CSC 161 Line Protection Ied Engineering and Operation Manual - v1 01
CSC 161 Line Protection Ied Engineering and Operation Manual - v1 01
CSC 161 Line Protection Ied Engineering and Operation Manual - v1 01
Standardized: Li Lianchang
Version: V1.01
Issued Date:2012.8.31
Doc. Code: 0SF.461.045(E)
Issued Date:2012.8
Copyright owner: Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd
Note: The company keeps the right to perfect the instruction. If equipments do
not agree with the instruction at anywhere, please contact our company in time.
We will provide you with corresponding service.
is registered trademark of Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd.
We reserve all rights to this document, even in the event that a patent is issued and a different
commercial proprietary right is registered. Improper use, in particular reproduction and
dissemination to third parties, is not permitted.
This document has been carefully checked. If the user nevertheless detects any errors, he is
asked to notify us as soon as possible.
The data contained in this manual is intended solely for the IED description and is not to be
deemed to be a statement of guaranteed properties. In the interests of our customers, we
constantly seek to ensure that our products are developed to the latest technological standards
as a result it is possible that there may be some differences between the hardware/software
product and this information product.
Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd.
Introduction, this chapter presents the basic content and have a brief
introduction of this manual
Installing the IED, this chapter introduces the procedure to install IED and
how to check that the IED is properly connected to the protection system
Read and change setting, this chapter introduces how to read and
change the setting value via LHMI or software tool, and switch the setting
value group
IED testing, this chapter contains that what should be tested and how to
test the IED
Appendix, this chapter presents the significant data and diagram of the
Target audience
Technical support
In case of further questions concerning the CSC family, please contact Sifang
compay or your local Sifang representative.
Safety information
Avoid to touching the circuitry when covers are removed. The IED
contains electirc circuits which can be damaged if exposed to static
electricity. Lethal high voltage circuits are also exposed when covers
are removed
Using the isolated test pins when measuring signals in open circuitry.
Potentially lethal voltages and currents are present
Changing the setting value group will inevitably change the IEDs
operation. Be careful and check regulations before making the
Chapter 1 IED Introduction ............................................................................................................... 1
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface .................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Liquid crystal display(LCD) ....................................................................................................... 6
3 Keyboard .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4 IED menu.......................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Menu construction ........................................................................................................... 8
4.2 Operation status .............................................................................................................. 9
4.3 Query reports ................................................................................................................. 10
4.4 Set time ........................................................................................................................... 10
4.5 Contrast .......................................................................................................................... 10
4.6 Settings ........................................................................................................................... 11
4.7 IED setting ...................................................................................................................... 11
4.8 Test binary output.......................................................................................................... 12
4.9 Testing operation ........................................................................................................... 12
Chapter 3 Installing IED .................................................................................................................. 13
1 Unpacking and checking the IED................................................................................................ 14
2 Installing the IED ........................................................................................................................... 15
3 IED connection .............................................................................................................................. 16
3.1 IED connector ................................................................................................................ 16
3.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 16
3.1.2 Terminals of Analogue Input Module (AIM) ....................................................... 17
3.1.3 Terminals of Binary Input Module (BIM) ............................................................. 18
3.1.4 Terminals of Binary Output Module (BOM) ........................................................ 19
3.1.5 Terminals of Communication module (COM) .................................................... 23
3.1.6 Communication ports of CPU module (CPU) .................................................... 24
3.1.7 Terminals of Power Supply Module (PSM) ........................................................ 25
3.1.8 RS232 port ............................................................................................................. 26
3.2 Connecting to protective earth .................................................................................... 26
3.3 Connecting the power supply module ........................................................................ 26
3.4 Connecting to CT and VT circuits ............................................................................... 26
3.5 Connecting the binary inputs and outputs ................................................................. 26
3.6 Making the screen connection..................................................................................... 28
3.7 Optical connections ....................................................................................................... 28
3.8 RS485 and RS232 ports connection .......................................................................... 29
3.8.1 RS485 port connection ......................................................................................... 29
3.8.2 RS232 port connection ......................................................................................... 29
3.9 Connecting the GPS ..................................................................................................... 30
4 Checking before energizing ......................................................................................................... 31
4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 31
4.2 Checking the protective earth connection ..................................................................31
4.3 Checking the power supply connection ......................................................................31
4.4 Checking the CT and VT circuits connection ............................................................31
4.4.1 Checking the CT circuits connection ..................................................................31
4.4.2 Checking the VT connection ................................................................................32
4.5 Checking the binary input and output connection .....................................................32
4.5.1 Checking the binary input connection.................................................................32
4.5.2 Checking the binary output connection ..............................................................33
4.6 Checking the screened cables connection ................................................................33
4.7 Checking the optical connections ................................................................................33
4.8 Checking the S485 and RS232 port connectios .......................................................33
4.8.1 Checking the RS485 port connection .................................................................33
4.8.2 Checking RS232 port connection ........................................................................33
4.9 Checking GPS connection ...........................................................................................33
4.10 Checking the insulation voltage and insulation resistance ......................................33
4.10.1 Checking the insulation voltage ...........................................................................34
4.10.2 Checking the insulation resistance .....................................................................34
5 Checking after energizing.............................................................................................................35
5.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................35
5.2 Test LCD .........................................................................................................................35
5.3 Test the keyboard ..........................................................................................................35
5.4 Setting the IED time ......................................................................................................35
5.5 Self-supervision HMI data ............................................................................................36
5.6 Checking the software and hardware version ...........................................................36
Chapter 4 Read and change setting..............................................................................................37
1 Read and change the setting vaule ............................................................................................38
1.1 Read and change the setting value via LHMI............................................................38
1.1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................38
1.1.2 Communication parameter ...................................................................................38
1.1.3 Equipment parameter............................................................................................39
1.1.4 Setting values and binary settings for protection function ...............................39
2 Switching the setting group ..........................................................................................................48
2.1 Introduction .....................................................................................................................48
2.2 Method for switching setting group via LHMI ............................................................48
2.3 Method for switching setting group via binary input .................................................48
Chapter 5 Testing the communication connection and time synchronization .........................49
1 Testing the communication connection ......................................................................................50
1.1 Testing the Ethernet communication ..........................................................................50
1.1.1 Testing the electrical Ethernet communication ..................................................50
1.1.2 Testing the optical Ethernet communication ......................................................50
1.2 Testing the RS485 port .................................................................................................50
1.3 Testing the RS232 port .................................................................................................50
2 Testing the time synchronization .................................................................................................52
2.1 Network mode ................................................................................................................52
2.2 Pulse mode .................................................................................................................... 52
2.3 IRIG-B mode .................................................................................................................. 52
Chapter 6 IED testing ...................................................................................................................... 53
1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 54
2 Points for attention during testing ............................................................................................... 56
3 Preparing for test ........................................................................................................................... 58
3.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 58
3.2 Connecting test equipment to IED .............................................................................. 58
4 Testing the power supply.............................................................................................................. 60
4.1 Checking the self-startup performance ...................................................................... 60
4.2 DC power on and power off testing ............................................................................ 60
