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Plumbing Code
Roldan Q. Pineda


'The art of and science of installing pipes, fixtures and other apparatus
to convey and supply water in the buildings and to dispose and
discharge waste water and other liquids, gases and other substances
out of buildings in a safe, orderly healthy and sanitary way to ensure
the health and sanitation of life and property.

Plumber - title given to a person who is skilled in the field of sanitation.

Plumbarius -Roman word refers to an individualwho worked in the

sanitary field of ancient Rome.

Plumbum - Latin
Purposes of Plumbing
1, To furnish water to the various parts of the building.
2. To remove the liquid waste and discharge them into the sewer or
pfivate disposal plant.

Objectives in the design of water supply system

1, Must provide a sufficient amount of water to serve each fixture.
2. There must be no opportunity for backflow of used water into the
water pipes,

Objectives in the design of building drainage system

1. Quick removal of the waste with minimum chance for stoppage of
drains or leakage.
2. Prevention of entrance into the house of wastewater, vermin and
sewer gas or foul smelling air from the plumbing system or sewer.

Performance Requirement of Building System

Sr3..r i be accordance with modem standards of sanitalor
I )es,g'
2 Ser,':a', c'ailage system should be provided to convey seita.-e
ircn a, 'r.1-res iO an adequate, apprOved meanS of disposa
s-:; 1 S.rslcfTl should fumish cold water t0 every *,aie.
close: a-: .'^al a"C hoUcold water to every sink, la;::-1 :a,
autcire:: 3.-:li *ash;ng machine, lavalcri la:-:-: :-: :-.: r,=-
Plumc ir: s,s:glr sl:.1.d nct become a:,a:e-: ?
=a-:i- it -,*i;T
and v,e'e'e - le':'s
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d. -,=,.=->= - -= =-.:
k i
D\JUitc -^; '-^^
u. ^^,,.^^ ^^

c. radiatjcn ..=r:
d. excessive nc,se
e. source of nuisar,;t
System shall not ,fiea€' :;,i:i,i'? -a*f,*-i
Performance Requirement of Building System
6. lt should avoid fouling, clogging and depositing of solids'
7. lt should be maintained in sanitary and serviceable condition.
8. Equipment requiring operation, inspection, or maintenance should
be located so that easy access to it is provided'
9, Moving parts of equipment which may be a potential hazard shculd
have guards to protect against accidental contact'

Performance Requirement of Material for

Plumbing Systems
Plumbing systems and equipment should be made of approved
materiali, should be free from defective workmanship and sigi6
be designed and installed so as to be durable without need
frequent repairs or major replacements.
Maierials oipiping should be selected on the basis of fre
quaety d
water to be conveyed for 35 to 70 years.
lf piping is to be concealed and relatively inaccessibh in fiffis a.tr
walls, it is essentialthat the piping be adequate dur&&q+
4. Materials should be free from manufrcturing defusE 3i'6iffi48
5. Used plumbing equipment of materialsho.rH nd E r#
unless specially approved by local auMy mr'wl€ es"{6''fi
or material which is potentially defedire beca,.sE i#. #li, s@'
sanitary hazards, or prior use shotril ro( be l*.ned k$,@mg
Building Occupancy Classifications
1. One or Two Family dweiling - buirding arranged for one or two
dwelling units, a dweiling unit being one or more rooms
provisions for living, sanitary and sleeping facilities
arranged for
the use of one family.
2, Multiple dwelling -
a, building containing three or more dwelling units
b, building occupied by one or two famiries ind more
than four
lodgers residing with one of such families.
3. Business Occupancy - intended for the transaction
administrative business or civic or professional services.
4. Mercantile 0ccupancy - for dispray and sare to pubric
of goods,
wares or merchandise.
5. lnduskial occupancy - for manufacture or processing of products
requiring operations such as making, artering, ,rr.riring,

Building Occupancy Classifications

6. Stqrage Occupancy - for storage of goods, merchandise,
products, vehicles or anlmals.
7, Assembly Occupancy - for use in the assembry
for amusement,
athletic, civic, dining, educational, entertainment,
8, lnstitutional Occupancy - for persons domiciled
or detained under
9. Miscellaneous occupancy nonresidential buildings
- not included
in any of the preceding classifications.
Ad mi n istrative Authority

The individual official board, department or agency established and

authorized by a state, county, city, or other political subdivision
created by law to administer and enforce the provisions if the plunbing
Code is adopted or amended.

