2012 Khan Ta PHD

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Thesis Submitted for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

at the University of Leicester


Tamim Ahmed Khan

Department of Computer Sciences

University of Leicester, UK


Web services only expose interface level information, abstracting away implemen-
tation details. Testing is a time consuming and resource-intensive activity. Therefore, it
is important to minimize the set of test cases executed without compromising quality.
Since white-box testing techniques and traditional structural coverage criteria require
access to code, we require a model-based approach for web service testing.
Testing relies on oracles to provide expected outcomes for test cases and, if imple-
mented manually, they depend on testers’ understanding of functional requirements to
decide the correct response of the system on every given test case. As a result, they are
costly in creation and maintenance and their quality depends on the correct interpreta-
tion of the requirements. Alternatively, if suitable specifications are available, oracles
can be generated automatically at lower cost and with better quality. We propose to
specify service operations as visual contracts with executable formal specifications as
rules of a typed attributed graph transformation system. We associate operation signa-
tures with these rules for providing test oracles.
We analyze dependencies and conflicts between visual contracts to develop a de-
pendency graph. We propose model-based coverage criteria, considering this depen-
dency graph, to assess the completeness of test suites. We also propose a mechanism to
find out which of the potential dependencies and the conflicts were exercised by a given
test case. While executing the tests, the model is simulated and coverage is recorded
as well as measured against the criteria. The criteria are formalized and the dynamic
detection of conflicts and dependencies is developed. This requires keeping track of
occurrences and overlaps of pre- and post-conditions, their enabling and disabling, in
successive model states, and interpreting these in terms of the static dependency graph.
Systems evolve over time and need retesting each time there is a change. In order
to verify that the quality of the system is maintained, we use regression testing. Since
regression test suites tend to be large, we isolate the affected part in the system only
retesting affected parts by rerunning a selected subset of the total test suite. We analyze
the test cases that were executed on both versions and propose a mechanism to trans-
fer the coverage provided by these test cases. This information helps us to assess the
completeness of the test suite on the new version without executing all of it.

In the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most beneficent

I am thankful to Almighty Allah that I landed here in Leicester and was in the able
and kind hearted support of Prof Dr. Reiko Heckel. I was ready to do the hard work but
was, like many other PhD students, wondering in a pointless manner. It was him who
brought me to a proper direction and guided me throughout my degree. Few words or
few sentences cannot do justice to what the Professor has done not only for me but all
of the students who worked with him. I wish him all the best in his life and in his future
pursuits. I would also like to thank Dr. Artur Boronat who was my second supervisor
and Dr. Fer-Jan DeVres who was my course tutor for their kind help and support. I
would like to thank Olga Runge who was extremely helpful and provided me a sound
and prompt support whenever required.
When I came and joined computer sciences department, I noticed that the out-
fit was more towards theoretical aspects and less towards the application side. It was
through a systematic support and guidance in the shape of regular Friday afternoon
seminars, for which Dr. Alexander Kurz must be thanked besides many others, and
short courses from all senior faculty members especially from Prof Dr. Jose Fiadeiro,
Prof Dr. Rick Thomas, Prof Dr. Rajeev Raman, and Prof Dr. Thomas Erlebach that we
were able to dope ourselves into theoretical domain. I would also like to thanks Prof
Dr. Rick Thomas, Dr. Irek Ulidowski, Dr. Emilio Tuosto, Dr. Stephan Reiff-Marganiec,
Dr. Alexander Kurz, Dr. Monika Solanki and Dr. Neil Walkinshaw for allowing to sit in
their taught modules, besides courses from my first and second supervisors, and learn
from them. I would like to express my gratitude to all of the rest of the staff members
for their help and support in the shape of short courses, healthy discussions and shar-
ing of information. I would also like to express my gratitude to help and support by
Rodrigo Machado in understanding the basic concepts of category theory and graph
I would like to thank both of my parents who must be happily seeing me progress to
completing my PhD from heavens and I would like to thank all of my family members
especially Inaam Bhai, Fariha, Kashif and Kiran for their prayers and support. I express
my gratitude to Khala and Khaloo. Last but not least, I am grateful to my wife, Madiha,
for her continual support through thick and thin and I dedicate my thesis to my parents
and to my boys - Talal and Qaseem.

Declaration of Authorship

I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that is the result of work
done during the period of registration. To the best of my knowledge, it contains no
previously published material written by another person. None of this work has been
submitted for another degree at the University of Leicester or any other University.
Part of this thesis appeared in the following conjoint publications, to each of which
I have made substantial contributions:

• Tamim Ahmed Khan and Reiko Heckel, “A Methodology for Model-Based Re-
gression Testing of Web Services", in Proceedings of the 2009 Testing: Aca-
demic and Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques, TAIC-
PART 09, IEEE Computer Society.

• Tamim Ahmed Khan and Reiko Heckel, “On Model-Based Regression Testing of
Web-Services Using Dependency Analysis of Visual Contracts", in Proceedings
of the Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering - 14th International
Conference, FASE 2011, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on
Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany, March
26-April 3, 2011, LNCS Vol. 6603, pp.341-355.

• Reiko Heckel, Tamim Ahmed Khan, Rodrigo Machado, “Towards test coverage
criteria for visual contracts", In Proceedings of the Graph Transformation and
Visual Modeling Techniques, GTVMT 11, Electronic Communications of the
EASST, Vol. 41/2011
• Tamim Ahmed Khan, Olga Runge, Reiko Heckel, “Visual Contracts as Test Or-
acle in AGG 2.0", In Proceedings of the Graph Transformation and Visual Mod-
eling Techniques, GTVMT 12, Electronic Communications of the EASST, Vol.

• Tamim Ahmed Khan, Olga Runge, Reiko Heckel, “Testing Against Visual Con-
tracts: Model-based Coverage", in Proceedings of the 6th International Confer-
ence on Graph Transformation, ICGT 12, University of Bremen, Germany 24 -
29 September, 2012, LNCS (to appear).


