Software Project Manag

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School of Computer Science & Engineering

Course File

Software Project Management (BCE07101)

B.Tech(Computer Engineering)
VIIstSemester(Batch 2016-2020)

Prepared by
Deepak Kumar Gour
Assistant Professor

Odd Semester (2019-20)
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Table of Content
Sr. No Content
Theory Subject Lab
1. List of Registered Students
2. Vision & Mission
3. Academic Calendar
4. Time Table
5. Scheme & Syllabus (Books Recommended) List of Programs
6. CO, PO and PSO
7. Teaching-Learning-Evaluation Plan
8. Zero Lecture (T) Value added
9. Zero Lecture Interaction Mode
10. Class Room Activities Record
Assignments Seminars Extempore Projects Value Added
11. Outdoor Activity (if any)
12. Attendance Analysis & Remedial Actions
13. Result Analysis and Remedial Actions
14. Debarred status
15. R1 Sheet R3 Sheet
16. Details of Remedial Classes
A. Extra Classes (Including Schedule & Attendance0
B. SPL (Containing, Expert Name, Date/Time, Topic, Aattendance)
C. Guest Lecture/Workshop (Expert Name, Date/Time, Topic,
17. List of Failures (if any)
18. Concluding Remarks
School of Computer Science & Engineering
List of Registered Students
B.Tech4 year (Batch 2016-20)

School of Computer Science & Engineering
Vision & Mission


University Level:
1) Our vision is to create knowledge based society with scientific
temper, team spirit and dignity of labour to face global
competitive challenges.


University Level:
To evolve and develop skill based systems for effective delivery
of knowledge so as to equip young professionals with dedication
and commitment to excellence in all spheres of life.
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Vision & Mission


University Level:
1) To produce graduates as leaders, innovators, and updated
computer engineering professionals with global competence to
ever changing industrial demands and social needs.


Computer Engineering Department

1) To produce a quality learning environment that helps students to
enhance problem solving skills and to be lifelong learners in ever
evolving and challenging global technological developments
2) To collaborate with industry and institutes to make students
ready for the professions across disciplines, nationally and
globally. Create nurturing environment for lifelong learning skills.
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Academic Calender
School of Computer Science & Engineering
This course covers the introductory concepts of software project management including Software Project Models,
Software Management Concepts, Software Quality Management, Software Metrics, Project and Cost Estimation. As a
result of successfully completing this course, the student will understand the unique Considerations of the software
development life cycle that impact project management. More specifically, the student will learn about best practices in
the field.
Unit No. Title of the unit Time required for the Unit (Hours)
1 Project concepts and its 8
2 Cost Estimation 10
3 Software Quality Management 10
4 Software management and Metrics 10
5 Project evaluation and emerging 10
Unit Details
1. Project concepts and its Management

Introduction of Unit
Project life cycle models-ISO 9001 model-Capability Maturity Model-Project Planning-Project tracking-Project closure.
Evolution of Software Economics – Software Management Process Framework: Phases, Artifacts, Workflows,
Checkpoints – Software Management Disciplines: Planning / Project Organization and Responsibilities / Automation /
Project Control – Modern Project Profiles
Conclusion of Unit

2. Cost Estimation

Introduction of Unit
Problems in Software Estimation – Algorithmic Cost Estimation Process, Function Points, SLIM (Software Life Cycle
COCOMO II (Constructive Cost Model) – Estimating Web Application Development – Concepts of Finance.
Activity Based Costing and Economic Value Added (EVA) – Balanced Score Card.
Conclusion of Unit

3. Software Quality Management

Introduction of Unit
Software Quality Factors – Software Quality Components
Software Quality Plan – Software Quality Metrics
Software Quality Costs
Software Quality Assurance Standard – Certification – Assessment.
Conclusion of Unit

4. Software Management and Metrics

Introduction of Unit
Software Configuration Management – Risk Management
Risk Assessment: Identification / Analysis / Prioritization
Risk Control: Planning / Resolution / Monitoring – Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) –
Defect Management – Cost Management.
Software Metrics – Classification of Software Metrics: Product Metrics: Size Metrics, Complexity Metrics,
Halstead’s Product Metrics, Quality Metrics, and Process metrics.
Conclusion of Unit

