O 293 0 2017-Ind Ni T of e An Rene Ble Ner Ind Er I Ion Bloc Ompl Lo I Road, H 0003 Dated: U T, 2018 O OR ND: ND in U Ono T An Fac U Er o

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Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Wind Energy Division
Block 14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated: ?1h August, 2018


Subject: RLMM procedure and inclusion of WTG Manufacturer/Model in the RLMM

list of MNRE - reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to OM No. 66/183/2016-WE dated 27.10.2016,

No. 293/8/2017-Wind dated 01.03.2018 & No. 293/8/2017-Wind dated 09.04.2018 and to
convey the following:

1. It has been observed that several applications are being received for RLMM wherein
the SOC/ CS for CEA regulations (both LVRT and Power Quality) issued by
accredited certification body are based on the measurements carried out on a different
model (but electrically similar) and the measurements have been either transferred to
or used for the model being applied for RLMM.

It is decided that such models can be included in RLMM list conditionally subject to
following conditions:

• For LVRT requirements as per CEA Regulations:

Applicant has to submit the requisite SOC/ CS based on the measurements carried
out on the same model by 31.03.2019. Prior to such period, the requirements
stipulated in MNRE OM 293/8/2017- Wind dated O 1.3.2018 shall have to be
complied with.

• For other parameters as per CEA Regulations(except LVRT):

Applicant should submit the requisite SOC/ CS based on the measurements

carried out on the same model within the period of six month from the issuance of
this OM.

The above mechanism is also applicable for the models already included in RLMM

11. It has been observed that in some of the provisional/ B- Type certificates, the requisite
information such as list of outstanding issues and clarifications stating that
outstanding issues are not related to safety, etc., are not included.

It is decided that in case of Provisional/ B- Type Certificate having outstanding issues

with limited validity period, the following conditions are required to be met:

a. All the outstanding issues shall be clearly mentioned in the Type certificate.

b. A clarification by the Type Certification body confirming whether Provisional/
B- Type Certificate can be used for serial production of the model.

c. A confirmation issued by the Type Certification body, that outstanding issues

mentioned in the Type Certificate are limited to matters which have no safety

111. It is noted that for some of wind turbine models including for stall regulated wind
turbine, the CEA Grid code Compliance issued by the type certification body is based
on the L VRT function tests, carried out under laboratory conditions without
conducting field measurements. In such cases following documents are required:

a. A confirmation from the type certification body stating that there are no safety
related issues and no impact on the integrity & design life time of the wind
turbine, due to introduction of L VRT in the wind turbine.

b. A confirmation from the type certification body stating that the L VRT
characteristics of the wind turbine at field will be the same as reported in the
Lab report.

(Dr. Rahul Rawat)
Scientist 'B'


All the concerned

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