Wearing School Uniform: Jhazmin Ros V. Requito Grade 10 SSC
Wearing School Uniform: Jhazmin Ros V. Requito Grade 10 SSC
Wearing School Uniform: Jhazmin Ros V. Requito Grade 10 SSC
Grade 10 SSC
According to Pro Con.org, the first recorded use of school uniforms is in England in 1222.
Students at one school were required to wear a robe-like outfit called a 'cappa clausa.'
However, it wasn't until the 16th century that modern school uniforms made an appearance in
recorded history.
Today, most students are required to wear uniforms. The tradition began as a way to give
schools a sense of identity and cohesion. School uniforms were meant to bring equality
among the students regardless of their parents' wealth and social status. This also teaches
students to dress smartly or formally from a young age.
In a growing number of school institutions across the nation, students must wear school
According to the US Department of Education, wearing uniform decreases the reported cases
of violence and theft. This, together with the school administration identifies who the
intruders are from their school or not. Another study of educators in 38 North Carolina high
schools found that 61% of the responding principals and assistant principals believe that there
is a reduction in cases of misbehavior on campus when school uniforms were introduced.
Due to school uniforms being mandatory, some students were removed from class because of
inability to afford school uniforms. Families in the poverty line are having a hard time
purchasing a school uniform for their child. According to a study at the University of
Houston, mandatory school uniforms improve student and teacher attendance and retention.
In the positive side, wearing school uniforms reduce fashion pressure. It lessens the pressure
of every student to look for an outfit that will satisfy themselves and the people around them.
Uniforms build more relationships through genuine intention instead of popularity. This also
reduces criticism between the poor and the wealthy. In addition, school uniforms sustain the
discipline of students. This also eliminates the need to find popularity through fashion or
accessories, it becomes possible for students to stay focused on their lessons, retaining the
information learned, and that can lead to better overall grades.
Research shows mixed results: it’s true that some studies show a reduction in the incidence of
misbehavior. But then, there are others that show an increase in student suspensions. What
we do know is this: the pressure is mounting throughout the world to provide meaningful and
affordable educational opportunities to everyone.
Implementing school uniform policies is indeed favorable to us, students and to our families.
Uniforms are better because the overall appearance of each student is similar. It'll lessen the
time we consumed in preparing. And avoids criticism. Though there's no connection between
uniforms and better learning, our uniform is part of our school identity and students unity.
Take pride in wearing it.