5. Project Evaluation and Emerging Trends

Introduction of Unit

Strategic Assessment–Technical Assessment–Cost Benefit Analysis–Cash Flow Forecasting–Cost Benefit
Evaluation Technique–Risk Evaluation–Software Effort
Estimation. Emerging Trends: Import of the internet on project Management –people Focused Process Models.
Conclusion of Unit

Sr.No Reference Book Author Publication

1 Managing and global Ramesh Gopalaswamy Tata McGraw Hill Tenth
Software Projects Reprint, 2011.
2 Software Engineering- A 7th Edition ,McGraw Hill, Roger S.Pressman
Practitioner’s Approach 2010
3 Software Quality Daniel Galin Addison-Wesley, 2003
Assurance: from Theory to
4 Metrics and Models in Stephen H, Kan Addison-Wesley, 2002
Software Quality
5 Software Metrics: A Fenton, N.E., and Pfleeger, Brooks Cole, 1998
Rigorous and Practical S.L..
Approach, Revised

School of Computer Science & Engineering

PO’s, CO’s & PSO’s
B.Tech(CE) VIIth Semester (Batch 2015-19)
Program Outcome (POs):
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyse complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems

and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate
consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental

PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.

PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to
the professional engineering practice.

PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional

engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
the need for sustainable development.

PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.

PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the

engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective
reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and receive clear instructions.

PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader
in team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
B.Tech --- Program Educational Objectives
Program Education Objectives (PEOs)

1) To provide in depth understanding of computing discipline and to develop professional

skills in graduates that prepare them for immediate employment and for lifelong learning
in advanced areas of computer engineer fields.
2) To expose students to latest tools and technologies so that they can analyze, design and
create novel products and feasible solutions for real life problems.
3) To inculcate sufficient communication & interpersonal skills, leadership skills which
enable them to be successful entrepreneurs or play the leading roles in multifaceted teams.
4) To expose graduates to various contemporary issues this will enable them become ethical
and responsible towards themselves, co-workers the society and nation.

Program Specific Outcome (PSOs):

PSO1:The graduates are proficient in fundamental principles and methods of Computer

Science, Mathematical and Scientific reasoning and are able to:
a) Apply fundamental concepts of integration, differentiation, vector calculus, probability &
statistics, and discrete mathematics.
b) Design, create & evaluate algorithms and data structures appropriate to specific problems.

PSO2:The graduates possess in-depth knowledge of various components of hardware and

system software. The students have thorough understanding:
a) Architecture of computer system and functionality of various units.
b) Role of operating system in managing the hardware units.
c) Computer networks and security related issues.

PSO3:The graduates are competent in object oriented programming languages and possess
basic knowledge of several other programming languages.

PSO4:The graduates exhibit knowledge of diverse software engineering practices and

project management and can work as a team leader/team member in developing software of
multidisciplinary nature.

PSO5:The graduates possess ability to explore emerging technologies and provide

innovative solutions to real time problems within constraints such as financial,
environmental, social and ethical.
Course Outcomes and their mapping
 Description of Course Outcomes
CO201.1Student will learn various programming concepts with basic fundamental rules.
CO201.2Student will learn key concept of programming in terms to develop any software.
CO201.3They can create small software using C language and apply concepts into reality.
CO201.4They will relate programming with other related technologies and learn them as well
CO201.5 Student can make their career in programming world and develop software for need of
 Mapping with POs (Course Articulation)

COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO!0 PO11 PO12
CO 201.1
CO 201.2
CO 201.3
CO 201.4
CO 201.5


COs PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12



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Name & Signature
(Deepak Kumar Gour)
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Teaching Learning Evaluation Program (TLEP)
Course: B.Tech (CE)-VIIthSemester Session: June-Jan 2018
Faculty Name: Deepak Kumar Gour
Sub Code Subject Name L T P C
BCE07101 Software Project Management 4 0 4 6

1. Objective: Make the students to learn about Software Project Managementon

following concepts

 What is Software Project Management?

 whySoftware Project Management is useful in software industry?

