Football Reading
Football Reading
Football Reading
A. Warm-Up Questions
11. train k) the people who are in control or have the power
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Sports & Leisure
1. Soccer is a game in which players score a point by getting a ball into “The best decisions
the other team’s goal. Each team has 11 players, including a goalkeeper. aren’t made with
In many parts of the world, soccer is called football.
your mind but
2. Games that involved kicking a ball have been played for over 3,000 with your instinct.”
years. Ancient Chinese, Greek, and Roman soldiers played them to
—Lionel Messi
train for war. Religious ceremonies and wedding celebrations often
included such a game.
7. Over the years, British sailors and settlers introduced the game
to Europe, South and North America, and India. In 1908, soccer
became an Olympic sport.
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Sports & Leisure
A. True or False?
Read the statements below.
If the statement is true, write T beside the sentence.
If it is false, write F and correct the information in your notebook.
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Sports & Leisure
Vocabulary Review
Complete the sentences using vocabulary from page 1.
You may need to change the word forms.
1. I need a to wash the car.
4. You don’t need any experience for that job. The company will you.
1. Why do you think soccer is the most popular sport in the world?
4. Have you ever played a team sport? If so, what sport was it?
How long did you play? What skills did you gain from your experience?
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Sports & Leisure
Answer Key
Students read about soccer, also known as “football.” After TIME: 1.5–2 hours
learning vocabulary and checking comprehension, students
TAGS: s occer, football, sports, athlete, Olympics,
discuss why soccer is such a popular sport around the world.
summer, history, British, London, middle ages
They also share their own experiences in team sports.
Answers will vary. bladders, rubber balls, and balls made from
animal skins stuffed with hair, grass, or rags.
4. In the past, soccer balls were made of leather, but
3. The British authorities tried to ban the game because
nowadays most soccer balls are made of synthetic,
there were no rules and the games were very violent.
man-made materials such as polyurethane.
4. Modern soccer developed from the long, violent ball
games played in Britain in the Middle Ages. Eventually,
rules were created to make the game less violent.
2. g 4. f 6. a 8. d 10. i 12. c formed and rules were set for member clubs to follow.
6. In 1869, a rule was added that players
could not touch the ball with their hands.
Quick Facts
7. British sailors and settlers introduced the
game of soccer to North and South America.
Also called: football (outside North America)
Playing surface: soccer field
Equipment: ball, goal, cleats
Vocabulary Review
1. F – A soccer team has eleven players including a goalkeeper.
2. T Discuss as a class, in groups, or in pairs. Answers will vary.
3. T
4. F – The modern game of soccer began in Britain.
5. T
This lesson shows the American spelling of the word Practice.
Most other English-speaking countries spell it this way: Practise
(when used as a verb, Practice when used as a noun). Make it a
challenge for your students to find this word in the lesson and
see if they know the alternate spelling.
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