I Introduction and Preliminaries 1

1 Introduction 2
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.1 Visual Contracts as Test Oracles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2.2 Model-based Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.3 Regression Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 Thesis Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2 Background 11
2.1 Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Visual Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3 Graph Transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.1 Graphs, rules, and transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Running Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.5 Independence and Critical Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

II Model-Based Testing 22

3 Typed Attributed Graph Transformation Systems with Rule Signatures 23

3.1 Rule Signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4 Test Oracles Using Visual Contracts 31

4.1 Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.1.1 Model as Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.1.2 Partiality of Visual Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.1.3 Failure Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.1.4 Adaptation of Output Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2 Using AGG as an Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.1 Model as Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2.2 Partiality of Visual Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.2.3 Failure Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2.4 Adaptation of Output Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.3 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.4 Application to the Running Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.5 Limitations of the Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

5 Model-Based Coverage Criteria 50

5.1 Dependency Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.2 Coverage Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.3 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6 Dynamic Analysis of Dependencies and Conflicts 59

6.1 Dynamic Analysis of Dependencies and Conflicts . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.2 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.3 Application to the Running Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.4 Limitations of the Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
6.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

7 Model Based Regression Testing 72

7.1 Evolution Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.1.1 Scenario I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
7.1.2 Evolution Scenarios II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.2 Classification of Test Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
7.3 Coverage Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
7.4 Application to the Running Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.4.1 Generation of Test Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
7.4.2 Validation of Quality of Entire Test Suite . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.4.3 Classification of test cases into OB, RU, and RQ . . . . . . . 83
7.4.4 Validation of the quality and required size of RQ . . . . . . . 84
7.4.5 Coverage Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
7.5 Limitations of the Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

8 Case Study: Bug Tracking System 87

8.1 Bug Tracking System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
8.1.1 Service Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
8.1.2 Model Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
8.2 Test Oracles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
8.2.1 Setup and Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.2.2 Results and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.2.3 Threats to Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
8.3 Coverage Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
8.3.1 Setup and Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
8.3.2 Results and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
8.3.3 Threats to Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
8.4 Regression Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8.4.1 Setup and Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
8.4.2 Results and Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8.4.3 Threats to Validity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
8.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

III Comparison and Conclusion 113

9 Comparison to the State of the Art 114

9.1 Test Oracles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
9.2 Model-based Coverage Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
9.3 Regression Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
9.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

10 Conclusion and Outlook 127

10.1 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
10.2 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
10.2.1 Test Case Analysis and Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
10.2.2 Learning Visual Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
10.2.3 Rules Signature for Multi Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
10.2.4 Application Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
10.2.5 Evaluation of Effectiveness of Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

A Visual Contracts: Bug Tracker Service 132

References 146

List of Figures

1.1 Software testing process diagram adapted from [66] . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1 E-Graph (Left) and condition for A-graph morphisms (Right) . . . . . 14

2.2 Visual Contracts for Hotel Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.3 Type Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 Rule to query information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.5 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2 An example transformation sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 An example transformation sequence and an observation sequence . . 27
3.4 Start graph for test case example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.1 Schematic diagram of proposed driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.2 Component diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Additional rule for finding all rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.4 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.5 Additional rule for finding all rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.6 Start Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.7 Additional rule for finding all rooms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

5.1 Critical pairs and dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.2 Dependency Graph of T AGT S representing hotel web service . . . . 54
5.3 Start graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.4 Cov(DG, T ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

6.1 Dependencies in a transformation sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

6.2 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.3 Method Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
6.4 Code Coverage with cr + cd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
6.5 Code Coverage with all paths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

7.1 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

7.2 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
7.3 Fault seeding with L-Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
7.4 Start graph for version V2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
7.5 Fault seeding with L-Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
7.6 Coverage analysis output for version V1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
7.7 Coverage analysis output for version V2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

8.1 Model level signatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

8.2 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
8.3 Initial state of the model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
8.4 Initial model state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
8.5 Test Case Execution Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8.6 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
8.7 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
8.8 Dependency graph for ≺ relation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
8.9 Dependency graph for % relation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
8.10 Unreachable code example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

8.11 Optional caption for list of figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
8.12 BugTracker, evolution to Version 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
8.13 BugTracker, evolution to Version 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
8.14 Fault seeding with L-Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

10.1 Test Case Generation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

10.2 Test Case Generation Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

A.1 Visual Contract for Rule AddProject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

A.2 Visual Contract for Rule AssignProject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
A.3 Visual Contract for Rule DeleteProjectById . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
A.4 Visual Contract for Rule GetProjectByProjectTitle . . . . . . . . . . . 133
A.5 Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetProjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
A.6 Visual Contract for GetProjectsForUsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
A.7 Visual Contract for Rule UpdateProject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
A.8 Visual Contract for Rule AddBug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
A.9 Visual Contract for Rule DeleteBug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
A.10 Visual Contract for Rule DeleteBugsForProjectAndUsers . . . . . . . 136
A.11 Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetAllBugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
A.12 Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetAllBugsForProject . . . . . . . . 137
A.13 Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetAllBugsForProjectAndUser . . . 137
A.14 Visual Contract for Rule UpdateBug . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
A.15 Visual Contract for AddUser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
A.16 Visual Contract for RuleScheme DeleteUserById . . . . . . . . . . . 138
A.17 Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetUsers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
A.18 Visual Contract for Rule IsValidPassword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
A.19 Visual Contract for Rule GetLogins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
A.20 Visual Contract for Rule GetUserInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

A.21 Visual Contract for Rule GetUserInfoForUserName . . . . . . . . . . 140
A.22 Visual Contract for Rule GetUserInfoForUserId . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
A.23 Visual Contract for Rule UpdateUser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
A.24 Visual Contract for Rule AddIssue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
A.25 Visual Contract for Rule DeleteIssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
A.26 Visual Contract for Rule DeleteIssuesForProjectAndUser . . . . . . . 142
A.27 Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetAllIssues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
A.28 Visual Contract for Rule UpdateIssue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
A.29 Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetUsersForProject . . . . . . . . . 144
A.30 Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetPossibleStatusses . . . . . . . . . 144
A.31 Visual Contract for Rule UpdateXUserProject . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Part I

Introduction and Preliminaries

Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

Software testing is a verification and validation approach in which the system under
test (SUT) is executed with sample data such that the implemented behavior can be
examined against a specification. The intention is to uncover the presence of defects in
the SUT and to validate the implementation against the requirements. The testing pro-
cess, as shown in Figure 1.1, consists of activities to design test cases, the preparation
of test data, executing the SUT using test data, and validating the results [66].
In order to design test cases and prepare test data, artifacts related to specification
or implementation are considered. Since testing is a time and cost intensive process, we
need to select adequately many test cases such that they are likely to reveal faults [8].
There are several methods for assessing the completeness of test suites of which cover-
age analysis is one particular method [44]. Once test cases are selected, inputs that are
generated to execute these test cases and expected results are computed. The expected
outcomes are used to provide test oracles which are an essential part of the software
testing process [70]. The SUT is executed with test data and the actual outcomes are
validated against the expected results in the last two activities shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1: Software testing process diagram adapted from [66]

