Program For The Calculation of Power Transformer

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Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of International Kazakh –
Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
Master student at the International Kazakh –
Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi


There are many programs are used to calculate power transformers in

enterprises. They are used by a narrow circle of specialists and their intellectual
property. For the reason, these programs are not available to use by a wide range
of other engineers and professionals.
Therefore purpose of the article is to make model program in order to
calculate power transformers, which can be accessibly applied by whole
professionals in this field.

Elaboration of program

Structure for the calculation of program will be designed in next

consequences [1]:
1. Definition of basic electrical value:
1.1. Definition of line and phase meaning of electric current and voltage in
windings LV and HV;
1.2. Definition of test voltages in windings;

2. Selection of transformer type and its main component parts;
magnetic circuit, windings, tank, voltage regulator, cooling type:
2.1. Tentative calculation of basic dimensions in the magnetic circuit:
– choose the brand and thickness of the transformer sheet and its isolation;
– choose induction in the core and yoke;
– determine the number of steps and the diameter of the core;
– define the size of basic insulation distances in the windings;
– determine the estimated size of the magnetic circuit;
2.2. Calculation of LV and HV windings:
– selection of LV and HV windings types;
– calculation of sheets quantity, thereafter the size of LV and HV windings;
2.3. Selecting the type of tanks and determining their size;
2.4. Selecting the type of voltage regulator;
2.5. Selecting the type of cooling;
3. Determination of electrical parameters and mechanical strength of
3.1. Definition of basic and additional losses in the copper windings and
loss of the short-circuit;
3.2. Determination of the short-circuit voltage;
3.3. Determination of mechanical forces in the windings in the short circuit;
4. Determination of mechanical forces in the windings in the short circuit:
4.1. Determination of the steps and active section of the core and yoke,
plan maps of magnetic sheets;
4.2. Determination of weight of the magnetic circuit;
4.3. Determination of no-load losses;
4.4. Determination of current at no- load losses;
5. Thermal design of the active part:

5.1. Determination of overheat of windings compared to oil temperature;
5.2. Determination of overheat of the core compared to oil temperature;
6. Calculation of the cooling systems:
6.1. Determining the size of the tank;
6.2. Determining the surface of cooling;
6.3. Final calculation of the windings overheat and oil related to air
6.4. Determination of weight of oil and basic dimensions of expander;
7. Design and layout of the transformer and mechanical calculation:
– Magnetic circuit;
– Fixing the windings;
– Tank and auxiliary parts;
Approximate program for the calculation of power oil transformer [2]
1. Source database for the calculation :
– nominal power ;

– the number of phases ;

– frequency f=50 F;
– voltage U;
– combination of windings and group of their combination;

– short-circuit voltage ;

– no-load losses ;

– short-circuit losses losses;

– mode work – normal;
– method of cooling – oil with natural termosiphon circulation;
– installation – external;

Determination of the base electrical values

The first step of the program is to determine sum of power, which is

calculated as sum of power consumed by each winding:
Psum  U1I1  U 2 I 2  ...  U n I n (1)
where: U1I1 , U 2 I 2 and etc. – production of voltages and currents in the
secondary windings
The second step of the program is to define overall power:
Pi  (2)
COE can be defined from table 1:

Determination of efficiency coefficient

Table 1
Sum power, Вт 10-20 20-40 40-100 100-300
COE of transformer 0,8 0,85 0,88 0,92

The third step of the program is to determine the cross-section S of the

working core:
S  1,2. Pi (3)

where the cross-section is in

The fourth step of the program is to work out the width a of the working
a  0,8. S (4)
The fifth step of the program is to choose the form of the core. Of receipt
value a(cm) we are going to choose next value from the available cores:

Picture 1. Forms of the transformer core and disposition windings in it

The sixth step of the program is to determine the thickness of the package c:
c (5)
The seventh step of the program is to find the number n of coils per 1 volt:
n (6)
The coefficient k is usually in the range of 35 ÷ 60. It depends on the
properties of plates in the core steel [4].
Steel thickness with 0,35 mm:
– for cores such as C - shaped pattern with thin steel k = 35;
– for cores like O – shaped pattern assembled from П or Г – shaped
pattern plates without holes by corner k = 40;
– for plate type such as Ш – shape pattern without holes k = 45;
– for plate type as Ш – shaped pattern with holes k = 50;
– for plate type like Ш – shaped pattern with holes and thickness 0,35 mm
k = 60;

