Vedic Maths: Quant
Vedic Maths: Quant
Vedic Maths: Quant
Table of Contents
1. Vedic Math 1
3. Multiplying Numbers 12
Chapter 1: Vedic Math
Squaring a number
Part – I:
While squaring a number, you need a base. All those
numbers can be taken as bases, which have a 1 and the
rest number of zeroes with them (i.e. the complete round
numbers like 100, 1000, 10000 etc.). The square of a
number will have two parts, the left part and the right part.
There is no limit for the left side, but the right side must
have as many digits as the number of zeroes in the base
i.e. if 100 is taken as the base there should be 2 zeroes on
the right side and if 1000 is taken as the base then the
number of digits on RHS should be 3.
Now take a number 92. The nearest complete base is
100. The difference between the base and the number
given is 8. The square of this difference is 64, which will
become the right side. As it is already having two digits,
so it would be simply placed on the right side. Now the
difference of 8 is subtracted from the number given i.e. 92
– 8 = 84 and it will become the left side. Therefore the
square of 92 is 8464.
Take another number say 94, which is 6 less than the
base. While squaring 94, the right side will be (6)2 i.e. 36.
And the left side would be the number given – difference
i.e. 94 – 6 = 88. So the square of 94 is 8836. If the square
of the difference is having lesser digits then required, then
in order to have the needed number of digits on the right
side, 0’s can be put with the square. e.g. if you square a
number like 97, the difference is 3. The right side, in this
case, would become 09 because 9 is a single digit
number and you’ll have to put a ‘0’ before it to make it a
two-digit right-hand side. The left side would be 97 – 3 =
94. The square is 9409.
In case, the number of digits is more than needed, then
the extra digits are carried to the left side. e.g. take 86.
The difference is 14 and the square of the difference is
196, which is a 3-digit number, so the 3rd extra digit 1
would be carried to the left side. The left side is 86 – 14 =
72 + 1 (carried over) = 73.
So the square of the number is
+ -196
7 396
92 _______ 96 _______ 99 _______ 91 _______
76 _______ 82 _______
Part – II:
If the number to be squared is greater than the base, then
there is only one difference in approach i.e. the difference
between the number and the base is to be added in the
number instead of subtracting. Take a number 107. The
difference is 7. The right side will have square of
difference i.e. (7)2 = 49. And the left side will be 107 + 7 =
114. The number is greater than the base. So the square
is 11449. Similarly even in this case, if the number of
digits on the right side less than the required number, then
you can write ‘0’s with it to get the right side. The square
of 103 would be : the difference is 3, its square is 9, which
is a single digit number, so a 0 would be written with it i.e.
09. Then the left side is 103 + 3 = 106. The square
becomes 10609.
In case the square of the difference is a 3-digit number,
then the third digit would be carried to the left side.
Consider one number say 118. The difference is 18
(18)2 324. Out of this 3-digit number the third digit 3
would be taken to the left side. The left side would
become 118 + 18 + 3 (Carried) = 139 and the square
would be
136 --
+- -324
Square the following numbers:
= 74,500 - 745 = 73,755.
2. To multiply by 5 or powers of 5
a. To multiply by 5, multiply by 10 and divide by 2.
e.g. 137 5 = = 685
b. To multiply by 25, multiply by 100 and divide by 4.
e.g. 24 25 = 24 = 2, 400 = 600
4 4
c. To multiply by 125, multiply by 1,000 and then divide
by 8
e.g. 48 125 = 48 1, 000 = 48, 000 = 6,000
8 8
d. To multiply by 625, multiply by 10,000 & then divide by
10, 000
e.g. 64 625 = 64 = 40,000
connecting plus sign between the numbers and the
d. The final answer will have two parts. With one on the
left-hand side and the other on the right-hand side. The
right-hand side is the multiplication of the two
remainders and the left-hand side is either the
difference of a and r2 or b and r1 if the numbers are
less than the closest power of 10. Otherwise, it is the
sum of a and r2 or b and r1.
Taking few examples, which make the procedure clear,
94 – 6
81, 78 8178
Here, 6 in the first row is the difference 100 and 94 and
the 13 in the second row is the difference between 100
and 87. The right-hand side of the answer is obtained by
the multiplication of 6 and 13 which is 78 and the left-
hand side is obtained by the difference between either 87
and 6 or 94 and 13, both of which give the answer 81.
112 + 12
120, 96
e.g. When the number of digits of the product of the
remainders is greater than the power of 10 closest to the
two numbers - Product 84 and 92
84 - 16
92 - 8
76, 28
(76 +1), 28 7728
As the product of 16 and 8 is 128, which is a three-digit
number as against 2 being the power of 10 in 100, we
carry forward the digits on the left more than 2 digits (in
this case) and add to 76, the left-hand side of the answer.
108 + 8
96, 96
95, (100 - 96) 95,04
The operation is similar, except that as the right-hand
side of the answer is obtained by the multiplication of a
positive and a negative number, the answer has to be
subtracted from 100 by reducing the left-hand side
number by 1.
41 - 9
43 - 7
34, 63
5. Multiplication of numbers whose unit digits add up to
10 and have the same 10th place
Let us take an example - 47 43
Multiply the unit’s digits = 7 3 = 21
Then multiply 4, which is the tenth’s digit with 5 which 1
+ 4 = 20
Therefore, the answer is 2021
The corollary would be finding the squares of numbers
ending with 5
e.g. 352 (3 4), 25 = 1225
Chapter 3: Multiplying numbers
When a 2-digit number is to be multiplied by a two-digit
number the following process would be applied. If there
were two numbers AB and CD then their product would be
calculated as under.
Step 1: BD (Write only the unit’s digit and carry the rest to
the next step).
Step 3: 2 5 + 5 (Carried Over) = 15 (Write 15 because
this is the last step)
Therefore 1537 is the answer
Step 1: CF ( Write only the unit’s digit and carry the rest to
the next step)
Step 4: 1 5 + 2 4 + 3 (Carried Over) = 16 (Write 6 and 1
is carried over to the next step)
Here are some problems for practice.
Chapter 4: Tables, Squares and Cubes to be
As you have decided to improve your quantitative skills,
but keep in mind you cannot be good at Math unless you
are good at calculations. Take this as the starting point
and make it the most important part of your preparation.
Learn all these tables by heart and see how you improve
your calculation speed.
T 1 T 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 T 7 T 8 T 9 T10
12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
13 26 39 52 65 78 91 104 117 130
14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140
15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
16 32 48 64 80 96 112 128 144 160
17 34 51 68 85 102 119 136 153 170
18 36 54 72 90 108 126 144 162 180
19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190
21 42 63 84 105 126 147 168 189 210
23 46 69 92 115 138 161 184 207 230
24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240
27 54 81 108 135 162 189 216 243 270
29 58 87 116 145 174 203 232 261 290
37 74 111 148 185 222 259 296 333 370
Learn these squares by heart.
Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Z2 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
Z 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Z2 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361 400
Z 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Z2 441 484 529 576 625 676 729 784 841 900
Z 31 32 33 34 35
Z2 961 1024 1089 1156 1225
Learn these cubes by heart
Z Z3
1 1
2 8
3 27
4 64
5 125
6 216
7 343
8 512
9 729
10 1000
11 1331
12 1728
13 2197
14 2744
15 3375
16 4096
17 4913
18 5832
19 6859
20 8000