KEC Internship Report
KEC Internship Report
KEC Internship Report
Internship Report on
Submitted by
Prof. M.D.Harlapur
Head of the department
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Certified that the project work entitled,“Assembly of Three phase AC Induction Motor”
carried out by Mr.DEVARAJ.K.S(2RH17ME408), was bonafied student of Rural Engineering
College in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical
Engineering of the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2019-20.
It is also certified that all corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have
been incorporated in the Report deposited in the department library. The Internship report has
been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements in respect of Internship Work prescribed
for the said Degree.
External Viva
The materialization of ideas and view of this project has been valuable contribution of
numerous friends and academicians in the form of selfless criticisms, well wishes and above
all words of inspiration. We deeply indebted to all of them.
We extended our gratitude to V.M.Patil , Principal , REC Hulkoti , for his generous
support in all regards.
We extended our heartfelt thanks to all the faculty members, teaching and non-
teaching staff of Department of Mechanical Engineering, REC Hulkoti who have helped us
directly or indirectly.
Acknowledgement i
Company Background 1
Company’s Objectives 3
Vision 3
Mission 3
Safety measures 4
Production department 8
Types of machine 13
Maintenance of machine 14
CHAPTER3 Conclusion 15
Reference 15
Company background:
Kirloskar electric company(KEC) is the leading manufacturer of electrical
&electronics equipments in India. established in 1945, kirloskar electric produces more
than 70 products under 8 different product groups, catering to core sectors of the
economy like power generations, transmission and distribution, transportation and
renewable energy, sugar, steel, cement and allied industries.
Company’s Objective:
We shall be amongst the first five pumps companies in the world by in the year
2015 become the preferred choice of customers as well as employees.
We shall be known globally as a reliable, innovative and cost effective solution
provider in hydraulic machines and systems.
Fig1.3. Shop 2
Safety measures:
[1] Do not use any tools or equipment until instructed on their proper use.
[2] Use safety glasses whenever around chemicals that may splash or objects that can be
[3] Most accidents occur when people rush their work.
[4] keep the industry clean and neat. Clutter and broken or dirty tools can create a safety
[5] Be sure your hands are dry before working with electrical equipment.
[6] Do not let electrical cords dangle from workstations;dangling cords can cause tripping
or electrical shocks.
[7] Take noise cancellation measures.
[8] Do not exceed the input voltage range.
[9] Do not use the motor for load lowering operations.
[10] Conduct separate insulation resistance and dielectric strength tests for the motor and
Title of the Area of Internship undergone
Engineering departments plays a major role in giving shapes the product i.e.,
electric motors, generators, transformers, and controllers. It is mainly concerned with the
designing the product according to the needs and wants of customers. Highly technically
background employees will work together to ensure maximum satisfaction to the
customer. This department consists of 75 employees.
Production department is the main department in any manufacturing unit as all
manufacturing activities are undertaken by this department. Production department in any
industry performs the functions of converting raw materialsinto finished goods requires a
predetermined plan so that available resources of company are used to optimum level and
more wastage is reduced to the greater extent.
The department is divided into two shops:
[2] Assembly shop(shop3,shop4 and shop5)
Through integration with other modules(for ex: material management,
production, sales and distribution, personnel management and controlling) the data is
always kept current and processes that are necessary for plant maintenance and customer
service are automatically triggered in other areas(for ex: a purchase requisition for non-
stock materials in the materials management/purchasing area).
The word “marketing” is derived from Latin word “MARCATUS” which means
MERCHANDISE where trade or place of business is conducted. The essence of
marketing is a transaction , which when one social unit strives to exchange something of
value with another social unit.
The corporate finance department controls the financial activities of all 5 units of
kirloskar electric company(KEC).it is responsible for taking all the important financial
decision and also prepares the annual operating plans& the long range plans. The monthly
operating plans are divided into weekly& daily plans.