4.3 Checking the expiry date of power supply ................................................................. 60
5 Checking the analog channel ...................................................................................................... 61
5.1 Checking the zero drift.................................................................................................. 61
5.2 Calibrating ...................................................................................................................... 61
5.3 Checking the accuracy and the linearity of analog quantitis................................... 61
5.4 Checking the polarity of analog quantities ................................................................. 62
6 Testing binary input ....................................................................................................................... 63
7 Testing binary output..................................................................................................................... 64
8 Verifying the IED functions ........................................................................................................... 65
8.1 Distance protection ....................................................................................................... 65
8.1.1 Verifying the settings ............................................................................................. 65
8.1.2 Completing the test ............................................................................................... 88
8.1.3 Reference setting list for test ............................................................................... 88
8.2 Power swing function .................................................................................................... 91
8.2.1 Verifying the power swing function settings....................................................... 91
8.2.2 Completing the test ............................................................................................... 91
8.2.3 Reference setting list for test ............................................................................... 91
8.3 Teleprotection for distance protection ........................................................................ 92
8.3.1 Verifying the settings ............................................................................................. 92
8.3.2 Completing the test ............................................................................................. 104
8.3.3 Reference setting list for test ............................................................................. 104
8.4 Teleprotection for earth fault protection ................................................................... 105
8.4.1 Verifying the settings ........................................................................................... 105
8.4.2 Completing the test ............................................................................................. 109
8.4.3 Reference setting list for test ............................................................................. 110
8.5 Overcurrent protection ................................................................................................ 110
8.5.1 Verifying the settings ........................................................................................... 111
8.5.2 Completing the test ............................................................................................. 115
8.5.3 Reference setting list for test ............................................................................. 116
8.6 Earth fault protection ................................................................................................... 117
8.6.1 Verifying the settings ........................................................................................... 117
8.6.2 Completing the test ............................................................................................. 121
8.6.3 Reference setting list for test ............................................................................. 121
8.7 Emergency/backup overcurrent protection ..............................................................123
8.7.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................123
8.7.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................128
8.7.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................128
8.8 Emergency/backup earth fault protection ................................................................129
8.8.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................129
8.8.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................133
8.8.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................133
8.9 Switch-onto-fault protection........................................................................................134
8.9.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................135
8.9.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................141
8.9.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................142
8.10 Overload protection .....................................................................................................142
8.10.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................143
8.10.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................144
8.10.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................144
8.11 Overvoltage protection ................................................................................................144
8.11.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................144
8.11.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................149
8.11.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................150
8.12 Undervoltage protection..............................................................................................150
8.12.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................150
8.12.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................156
8.12.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................156
8.13 Circuit breaker failure protection ...............................................................................157
8.13.1 Verifying the settings of stage 1 of CBF protection.........................................157
8.13.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................161
8.13.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................161
8.14 Dead zone protection ..................................................................................................162
8.14.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................162
8.14.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................163
8.14.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................163
8.15 STUB protection...........................................................................................................164
8.15.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................164
8.15.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................165
8.15.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................165
8.16 Synchro-check and energizing check function ........................................................166
8.16.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................166
8.16.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................176
8.16.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................176
8.17 Auto-reclosing ..............................................................................................................177
8.17.1 Verifying the settings ...........................................................................................177
8.17.2 Completing the test..............................................................................................178
8.17.3 Reference setting list for test .............................................................................178
8.18 Current transformer secondary circuit supervision................................................. 179
8.18.1 Verifying the settings ........................................................................................... 179
8.18.2 Completing the test ............................................................................................. 180
8.18.3 Reference setting list for test ............................................................................. 180
8.19 Voltage transformer secondary circuit supervision ................................................ 181
8.19.1 Verifying the settings ........................................................................................... 181
8.19.2 Completing the test ............................................................................................. 187
8.19.3 Reference setting list for test ............................................................................. 187
8.20 Monitoring function ...................................................................................................... 187
8.20.1 Phase sequence of voltage and current monitoring....................................... 188
8.20.2 3I0 polarity monitoring ........................................................................................ 188
8.20.3 Monitoring third harmonic of voltage ................................................................ 189
8.20.4 Reference voltage monitoring............................................................................ 189
8.20.5 Auxiliary contact of circuit breaker monitoring ................................................ 190
8.20.6 Broken conductor monitoring ............................................................................. 191
9 Checking before operation ......................................................................................................... 193
9.1 Checking the LED ....................................................................................................... 193
9.2 Checking the display on LCD .................................................................................... 193
9.3 Checking the clock ...................................................................................................... 193
9.4 Checking the voltage and current ............................................................................. 193
9.5 Checking the setting group ........................................................................................ 193
9.6 Checking the setting ................................................................................................... 193
9.7 Checking the binary input........................................................................................... 194
9.8 Checking the normal operation mode ...................................................................... 194
9.8.1 Trip and close test with the circuit breaker ...................................................... 194
9.9 Put into operation ........................................................................................................ 194
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance .............................................................................................. 195
1 Attentions during operating ........................................................................................................ 196
2 Routine checking ......................................................................................................................... 198
3 Periodical checking ..................................................................................................................... 199
4 Operation after updating software or replacing modules ...................................................... 200
4.1 Operation after updating software or replacing CPU module ............................... 200
4.2 Operation after updating software or replacing communication module............. 200
4.3 Operation after replacing the binary input or output module ................................ 201
4.4 Operation after replacing the analog input module ................................................ 201
4.5 Operation after replacing power supply module ..................................................... 201
5 The alarm information and measure ........................................................................................ 202
5.1 Alarm information class I and the measure ............................................................. 202
5.2 Alarm information class II and the measure ............................................................ 202
Chapter 8 Transportation and storage ........................................................................................ 205
1 Transportion ................................................................................................................................. 206
2 Storage ......................................................................................................................................... 207
Chapter 9 Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 209
1 Arrangement diagram of modules ............................................................................................ 210
2 Typical diagram ............................................................................................................................211
Chapter 1 IED Introduction
Chapter 1 IED Introduction
The IED is unpacked and visually checked. The connection to the protection
system has to be checked in order to verify that the installation is successful.
