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Faculty & Scholar's Achievements

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7/27/2019 Achievements

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Faculty & Scholar's Achievements

Prof Rajesh Mehrotra received best educationist award 2017 for undergraduate and postgraduate
teaching and research.

Prof. Vishal Saxena has received "2017American Society of Microbiology (ASM) and Indo-US
Science & Technology Forum (IUSSTF) Indo-UD Research Professorship" award to visit an
institute/ university in US for research. He will be visiting Department of Global Health, College of
Public Health, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA.
Prof. Vishal Saxena has received "Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Bilateral Exchange
Programme 2017"award. He will be visiting Institute of Parasitology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech
Republic in June, 2017.
Dr. Sandhya Mehrotra has received "Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Bilateral Exchange
Programme 2017" to visit Hebrew University of Jerusalem in June-July 2017
Prof. Jitendra Panwar was invited for lecture in “International Training Programme for Bhutan
Officials & ICAR Sponsored Winter School” at ICAR Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture,
Bhubneswar, Odisha, India. February 28, 2017.
Prof. Jitendra Panwar delivered Lead Lecture in “National Conference on Fungal Biotechnology”
(NCFB-2016) at Birla Institute of Scientific Research, Jaipur. November 16-18, 2016.
Dr. Sandhya Mehrotra Invited for lecture: Cyanobacterial CCM genes for improving photosynthetic
yield and water use efficiency during heat stress in C3 plants; An invited lecture in 'International
workshop to develop climate resilient cereals''November 3-5, Punjab Agricultural University,
Prof Rajesh Mehrotra chaired the session in the National convention on current Practices and
future of classroom teaching at higher education level organised by Department of Humanities
and Social Sciences& Teaching Learning Centre, Pilani Campus on 30th september -1st
october.He also delivered a talk entitled" Smart question paper design to enhance student

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7/27/2019 Achievements
learning and engagement in examinations" coauthored by Dr Manoj kannan and Dr PanKaj
Kumar Sharma.
Prof. Jitendra Panwar delivered invited lecture at Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR,
Prague, Czech Republic during his visit under INSA International Bilateral Exchange Programme
2016 for one month (June 2016).

Scholar :
Vikram Pareek have been awarded with the ICGEB grant (100 % registration fee and
accommodation) and DBT travel grant to attend the conference entitled "6th Central European
Symposium on Antimicrobials and Antimicrobial Resistance (CESAR-2018)" held in Croatia from
19th to 22nd September, 2018. Topic of poster was "Gene expression profiling of Escherichia
coli K12 to unveil the silver resistance machinery". He also awarded with 1st Best poster
presentation award by the American Society for Microbiology and conference organization.

Vikram Pareek, Ph.D. student of the department, received EMBO (European Molecular Biology
Organization) short term fellowship to work in the field of Food Microbiology at University College
Dublin, Ireland for 3 months

Vikram Pareek, Vikas Kumar, and Shraddha Mishra have been awarded CSIR-SRF

Heena Saini: Details of National Symposium Attended , Name and Place of Symposium:
(CRCBT-2016), UIAR-Gandhinagar, Gujarat,Date: 7-8 October 2016., Details of Participant: PhD
Scholar, C/O Dr. Rajdeep Chowdhury, Cancer Biology Lab, BITS-PILANI,Rajasthan., Mode of
Presentation: Poster Presentation., Title of Poster: Dysregulation of ncRNAs- miRNAs and
lncRNAs associated with acquisition of drug resistance in cancer cells., Rank: Secured first
position in Poster Presentation., Award: Cash prize of Rs 2000 and a Certificate.

Ms. Zarna Pala: (Achievements from August 2016 - March 2017): Received the Travel Award
from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India and CICS Fellowship from Centre
for International Co-operation in Science (CICS) to present a poster entitled: “Iron-sulphur cluster
assembly in Plasmodium vivax: An insight into the SUF machinery”, at the 27th Annual Molecular
Parasitology Meeting 2016, at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, U.S.A., from 18th – 22nd September,

Ms. Monika Sandhu: Ms. Monika Sandhu received the Best poster award for her research
Characterization of biphenyl metabolizing Gram positive bacterium Rhodococcus sp. MAPN - 1
isolated from rhizosphere of Morus alba (Mulberry plant) at the International Conference on
Strategies for Environment al Protection and Management (ICSEPM - 2016) cum M ini -
symposium on Environmental B iotechnology, B iorefinery and S olid W aste M anagement . The
event was organized jointly by School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University
and The Biotech Research Society , India (BRSI) at JNU Convention Centre from 11 th - 13 th
December 2016 .

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7/27/2019 Achievements

Conference title: 8th International Conference on Photosynthesis and Hydrogen Energy

Research for Sustainability – 2017, held from October 30 to November 3, 2017 at School of
Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India.
Gurpreet Poster title: Heterologous expression and in-silico analysis of carboxysome protein CcmM of an
early diverging cyanobacterium Gloeobacter violaceus PCC 7421

Authors: Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu, Panchsheela Nogia, Vandana Tomar, Rajesh Mehrotra,
Sandhya Mehrotra

Panchsheela Oral/Poster title: Transient expression and localization of a cyanobacterial

bicarbonate transporter BicA into chloroplast of Nicotiana benthamiana
Authors: Panchsheela Nogia, Vandana Tomar,Gurpreet Kaur Sidhu,Rajesh Mehrotra,Sandhya Mehrotra

First Degree & Higher Degree :

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7/27/2019 Achievements

May 2018: Sayan Basu and Bishakha Bamroo, M.E., Biotechnology students, have
been selected to participate in summer school on Food security at Tel Aviv University.
They have been given full waiver and accomodation to attend the school.

May 2018: Rinki Gupta, M.E. student ranked 62 in CSIR-JRF test.

May 2018: Pujitha Laxmi, M.E. student select fro Ph.D. study at University of Edinburgh,
Whe was also selected for Ph.D. in Cambridge University.

Dhulika Ravinuthala, a M.E. Biotechnology student, received the "Bajpai saha" award
(cash award Rs.2000/-) for the best student paper presentation International conference
on BioMaterials, BioEngineering and BioTheranostics given by the "Society for
Biomaterials and Artificial organs (India) in VIT university,Vellore.

Anubhuti Mishra, a fifth year FD student, received full scholarship to attend 'Grace
Hopper Conference', a gathering of women from any science related discipline.

Jayashree V P and Aarti Jha, ME, Biotechnology 2nd Year students have been selected
to participate in the Novartis Biotechnology Leadership Camp (BioCamp) taking place in
Hyderabad from September 23 to 26, 2018.

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