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Team Sports Concepts Test No. 1: Multiple Choice Questions

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Note: Questions 1 and 19 were worded poorly: one point was added to everyone’s test score.

1 In order to be more stable, or more able to dodge/change direction while moving, a person should:
A Narrow their base of support and lower their center of mass (bend knees)
B Narrow their base of support and raise their center of mass
C Widen their base of support and lower their center of mass
D Widen their base of support and raise their center of mass (bend knees)

2 According to the text and class discussion, the sequence "step, rotate, throw:"
A Optimizes throwing velocity by increasing backswing
B Optimizes throwing velocity by using sequential action of the legs, trunk and shoulders
C Does not increase throwing velocity
D A and B

3 Taking off from one foot and landing on the same foot defines:
A Hopping
B Jumping
C Skipping
D Leaping
E Galloping

4 The correct grip on a field hockey stick for dribbling involves the following:
A  Grip with left hand uppermost, use right hand as a “sleeve”, on the grip; hands apart
B  Grip with right hand uppermost, use right hand as a “sleeve”, on the grip; hands apart
C  Grip with right hand uppermost, use left hand as a “sleeve”, on the grip; hands together
D  Grip with left hand uppermost, use right hand as a “sleeve”, on the grip; hands together

5 At the start of the push pass in field hockey:

A The left foot, hand and shoulder should be behind the ball; stick should be on the ball
B The left foot, hand and shoulder should be in front of the ball; stick should be on the ball
C The right foot, hand and shoulder should be in front of the ball; stick should be on the ball
D The left foot, hand & shoulder should be behind the ball; stick should be up and away from ball

6 For a jab tackle in field hockey:

A Keep both hands on the stick and use it stick to block the ball and stick face of the opponent
B  Reach with one hand on the stickand slide the stick face under the ball to knock the ball up into 
 the air and off the opponent’s stick
C Keep both hands on the stick, block the ball with your stick & impede opponent with your body
D Use one hand and block the stick of your opponent to release the ball

7 In a "Y" dodge in field hockey:

A The player and ball go to the stick side of the defender
B The player and ball go to the non stick side of the defender
C The player goes to the defender's stick side, the ball to the non stick side
D The ball goes to the defender's stick side, the player to the non stick side

8 The best learning sequence for the field hockey dribble is:
A Straight line dribble, zig zag (reverse stick) dribble, dodge around cone, dodge around a player
B Zig zag (reverse stick) dribble, straight line dribble, dodge around cone, dodge around a player
C Dodge around cone, dodge around other player, straight dribble, zigzag (reverse stick) dribble
D Straight line dribble, zig zag (reverse stick) dribble, dodge around cone, one on one
9 In order to lift a ball in field hockey using a “flick”, the player should:
A Start with the stick on the ball
B Lower the right shoulder to help move the stick under the ball
C Follow through with the face of the stick facing upwards initially
D All the above
E A and B

10 In a "pull left" field hockey dodge:

A The player and ball go to the stick side of the defender
B The ball goes to the defender's stick side, the player to the non stick side
C The player and ball go to the non stick side of the defender
D The player goes to the defender's stick side, the ball to the non stick side

11 In order to get more power into field hockey pass, tell students in physical education classes to:
A Keep their weight centered and follow through high
B Keep their weight centered and follow through around the waist, rolling the wrists over
C Step into the pass and follow through high
D Step into the pass and follow through around the waist, rolling the wrists over

12 “Step - hop” describes which locomotor pattern?

A Hop
B Gallop
C Skip
D Slide
E Run

13 According to Newton’s Second Law of Motion (F = ma), to absorb energy when catching a ball:
A Keep the catching hand, wrist and arm stiff
B Use a large surface area to catch with (all 10 fingers, palms, for example)
C Allow the ball to move to the body after after contact
D B and C
E All the above

14 Most limbs of the human body act as levers which are built for speed, and are:
A First class levers
B Second class levers
C Third class levers
D Fourth class levers

15 In throwing, kicking or or striking, a follow through is important to:

A Minimize the reduction in velocity/momentum around the point of contact or release
B Absorb the force of an object
C Maximize the accuracy of a throw or strike
D Overcome the inertia of the object