Service-oriented systems pose a variety of challenges to client-side testing due to

lack of control over the service implementation [15]. A user’s view of a web service
is through provided interfaces, which abstract away the implementation details and
prevent the use of white-box testing methods [15]. Therefore, we require a model-
based approach to test oracles for web services.
Web services testing incurs additional overheads in terms of service invocation
costs and resource consumption through network traffic [57]. Therefore, we need to
assess the completeness of a given set of test cases. There are several methods for as-
sessing the completeness of test suites, e.g., structural coverage criteria, fault-based
approaches. Coverage provides a metric to see what portions of a software artefact,
with respect to a given test requirement, the test cases in a test suite are able to exer-
cise [3]. Traditionally, a test requirement is defined in terms of code elements such as
statements, branches, data definitions, data usages, etc. Coverage criteria are used to
enforce test requirements [3]. Since traditional structural coverage criteria require ac-
cess to code, we need a model-based alternative for web services and component-based
Software systems evolve as a consequence of repairing faults or adapting the soft-
ware to a different system/environment. Evolution may also be in response to addition
or modification of functionality. These maintenance activities are an integral part of the

software development process contributing significant overheads as identified in [66].
Maintenance starts as soon as a software system is developed and delivered to the
production environment. Large portion of the total software cost (up to 85 - 90%) is
devoted to this activity [25]. Often, changes made to a system are local, arising from
fixing bugs or specific additions or changes to the functionality. Rerunning the entire
test set in such cases is wasteful. Instead, we would like to be able to identify the parts
of the system that were affected by the changes and select only those test cases for
rerun which test functionality that could have been affected.
When verifying that the quality of a web service under test has not regressed during
maintenance, we are again faced with the problem of non-availability of code. There-
fore, we require a model-based regression testing approach for web services, providing
a test suite reduction mechanism based on analyzing the impact of the change. For the
two versions of the SUT before and after the maintenance, there are test cases which
are executable on both versions, but are not selected for retesting since they do not ex-
ercise the affected part of the system. However, we need to consider them to determine
the coverage for the evolved version. We therefore require a mechanism to transfer
coverage information to the next version.
In summary, the thesis addresses the problem as follows:

Web services hide implementation details preventing the use of white-

box testing methods. We propose a model-based approach to support or-
acles, coverage analysis, and regression testing. We specify web service
operations by visual contracts, i.e., pre- and post-conditions formalized
as rules in a graph transformation system. This provides us with an exe-
cutable model as oracle and allows analysis of conflicts and dependencies
for assessing coverage and regression.

1.2 Approach

We propose a model-based approach to test oracles, coverage criteria and regression

testing of web services. Analysis of visual contracts formally specified as transforma-
tion rules in a typed attributed graph transformation system (TAGTS) has been used
for interface specification [31], model-based testing [33], and test case generation [29]
previously. We have used visual contracts for executing models to propose test oracles.
Specifications are analyzed for model-based testing considering additional semantic
information e.g., resource description framework (RDF) in [49], semantic web descrip-
tions (WSDL-S) in [65] and specifications using business process execution language
(BPEL) in [36]. The gathered information is either represented as control-flow graph
or as extended finite state machine. Our treatment to the problem is different in the
sense that we make use of visual contracts for model-based coverage criteria. We con-
sider dataflow information and represent it as a dependency graph. Next, we provide a
high-level introduction to our approach.

1.2.1 Visual Contracts as Test Oracles

Software testing relies on test oracles to predict expected test results [11]. Oracles can
be implemented manually relying on testers’ understanding of functional requirements
to decide the correct response of the system on every given test case. As a result,
they are costly in creation and maintenance and their quality depends on the correct
interpretation of the requirements. Alternatively, if suitable specifications are available,
oracles can be generated automatically at lower cost and with better quality [6].
Visual contracts specified as rules in a typed attributed graph transformation sys-
tem (TAGTS) are directly executable and therefore suitable for generating automated
oracles. However, the gap in abstraction between service implementation and visual
models poses a number of challenges in implementing this basic idea. This includes the

requirement to convert operation invocations into rule applications, passing and con-
verting parameters and interpreting replies. This conversion is also required because
model and implementation signatures may differ, with the implementation requiring
extra parameters, providing additional results, or using different types, especially for
Since the model is only concerned with functional aspects, we also have to filter
out technical failures of the implementation, such as problems with the server or trans-
port layer, distinguishing them from logical failures corresponding to non-applicable
rules due to violation of preconditions. However, with visual contracts providing a par-
tial specification only, even the functional aspect may be under-specified. As a further
challenge, different web service implementations may report success and failure differ-
ently. Adapter and test driver both need to be flexible enough to accommodate different
styles of error handling and reporting, allowing for a degree of customization. We an-
alyze and overcome these challenges and propose model-based test oracles for web
service testing in Chapter 4.

1.2.2 Model-based Coverage

Model-based testing relies on model-level artifacts to derive test cases and assess cov-
erage [69]. Considering the classification of approaches into black-box and white-box,
model-based testing is a special case of black-box testing [16] in which the system
is tested considering its externally visible behavior. Test cases and coverage criteria
are therefore derived from the model of the system. White-Box strategies, on the other
hand, access implementation details.
Complete testing of software systems is not possible due to the infinite number
of values that can be considered as inputs [3]. Therefore, we require a mechanism to
establish the completeness of test cases. Coverage provides us with a metric to see

what portion of a software artefact, with respect to a given test requirement, the test
suite was able to exercise [3].
Our approach to model-based testing relies on the execution of models to assess
completeness of test suites. The coverage criteria are based on static dependency anal-
ysis and dynamic analysis of actual coverage. We represent service specifications as
TAGTS to analyze dependencies and conflicts between operations. We are then able
organize this information as a graph where data definition, usage, and deallocation by
different operations can be visualized by edge labels. Once a graph is constructed, we
propose model-based coverage criteria based on combinations of such labels. To as-
sess coverage, we need information from the model’s execution, since individual test
cases may or may not observe a dependency or a conflict. Our approach of model-
based coverage analysis is therefore a natural extension of the use of executable visual
contracts as test oracles. In line with most approaches to testing, we assume that our
models are correct, i.e., if a discrepancy occurs between model and implementation,
the assumption is that the implementation is at fault. Moreover, for some parts of our
method, visual contracts are required to be complete. In particular, the use as test oracle
requires complete post-conditions.

