
amount of sample required has been determined in concert with the analytical laboratory.
This method has few signification interferences or problems. Typical problems result from rough
porous surfaces, which may be difficult to wipe.
□ Clean plastic bags (Ziploc®)
□ Pre-measured template
□ Field data sheets
□ Sample labels
□ Disposable surgical gloves
□ Sterile wrapped gauze pad (4 in. x 4 in.)
□ Chain of custody records
6.1 Choose an appropriate sampling surface. Without contacting the surface, measure off the
designated area or use the pre-measured template (95.72 in2).
6.2 Record the surface area to be wiped.
6.3 Don a new pair of disposable surgical gloves.
6.4 Open a new sterile package of gauze pads.
6.5 Wipe the marked surface area using firm strokes. Wipe vertically, then horizontally to
ensure complete surface coverage.
6.6 Place the gauze pad in a plastic bag.
6.7 Seal the plastic bag, attach the label and place in a second plastic bag (and place in
container without ice).
6.8 Record all pertinent data on the field data sheets.
6.9 Using a new gauze pad, clean the remainder of the surface and dispose of template and
cleaning gauze pad properly.
6.10 Complete the sampling analysis request form and chain of custody record (this can be
done by the office staff).
Results are usually provided in pCi/area, or other appropriate measurement. Calculations are
typically done by the laboratory.
Duplicate samples will be collected at one out of every 10th sampling event.
A review of the quality control samples will be conducted and the data utilized to qualify the
environmental results.
Health and Safety procedures as described and defined in the NDEP Health and Safety Plan
(HASP) must be observed and implemented prior to dust sample collection. Chemical exposures are
not anticipated, and physical or mechanical hazards are only those that would be found in any
typical household environment.
11.1 U.S. EPA Environmental Response Team, Standard Operating Procedures 2011, November
11.2 Health and Safety Plan, Prepared in Support of: CDC/NCEH Cross-sectional Exposure
Assessment Study – Churchill County, Nevada. September 25, 2001.
Site: Samplers:
Sample Location:
Dimensions of Total
Sample ID Surface Type Sample Area Area (in2)
Number: (template)
Template 95.72
General Comments:
The purpose of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to describe a procedure for sampling of
radon and radon decay product measurements found in homes. This method is based on samples
collected in pre-packaged kits manufactured and distributed by Key Technology, Inc., P.O. Box 562,
Jonestown, PA 17038, Phone (717) 274-8310. Nevada Health Division (NHD) has purchased the
kits and contracted with Key Technology, Inc. to perform the lab test and provide the results for this
study. Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP) will place each kit in the home, collect
the kits, and mail them to the lab.
The method is based on the sample collected in a test period of 48 to 96 hours (2 to 4 days) in a
room where the canister will not be disturbed and away from drafts, an open door, windows,
fireplace, (about 3 feet distance), etc. It should be placed preferably in a basement or the lowest
level of the home (for multi-level homes), and 1 foot away from the exterior walls of the home, but
not in the kitchen, laundry room, cupboard, closet or bathrooms. The canister should be placed at a
height of 2 feet above the floor, and the space chosen should have remained closed for 12 hours
previous to the test period (normal entry and exit is OK).
The “KEY-RAD” kit should be stored in a cool dry place and remain in the box it comes in until the
time of use, then returned to that same box. Radon and radon decay products long-term exposure
rate recommended by EPA and the Surgeon General is 4 pico Curie intensity per liter (pCi/L) or
below. The average indoor rate is 1.3 pCi/L and the outdoor is 0.4 pCi/L. Nevada is in a region of
the U.S. where 9% of the housing units may exceed 4 pCi/L. This is a naturally occurring product
where only a sample can determine the radon or radon decay products exposure rates for a
particular site.
After the radon sample is collected, the container lid is replaced and resealed with the gray vinyl
tape. Make sure the tape tightly seals the lid to the can in the same fashion as when it was removed.
Record the date and time on the information card and the FIELD data sheet. Information card and
canister must be mailed to the laboratory within 24 hours. Results are returned to the NDEP and the
Nevada Division of Health for consolidation of all sample results. Results will be included in the
environmental sampling results packet to the homeowner.
Invalidation may occur in the sampling system if canister is punctured, not properly placed,
overexposed to outdoor air supply, overexposed in the open mode (over 96 hours) or not delivered
to the laboratory in a timely manner. Use of internal/external air exchange systems (other than the
furnace) such as high volume attic and window fans (swamp coolers) should not be operated for at
least 12 hours prior to and during the measurement period. Any circulation system that brings
outdoor air into the home should not be utilized.
The radon sample kit as manufactured by Key Technology, Inc., named “KEY-RAD-KIT.”
7.1 All data must be documented on standard chain of custody records, FIELD data sheet,
or site logbooks.
7.2 All kits must be placed and collected in accordance with operating instructions as
supplied by the manufacturer, unless otherwise specified in the work plan. The radon
sample kit should be intact when placed in the home and when picked up, and must
have documentation completed by the agent of the NDEP.
7.3 Duplicate samples will be taken as 1 in 10-samples. Two (2) canisters will be set side-
by-side at the selected site and returned as specified in Section 6.0 above.
7.4 Blank samples or “unopened canisters” (sample not taken) will be returned as 1 in 20-
Health and Safety procedures as described and defined in the NDEP Health and Safety Plan
(HASP) must be observed and implemented prior to dust sample collection. Chemical exposures are
not anticipated, and physical or mechanical hazards are only those that would be found in any
typical household environment.