The settings for each function must be calculated before the commissioning
task. The functions setting menu have been listed in detail so that the user
can find and change the required settings directly and correctly. For the
different application, the IED can be performed conveniently through
switching the setting group.
For the functions included in the IED can be tested by users, the testing
procedure have been listed as reference to verify that protection function
operate correctly.
After the IED is in service, some checking items also need to be done for
maintenance in order to ensure that the IED is in good condition during
operation, some suggestions have been preset as reference and the user can
perform some other checking items according to the relevant regulations.
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
1 Introduction
The HMI is simple and easy to be used for routine operation, the front panel
of the HMI consists of LCD, LED and keyboard. As shown in the following
picture, the setting, configuration, monitoring, maintenance and fault analysis
can be performed in HMI.
6 7
3 8
6 7
3 8
2. LEDs
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
4. Arrow keys
5. Reset key
6. Quit key
7. Set key
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
When operating keys are pressed or in the case of IED alarming or operating
report appearance, the back light will turn on automatically until the preset
time delay elapse after the latest operation or alarm.
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
3 Keyboard
The keyboard is used to monitor and operate IED. The keyboard has the
same look and feel in CSC family. As shown in Figure 1, keyboard is divided
into Arrow keys, Reset key, Quit key, Set key and shorcut function keys. The
specific instructions on the keys as the following table described:
Key Function
Up arrow key Move up in menu
Page up between screens
Increase value in setting
Down arrow key Move down in menu
Page down between screens
Decrease value in setting
Left arrow key Move left in menu
Right arrow key Move Right in menu
Reset key Reset the LEDs
Return to normal scrolling display state directly
Set key Enter main menu or submenu
Confirm the setting change
Quit key Back to previous menu
Cancel the current operation and back to previous menu
Return to scrolling display state
Lock or unlock current display in the scrolling display state (the
lock state is indicated by a key type icon on the upright corner of
the LCD)
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
4 IED menu
AI Version
EquipCode BI
Measure Impen.Z
EventRpt AlarmRpt
StartRpt Log
Contrast TestEffect
CommuPara EquipPara
MainMenu Settings ProtSet ProtContWd
Test Menu
SOEReset Protocol
103Type AI DisplaySet
Test BO
SimuReSig SwSetGr
ViewDrift AdjDrift
ViewScale AdjScale
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
4.5 Contrast
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
4.6 Settings
Chapter 2 Local human machine interface
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Chapter 3 Installing IED
3. Check all items included in accordace with the delivery documents. Once
the IED has been started make sure that the software functions ordered
have been included in the delivery
5. If the protection IED is repacked for transport again, the storage packing
of the IED must provide proper degree of protection against possible
damage, in accordance with the standard of IEC 60255-21-1 class 1 and
IEC 60255-21-2 class 1
Chapter 3 Installing IED
1. Insert the IED into cabinet and the bottom of the IED should be supported
on the frame of cabinet
2. Fix the IED by tightening all screws against the cabinet. The IED should
be fixed in the cabinet and each screw should be firmed
3. Connect the earthing screw on the rear panel to the nearest protective
earthing point in the cubicle. The protective earth cables should be green
or yellow conductors with cross-sectional area 2.5mm2 according to
electrical regulations and electrical standards requirement
The wiring from the cubicle terminal block to the IED terminals must be
connected in accordance with the established guidelines for this type of
IED. The wires from binary inputs and outputs and the auxiliary power
supply must be routed separated from the current transformer cables
between the terminal blocks of the cubicle and the IEDs connections.
CT and VT are connected to the analogue input module on the rear side
of the IED.
Auxiliary power supply and binary input and output signals are connected
using female connectors. Signal wires are connected to a female
connector, which is then plugged into the corresponding male connector,
located at the rear of the IED.
Chapter 3 Installing IED
3 IED connection
3.1.1 Introduction
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Chapter 3 Installing IED
The module provides 16 output relays for tripping or initiating, with total 16
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
c a
c02 a02
c04 a04
c06 a06
c08 a08
c10 a10
c12 a12
c14 a14
c16 a16
c18 a18
c20 a20
c22 a22
c24 a24
c26 a26
c28 a28
c30 a30
c32 a32
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Chapter 3 Installing IED
The module provides 16 output relays for signal, with total 19 contacts.
