Lesson Plan Bio X

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Platinum Jubilee High School

Biology -Lesson Plan

NO.OF PERIODS:10 (8+2)

I. Underst anding the cont ent(explaining, classifying, differences, analysing, giving examples, telling the
reasons and forming psychological pictures.)

_ Explain the Difference between autotrophy and heterotrophy

_ Explain the reasons for photosynthesis happening in plantsand for not happening in animals.
_ Explain differencesbetween light dependent and light un dependent reactions.
_ Tell the contrasts and comparisons between photosynthesis and respiration.
_ Recognise the commonalities of food collecting methods in human and different animals.
_ Explain the nutrition in parasites and plantswith examples.
_ Explain actualise happensin different parts of human elementary canal.
_ Explain the ingesting systemof different food materials.
_ Tell the difficulties and reasons related to indigestion.
_ Explain the diseases due to mal nutrition with examples.
_ Explain the reasons and difference between kwashiorkor and marasmas diseases.
_ Explain vitamin deficiency diseases and the resources of vitamins with examples.

II. Quest ioning - Making hypot heses :

_ Questions the method of collecting the required materials for photosynthesis.

_ Questions the food preparatory methods in plant partswhich are not green.
_ Hypothesise the experimental results of green plant light absorption.
_ Questions the need of reutilising the food materials prepared in plants.
_ Try to know the reasons for some materials not digested in the stomach.
_ Guess the consequences of mal nutritious food.

III. Experiment s- Field t rips :

_ Conduct the experiment that determines the presence of carbohydrates.

_ Observe Priestley’s experiment and comment on the results.
_ Conduct the experiment that determines the necessity of sun light for photosynthesis. Test
todetermine oxygen.
_ Conduct the experiment that oxygen isproduced during photosynthesis.
_ Know the acidic and basic reactions in the alimentary canal through litmus test.

IV. Collect ing the informat ion :

_ Visit the health centre and collect the information on the diseases due to mal nutrition.
_ Visit the families in the habitat and collect the information of the people suffering fromthe
diseases due tovitamin deficiency and digestion related ailments and reasons for them.
_ Collect the information on low cost nutritious food materials, the children of different ages
through internet.
V. Drawing the diagrams - Making Models :

the diagrams of the structure of the chloroplast and internal structure of leaf. Explain
the importance.
_ Draw and label the diagramof human digestive system. Explain its functioning.
_ Draw the diagramof food collecting method of Amoeba. Tell the relation of excretion and
_ Make the flow chart of food movement in alimentary canal. Explain about peristaltic.
_ Make the model of human digestive system. Explain the role of enzymes in digestion.

VI. Appreciating, having aest hetic sense

_ Appreciate the process of making food by the green plantsfor the survival of the whole
living organisms.
_ Appreciate the efforts of the seen tests in photosynthesis.
_ Observe in their locality the dependence of some plants on other plants.
_ Appreciate the food collecting methods of the organisms.
_ Appreciate the structure of the alimentary canal and the role of enzymes.

VII. Sympat hy t owards biodiversit y :

_ Campaign on the importance of nutritious food. Put efforts that everyone should take
nutritious food.
_ Follow good, habitsin order tohealthy and makes others tofollow it.
_ Recognizes that different types of plantsand animals depend one on another for their
survival and identifiestheir maintenance in balancing the diversity. Prepares cartoons and
essays reflecting that..


1 Autotropism& Discussion Green Plants 1. Give Examples for autotrophs?

Photo synthesis
Display Chart: 2. Which process helps plants to
definition and
make carbohydrates?
equation , factors 1 photosynthesis
page no equation 3. What factors influenced on
Identify of key words
10mts 2.scientists photos
van Neil

discussion on how
photosynthesis is
essential on earth
2 Starch Experiment Experiment Leaf 1. which reagent is used in starch
Priest lie’s Display Iodine solution
Experiment 2. what do you understand by the
Observation Alcohol
Priestley experiment?
Discussion on
3. Howthe rat in bell jar get
Priestley’s exp.

RESPON SE on Experiment).......... %

Co2 isessential for Apparatus Potted plant 1. Why plant placed in darkroom?
photosynthesis & arrangement co2
3 Wide mouth bottle 2. what is the use of KOH crystals
Light is Essential
Observation in bottle?
for Photosynthesis Cork
Experiments page Display 3. what are the apparatus
required for light is essential for
Activity 3
Light screen photosynthesis experiment?
Iodine sol.
recorded in notebook
RESPON SE on experiment…….%

4 Where does Observation LSof leaf Chart 1 . what ischloroplast?

photosynthesis take
Discussion Microscope 2. why leaf iscalled food factory of
Leaf cutting
3. what are grana and stroma?
Discussion on why Chloroplast chart
Structure of
photosynthesis occurs
in Green plants

LSof leaf Diagram

Observation of
sponge and palisade
tissue under

Observation record

5 Mechanism of Discussion Charts of light and 1 . what is oxidation and

photosynthesis darkreactions reduction?
Flow charts of light 2. Expand NADP?
and darkreactions
3. what isphotolysis of water?

4. what is Calvin cycle?

5.which chemical process involved

in change of CO2 to starch?

6 Nutrition in Animals Discussion Chart amoeba 1 give examples of saprophytes ?

Cuscuta 2.what is meant by parasitism?

Display of Cuscuta 3. what ishaustoria ?

Cuscuta specimen
And recording


Of insectivorous

7 Human Digestive Display Alimentary canal 1 Why food isdigested ?

system chart
And discussion 2. why digestive glandsplay major
Peristaltic role in digestion?
3. Where do you find anti
Flow charts observation by tube
peristaltic movements?

4. what ischime and Chile?

5. is HCl isuseful in digestion how?

8 Malnutrition Discussion Chartsof 1 what are the symptoms of

malnutrition marasmus?
Vitamins Display
And vitamins 2 what isdeficiency disease?

Vitamin available 3. give examples of fat soluble

food specimens vitamins?

4. what isberiberi?

9 What we have Discussion Blackboard Students will note down the key
learnt points
10 What we have Discussion Blackboard Students will note down the key
learnt points

Teachers N otes(additional resources, programmes)

1. Collection of information of nutrition and vitamin deficiency diseases children

2. Information on impact of using junkfoods
3. Collecting information on food material like carbohydrates, proteins and fats
4. Collecting information on different types of nutrition methods in different organisms.
5. Information on different enzymes and their functions.
6. preparation for all the experiments of photo synthesis.
7. collected more information fromold text books and intermediate books
8. experiment of TS of leaf
9. All the videos regarding this lesson were collected and played in the class

Responses of teacher :

Some students performed role play about mal nutrition

All students were very much interested and engaged in experiments and leaf cutting
I hope I reached % standards in students
The backlog students will be treated in remedial classes


1. Collecting data of the children suffering with malnutrition in your village ?

2. Collecting data of the people of obesity in your class and mention the reasons?

3. Prepare the photoalbumof different animals and nutrition methods?

4. Make a herbariumsheet of cuscuta plant ?

5. Collecting data of your family regarding vitamin deficiency ?


1. Hydrilla twigsexperiment

2. Starch experiment

3. Co2 isessential for photosynthesis ?

4. Light screen experiment?

5. Lsof leaf

6. Cuscuta haustoria observation?



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