1.2.3 Regression Testing

Regression testing verifies if systems under evolution retain their existing functional-
ity [40, 41, 30, 28]. Regression testing may be broadly classified into two types: one in
which the specification of the system does not change, called corrective regression test-
ing, and another in which the specification may change, called progression regression
testing [62]. The former arises from activities like corrective maintenance or refactor-
ing, whereas the later is required where there is a modification, addition, or deletion of

If we use a full set of test cases to reevaluate every new version, especially when
test suites are accumulated over time, this can be resource and cost intensive. Since
our knowledge about the implementation is limited to the interface-level, we need to
consider the available information for selecting the relevant subset of existing test cases
to exercise the functionality affected by the changes. For this, we need information
about the change and a mechanism for analyzing the impact of change. We analyze
what has changed in the model, i.e., what operations are affected at the model-level
and what what operations have been impacted at the implementation level. We use this
information to isolate the affected part of the system to find out which of the test cases
need to be executed again.
Following the classification in [48], a test case in a regression test suite can be ob-
solete if it is no longer applicable to the new version, reusableif it is still applicable and
required if it tests functionality affected by the changes. We only execute the required
test cases for the latest version and, in order to retain coverage, we need to transfer
coverage due to reusable test cases that were not rerun.

1.3 Contributions

This thesis presents the following contributions that have been made while addressing
the research objectives.

Rule Signatures: We introduce signatures for visual contracts and a way to link them
to rules in a TAGTS. This allows to provide an executable model with an inter-
face comparable to that of the system under test.

Test Oracles: We propose an approach to test oracles based on visual contracts for-
mally represented by graph transformation rules. We make use of the Attributed
Graph Grammar (AGG) [2] to provide executable specifications as test oracles.

Coverage Criteria: We introduce model-based coverage criteria by analyzing con-
flicts and dependencies between visual contracts. We propose a visual repre-
sentation in the shape of a dependency graph, based on static information about
potential dependencies and conflicts between operations. Additional information
about the nature of conflicts and dependencies is provided by edge labels, which
we use to define coverage criteria. A given set of test cases may or may not ex-
ercise these dependencies or conflicts at runtime. We propose a mechanism by
which we can find out the completeness of our test cases using dynamic depen-
dencies and conflicts analysis.

Regression Testing: Since there are additional costs involved [57] in case of web ser-
vice testing, we cannot afford to rerun all of the existing test cases. Hence we
propose a model-based approach for test suite reduction for regression testing of
web services. We also propose to analyze coverage by test cases individually so
that we can consider the coverage due to reusable test cases for the version after

1.4 Thesis Outline

The thesis is organized as follows. Following this introduction, the background knowl-
edge deemed required for a general readership is discussed in Chapter 2. These two
chapters form the first part of the thesis.
The second part contains six chapters pertaining to the main contributions submit-
ted in this thesis. Chapter 3 provides our basis for associating rules with signatures
whereas Chapter 4 explains our approach for using visual contracts to provide model-
based test oracles. The theoretical basis for model-based coverage criteria are discussed
in Chapter 5 where the dynamic dependency analysis is explained in Chapter 6. Our

approach to model-based regression testing is discussed in Chapter 7. An evaluation of
our approach using a case study is given in Chapter 8, which also contains a critical
analysis of the presented results as well as of the threats to the validity of the evaluation.
The third part contains two chapters in which related work and conclusions are
provided. Related work and a critical comparison are presented in Chapter 9 whereas
conclusion and outlook are discussed in Chapter 10.

Chapter 2


This chapter introduces existing concepts of software testing with emphasis on test
oracles, model-based testing, coverage criteria and regression testing. We also explain
basic graph transformation concepts and visual contracts and introduce our running

2.1 Testing

A Failure is the inability of a system under test (SUT) to perform a function as per
requirements specifications, whereas a fault is the incorrect part of the source code
which presents itself as a failure [1]. A Test Case is a set of inputs together with the
expected outputs. A mechanism that provides knowledge about expected or “correct”
outputs by means of an automated program, a model checker, a manual activity, a
program specification, a table of examples, etc., is called test oracle [11]. A Test Run
is an execution of a particular test case, whereas a Test Driver is a program that executes
a test case on an SUT.
In model-based testing approaches, we consider specification artifacts for test-
ing [21, 44]. Considering graph based structural testing techniques, coverage criteria

can be defined on the basis of selection of different paths through the system. Having
this information, appropriate inputs are selected so that these paths through the S UT
could be exercised. Example coverage criteria include all de f s paths in which we se-
lect inputs such that we exercise all paths exercising all occurrences of de f nodes in
dataflow graph of our S UT etc.

2.2 Visual Contracts

Design by Contract (DbC) was introduced by Meyers in [53] for Eifel, where Require
and Ensure are used to specify assertions consisting of pre- and post-conditions. This
tells the developer what state of the system a particular method expects before and what
it should leave after invocation. Several methods for specification of the pre- and post-
conditions have been proposed including the Object Constraint Language (OCL), Z
and VDM. Visual contracts provide a visual representation of pre- and post-conditions
using a pair of graphs, such that the pre-condition represents the left-hand side and
the post-condition the right-hand side of a graph transformation rule. The two graphs
represent the system state in terms of object diagrams with attribute values. Our use
of visual contracts specified as typed attributed graph transformation system (TAGTS)
for analysis is motivated by examples demonstrated, e.g., in [51, 5, 23, 51, 34, 24]. We
use AGG to execute system described as a TAGTS which allows rule application only
if match is found. This becomes an important aspect of our analysis since we do not
need to filter out infeasible paths from a given test set.

2.3 Graph Transformation

This section introduces existing concepts of graph transformation with emphasis on

conflicts and dependency analysis. We also explain visual contracts and introduce our

running example.