4 5 1 2 3 6 7
c a
c02 a02
c04 a04
c06 a06
c08 a08
c10 a10
c12 a12
c14 a14
c16 a16
c18 a18
c20 a20
c22 a22
c24 a24
c26 a26
c28 a28
c30 a30
c32 a32
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Chapter 3 Installing IED
02 Table 7 Description of terminals of COM
Ethernet port A
04 Terminal Definition
05 01 Null
06 02 Null
07 Ethernet port B
03 Null
04 Null
05 Optional RS485 port - 2B
11 06 Optional RS485 port - 2A
Ethernet port C
12 07 Optional RS485 port - 1B
13 08 Optional RS485 port - 1A
14 09 Time synchronization
10 Time synchronization GND
11 Null
12 Null
Figure 7 Terminals arrangement of COM
13 Null
14 Null
15 Null
16 Null
Ethernet Optional optical fiber or RJ45
Port A port for station automation
Ethernet Optional optical fiber or RJ45
Port B port for station automation
8 system
9 Ethernet Ethernet Optional optical fiber or RJ45
10 port Port C port for station automation
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Ports Definition
Ch A
Ch A RX Remote communication
channel A optical fiber data
receiving port
Ch A TX Remote communication
channel A optical fiber data
RX transmitting port
Ch B Ch B RX Remote communication
channel B optical fiber data
receiving port
Ch B TX Remote communication
channel B optical fiber data
transmitting port
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Chapter 3 Installing IED
RS232 serial port is located on front panel, the software tool in PC can be
connected with the IED via this port to make setting, testing and cofiguration,
Connect the earthing screw on the rear panel to the nearest protective
earthing point in the cubicle. The protective earth cables should be green or
yellow conductors with cross-sectional area 2.5mm2 according to electrical
regulations and electrical standards requirement.
The cubicle must be properly connected to station earthing system, using the
conductor with cross-sectional area of at least 4mm2.
The wiring from the cubicle terminal block to the IED terminals must be
connected in accordance with the established guidelines for this type of IED.
The wires from binary inputs and outputs and the auxiliary power supply must
be routed separated from the current transformer cables between the terminal
blocks of the cubicle and the IEDs connections.
CT and VT are connected to the analogue input module on the rear side of
the IED.
Auxiliary power supply and binary input and output signals are connected
using female connectors. Signal wires are connected to a female connector,
which is then plugged into the corresponding male connector, located at the
Chapter 3 Installing IED
All wiring to the female connector should be done before it is plugged into
the male part and screwed to the case. The conductors can be of rigid
type (solid, stranded) or of flexible type.
If two conductors, each with area 1.5 mm2 (AWG 15) need to be
connected to the same terminal, a ferrule must be used to combine the
two conductors, no soldering is needed.
Press the locking button by screwdriver to insert the wiring with ferrule
into the connector, move away the screwdriver after the ferrule has been
inserted into the connector completely to lock the wiring tightly. The follow
picture illustrate this process.
Chapter 3 Installing IED
When using screened cables always make sure screens are earthed and
connected according to applicable engineering methods. This may include
checking for appropriate earth points near the IED, for instance, in the cubicle
and/or near the source of measuring. Ensure that earth connections are
made with short conductors of an adequate cross section, at least 6 mm2
(AWG10) for single screen connections.
This port is used to transmit the binary data between IEDs, there are two
optical ports at the rear side of CPU moduel, Figure 9 and Figure 10, the two
ports works in redundancy communication mode.
Chapter 3 Installing IED
The fiber optical cables are very sensitive to handling. Do not bend
too sharply. If cable straps are used to fix the cables, apply with
loose fit. Always hold the connector, never the cable, when
connecting or disconnecting optical fibers. Do not twist, pull or bend
the fiber. Invisible damage may increase fiber attenuation thus
making communication impossible.
The RS485 interface is capable of half-duplex service with the signals A/A'
and B/B' to transmit signals.
The network topology of RS485 adopts bus type of terminal matched, do not
support ring or star network. Use the single and continuous channel as bus.
The terminating resistance is located on beginning and terminal of the bus
cable. The other ports do not need the terminating resistance.
As shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8, RS485 port located on the rear side of
communication module. The IED provides two electrical isolation RS485
ports, the two ports can work at the same time with IEC60870-5-103 protocol
One RS232 serial port is provided and located on front panel, which is used to
connect personal computer. The RS232 port adopts half-dupex
communication mode, usually which is connected with 9-pin D-subminiature
female connectors
Connection method: direction connection cable for serial port, the IED
terminal is pins and the PC termianl is female connector. The terminal of 2, 3,
4 and 5 is connected directly. As shown in the following picture:
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Mount the GPS antenna on the building roof or the place of visibility to all
direction is obtained, top of the antenna should be horizontal. Mount the
antenna to console and fix the console on the building roof with expansion
bolts. The turning radius should not be too small when laying the cables. The
length of antenna cables is designed strictly based on antenna gain, so, it is
not allowed to lengthen, shorten or add connectors that will affect signal
reception or can't receive any signals.
The principle for mounting GPS antenna is that the position is visible
completely to all directions in 360°, however, for some special conditions,
mount the antenna at the place with best visibility as far as possible.