 What are the broad areas of Software Project Management?

2. Learning Outcome: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to explain


 Will able to explain SPM is important

 Student will learn all basics for Software Project Management.

A. Teaching Learning Plan:
Note: A- Assignment, E-Extempore, Q- Quiz, S- Student Seminar, P- Project
S. Topic/Module/Unit No. Pedag Unit Objectives Unit Learning No. of
No of ogy Outcome
1 Project life cycle models-ISO 9001 This unit will make After completion of
model-Capability Maturity Model- student understand this unit student
Project Planning-Project tracking- about Project will be able to
Project closure. concepts and its understand about
Management Project concepts
Evolution of Software Economics –
and its
Software Management Process
Framework: Phases, Artifacts,
1-8 PPT 1 1
Workflows, Checkpoints – Software
Management Disciplines: Planning /
Project Organization and
Responsibilities / Automation /
Project Control – Modern Project

2 Problems in Software Estimation – This unit will make After completion of

Algorithmic Cost Estimation Process, student understand this unit student
Function Points, SLIM (Software Life aboutCost will be able to
Cycle Management). Estimation understand Cost
COCOMO II (Constructive Cost
Model) – Estimating Web
9-20 PPT 1 1
Application Development – Concepts
of Finance.
Activity Based Costing and
Economic Value Added (EVA) –
Balanced Score Card.

3 Software Quality Factors – Software PPT This unit will make After completion of
Quality Components student understand this unit student
Software Quality Plan – Software about Software will be able to
Quality Metrics Quality understand about
21-32 Management. Software Quality 1
Software Quality Costs
Software Quality Assurance
Standard – Certification –
4 Software Configuration PPT
Management – Risk Management
Risk Assessment: Identification /
Analysis / Prioritization
Risk Control: Planning /
Resolution / Monitoring – Failure
Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
– After completion of
Defect Management – Cost This unit will make this unit student
Management. student understand will able to
Software Metrics – Classification 33-40 about Software understand 1 1
of Software Metrics: Product Management and Software
Metrics: Size Metrics, Complexity Metrics. Management and
Metrics, Halstead’s Product Metrics
Metrics, Quality Metrics, and
Process metrics.
5 Strategic Assessment–Technical
Assessment–Cost Benefit Analysis–
Cash Flow Forecasting–Cost This unit will After completion of
Benefit make student this unit student
Evaluation Technique–Risk understand will be able to
Evaluation–Software Effort 41-48 PPT
understand Project
Estimation. Emerging Trends:
about Project
Evaluation and Evaluation and
Import of the internet on project Emerging Trends.
Management –people Focused Emerging Trends.
Process Models.


1. Text Books:
1. Mastering in C by Venugopal Tata MCGRAW Hill
2. C Programming: A Modern Approach by K.N. King
2. Reference Books:
1. Let us C, 6th Edition by YashwantKanetka PBP Publication
2. The C programming Language by Richie and Kenninghan BPB Publication,2004

Name and Signature of the Subject Teacher: Mazhar Ahmed

B. Evaluation Plan:

1. Examination Pattern

Component Frequency Marks*

CIE-I 1 time 7
MSE 1 time 15
CIE-II 1 time 7
End Term 1 time 60
Continuous Assessment* Throughout the Semester 11
Theory Total 100
1st Term 1 time 40
2nd Term 1 time 20
End Term 1 time 40
Practical Total 100
Grand Total 200
2.* Scheme for evaluation of Continuous Evaluation
Component Frequency* Marks*
Assignments 4 Nos. 10
Student Seminar (syndicate) 1/syndicate (4-5 student) 10
Extempore/Presentation 1/student 10
Quiz/surprise test 2 times 10
Project ( Group/Individual) 1 /student or Group
Total 40

Name & Signature

(Deepak Kumar Gour)
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Zero Lecture (Interaction Mode)
Sample questions for interaction are given below. Faculty may prepare the questions/ points for interaction
so that the content of zero lectures can be revised in total.

Q.1. What is the relevance of this subject to branch?

Q.2. What is the relevance of this subject to society?

Q.3.Why we study this subject?

Q.4.Where we can use this subject knowledge in our daily life?