2.3.1 Graphs, rules, and transformations

In this chapter we recall the basic definitions regarding typed attributed graph transfor-
mation systems as presented in [22].
A graph is a set of nodes connected by edges. For example, a class diagram is a
graph providing typing information for object diagrams, which can also be seen as

Definition 2.3.1 (Graph) A graph is a tuple (V, E, src, tgt) where V is a set of nodes
(or vertices), E is a set of edges and src, tgt : E → V associate, respectively, a source
and target node to each edge in E. Given graphs G1 and G2 , a graph morphism is a
pair ( fV , fE ) of total functions fV : V1 → V2 and fE : E1 → E2 such that sources and
targets of edges are preserved, i.e., fE ◦ src1 = fV ◦ src2 and fE ◦ tgt1 = fV ◦ tgt2 .

An E-graph is additionally equipped with a set of data nodes, used to provide the
values of node and edge attributes.

Definition 2.3.2 (E-Graph) An E-graph is a graph equipped with an additional set VD

of data nodes (or values) and special sets of edges E EA (edge attributes) and E NA (node
attributes) connecting, respectively, edges in E and nodes in V to values in VD . An E-
graph corresponds to a diagram in the category S ets, as shown in Fig. 2.1(a). An E-
graph morphism f : EG1 → EG2 is a 5-tuple ( fV , fE , fVD , fEEA , fENA ) of total functions
between E-graph components such that all sources and targets are preserved.

Intuitively, an attributed graph is an E-graph where VD corresponds to elements of

the carrier set of D sorted by S . This way the components D and S define the data
values that can be attributed to nodes and edges in the E-graph part.

source +3 fD,s
E Vg D1s D2s
sourceEA _ _

targetEA targetEA  
-V q VD1 / VD2

(a) (b)

Figure 2.1: E-Graph (Left) and condition for A-graph morphisms (Right)

Definition 2.3.3 (A-graph) An attributed graph (A-graph) is a tuple (EG, D, S ) where

EG is an E-graph, D is an algebra with signature Σ = (S , OP) and S 0 ⊆ S is a subset
of sort names such that s∈S 0 D s = VD . An A-graph morphism f : AG1 → AG2 is a

pair ( fEG , fD ) such that fEG : EG1 → EG2 is a E-graph morphism, fD : D1 → D2 is an

algebra morphism and, for every sort name s ∈ S 01 , the diagram shown in Fig. 2.1(b)

We restrict the set of graphs under consideration by a type graph.

Definition 2.3.4 (TA-graph) An attributed type graph is an A-graph ATG = (EG, Z)

where Z is the final algebra of its signature. A typed attributed graph (TA-graph) over
ATG is a pair (AG, t) where AG is an A-graph and t : AG → ATG is an A-graph
morphism. Given two TA-graphs T AG1 , T AG2 over ATG, a TA-graph morphism f :
T AG1 → T AG2 is an A-graph morphism f : AG1 → AG2 such that t2 ◦ f = t1 .

Let us denote by X = (X s ) s∈S a family of countable sets of variables, indexed by

sorts s ∈ S . The sort s represents the type of all variables in X s . We also write x : s ∈ X
for x ∈ X s . Considering a fixed attributed type graph (ATG) with signature Σ = (S , OP)
l r
and variables X, an ATG-typed graph rule (or production) is a span L ←− K −→ R
where l, r are monomorphisms, the algebra component of L, K, R is T Σ (X) (the term
algebra of Σ with variables in X), and the algebra component of the rule morphisms

lD = rD = idTΣ (X) is the identity on the term algebra [22]. This means that, in particular,
the names of variables are preserved across the entire rule. The class of all rules over
ATG with variables in X is denoted Rules(ATG, X). We define typed attributed graph
transformation system (TAGTS) as follows:

Definition 2.3.5 (TAGTS) A typed attributed graph transformation system (TAGTS) is

a tuple (ATG, P, π) where ATG is an attributed typed graph, P is a set of rule names
and π : P → Rules(ATG, X) maps rule names to ATG-typed graph rules.

We define a single-step transformation and a transformation sequence as follows:

Definition 2.3.6 (Transformation) Given an ATG-typed graph G, an ATG-typed rule

l r
L ← K → R and a match (i.e. a ATG-typed graph morphism) m : L → G, a transfor-
mation step from G to H using q (based on m) exists if and only if the diagram below
can be constructed, where both squares are pushouts in AGraphATG such that G, C, H
share the same algebra D and the algebra components l∗D , rD∗ of morphisms l∗ , r∗ are
identities on D. In this case the transformation step is denoted by G =⇒ H. A trans-
r1 ,m1 r2 ,m2 rn ,mn
formation sequence is a sequence G0 =⇒ G1 =⇒ . . . =⇒ Gn of transformation steps.

L o /
l r
m=dL (1) dK (2) m∗ =dR
G o l∗
C r∗
/ H

This ensures that data elements are preserved across transformation sequences,
which allows their use as actual parameters within a global namespace.

2.4 Running Example

We introduce an example, which we also treat as a running example throughout the rest
of the thesis. We consider a service for managing hotel guests. A registered guest can
book a room subject to availability. There are no booking charges and the bill starts
to accumulate once the room is occupied. Since credit card details are already with
the hotel management, the bill is automatically deducted when the guest announces
their intention to check out. The guest can check out successfully only when the bill
is paid. The operation signatures for some of the operations are shown in Listing 8.1.
We call the web service implementation “implementation” and TAGT specifying the
visual contracts “model” throughout the rest of the document.

Listing 2.1: HotelImplementationInt

p u b l i c i n t e r f a c e IHotel {
p u b l i c String bookRoom ( String name , i n t room_no ) ;
p u b l i c String occupyRoom ( String name , i n t room , i n t bill ) ;
p u b l i c b o o l e a n updateBill ( i n t bill_no , i n t amount ) ;
p u b l i c b o o l e a n clearBill ( i n t bill_no ) t h r o w s Exception ;
p u b l i c b o o l e a n checkout ( String name , i n t room_no , i n t bill_no ) ;
p u b l i c String viewData ( i n t room_no ) ;

We specify the operations as visual contracts which are discussed in [51, 31, 50].
We associate a signature with each visual contract where we distinguish input and out-
put parameters. The signature is using the name of the visual contract and the variables
in attribute expressions. Consider Figure 2.2, where the signature bookRoom(r:int,
n:String) has parameters r and n which are also used in the contract bookRoom to
represent the possible sets of values for room and name in an abstract manner.
The type graph for this service is shown in Fig. 2.4 using AGG [2] notation. The
signature associated with the visual contract in the Figure 2.4 returns results of running
a query.
Figure 2.2: Visual Contracts for Hotel Example

Figure 2.3: Type Graph

We use our running example as a vehicle to explain our contributions and a case
study, introduced in Chapter 8, to evaluate our proposals. The system used as case
study is adopted from a desktop bug tracking application available online such that the

Figure 2.4: Rule to query information

GUI is replaced with service interface and is offering more than thirty operations. The
system was selected as a case study since it was big enough to show the limitations
especially in terms of scalability.