The GPS port is located on the rear side of communication module, as shown
in Figure 7 and Figure 8, which can be connected with screened twist-pair
Chapter 3 Installing IED
4.1 Introduction
Check that the auxiliary power supply voltage remains within the permissible
input voltage range under all operating conditions. Check that the polarity is
Check that the wiring is in strict accordance with the supplied connection
diagram. If any errors appearance, do not continue before any errors are
corrected. The following tests shall be performed on every primary CT
connected to IED:
Primary injection test to verify the current change ratio of the CT, the
correct wiring up to the protection IED and correct phase sequence
connection (i.e. A, B, C)
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Check that the wiring is in strict accordance with the supplied connection
diagram. If any errors appearance, do not continue before any errors are
Polarity check
Grounding check
Phase relationship
When checking the binary inputs, it's better to disconnect the binary input
connector from binary input module. Check all connected signals in order to
make sure that both the input level and polarity of voltage are in accordance
with the IEDs specifications.
When checking the binary outputs, it's better to disconnect the binary output
connector from binary output module. Check all connected signals in order to
make sure that both the input level and polarity of voltage are in accordance
with the IEDs specifications.
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Using a rotating meter with 500V to test insulation resistance in turn between
analog circuits and earth, and the circuits to each other. Every resistance
must not be less than 100 MΩ. And the lasting time for resistance test is not
less than 5s to ensure that the value of insulation resistance is read in a
steady state.
Chapter 3 Installing IED
5.1 Introduction
After energizing the IED, the blue back light of LCD light up, operate the keys
to turn pages to check that the LCD display is correct.
All the keys on front panel including Arrow keys, Reset key, Set key, Quit key
and shortcut key can be operated to check that these keys satisfy with the
correpsonding function, the detail functions of each key are described in
Table 1.
This procedure describes how to set the IED time from the local HMI.
1. Enter into the time setting menu: Set Time, press the Set button to enter
into the setting menu
Use the Left and Right arrow buttons to move between the time and date
values (year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds). Use the Up and
Down arrow buttons to change the value.
Press the Set button to set the data and clock to the new values.
Chapter 3 Installing IED
Check the hardware version: In this menu, to check the equipment code, the
version of binary input and output module, communication module and HMI.
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
1.1.1 Introduction
All the function settings and binary settings can be read and set through LHMI.
The user can browse to the desired settings and enter into the appropriate
vaules, The parameters for each function can be found in the LHMI. See the
Technical applciation manual for a complete list of setting parameters for
each function.
SNTP mode
The time synchronization mode can be changed into network time mode via
this setting.
The time synchronization mode can be changed into pulse time mode via this
The time synchronization mode can be changed into IRIG-B time mode via
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
this setting.
The address of Lon network, RS485 port, Ethernet port 1 and Ethernet 2 can
be modified in this setting .
In this menu, the following items is displayed and can be modified: sampling
frequency for recording, rising or falling edge selection for each function.
All the functions are enabled or disabled via 1 or 0, 1 means enable, 0 means
Left or right keys are used to select value for pre-recording time and the up
and down keys are used to change value.
Note: when the cursor move to this item, at the bottom of screen,
displays the time limit for pre-recording time.
Left or right keys are used to select value for post-recording time and the up
and down keys are used to change value.
Note: when the cursor move to this item, at the bottom of screen,
displays the time limit for post-recording time. Introduction
Protection setting
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
The menu of protection setting is used to check and modify every function
setting, using left and right button to chose the vaule and the up and down
buttons are used to modify the value, the upper and lower limits of setting
value will be displayed when the cursor move to corresponding setting items.
The protection binary settings are used to enable or disable each function, 1
means enable and 0 means disable.
Check and set the primary and secondary rated value of line voltage.
Check and set the primary and secondary rated current value.
Chapter 4 Read and change setting The setting values and binary settings for test menu
Enable or disable the binary setting for testing the distance protection.
Check the phase to earth or phase to phase resistance and reactance for
each zone of rectangle.
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
Enable or disable each zone of distance protection and the functions related
with distance protection.
Check and set the corresponding setting values for each zone of distance
Check and set the relevant setting values of power swing function.
The setting values of teleprotection for distance protection are same as the
setting values of zone 1 and zone 2 of distance protection.
Enable or disable teleprotection for earth fault protection function and the
functions related with teleprotection for earth fault protection.
Check and set the relevant settings of teleprotection for earth fault protection.
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
Enable or disable the definite time stage and inverse time stage of
overcurrent protection function, and the features related with overcurrent
Enable or disable the definite time stage and inverse time stage of earth fault
protection function, and the features related with earth fault protection.
Enable or disable the definite time stage and inverse time stage of
emergency/backup overcurrent protection function, and the features related
with emergency/backup overcurrent protection.
Enable or disable the definite time stage and inverse time stage of
emergency/backup earth fault protection function, and the features related
with emergency/backup earth fault protection.
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
Enable or disable the circuit breaker failure protection and functions related
with circuit breaker failure protection.
Check and set the relevant settings of circuit breaker failure protection.
Check and set the the relevant settings for each shot and the disrimination
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
Check and set the the various settings for synchro-check and energizing
check function.
Check and set the various settings of current transformer secondary circuit
Check and set the the various settings of voltage transformer secondary
circuit supervision.
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
Check and set the various settings of broken conductor detection function.
Chapter 4 Read and change setting
2.1 Introduction
There are 16 setting groups with same setting items in the IED, for each
group settings can be set and saved separately, the different setting groups
can be switched according to different application.
The current setting group number and the chosen setting group number are
displayed in the LCD, move the cursor by left and right button and change the
value by up and down button, comfirm the result by Set button after the
setting group number is chosen.
The binary setting "BI SetGrp Switch" in the menu described above is used
for switching setting group via binary input, when this binary setting is set to 1,
and the corresponding binary input is active, the setting group is switched
from group 1 to group 2. If the binary setting is set to 1 and the binary input is
inactive, the setting group is switched from group 2 to group 1.
Note: The method for swithing setting group via binary input is only available
for switching between group 1 and group2.