Air Break (Drainage System)

A piping arangement in which a drain from a fixture, appliance, or
device discharge indirectly into a fixture, receptacle, or interceptor at a
point below the flood level rim of the receptacle so installed as to
prevent backflow or siphonage.


f }ls.rcy wDil
ueaa xl(, tllrfifra'
Area Drain

A receptacle designed to collect surface or storm water from as open


FrSuRs r.2.5 AFEA 9ni;r{

Air Gap
j SySiE:rt
(WAT€Fl OtStR6uf, rCr
(Drainage System)
The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atnosphere
between the outlet of water pipe and the flood level rim of the
receptacle into which it is discharging.

(Water Distribution System )

The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere
between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to
a tank plumbing fixture or other device and the flood rever rim of the

A fitting or clevice supplied with the water or other fluid under posi,ive
pressure, which passes through an integral orifice or "constriction'
causing a vacuum.

G:Vl0lltl .



The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the

diskibuting pipes of a potable supply of water from any source or
sources other than its intended source. Back-siphonage is one type
of backflow.

r'3-iF r ; ,b a&(rls.. causrD

Bt iicx-5..HO.iE!
Related Terms to Backflow
Backflow connection - condition or any a,Tangement whereby reverse flow can occur.

Back Pressure Backflow - occurs due to an increased reverse pressure above the
supply pressure, This maybe due to pumps, boirers, gravity "'-
oirittrii sourcei b]

Backflow. Preventer - a device or n eans lo prevent flow of liquid from returning

source oi supply. Also called vacuum breakir.

Back-sjphonage - the flowing back of used, contaminated or polluted water from

prumDrng ,xture or vessel into a water supply pipe
due to negative pressure in such

Back water Valve - a device installed in a drainade system to prevent reverse flow

- a part of the vent line, which connects direcilv with an

.Ba.gly.en! Pipe
rnorvduat trap undemeath or behind the fixture and extends tri the brandr or
than fixture or fixture traps it serves. This is
Sr#lffiHfri$ flJf,Slj}ljgher
Ball cock - a valve opened and closed by the fall and rise, respectrvely, of an
attached ball floating'on ltre surface oi ttr'e tiquiO, -
ttOg qf niOe connection in which a bafi-shaped end is hetd in a
cuprtKe shelt and allows movement in every direction.

Bathroom - a room equipped with a shower stall or bathtub.

P?lt9ry:lglypl,t?!y_Po more simitar adjacent fi xtu res wh idr discfr ar p

rnto a common horizontal soil"oror waste branch.-
Bell or Hub - that portion of a pipe which, for short distance, is sufficiently
enlarge to receive'the end of another pipe of the same diameter for the
purpose of making a caulked or pushon joint.

Bending Pin or lron - a total straightening or bending lead pipe.

Bibb - synonymous with faicet, cock, tap, plug. The word laucet' is prefened.

Bidet- a plumbing fixture used for washing the middle private part of he body, .

especially he genitale, Also called "sitzl bath,

Blank Flange - a pipe that is not drilled for bolt holes.

Blind Flange - a flange lhat closes the end of a pipe. There is no openmg hr
the passage of air or liquid.

Blow-off - a controlled outlet of a pipeline to disdtarge lqud a deuitus.

Barometric Loop

A loop of pipe risirq apprirlmtety 35 feet, at its top most point above
the highest fixture at srppex"

t;.*-! l.td


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€rr.3h EriJEFfrg.ISS,9|rI
Boiler BIow-Off

An outlet on a boiler to permit emptying or discharge cf se:re.:

Boiler Blow-Off Tank

A vessel designed to receive the discharge from a boiler blow-off ouflet

and to cool the discharge to a temperature when permits its safe
discharge to the drainage system,

Boiler Blow.Off
!!'it q" vt\t csYrCE e.sEO ? f ourLE'
uPopi aGlie ci.,ir:,rt - -- .

or e.oE.ofr
F s{,:--flI
FIGUBE 1.3. r 1 AOTLER gr-Offi.Orr AND ELOW
oFF r4ii1(

Any part of the piping system other than a riser, main or stack.

Branch lnterval
A length of soil or waste stack corresponding in general to a story height,
but in no case less than 2.43meters within which the horizontar branches
from one floor or story of a building are connected to the stack.

o Branch Vent - a horizontal vent connecting one

or more individual vertical back vents stack or
stack vent.

o Brazed joint - any joint obtained by joining of

metal parts with alloys which melt at temperature
. higher than 449 degrees centrigade, but lo!.rer
than the melting temperature of the par'ts tc he

A structure having walls and a roof designed and used for the housing
shelter enclosure or support of persons, animals or property.