Q.5. Write the subject name with its code.

Q.6. Write two references as well as text books name for this subject.

Q.7.Which subject and laboratory is related to this subject?

Q.8. Explain the course outcome of the subject. How the CO’s are useful for you after completion of your
B.Tech course?

Subject related Quiz by respective faculty. (Min. 10 questions should be there in quiz):


Name & Signature

(Deepak Kumar Gour)
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Zero Lecture (Delivery Mode)
School: SCE Program: B.TechClass/Section:7th semester/ 4th year
Name of Faculty: Deepak Kumar Gour

1). Name of Course:Software Project Management Code:BCE07101

2). Self-Introduction:

a). Name: Deepak Kumar Gour

b). Qualification: M.Tech Computer Engineering, CCNA Certified
c). Designation: Assistant Professor
d). Experience: 9 year
e). E-mail Id:
f). Other details:


 Python Data Structure from University of Michigan, U.S.A. with an aggregate of 99.20 % in
the year 2017.
 Introduction to the Internet of Things (IoT) and Embedded Systems from University of
California (U.C.I.), Irvine, U.S.A. with an aggregate of 96.00 % in the year 2016.
 Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) from University of Michigan,
U.S.A. with an aggregate of 99.10 % in the year 2016.
 Computer Concepts and Programming in C
 Data Structure
 Computer Networks
 Data Base Management System
 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
 Operating System, etc.

 Routers series used : 2611, 2811.
 Switches series used : Cisco Catalyst Switches 2960, 2950, 3560 (MLS).
 Routing protocols : RIP, EIGRP, OSPF,BGP .
 Operating systems : LINUX, WINDOWS XP , WINDOWS 7.
 Programming Languages :C, C++, CORE JAVA, PYTHON.

 Given Best Result (~100%) for all the theory papers taught (Till Date ).
 SecondPrize in the event “IDEAZ” in the Annual Technical Festival “Cognizance-2014”

CISCO Certified Network Associate (CCNA-RS) - CSCO12933420

International :- 5
National :- 2

3-A). Introduction to course: -

a). Relevance to Branch: to understand the concept of programming language in terms of

BCAdegree. Student will get job in good IT companies after successfully completion of their degree.

b). Relevance to Society: to develop application to give ease to society for various manual works like
documentation, accounting transport management services etc.

c). Relevance to Self: student will add up skills of programming language to enhance their career.

d). Relation with laboratory: without practical the things are not understandable.

e). Connection with previous year and next year:after successfully completion of C language student
will be understand about programming and further learn oops based programming like Java, C++ etc.

f). Potential for career: In today’s environment in every field there is very much need of

3-B).Outcome Based Education System: To mention and discuss Course Outcomes.

 Student will understand about programming fundamentals as a beginner programmer

 Student will understand current market requirement and demands of society
 Student will be able to create their own small projects on C programming language
 Student can make their career as a programmer after successfully completion of this course

4). Syllabus Deployment: -

a). Total weeks/ Working days available for academics (excluding holidays) as per Poornima
University calendar- (Depends on allotted periods per week).

Program &Semester:

Total No. of Teaching days/Hours available as per PU Calendar 40+8=48

for the course

Hours to be considered for special activities as given below 8

Actual no. of hours available for teaching the course 40

Note: Individual faculty must calculate the exact no. of lectures available according to time table
etc. after consultation with HOD.
b). Special Activities (To be approved by HOD & Dean& must be mentioned in deployment):

Open Book Test- 01 Hr.-Once in a semester during midterm exams

 Quiz - 01 Hr.-Once in a semester after midterm exams

 Special Lectures (SPL)- Minimum 10% of total no. of lectures including following:
(SPL focus could be A category topics or latest technology and evenly distributed in a

i. ……2…. Hr.-Smart Class by the faculty, who is teaching the course

ii. ……1….Hr.-e-Shiksha Class by the faculty, who is teaching the course
iii. ……1….. Hr.-SPL by expert faculty at PGC level
iv. ……1…. Hr.-SPL by expert from in-house/industry/academia (other
 Revision classes (Solving Important Question Bank):- 01 Hr.- 01 class before Mid Term and 02
Hr.- 2 classes before End Term Exam
c). Lecture schedule