Chapter 5 Testing the communication connection and
time synchronization
Chapter 5 Testing the communication connection and
time synchronization
1 Testing the communication connection
Chapter 5 Testing the communication connection and
time synchronization
Using the dedicated cable for serial port to connect the PC with IED, if
connection fail, check the corresponding configuration of IED is true or not. If
all configurations are true, and the connection is still unsuccessful, please
check the connection cable and communication port.
Chapter 5 Testing the communication connection and
time synchronization
2 Testing the time synchronization
Check that the IED time is changed automatically in accordance with time
synchronization source
Check that the IED time is changed automatically in accordance with time
synchronization source
Check that the IED time is changed automatically in accordance with time
synchronization source
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
1 Introduction
IED test requirements:
The correct IED setting value must have been set before the testing can
Terminal diagram
Prepare the IED for test before testing a function. Consider the logic diagram
of the tested protection function when perform the test. All included functions
in the IED are tested according to the corresponding test instrunctions in this
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
It is allowed to plug-in and pull out each module after the power supply
disconnection. Aviod AC current circuit opened when plug in and pull out
the modules
Keep cleaning and pay attention to dust prevention for each module
In principle, the electric iron can't be used in field, if the electric iron need
to be used for welding during testing, the welding can be performed after
the power disconnection or using the electric iron with earthed wire
During testing, do not insert the module into the wrong position. When
plug in and pull out the module apply appropriate force instead of
overexerting to avoid pins bending or damage the fastening components
of module
During testing, consider the safety measure between the IED and other
running equipment and the safety measure of related circuit between
external running equipment and the IED
During testing, if the current magnitude that is input into IED is large than
three times of rated current, it should be noticed that the time should not
be too long
Chapter 6 IED testing
When energizing the IED in the first time, using multimeter to check the
power supply, the circuit of voltages and currents are connected correcly
to avoid short circuit or open circuit
Tighten all the screws of all terminals again for the new project in order to
prevent improper connection, and plug in and pull out all the modules
again to aovid the modules loosing result from operation or installation
Chapter 6 IED testing
3.1 Introduction
If the modules are needed to be plugged in or pulled out, make sure that
the power is disconnected, and the measure of prevention electrostatic
should be done in order to avoid the damage to module or performance
Before testing, connect the test equipment according to the IED specific
connection diagram. Pay special attention to the correct connection of the
input and output current terminals. Check that the input and output logical
signals in the logic diagram for the function under test are connected to the
corresponding binary inputs and outputs of the IED. The testing connection
diagram is shown in Figure 15.
The user must verify that the connections are correct and the analog signals
are measured correctly after connection completed.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Tester IED
Relay Trip
Chapter 6 IED testing
Power on the IED, in order to check the self-startup performance of the IED,
energizing the IED with the voltage rised slowly from zero to 80% rated
voltage, at this time, observe the green “Run” LED on the front panel that
should be lighted continuously. After the DC power disappears, the normal
closed contact should be disconnected, which can be tested using the
multimeter, the contact is show in Figure 11.
Changing the DC power to 80% rated voltage, power off and power on the
power supply some times, the “Run” LED on the front panel should turn off
and turn on correspondingly. The normal closed contact should be in the “on”
or “off” state. The contact is show in Figure 11.
When period checking, check the expiry date for the power supply module, if
the power supply module has been used more than 5 years, please replace it.
Chapter 6 IED testing
In this menu to check the zero drift of CPU1. The zero drift values of all
analog channels have been listed in detail, check that the zero drift is met the
requirement. Generally, the requirement of the current channels is <0.02A (if
the CT of analog input module is 1A) or <0.1A (if the CT of analog input
module is 5A), the voltage channels is <0.1V. If the zero drift value is not
satisfied the requirement, adjust the corresponding zero drift.
It is allowed to check zero drift after energizing the IED for 5 minutes, when
adjusting the zero drift, disconnect electrical connection of the IED, test
equipment, standard source and external circuit, make sure that there are no
any inputs to analog terminals, select the menu and adjust zero drift.
5.2 Calibrating
Using the test equipment with the accuracy of analogue output should be no
less than 0.5%, connect the voltages and currents of test equipment to the
corresponding input terminals, select the channel need to be adjusted with
arrow keys and Set key, set the adjustment value In and UN, output the analog
quantities from test equipment to IED and comfirm it. If the operation fails, the
abnormity of analog channel and the channel number will be displayed in the
HMI, check the connection, standard value and version is correct or not.
Note: during testing, if the measuring tolerance of the analog quantities are
large than the required range, check that the testing connection, testing
method and external measurement meter is correct, the testing source has
not wave distortion, before all of the exteral equipments are checked, it
should not adjust or change the components of the IED immediately.
Chapter 6 IED testing
After scale and zero drift adjustment completed, check the measurement
linearity tolerance of the IED with test equipment(the accuracy of analogue
output should be no less than 0.5%), and record the testing result, the
If the secondary rated current of CT is 5A, inject current 25A and 10A (the
time for these two injected current can't be more than 10s), 2A, 1A, 0.4A
respectively; if the secondary rated current of CT is 1A, inject current 5A,
2A, 0.5A, 0.2A, 0.08A respectively
Observe the HMI display or check the menu described above, the voltage
channel tolerance is less than 0.1V between HMI display value and measured
value of external meter when the voltage is 0.4V and 1V, for the other voltage
value, the tolerance is less than 2.5%; the current channel tolerance is less
than 0.2In when the current is 0.08In and 0.2In, for the other current value, the
tolerance is less than 2.5%.
Connect all current circuits in series and connect all voltage circuits in parallel.
