DA ZCR Calculator
DA ZCR Calculator
DA ZCR Calculator
Variables Constants
Room Width (ft) 40 Lamp Lumen Depreciation 0.8
Room Length 150 Luminaire Dirt Depreciation 0.8
Luminaire Height 20 Ballast Factor 0.95
Lumens per Lamp 1000 Work Plane (ft) 2.5
Watts Per Lamp 40
Coefficient of Utilization
Room Cavity Ratio 2.8
The Project Summary page may be used to summarize the project lighting
values. After the total watts are computed for the desired lighting levels in the
Quick Calculator, the designer may move these numbers to this spreadsheet
where the room W/SqFt and the project average W/SqFt are automatically
calculated. When printing the Project Summary or Quick Calculator pages,
go to File/Print Setup and select "black & white" in the Print Options.
Room surface reflectance is not a shown field - this information is part of the
manufacturer's CU information sheet and should be used by the engineer to
select the proper CU.