University scheme (L+T+P) = 4+ 0 + 4

(For P also there should be 1 lecture for half of the experiments, Total 2 in a semester)

No. of Lecture per week as per scheme: 4Total Lectures available for teaching: 48
Sr. Name of Unit No. of Broad Area Degree of Text/ Reference
No. lectures difficulty books
1. Project concepts and its 1-8 )

Management L

2. Cost Estimation 9-20


3. Software Quality Management 21-32


4. Software management and 33-40

Metrics M

5. Project evaluation and 41-48

emerging trends H

5). Books/ Website/Journals & Handbooks/ Association & Institution:

a).Recommended Text & Reference Books and Websites:

(Should consider library availability of specified number of books)

S. No. Title of Book Authors Publisher Cost No. of books in

(Rs.) Library

Text Books

T1 Managing and global Ramesh Tata McGraw Hill

Software Projects Gopalaswamy Tenth Reprint,
T2 Software Engineering- A 7th Edition Roger S.Pressman
Practitioner’s Approach ,McGraw Hill,
Reference Books

R1 Software Quality Daniel Galin Addison-Wesley,

Assurance: from Theory to 2003
R2 Metrics and Models in Stephen H, Addison-Wesley,
Software Quality Kan 2002
Websites related to course

1 Tutorial points

b). Journals & Handbooks: - To give information about different Journals & Handbooks available in
library related to the course and branch.
c). Associations and Institutions: -To give information about different Associations and Institutions
related to the course and branch.
d). Relevance to G.A.T.E. where applicable.
6). Examination Systems:
a. Internal Evaluation (IE) 40%

a1) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE-I): Quiz / Class Test 7%

(Announced / Unannounced)
a2) Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE-II): Quiz / Class Test 7%
(Announced / Unannounced)
a3) Performance and Assignment (Assignment / Project / Papers / 6%
Essays / Class Participation)
a4) Attendance and Conduct 5%

a5) Mid Semester Exams (MSE) – One Time 15 %

b. End Semester Exam (ESE) - One Time 60%

TOTAL 100 %


a. Internal Evaluation (IE) 60%

-CIE (Pr): Performance, Lab Record, Viva, Attendance and 40%

discipline- Two Times

-Mid Semester Exams: Practical/ Lab exam and viva 20%

conducted by the department/school/university- One Time

b. End Semester Exam (ESE)- One Time 40%

TOTAL 100 %

7).Any other important point:

Place & Date:


Name & Signature

(Deepak Kumar Gour)
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Class Room Activity Record (Assignments / Seminars / Projects /
Value added programs)
Assignment List

Date of Assignment Date of Submission

Max Marks: 10
Unit 1:
Q1. Write note of 100 words about C programming language. Discuss latest programming trends
Q2. Write an algorithm to display all even number from one to hundred
Q3. Create flow chart to add two numbers in C language

Unit 2:
Q1. Differentiate between top down and bottom up approach in programming.
Q2. What do understand by array? Create a program to check maximum and minimum number
amongst 10 elements in array.

Unit 3:
Q1. Why we are using loops concept. Write notes of all three types of loops with examples.
Q2. Create a banking system for Dena bank in which user can deposit and withdraw amount. Check
following constraints:
If deposit amount is more than 50000 ask for PAN card number.
If withdraw amount is more than available amount than display a message “Transaction

Unit 4:
Q1.Explain the following in 100 words each:
 Array with function
 Function call by reference and call by value
Q2. Create a program to check whether a given string is palindrome or not by the concept of
Unit 5:
Q1. Create software to manage the inventory of a shop and record it into a file. The details to be
recorded as follow:
 Shopkeeper should record his daily purchases product wise.
 Shopkeeper should recordhis daily sales out of bought items.
 Display overall profit/loss earned by shopkeeper at the end of the day.

Name & Signature

(Mazhar Ahmed)
School of Computer Science & Engineering
Outdoor Activity (if any)
Objective of Activity:
Activity Description:

Outcome of the activity:

Name & Signature

(Deepak Kumar Gour)

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