Inject rated current and three-phase symmetrical AC voltage with 50V, each
phase voltage lead 60°to the corresponding current. Check the scroll diaplay
in HMI or enter into the menu described above, the angle difference of volage
of phase A, B, C should be 120°, the angle difference of current of phase A, B,
C should be 120°, the current should lag 60°to the corresponding phase
voltage (tolerance ≤3°), if the diaplayed quantities are not satisfied the
requirement, check the IED or the connectin of analog input module.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Check the binary input status in this menu, all the binary input status should
be “Off”. Make sure that the circuit of binary input is in good condition, the
power of binary input have been connected (110V or 220V). Test the binary
input one by one according to the engineering drawing, the tested binary input
status displayed in HMI should be “On”.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Testing binary output in this menu to verify the correctness of signal circuit
and output circuit.
During testing the binary output, the corresponding relay contact operate and
the configured LED should be lighted, the irrelevant contacts should not
operate. Use the multimeter to measure the corresponding output contacts of
the tripping and signal.
Chapter 6 IED testing
1. Enable the protection function binary setting via software tool or LHMI
3. Input the rated currents and voltages to make the IED operating
normally for 20s
7. Stop the output from test equipment and restore to original state
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Notice: the two binary settings of "Imp.Oper.Zone" and "Test Pos. Imp"
should be set as 1 for distance protection testing.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase B are same as phase A, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase B required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase C are same as phase A, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase C required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method of verifying time settings of other phases is same as phase A,
only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding phase required.
The test method and test items of verifying the reactance, resistance and time
settings of zone 2 of distance protection are same as zone 1, only need to
change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding zone 2 required.
The test method and test items of verifying the reactance, resistance and time
settings of zone 3 of distance protection are same as zone 1, only need to
change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding zone 3 required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase B are same as phase A, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase B required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase C are same as phase A, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase C required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase B are same as phase A, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase B required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase C are same as phase A, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase C required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase BC are same as phase AB, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase BC required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase CA are same as phase AB, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase CA required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase BC are same as phase AB, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase BC required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase CA are same as phase AB, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase CA required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method of verifying time settings of other phases is same as phase A,
only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding phase required.
The test method and test items of verifying the reactance, resistance and time
settings of zone 5 of distance protection in forward or reverse direction are
same as zone 4, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and
settings into the conrresponding zone 5 required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase B are same as phase A, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase B required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth distance protection
settings of phase C are same as phase A, only need to change the
corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase C required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method of verifying time settings of other phases is same as phase A,
only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth settings of phase B
are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions
and settings into the phase B required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth settings of phase C
are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions
and settings into the phase C required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
the corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase BC required.
The test method of verifying time settings of other phases is same as phase A,
only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth settings of phase B
are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions
and settings into the phase B required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth settings of phase C
are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions
and settings into the phase C required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method of verifying time settings of other phases is same as phase A,
only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test itmes of verifying phase-to-earth settings of phase B
are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions
and settings into the phase B required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth settings of phase C
are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions
and settings into the phase C required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test itmes of verifying phase-to-earth settings of phase B
are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions
and settings into the phase B required.
The test method and test items of verifying phase-to-earth settings of phase C
are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions
and settings into the phase C required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
the corresponding test conditions and settings into the phase BC required.
The test method of verifying time settings of other phases is same as phase A,
only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
Chapter 6 IED testing
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
The test method and test items of verifying the stage 2 of overcurrent
portection are same as stage 1, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the conrresponding stage 2 required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
User-defined characteristic
Time factor of inverse time, A
Delay of inverse time, B
Index of inverse time, P
Time Multiplier: k
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase of inverse time
stage are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the stage 2 of earth fault
portection are same as stage 1, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the conrresponding stage 2 required.
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase of inverse time
stage are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase of inverse time
stage are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase of inverse time
stage are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
The test method and test items of verifying the stage 2 of overvoltage
protection are same as stage 1, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the conrresponding stage 2 required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
The test method and test items of verifying the phase-to-phase voltage
discrimination are same as phase-to-earth voltage discrimination, only need
to change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding phase-to-phase voltage discrimination required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the stage 2 of undervoltage
protection are same as stage 1, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the conrresponding stage 1 required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the settings of other phase
Chapter 6 IED testing
protection are same as phase A, only need to change the corresponding test
conditions and settings into the conrresponding phase A required.
The test method and test items of verifying the stage 2 of CBF protection are
same as stage 1, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and
settings into the conrresponding stage 2 required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
CBF protection
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Tester IED
U4 U4
U4' U4'
If the tester can't provide the reference voltage U4, the wiring connection is
shown in Figure 17.
Tester IED
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
1 VT at busbar side
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
2 VT at line side
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
8.17 Auto-reclosing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method of verifying the other short is same as shot 1, only need to
change the corresponding test conditions and settings into the
conrresponding shot 1 required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
2 Isolated system
Chapter 6 IED testing
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method and test items of verifying the other phase are same as
phase A, only need to change the corresponding test conditions and settings
into the conrresponding other phase required.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Note: The setting value of third harmonic voltage is 4V, and the value can't be
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
Chapter 6 IED testing
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
For the reference voltage verifying, the user can refer to the section of
“Synchro-check and energizing check function” in this chapter.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
The test method of checking the other phase are same as phase A, only need
to change the corresponding test conditions into the conrresponding other
phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Before starting the test, please make sure that the protection function setting
values and parameters are correct, refer to section Introduction, Points for
attention during testing and Preparing for test in this chapter.
Chapter 6 IED testing
The test method of checking the other phase are same as phase A, only need
to change the corresponding test conditions into the conrresponding other
phase required.
Continue to test another function or end the test. Restore connections and
settings to their original values, if they were changed for testing purposes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Power on the IED, the LED “Run” is lit steadily in green, other LEDs should be
After setting the date and time of the IED, power on and off the IED with five
times in short time, checking the tolerance of date and time is within the
permissible range.