Building Drain
Bulldlng Draln-Comblned
Building Drain-Sanitary
Building Drain-Storm
Building Sewer
Building Sewer-Combined
Building Sewer-Sanitary
Building Sewer-Storm
Building Subdrain
Building Trap
FN}UaE r.2.1G SEpAtltt SM?lny Atro sToFu wrrx

Building Drain- that part of the lowesl horizontal pioino of a drainaoe svstem
which receives the discharge from soil, wastes ahil oiher drainaoe'oio6s inside
the walls of the building and conveys it to the buitding sewer Ueglnriirig O.O
me ters outside the building wall,

Building Sewer - that part of the horizontal pioinq of a drainaoe svstem which
starts from the end of the buildinq drain and vi,hicl receives lh-e di5charoe of a
building drain and conveys it to a public sewer, private sewer, individual
sewage dlsposal or other point of disposal.

Building Subdrain - that portion of an underground system, which cannot drain

by gravity into the building sewer.

Building Supply - the pipe carrying potable water from the water meter or
oher source of water supply to a building or other point of use or distribution
on fie bL Building supply shall also mean water sbrvice connection,
o Caulking -
plugging an opening with oakum,
lead or other materials that are pounded into the
annular space. r

o Cap - a fitting, screwed or caulked over the end

of a pipe for closing the pipe end.

o Catch basin - a receptacle in which liquids are

retained for a sufficient period of time to allow
settleable materials to deposit.


A lined and covered excavation in the ground which receives the

discharge of domestic sewage or other organic wastes from a drainage
system, so designed as to retain the organic matter and solids, but
permitting the liquids to seep through the bottom and sides,

Frcurr 2{ How pollution msy Gnlcr weltr thmugh loll pollution rnd by
mcrnr of Srrurcr ln llmcrtoao.
Chase - a vertical shaft for installation of different pipe stacks,

Check Valve - a valve that automatically closes to preventthe

flovr of liquid or gas in reverse direction.

Conductor or Downspout - a vertical pipe to convey rainwater

Corporation cock - a stop valve placed at the connection of the

wat lr service pipe to the water main.

Circuit Vent

A branch vent that serves two or more traps and extends from the
downstream side of the highest fixture connection of a horizontal
branch to the vent stack.

Clear Water Wastes

Coolinq water and condensate drainage from refrigeration, and air

conditioning equipment: cooled condensate from steam heating
systems; cooled boiler blow down water; waste water drainage from
equipment rooms and other areas where water is used without an
appreciable addition of oil, gasoline, solvent, acid, etc., and treated
effluent in which impurities have been reduced below a minimum
considered harmful.


A conc'uctor is the water conductor from the roof of the building storm
drain, combined building sewer, or other means of disposal and located
inside of the building.

Critical Level

The critical level marking on a backflow prevention device or vacuum

breaker is a point established by the manufacturer and usually stamped
on the device by the manufacturer which determines the minimum
elevation above the flood level rim of the fixture or receptacle served at
which the device may be installed, when a backflow prevention device
does not bear a critical level marking, the bottom of the vacuum
breaker, combination valve, or the bottom of any approved device shall
constitute the critical level.

Critical Level
F O\rERfLOw Ofl


T,GURE t.z.zacBtncAL LEvEL ryAcuuM ehEexen sHowN)

Cross Connection

Any connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping

systems, one of which contains potable water and the other either
water of questionable safety, steam, gas, or chemical whereby there
may be a flow from one system to the other, the direction of flow
depending on the pressure differential between the two systems.

'..Ct** tqfo- clcq t*a

rroo.r ]rJ t.r. Erttd d &.tdnt dsl ,..., fl,')l* tcxd.q o,

uaaffi,. 5.4. bd .t Hdth-)

Dead End

A branch leading from a soil, waste, or vent pipe, building drain, or

building sewer, and terminating at a developed rength of zfielor more
by means of a plug cap, or other closed fittings.

ro.E,s^ I l.r7

oTEFfLOT' oe
a.iricl. rIvEL FLOED il,



Developed Length

The length of a pipeline measured along the centerline of the pipe and

DLl'tlopE? Li'igTh F;Ov I Ic\ 3

FHc,.,& IC 3-IHE
;.C?{\i)f q:'i'.r.[r:
r{! A,.i O;.. jj;.'t,o
f LOJ.'S

Double Check Valve Assembly

A backflow prevention device consisting of two-independently acting

check valves, internally force leaded to a normally closed position
between two tightly closing shut-off valves and with means of testing or
,.ri aa.-. tE:'a:cr
Fixture Un it (Drainage-..d.f.u,)

A measure of the probable discharge into the drainage systern by

various types of plumbing fixtures. The drainage fixture-unit value for a
particular fixture depends on its volume rate of the drainage, on the
time duration of a single drainage operation, and on the average time
between successive operations.