2.5 Independence and Critical Pairs

In software systems, there are situations where we need to invoke a particular oper-
ation to apply a certain other operation. Consider, for example, the running example
presented in Figure 2.2 where we need to book a room using bookRoom before occupy-
ing a room using occupyRoom. There is a sequential dependence between operations
bookRoom and occupyRoom. Instead, the operations clearBill and viewData do not
depend on each other for application and therefore, they are sequentially independent.

Definition 2.5.1 (sequential independence) Consider a graph G, and two transforma-

p1 ,m1 p2 ,m2
tion steps G =⇒ H and H =⇒ I where p1 = (l1 , r1 ) and p2 = (l2 , r2 ). The transforma-
tions are said to be sequential independent iff there exists morphisms i : R1 → D2 and

j : L2 → D1 such that m01 = r10 ◦ j and m2 = l20 ◦ i, as shown below:

l1 r1 l2 r2
L1 o o K1 / / R1 L2 o o K2 / / R2

m1 k1 j i k2 m02
m01 m2
  w   '  
G o l10
D1 r10
/ H o l20
D2 r20
/ I

If a transformation prevents the application of another, we have a conflict. Consider,

the running example presented in Figure 2.2. The room occupied by a guest cannot be
booked or occupied again before the guest checks out. If two transformation steps do
not disable each other, we say they are parallel independent. Below, we define parallel

Definition 2.5.2 (parallel independence) Consider a graph G, and two transformation

p1 ,m1 p2 ,m2
steps G =⇒ H and H =⇒ I where p1 = (l1 , r1 ) and p2 = (l2 , r2 ). The transformations
are said to be parallel independent iff there exists morphisms i : L1 → D2 and j : L2 →
D1 such that m01 = r10 ◦ j and m2 = l20 ◦ i, as shown below:

r1 l1 l2 r2
R1 o o K1 / / L1 L2 o o K2 / / R2

m01 k1 j i k2 m02
m1 m2
  w   '  
H1 o r10
D1 l10
/ G o
D2 r20
/ H2

p1 ,m1 p2 ,m2
A pair P1 ⇐= K =⇒ P2 of transformation steps is called a critical pair if it is
parallel dependent and matches m1 and m2 are jointly surjective [22].

p1 ,m1
Definition 2.5.3 (critical pairs[47]) A critical pair is pair of transformations G =⇒
p2 ,m2
H1 and G =⇒ H2 such that m1 and m2 are jointly surjective and:

• there’s no i : L1 → D2 with l20 ◦ i = m1

• there’s no j : L2 → D1 with l20 ◦ j = m2

The following types of conflicts can occur [38]:

1. Delete-Use: Application of rule p1 deletes an object subsequently required for

application of rule p2 .

2. Change-Use: Application of rule p1 manipulates the attributes that are in the

match of p2 .

3. Delete-Delete: Application of rules p1 and p2 delete an object subsequently re-

quired for application of the other rule.

(a) Produce-Use Dependency Example

(b) Change-Use-Attribute Conflict Example

Figure 2.5: Dependencies and Conflicts Example (a) and (b)

An example of conflicts and dependencies is shown in Fig. 2.5 where two rules
bookRoom and occupyRoom are considered in Fig. 2.5(a) to illustrate an example of
produce-use dependencies. The first rule produces an edge which is in the match of

the second. The example shown in Fig. 2.5(b) illustrates the conflict where the appli-
cation of bookRoom changes the RoomData variable status from vacant to booked and
disables the second application of bookRoom which uses this attribute.
Change-Use conflicts are handled by deleting the edge between the node represent-
ing the attribute and the value in the data part of the E-graph, as shown by the schematic
diagram in Figure 2.1, and creating another edge between the same node and another
value in the algebra part of the graph. We therefore classify change-use, i.e., a conflict
where the attribute value is changed as a delete-use conflict.

2.6 Summary

This chapter introduced the basic notation of software testing and coverage criteria.
We also introduced basic graph transformation concepts together with visual contracts.
These definitions are required for our theoretical developments and empirical results,
which we discuss in the forthcoming chapters. Finally, we have introduced a running
example that we use to explain our contributions.

Part II

Model-Based Testing

Chapter 3

Typed Attributed Graph

Transformation Systems with Rule

This chapter provides the theoretical basis for the association between visual contracts
and rules of a TAGTS. This is required since we specify service operations as visual
contracts based on signatures, using formal parameters which map to the rules’ lo-
cal variables. We allow to associate more than one rule to a signature for specifying
alternative outcomes of an operation. We introduce a notion of observation on trans-
formation steps based on rule signatures to relate transformation sequences and test
We first provide our definition of TAGTS with rule signatures, where we differen-
tiate between input and output parameters.

3.1 Rule Signatures

Extending Definition 2.3.5 introducing TAGTS, we define TAGTS with rule signatures.

Definition 3.1.1 (TAGTS with rule signatures) A typed attributed graph transforma-
tion system with rule signatures is a tuple G = (ATG, P, X, π, σ) where

• ATG is an attributed type graph with set of node attributes E NA ,

• P is a countable set of rule names,

• X is an S -indexed family (X s ) s∈S of sets of variables,

• π : P −→ P f in (Rules(ATG, X)) assigns each rule name a finite set of rules

l r
L ←− K −→ R over ATG, X,

• σ : P → ({, out} × X)∗ assigns to each rule name p ∈ P a list of formal inout
and output parameters σ(p) = x̄ = (q1 x1 : s1 , . . . , qn xn : sn ) were qi ∈ {, out}
and xi ∈ X si for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. We write p’s rule signature p( x̄) and refer to the set of
all rule signatures as signature of G.