16 Throwing a football with a “spiral” is effective because:

A It looks nice
B It is easier to catch
C There is a resultant force along the axis of rotation which makes the ball more stable in the air
D There is a resultant pressure above the ball which makes it drop more quickly
17 A grip and wrist action which will enable the thrower to make a football "spiral" include:
A Fingers spread on the laces; hand in the middle of the ball, wrist snap down and inwards
B Fingers spread on the laces; hand towards the rear of the ball, wrist snap down and outwards
C Thumb on the laces; hand in the middle of the ball, wrist snap down and inwards
D Thumb on the laces; hand towards the rear of the ball, wrist snap down and outwards

18 A football quarterback can utilize principles of momentum and throw the ball further by:
A Aligning non-throwing side towards the target prior to throw
B “Stepping into” the throw
C “Stepping out of” the throw
D All the above

19 In football, in order for a player to catch the ball effectively:

A Catch a ball over the shoulder (“cradle”) with thumbs turned out
B Catch a ball over the shoulder (“cradle”) with thumbs turned in
C When facing the thrower, catch the ball above the waist with thumbs turned in
D None of the above

Match the number of the pass pattern in each diagram with the letter from the key which corre-
sponds to the correct name for that pattern

20 21


A Post pattern
B Fly pattern
C Hook/button hook pattern
D Slant pattern
E Square/square out pattern
23 In open games like soccer and field hockey, using triangular play patterns encourages:
A Creating a larger space to move the ball into
B Creating more than one passing option
C Providing some depth and cover on defense
D All of the above

24 In order to loft or lift the ball for a soccer kick:

A Kick the ball under the center, lean back and lift the foot high on the follow through
B Kick the ball above the center, lean back and lift the foot high on the follow through
C Kick the ball below the center, lean forward, and have a low follow through
D Kick the ball through the center, lean back and lift the foot high on the follow through

25 As a general rule of thumb, the most effective soccer kick occurs when:
A The plant foot (non-kicking foot) lands behind the ball
B The plant foot lands in front of the ball
C The plant foot contacts the ball with the instep
D The plant foot lands next to the ball (ankle next to the ball)

26 To trap a soccer ball in the air:

A Hop as the ball reaches you, so you are moving upwards on contact with the ball
B Hop before the ball reaches you, so you are coming down on contact with the ball
C Keep one foot firmly on the ground for balance
D Let the ball hit the ground before you trap it

27 In a power soccer kick or shot using a “run-through”, the kicker should land on ____ after contact:
A The non kicking foot, as in a hop
B The kicking foot, as in a leap
C Both feet
D Neither: the plant foot should not leave the ground

28 The primary contact surface of the foot for a soccer kick should be:
A The outside ankle
B The inside ankle
C The toe and the shoelaces
D The inside ankle and the shoelaces, or instep

29 When heading the ball in soccer, students should:

A Contact the ball with the forehead just below the hairline, and use the neck muscles for power
B Contact the ball with the forehead just below the hairline, have a “stiff” neck, and get power
from the trunk and/or leg muscles
C Contact the ball with the top of the head, have a stiff neck, and get power from the leg muscles
D Contact the ball with the forehead just below the hairline, close the eyes for safety, and get
power from the trunk and leg muscles

30 A basic fake (“fake and take”) that can be taught to students for soccer dribbling entails:
A Stepping out (transferring weight) to one side with one foot then pushing the ball to the opposite
side with the inside of the other foot
B Stepping out (transferring weight) to one side with one foot then pushing the ball to the opposite
side with the outside of the opposite foot
C Stepping out (transferring weight) to one side and then pushing the ball to the opposite side with
the inside of the same (stepping) foot
D Stepping out (transferring weight) to one side and then pushing the ball to the opposite side with
the outside of the same (stepping) foot
1 point - identification of objective domains
3 points - definition of each domain
2 points - sample objective (1 point for each objective) in the order they were written
2 points - see above
2 points - see above
Sub total written in circle

Health Related Fitness:

4 points - identification and description of the four HRPF components
3 points - description of which ones used in team sports classes and how they are used (cardiovascu-
lar endurance, flexibility, strength - used in the fitness activity part of class; designed to be interesting
and related to the team sport being covered in that lesson).
3 points - description of youth and adult inactivity and lack of fitness, consequences (hypokinetic dis-
ease), and implications for programs (primarily, increasing activity of pupils in physical education
classes and teaching lifelong fitness and activity knowledge and skills).
Sub total written in circle

TOTAL Score for essays written in a square at the top of the front page.

Exam Scores (Scantron sheet):

Part 1 - Multiple choice

Part 2 - Essay
Total - out of 50

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