Sample #
Method: Grab
The objective of decontamination procedures is to provide clean equipment for the retrieval of
representative environmental samples. All decontamination will be done in the controlled
environment of the NDEP Fallon Field office.
The types of equipment that have contact with the soil samples and will be decontaminated are hand
trowels and disposable aluminum trays. Data collection equipment, such as clipboards, floor area
vacuuming templates and pressure gauges for the Summa Canister will also be decontaminated, as
well as any other reusable equipment which enters the homes, such as buckets for carrying small
items. Decontamination of the dust vacuum sample collection equipment (Nilfisk) is covered under
the dust sample collection SOP.
Clipboards, area templates, calibration equipment (for Summa Canister) and other equipment will
be cleaned using the following procedures:
Sampling Equipment:
Equipment used for soil sample collection includes: stainless steel trowels, disposable aluminum
trays and the rinsate blank water transfer funnel. This equipment will be cleaned using the following
Sampling instruments will be wrapped in aluminum foil after decontamination to keep them clean
before sampling.
1 full 8-oz glass jar (organo-chlorine pesticides analyses and Aroclor PCBs)
215-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
1 full 8-oz glass jar (organo-chlorine pesticides analyses and Aroclor PCBs)
115-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
CLP Label Y0AK0-PEST/PCB (New CLP #, different than for House #215)
Use the same actual house # for these and continue with the sample numbers. These are not blinded
to the laboratory.
3.1 Soil
Collect double the original volume (4 more jars)
Continue same labeling scheme as in original samples
1 full 8-oz glass jar (organo-chlorine pesticides analyses and Aroclor PCBs)
215-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
CLP Label Y0AK0-PEST/PCB (Same CLP # as that for House #215)
NOTE: Duplicates and Lab QC volumes may not be able to come from the same residence. This is
particularly true with the dust. They will rarely be able to collect 2x dust let alone 3x dust.
Collect the equipment rinsate in a turkey pan and transfer to the following containers. Label
numbering scheme will begin at 501 and does not correspond to a particular residence location.
NOTE: 7 liters of liquid are needed below.
1 full 1-liter poly bottle (Metals analyses) with nitric acid preservative
Typically 1 ml to 2 ml nitric acid to get to pH<2.
501-EB-01 (Metals)
CLP Label MY0000-Total Metals (New CLP #, different from any house #)
2 full 1-liter amber glass bottle (o-chlorine pesticides analyses and Aroclor
501-EB-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
CLP Label Y0AK0-PEST/PCB (New CLP #, different from any house #)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
1 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
2 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
3 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
4 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
5 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
6 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
7 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
8 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
9 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
10 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
11 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
12 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
13 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
14 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
15 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
16 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
17 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
18 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
19 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
20 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
2xV -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
21 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
22 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
23 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
24 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
25 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
26 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
27 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
28 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
29 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
30 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
31 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
32 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
33 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
34 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
35 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
36 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
37 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
38 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
39 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
40 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
2xV -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
41 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
42 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
43 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
44 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
45 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
46 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
47 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
48 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
49 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
50 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
51 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
52 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
53 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
54 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
55 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
56 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
57 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
58 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
59 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
60 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
2xV -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
61 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
62 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
63 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
64 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
65 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
66 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
67 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
68 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
69 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
70 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
71 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
72 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
73 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
74 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
75 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
76 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
77 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
78 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
79 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
80 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
2xV -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
81 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
82 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
83 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
84 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
85 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
86 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
87 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
88 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
89 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
90 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Set # NDEP Sample # CLP Sample # Soil Radon Rad Dry Vac Summa
Jars Kits Soil Wipe Bag Canister
91 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
92 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
93 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
94 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
95 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
96 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
97 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
98 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
99 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
100 -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
Dup -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
2xV -SS-01 (Metals)
-SS-01 (o-chlor pest & PCB)
-SS-01 (SVOC)
The objective of the rinsate blank is to provide a laboratory analytical check on possible sources of
contamination of a sample that may be related to equipment decontamination and sample handling
procedures. All rinsate blank samples will be collected in the field. Samples will be collected at a
rate of one blank per 20 soil samples.
The types of equipment that will have contact with the soil samples and will be decontaminated are
steel hand trowels and disposable aluminum trays. The funnel used for transferring the rinsate blank
to the sample bottles will also be decontaminated according to procedures. Sample jars and
disposable plastic scoops will also come in contact with the soil sample. The rinsate blank
procedures will encompass all these pieces of equipment.
Rinsate blanks will be handled, transported and analyzed in the same manner as the soil samples
acquired that day. The rinsate blank is collected in the field and therefore may also be used to assess
ambient conditions that may potentially affect the sample quality.
At the appropriate field location, de-ionized water is passed over the disposable and
decontaminated sample equipment. This equipment includes: hand trowels, disposable aluminum
trays, sample jars and disposable plastic scoops.
The water is collected into the disposable aluminum tray and transferred via a funnel to the
appropriate sample jars, based on analysis to be performed:
□ 1-liter poly bottle for TAL metals analysis (sample water preserved to a pH of <2 with dilute
nitric acid) and sent to CLP Lab.
□ Two 1-liter amber bottles for Pesticide/PCB and sent to CLP Lab.
□ Two 1-liter amber bottles for Semi-Volatile Organics and sent to CLP Lab.