Flood Level Rim

Flushing Type Floor Drain

A floor drain, which is equipped with an integral water supply, enabling

flushing of the drain receptor and trap.

Flush Valve

A devictr located at the bottom of a tank for flushing water closets and
similar fixtures,

t€LS r:"3€ F-.sr4 YrIVE tr{ FLUSI{ TANX-TYPICAL

Flushometer Valve

A device, which discharges a predetermined quantity of water

fixtures for flushins and is bv, water pressure
i::.:: \ .-


The fall (slope) of a line of pipe in reference to a horizontal plane. tn

drainage it is usually expressed as the fall in a fraction of an inch per
foot length of pipe

FIGL,F:E 1 .? 38 GBADE
Gruund tYater

affifr€d Gr*rld lYater - A body of ground water overlain by material

sl#ffinily lmpervious to severance hydrauric connection with overlying
Er'ound water.

Free Ground water - Ground water in the zone of saturation extending

down to the first impervious barrier.

Horizontal Branch Drain

A drain pipe extending laterally from a soil or waste stack or buirding

drain, with or without vertical sections or branches, which receives the
discharge from one or more fixture drains and conducts it to the soir or
waste stack or to the building drain.
Hot Water

Hot water is supplied to plumbing fixtures to a temperature of not less

than 1.?00F and not more than 1400F excepf that commercial
dishwashing machines and similar equipment shall be provided with
water 1800F for sterilization purposes.


A device designed and installed so as b separe md re:e;n

deleterious, hazardous, or undesirable matbr frun rerrid riasEs *F ,e
permitting normal sewage or liquid wastes b ffi-* rm :e
drainage system by gravity.
Leaching Pit

A pit oi'receptacle having porous walls, which permit the contents to

seep into the ground.

00.o D o o c::i

!tr 0 c 3 3 3:,


An exterir r€rthd drainage pipe for conveying storm water from roof or
gutter drairs.

r,rnvES To
= UTOSRS;tSritEEa-,:
-J ffiffiry"F
Fl5{-F= !:.6 !€ALS
Load Factor

The percentage of the total connected fixture unit flow, which is likely to
occur at any point in the drainage system.


Public nuisance at common law or in equity jurisprudence; whatever is

dangerous to human life or detrimental to health; whatever building,
structure, or premise is not sufficiently ventilated, sewered, drained,
cleaned, or lighted; in reference to its intended or actual use; and
whatever renders the air or human food or drink or water supply


l'he practice, materials and fixtures used in the installation,

maintenance, extension, alteration and removar of all piping, plumbing
fixtures, plumbing appliances and plumbing appurtenances in
connection with any of the following: sanitary drainage or storm
facilities and or adjacent to any buirding, structure, or convlyance; also
the practice and materials used in the installation, miintenrnce,
extension, alteration or removal of storm water, refrigeration and air
conditioning drains, liquid waste or sewage, and water supply system of
any premises to their connection with the public water supply system or
to an acceptahle disposalfacility, !

Septic Tank

A water-tight receptacle which receives the discharge of a building

sanitary drainage system or part thereof, and is designed and
constructed so as to separate solids from the liquid, digest organic
matter through a period of detention, and ailow the liquids to discharge
into the soil outside the tank through a system of open joint or
perforated piping, or seepage pit.

.F6uaE 12.63 S€PtlC ?^,{<


A general term for any vertical line including offset of the soir, waste,
vent or inside conductor pipirrg, This does not include vertical fixture
and ver t branches that do not extend through the roof or that pass
through not more than two stories before being reconnected to the vent
slack or stack vent.



A fitting or device, which provides a liquid seal ro prevent the emission

of sewer, gases without materially affecting the flow of sewage or
wastewater through it.

Any pressure less than that exerted by the atmosphere.

Vent System

A pipe or pipes installed to provide a flow of air from a dra:'raEe
or to provide a circulation of air within such system to proted T4 seas
from siphonage and backpressure.


H.gJq lra

F(tx€ i 2 rt a€I Er r*&€.E*r'':I *rn "-trrriiFffidirnF-


Wall Hung Water Closet

A vrater dcet kisidild r-'r *.d: a nry ftat rp part 0f tre water closet
toucheste floor.

----;. -

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