IB Chemistry
IB Chemistry
IB Chemistry
Structuring a course
Schemes of work
Time allocation for sub-topics
Higher level/standard and higher level combined class
Standard level class
Planner for a sub-topic page
Activity 1: Introduction to energetics
Activity 2a: Chemical terms in energetics
Activity 2b: Cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP)
Activity 3: Determining the enthalpy change of a reaction
Activity 4: Combustion calorimetry and fuels
Activity 5: Energy from food
Activity 6: Group project
Use of smart phones
Guidance for the use of simulations
Practical work
Errors and uncertainties in chemistry
The group 4 project
Guidelines for the use of animals in IB world schools
Internal assessment
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7/11/2019 Chemistry teacher support material
Investigation 1: Factors effecting the boiling and melting points in organic homologous series
Investigation 2: The effect of halogen atom substitution on bond angles in halogenated compounds
Investigation 3: Positive inductive effect of methyl groups in nine simple alcohols
Investigation 4: An investigation into the dependence of egg protein denaturation on temperature
Investigation 5: Impact of increased water acidity on coral reefs based on a study of the kinetics of CaCO3
and HCl
Investigation 6: A study of the saponification reaction of olive oil
Investigation 7: Investigating the oxidative rancidity of polyunsaturated oils
Investigation 8: The enthalpy of combustion of alcohols
Investigation 9: Investigating lipids suitable for manufacturing soap for a school project
Investigation 10: Effect of cooking time on chlorophyll degradation
Investigation 11: Hydrolysis of PVA
Investigation 12: Ion absorption properties of sodium polyacrylate
Investigation 13: Catalysis of iodine clock reaction
Investigation 14: Lattice enthalpy
Investigation 15: Boiling points of binary mixtures
Investigation 16: Effect of red wine tannin concentration on methylene blue oxidation
Investigation 17: Oxidation of luminol
Investigation 18: Reaction kinetics of hydrolysis of sucrose using polarimetry
Note: The comments in the annotated examples match the labelling on teacher forms.
Personal engagement
Mark Descriptor
The justification given for choosing the research question and/or the topic under
investigation demonstrates personal significance, interest or curiosity.
There is evidence of personal input and initiative in the designing, implementation or
presentation of the investigation.
Award Moderator’s Comment
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7/11/2019 Chemistry teacher support material
The report throughout shows evidence of the student’s interest and curiosity in the research
The personal input is manifested through the fact that the report appears original throughout and
definitely not based on a standard template or commonplace exemplar, while the independent
thinking in the interpretation of the results was indicative of fine insight.
Mark Descriptor
The topic of the investigation is identified and a relevant and fully focused research
question is clearly described.
The background information provided for the investigation is entirely appropriate and
5–6 relevant and enhances the understanding of the context of the investigation.
The methodology of the investigation is highly appropriate to address the research question
because it takes into consideration all, or nearly all, of the significant factors that may
influence the relevance, reliability and sufficiency of the collected data.
Moderator’s Comment
Moderator’s The topic and research question are clearly described and relevant background information given.
Award The chosen methodology is highly appropriate although there was opportunity to find other data
6 sources as well. However descriptor for 5/6 states “nearly all” so that is the best fit. There are no
relevant safety, ethical or environmental issues to be raised so this is not included in the
assessment of this criterion
Mark Descriptor
The report shows evidence of some consideration of the impact of measurement uncertainty on
the analysis
The report includes sufficient relevant quantitative and qualitative raw data that could
support a detailed and valid conclusion to the research question.
Appropriate and sufficient data processing is carried out with the accuracy required to
5–6 enable a conclusion to the research question to be drawn that is fully consistent with the
experimental data.
The processed data is correctly interpreted so that a completely valid and detailed
conclusion to the research question can be deduced.
Award Moderator’s Comment
The student finds sufficient relevant quantitative data, including uncertainties, to be able to
ultimately draw a conclusion. There is no need for qualitative data in this database focused
methodology. The processing is quite simple but effective graphing enables valid qualitative
interpretation. There is qualitative consideration of the measurement uncertainty on the analysis
although it is hard to see if true best fit curves have been constructed.
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7/11/2019 Chemistry teacher support material
The interpretation of the processed data, leading to a valid and detailed conclusion, has been done
Mark Descriptor
The student has outlined very few realistic and relevant suggestions for the improvement
and extension of the investigation.
A conclusion is described and justified which is relevant to the research question and
supported by the data presented.
A conclusion is correctly described and justified through relevant comparison to the
5–6 accepted scientific context.
Strengths and weaknesses of the investigation, such as limitations of the data and sources
of error, are discussed and provide evidence of a clear understanding of the
methodological issues* involved in establishing the conclusion.
Moderator’s Comment
The student describes and justifies a conclusion that is supported by the data presented The
student shows evidence of very fine understanding in their description and justification of their
conclusion within the scientific context. There is also evidence of a sophisticated understanding
of the limitations of the data and the methodology and how this impacts the conclusion and the
student does not overstate their findings.
The student’s fulfilment of this Evaluation criterion falls short of the maximum because the
suggestions for improvement and extension are rather limited and not well clarified.
Mark Descriptor
The report is well structured and clear: the necessary information on focus, process and
outcomes is present and presented in a coherent way.
The report is relevant and concise thereby facilitating a ready understanding of the focus,
process and outcomes of the investigation.
The use of subject specific terminology and conventions is appropriate and correct. Any
errors do not hamper understanding.
Award Moderator’s Comment
The report is well structured and very clear. The report remains relevant, coherent and concise
throughout and it is very easy to follow the research’s development through to the conclusion.
Suitable terminology, such as the correct nomenclature for homologous series and types of
intermolecular force are used and the tables and graphs are presented clearly and unambiguously.
There is consistent precision in recorded data and with uncertainties. Diagrams showing
structures of molecules, functional groups and intermolecular formulae would have enhanced
https://ibpublishing.ibo.org/server2/rest/app/tsm.xql?doc=d_4_chemi_tsm_1408_1_e&part=8&chapter=2&mode=moderator 4/5
7/11/2019 Chemistry teacher support material
interpretation and it is not clear which data points are derived from median values and should
have shown ranges in raw data.
Overall though the report definitely is an example of effective communication and deserves the
highest level.
Examiner comments
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