We distinguish inout and output parameters, the latter being indicated by out in
front of the declaration. Normal parameters are both input and output, that is they are
given in advance of the application, restrict the matching and are still valid after the
rule has been applied. Output parameters are only assigned values during matching.
l r
Since L ←− K −→ R is attributed over T Σ (X), rule parameters xi ∈ X si are from the
set of variables used in attribute expressions. Hence, actual parameters will not refer to
nodes or edges, but to attribute values in the graph. Since the algebra part of attributed
graphs is preserved, actual parameters have a global name space across transformation
We can associate several rules to the same signature to represent alternative actions
inside the same operation, chosen by different input values and the system’s internal
state. In our example, the hotel provides a 10% discount to its guests on every tenth
visit. In order to describe this, two rules are required: One is applicable if the current
visit of a particular guest is the tenth one, while the second is applicable otherwise.
We consider the rules shown in Figure 2.2 where we amend occupyRoom to keep track
of the guest’s visits and introduce two rules clearBill_1 and clearBill_2 replacing rule
clearBill shown in Figure 3.1

(a) Rule occupyRoom

(b) Rule clearBill_1 (c) Rule clearBill_2

Figure 3.1: Revised Hotel Example

Example 3.1.1 [TAGTS with rule signatures] For the system in Figure 2.2, the rule
signatures shown below are based on data sorts S = {int, boolean, string} with the
usual operations. Output parameters are indicated by the prefix out in the declaration.

• bookRoom(n:string, out r:int)

• occupyRoom(r:int, n:string, out b:int)

• clearBill(b:int)

• checkout(r:int, n:string, b:int)

• updateBill(b:int, in:int)

• viewData(r:int)

The rules updateBill_1 and updateBill_2 in Figure 3.1 are associated with the same
signature, i.e., updateBill(int:b). We can construct transformation sequences by suc-
cessive rule applications starting from the initial graph shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: An example transformation sequence

The purpose of signatures is to allow observations on transformations, including in-

formation about rules and their matches. Below we define the labels of a rule signature,
then the observations associated with transformation sequences.

Definition 3.1.2 (labels) Given a rule p : L ← K → R with signature p(q1 x1 :

s1 , . . . , qn xn : sn ) and a Σ-algebra D, we denote by p(D) the set of all rule labels
p(a1 , . . . , an ) with ai ∈ D si . The label alphabet LG,D for a system G is defined as the
union over all rule labels p∈P p(D). If D and/or G are understood from the context,
we write LG or just L.

The (usually infinite) alphabet of labels L consists of all possible instances of rule
signatures, replacing their formal parameters by values from the algebra D. Labels in
L may be interpreted as observations of transformation steps, where the instantiation
is given by the algebra component of the matches. Let L∗ denote the Kleene closure

over the label alphabet, providing the set of all finite sequences of labels. The follow-
ing definition describes an observational semantics of TAGTS via sequences of labels
produced by its transformation sequences.

Definition 3.1.3 (observations from transformation sequences) Let G =⇒ H be a
transformation step of a TAGTS G with algebra component D. The observation func-
p, m
tion obs : T ra(G) → LG∗ is defined on transformation steps by obs(G =⇒ H) =
p(a1 , . . . , an ) if p’s signature is p(q1 x1 : s1 , . . . , qn xn : sn ) with ai = m(xi ). The observa-
tion function freely extends to finite sequences of transformations, yielding sequences
of labels.

Consider the transformation sequence shown in Figure 3.2, the observation se-
quence considering n = “T im” and r = 1 is shown in Figure 3.3

Figure 3.3: An example transformation sequence and an observation sequence

Rule names are instantiated with parameter values to represent the corresponding
observation sequence in the lower part of Figure 3.3. The graphs shown represent sam-
ple states of a hotel with only one room and one registered guest.
A test case combines a graph defining its initial state with a sequence of invocations,
i.e., rule names instantiated by constants or terms T Σ (Y) over a set of program variables

Definition 3.1.4 (invocation sequence, test case) Given a rule p : L ← K → R with

signature p(q1 x1 : s1 , . . . , qn xn : sn ) with qi ∈ {, out} and a sort-indexed family of
variables Y = (Y s ) s∈S , an invocation of p is of the form p(t1 , . . . , tn ) where ti ∈ T Σ (Y) si
are terms with operations from Σ over the variables Y, such that qi = out implies that
ti ∈ Y, i.e., output parameters are instantiated by variables only.
Given a sequence of m invocations, s = p1 (t11 , . . . , t1n1 ); . . . ; pm (tm1 , . . . , tmnm ), for a
prefix si of s we say that a variable is bound by si if it occurs in si as output parameter.
An invocation sequence is ground if for each invocation p1 (ti1 , . . . , tini ), all variables
occurring in inout parameters are bound by si−1 .
A test case is a pair t = (G0 , s) of a graph G0 , called start graph, and a ground
invocation sequence s.

Therefore, only input parameters are instantiated and output parameters as well as
their subsequent occurrences are not initialized until the execution reaches the point
where the parameter’s value is computed.

Example 3.1.2 [test case] Considering the transformation sequence in Figure 3.2, a
test case t = (G0 , s) is shown below where the graph G0 is given in Figure 3.4.

s = bookRoom(“T im”, 1); occupyRoom(“T im”, 1, bNo); updateBill(bNo, 250);

clearBill(bNo); checkout(“T im”, 1, bNo)

A test case, once executed, becomes an observation sequence as shown in the lower
part of Figure 3.3.

Definition 3.1.5 (instantiation and run of test case) Given a test case t =
(G0 , p1 (t11 , . . . , t1n1 ); . . . ; pm (tm1 , . . . , tmnm ) with program variables in Y and
Figure 3.4: Start graph for test case example

sort-indexed assignment a : Y → D, the instantiation of s via a is given by

a(t) = (G0 , p1 (a(t11 ), . . . , a(t1n1 )); . . . ; pm (a(tm1 ), . . . , a(tmnm ))).
p1 ,m1 p2 ,m2 pn ,mn
Given a transformation sequence ts = (G0 =⇒ G1 =⇒ . . . =⇒ Gn ) of a TAGTS G
and a test case t as above, ts is a run of t if there exists an assignment a : Y → D such
that a(t) = obs(ts).

Example 3.1.3 [run of a test case] We obtain an observation sequence by instanti-

ating invocations. Considering the invocation sequence given in Example 3.1.2 and
assuming bNo = 1023, we get a run of a test case as shown below:

bookRoom(“T im00 , 1); occupyRoom(“T im00 , 1, 1023); updateBill(1023, 250);

clearBill(1023); checkout(“T im00 , 1, 1023)

The test run is the same as the observation sequence shown in the lower part of
Figure 3.3.