The eighth step of the program is to determine the number n of coils in
the primary winding:
W=U.n (7)
The ninth step of the program is to determine the number of coils is the
secondary winding and there is necessity in including an additional coefficient m
which takes a drop of voltage into account in it:
W=m.U.n (8)

Dependence the coefficient m from the current which flows through

the winding
Table 2
Strength of the secondary 0,2-0,5 0,5-1,0 1,0-2,0 2,0-4,0
winding, А
m 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,06

The tenth step of the program is to determine diameter d of the conductor

of the secondary windings:
d  p. 1 . (9)
where: d – diameter of copper conductor, mm;
I – current force in the winding, А;
p – coefficient which takes available heat into account depending on
brand of conductor

Determination of the coefficient p in dependence on brand of current

Table 3
Brand of current PEL PEV-1 PEV-2 PET
p 0,8 0,72 0,69 0,65

The eleventh step of the program is to determine current I in the primary
I i (10)
An example to step calculation of power transformer:

Represented table below gives dates for secondary winding

Table 4
Winding Number of cols, Diameter of copper Diameter of current
W current, d, mm in isolation, mm
I (primary) 1680 0,24 0,25
1 50 0,9 0,99
2 94 0,41 0,45
3 917 0,18 0,2

An example for the calculation:

It is necessity to calculate with following dates:
U1 = 6,3 B
I1 = 1,5 A
U2 = 12 B
I2 = 0,3 A
U3 = 120 B
I3 = 0,059 A
Find summary power:
Pсумм = U1I1 + U2I3 + ... + UnIn = 6,3 . 1,5 + 12 . 0,3 + 120 . 0,059 = 20,13 Вт
Using Table 1 we shall define an overall capacity P1:
Psum 20,13
Pi    23,7 Вт
COE 0,85

To find the cross-section S of the core:

S  1,2. P1  1.2. 23,7  5,84 см 2

To find approximate meaning of the width a:
а  1,8. S  0.8. 5,84  1,94 см
By choosing the plate type for transformer Ш – 19, for which a = 1,9 cm,
we shall find the thickness c of the package:
S 5,84
c   3,1 см
a 1,9
Through received cross-section of the working core there is S:

S  a . c  1,9 . 3,1  5,89 см 2

To determine coefficient k. If there is used the plate of transformer sheet
with type such as Ш – 19 without holes with corner, then k = 45. To define
number n of coils per 1B:
k 45
n   7,64
S 5,89
To define number of coils in the primary winding on condition of net is
voltage 220B
W1  U1 . n  220 . 7,64  1680 витков
To define coefficient m from table 3 for secondary winding:
if I1 = 1,5 A m1 = 1,04
if I2 = 0,3 A m2 = 1,02
if I3 = 0,059 A m3 = 1
To find number of coils from every secondary winding until earlier entire
W1 = m1 . U1 . n1 = 1,04 . 6,3 . 7,64 = 50 coils
W2 = m2 . U2 . n2 = 1,02 . 12 . 7,64 = 94 coils

W3 = m3 . U3 . n3 = 1 . 120 . 7,64 = 917 coils
To define current force in the primary winding:
Pi 23,7
I1    1.108 A
U сети 220
To define diameter of conductor of primary winding:

Accordingly, we are realizing a step illustration of the calculation for

Calculation of transformer is implemented in program language C++ [3].
Structure of program is led to Listing – Supplement № 1.

1. Represented structure of the calculation for transformer.
2. Realized a step illustration of the calculation for base electrical values
of transformer.
3. On program language C++ represented concrete illustration of the
calculation for transformer.

1. Transformers – The Basics. Martin Grech, Geoff Sevart, Copyright 2001
2. Leslie Lamport "Predicate Transformers for Concurrency". ACM
Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 2009.
3. Бондаренко С. В. Бондаренко М. Ю. Программирование на языке
С++ в MVS. 2010.
4. Antonov, D., Ovcharov, P. Determination of internal stress in welding
apparatus subjected to mechanical and thermal stress. // XX Scientific and
technical international conference Defektoskopiya'2005 "2005.

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