Production departments:
The manufacturing function are carried out in this this shop all the raw
materials are pooled up then given a shape, which is partially ready. The main function
like balancing, drilling, and rotor sub assembly is done here.
The following process involved:
[1] Bar cutting.
[2] Shrinking and pressing.
[3] Facing and centring
[4] Machining.
[5] Keyway milling.
[6] Drilling and tapping.
[7] Bearingand grinding.
[1] A balancing machine is a measuring tool used for balancing rotating machine parts
such as rotors for electric motors, fans, turbines, disc brakes, disc drives, propellers and
[2] The machine usually consists of two rigid pedestals, with suspension and bearings on
top supporting a mounting platform.
[3] Drilling and tapping: drilling and tapping machines are used to drill or thread holes in
a surface. Drilling and tapping machines vary from the tiny bench machine used in the
finest jewellers operation to the huge, heavy-duty machines that bore large holes in steel
forgings at an astonishing rate. Vertical Drilling machine known as a drilling press.
Die casting is a manufacturing process that can produce geometrically complex metal
parts through the use of reusable molts. called dies. The die casting process involves use
of furnace, metals, die casting machine,anddie.The metal typically non ferrous alloy such
as aluminium or zinc, is melted in the furnace and then injected into the dies in the die
casting machine.
Low density.
Good corrosion resistance.
High thermal and electrical conductivity.
High dimensional stability.
Relatively easy to cast.
7. Insert the coil twisted end if the stack through as per elect span, use slot inner, slot top
and wedges.
8. Insert phase separation.
9. Insert the thermistor one per phase for frame 160to225,lead length500mm for frame
180,200and 225 frames standards.
10. End connections ref electrical specifications.
11. Binding of cover hangs with treeline tape or thread use sticker for identification.
This shop is known as INVOTECH CENTRE i.e. R&D division of the
this shop, the product development is the main function. This shop is closely related to
the engineering dept. and hence carries on its activities in accordance with theengineering
dept. the activities of this shop include tests for future department, vibrator testing
reliability etc.
Shop 5:
Fig 2.7 Starting and End connection Fig 2.8 Fixing of Rotor
The three phase induction motor is the most widely used electrical motor. Almost
80% of the mechanical power used by industries is provided by three phase induction
motors because of its simple and rugged construction ,low cost, good operating
characteristics, the absence ofCommutator and good speed three phase
induction motor, the power is transferred from stator to rotor winding through induction.
The induction motor is also called a synchronous motor.
The rotor is a rotating part of induction motor. the rotor is connected to the
mechanical load through the shaft.
Types of machines:
[1] Shaper machine.
[2] Drill press.
[3] Jig machines.
[4] Lathe machines.
[5] Alumimium chokes.
[6] Grinding machines.
[7] Welding machines.
[8] Milling machines.
[9] Planner.
[10] Drilling machines.
Maintenance of machines:
[1] Keep daily records of use and oversee operation.
[2] Maintain a schedule of planned maintenance.
Raw materials:
[1] Welding wire.
[2] Casting-
Stainless steel.
[3] Plate metal.
[4] Bolts and nuts.
[5] Zinc.
[6] Tungsten.
During the 4 weeks, it was totally a new experience entering into the organization
and spent most of the time visiting various departments, interacting with people the
beginning of the training,I went to different production sites where the assembling of the
material is taking place.
There I understood as to how the production work is divided and how the
responsibility is allocated.after production site I the subsequent weeks I went to different
department like human resource management,quality,marketing,finance etc.i was able to
understand the importance of each department and their contributiontowards
achievements of the company objectives. I came to know the importance of managerial
knowledege such as planning,organizing,directing and controlling etc.
I also learnt the importance of time management that is key parameter for any
organization towards success was really nice and great experience working in the
organization like KIRLOSKAR ELECTRIC CO LIMITED,which is of great repute in the
electrical industry.
[3] wikipedia
[4] AC motors wekepedia