Inject system currents (load current must be larger than 0.08In) and voltages
into the IED, and then check whether the magnitude, phase angle, polarity
and phase sequence of each measuring analog value are correct or not.
Checking the settings one by one of each group which are possibly used in
the actual operation modes.
Chapter 6 IED testing
Check the state of all binary inputs. Particularly ensure that the IED is not in
test mode, meaning there is not a hand type icon displayed at the upright
corner of the LCD.
Trip and close the circuit breaker, the corresponding feedback state of circuit
breaker injected via binary inputs should be read out and compared with the
actual state of circuit breaker, the displayed state should be in accordance
with the actual state. Switching the circuit breaker state from remote control center
If all the checking items described above and the other checking items need
to be performed according to the site condition have been checked and
correct, the IED can be put into operation.
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
If the alarming class I appearance during operation, stop running the IED,
record the alarm information and inform the responsible engineer, at this
time, it is not allowed to press the Reset button. If the alarming class II
appearance, record the alarm information and inform the responsible
engineer to analyse and deal with.
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
2 Routine checking
Checking the LEDs status
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
3 Periodical checking
Check that the inside and outside of the IED are cleanly and no ash
All components (including the chips, transformer and relay, etc.) of the
IED are fixed well, no loosing phenomenon, the IED apperance is regular
and no damage and distortion phenomenon
The buttons are operated flexibly with good feeling and fixed reliably
All the IED terminals for connection are firmd without loosing
phenomenon, and the marked number are clear and correct
Energizing the IED with DC power supply for several seconds, the green
“Run” LED will be lighted without any alarm or operation lED lighted (if
lighted, press Reset button to reset), the analog quantities is displayed in
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
Check the address jumper of CPU module is correct, and input and write
the setting values and parameters
Check the zero drift and scale of all analog quantities channel again
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
Test all the binary inputs or outputs and the related external secondary
circuit before the IED is in service
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
Information Description
BI Config Err Binary input configuration is error
BO Breakdown Binary output breakdown
BO EEPROM Err The EEPROM of binary output is error
BO No Response No response of binary output
BOConfig Err Binary output configuration is error
EquipPara Err Equipment parameter is error
ROM Verify Err ROM verifying is error
Sampling Err Sampling is error
Set Group Err Setting group is error
Setting Err Setting value is error
Soft Version Err Soft version is error
Sys Config Err System configuration is error
Information Description
3I0 Reverse 3I0 reverse
3Ph CB Open Err Three phase of circuit breaker open error
3Ph Seq Err Three phase sequence error
AI Channel Err Analog input channel error
AR Mode Alarm Autorelosing mode alarm
Battery Off Battery off
BI Breakdown Binary input breakdown
BI Check Err Binary input checking is error
BI Comm Fail Binary input communication fail
BI EEPROM Err The EEPROM of binary input is error
BI Input Err Binary input error
BI_Init CBF Err Binary input for initiation CBF protection error
BI_V1P_MCB Err Binary input error of single phase MCB
BI_V3P_MCB Err Binary input error of three phase MCB
BO Comm Fail Binary output communication fail
BRKN COND Alarm Broken conductor alarm
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
Information Description
Carr Fail(DEF) Carrier fail (directional earth fault protection)
Carr Fail(Dist) Carrier fail (distance protection)
CT Fail CT Fail
FLASH Check Err FLASH checking is error
Func_Dist Blk Function of blocking distance protection
Func_UV Blk Function of blocking undervoltage protection
NO/NC Discord NO/NC discord
OV/UV Trip Fail Overvoltage/undervoltage protection trip fail
OV1 Alarm Stage 1 of overvoltage protection alarm
OV2 Alarm Stage 2 of overvoltage protection alarm
Overload Alarm Overload alarm
SRAM Check Err SRAM checking is error
SYN Voltage Err Synchronization voltage error
Tele Mode Alarm Tele mode alarm
Test BO Un_reset Do not reset after testing binary output
Trip Fail Trip fail
U_3rd_Harm Alarm Third harmonic of voltage alarm
UV1 Alarm Stage 1 of undervoltage protection alarm
UV2 Alarm Stage 2 of undervoltage protection alarm
V1P_MCB VT Fail Single phase VT fail of MCB
V3P_MCB VT Fail Three phase VT fail of MCB
VT Fail Voltage transformer fail
Chapter 7 Operating maintenance
Chapter 8 Transportation and storage
Chapter 8 Transportation and storage
1 Transportion
The IED can be transported by means of conveyance, such as car, train, ship,
etc. In order to ensure the perfect performance of the IED, prevent the IED
from rain, snow, vibration, shock and bump.
Chapter 8 Transportation and storage
2 Storage
If the IED is to be stored before installation, this is must be done in the original
transport casing in a dry and dust free place. The packed IED should be
stored in a waterproof and snow proof place without acid or alkaline or other
corrosive gas and explosive gas. The storage temperature is from -25°C to
+40°C, and the relative humidity does not exceed 80%. Observe the
environmental requirements stated in the technical data.
Chapter 8 Transportation and storage
Chapter 9 Appendix
Chapter 9 Appendix
Chapter 9 Appendix
Test port For BIM and BOM Ethernet ports Fiber Optical
X10 X9 X8 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1
Chapter 9 Appendix
2 Typical diagram
A. For one breaker of single or double busbar arrangement
Protection IED
b01 IA
b02 IB
* * * a03
b03 IC
b04 IN
b10 U4
Figure 19 Typical connection diagram for one breaker of single or double busbar
Chapter 9 Appendix
* * *
Protection IED
* * * a01
b01 IA
b02 IB
b03 IC
b04 IN
b10 U4
Figure 20 Typical connection diagram for one and half breaker arrangement
Chapter 9 Appendix
Protection IED
b01 IA
b02 IB
* * * a03 * * *
b03 IC
b04 IN
b10 U4
b05 INM