Definition 3.1.5 is used to define under what conditions a transformation sequence

can be seen as the result of executing a test. A test case contains the information about
the initial state of system as a start graph. An observation sequence is achieved by
applying the observation function, as defined in Definition 3.1.3, on a sequence of
transformation steps.
The variables in a test case represent placeholders which are assigned values de-
pending upon the state of the model. While executing the test case, we consider the
first invocation in the test case and find the match of the corresponding rule in the start
graph considering the parameter values in the attribute expressions. In case the match is
found, we apply the match and find the comatch. The match and the comatch together
provide the values for the abstract parameters in the invocation. For the next invoca-
tion, the match has to consider the values assigned to abstract parameters in previously
executed invocation. The invocations in a test case become labels resulting in an obser-
vation sequence. We represent a test case as an observation sequence throughout the
rest of the thesis where rule signatures are instantiated with all variables instead of just
the input variables.

3.2 Summary

We have presented a way to associate signatures with rules in a TAGTS and defined a
relation between observation sequences and test cases. We have provided an informal
but operational explanation of these concepts. We use this formal basis in the following
chapters for introducing our approaches to test oracles, dependency graphs, model-
based coverage and regression testing.

Chapter 4

Test Oracles Using Visual Contracts

This chapter is dedicated to use of visual contracts as test oracles. We execute graph
transformation rules using the application programming interface (API) of AGG [2].
We provide an adapter to AGG such that the model’s functionality is comparable to
the interface of the service to be tested. The system under test (SUT) is tested in a
three staged process. The oracle is invoked for obtaining the expected result of the test.
Then, the corresponding operation of the SUT is executed and finally, the two results
are compared to see if there was any deviation. The adapter is required to translate invo-
cations of services under test into rule applications, passing and converting parameters
and interpreting replies.
There are two fundamental differences, at the conceptual level, between visual con-
tracts as models and implementations. Firstly, models specify functional requirements
and, secondly, they do not include error handling or reporting. Graph transformation
rules can be executed using AGG [2], either through its graphical user interface or via
an API. Using AGG to execute our model, we provide an adapter to present the model’s
functionality in a way that is comparable to the interface of the services to be tested.
The test driver shown in Figure 4.1 implements a three step process. First, it invokes
the oracle, obtaining the expected result of the test. Then, the corresponding operation

of the system under test (SUT) is executed. The third step is to compare this response
with the expected one and record any deviations.

Figure 4.1: Schematic diagram of proposed driver

The adapter is required to translate invocations of services under test into rule ap-
plications, passing and converting parameters and interpreting replies. Conversion is
required because model and implementation signatures may differ, with the implemen-
tation requiring extra parameters, providing additional results, or using different types.
Since the model is only concerned with functional aspects, we also have to filter out
technical failures of the implementation, such as problems with the server or transport
layer, distinguishing them from logical failures corresponding to non-applicable rules
due to violation of preconditions. However, with visual contracts providing a partial
specification only, even the functional aspect may be under-specified. Moreover, differ-
ent web services implementations may report success and failure differently. Adapter
and test driver need to be flexible enough to accommodate different styles of error
handling and reporting, for example, allowing for a degree of customization.

4.1 Challenges

In our approach, the oracle executing the TAGTS is invoked through an adapter to uti-
lize the API of AGG 2.0 as shown in Figure 4.2. The driver invokes the oracle through

the adapter and the system under test through the provided interface. The adapter is
a generic component which uses the exposed API of AGG for executing the model.
However, the comparison of the expected with the actual result raises a number of
challenges, which we will discuss below.

Figure 4.2: Component diagram

We also consider visual contracts which return result as a multi-object. AGG pro-
vides their implementation as rule schemes. We add one more rule to our hotel example
we have taken as a running example, as shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3: Additional rule for finding all rooms

The comparison between the expected and the actual output is performed using
JUnit assert statements where required.

4.1.1 Model as Oracle

We represent visual contracts as production rules in a TAGTS using AGG. The tool
does not provide a mechanism to associate a rule with a signature. The driver, however,
requires to invoke the model by the same inputs used to invoke the implementation and
needs to receive the computed outputs to compare the predicted and actual results.
This is only possible if we can provide a mapping between the inputs and outputs of
the model signature to the rule inputs and outputs, which is the role of the adapter in
Figure 4.2.
4.1.2 Partiality of Visual Contracts

A visual contract may specify the intended behavior of the implementation only par-
tially. Therefore, if the oracle predicts success and the implementation reports logical
failure, this could either be due to an error in the implementation or the under-specified
precondition of the contract. While comparing model and implementation responses,
such a case should not be reported as a failed test, but as a warning, providing sufficient
details so that the developer can decide the correct interpretation. Table 4.1 details all
possible cases and will be more fully explained in the next subsection. The 5th row
represents the situation where the oracle gives a response while the implementation
reports a logical failure.
An under-specified postcondition would lead to a lack of synchronization between
model and implementation state, because changes performed on the latter would not
have to be matched by the former. Therefore, post-conditions are assumed to be com-

4.1.3 Failure Handling

There are different ways in which failures can be reported to the test driver or client.
We distinguish them by raising the following questions.

1. What is the origin of the failure?

2. How was the failure presented?

3. How is the failure interpreted?

A failure may have its origin either on the server or in communication. Server-
side failure can be due to logical or technical reasons. Logical failures occur if the
pre-condition of an operation is not satisfied, i.e., the application is invoked, but not
executed correctly or not at all. Technical failures can be down to a variety of reasons,

such as the database being off-line, server-side system failures, power fluctuations,
hardware issues, etc. Communication failures result from loss of network access, con-
gestion causing delays, etc.
A server-side failure presents itself as an exception, a fault message, or an
application-specific error code, while a communication failure shows as an exception
(timeout) on the client side.
We interpret these failure presentations as follows. If the client-side receives a log-
ical failure, we expect a violation of the contract’s pre-condition. If the client receives
a technical failure, the oracle cannot provide a matching response since the model only
covers the functional aspect. Similarly, if the client receives a communication failure,
the comparison between expected and actual response is meaningless.

Table 4.1: Exception response table

Oracle response Result S UT response
r = r
r1 , post r2
non-applicable = logical-failure
non-applicable undefined technical failure
r ? logical failure
r undefined technical failure
non-applicable , pre r

We list the cases in Table 4.1, where r indicates equal responses from oracle and im-
plementation in case of successful execution and r1 , r2 represent successful responses
that differ from each other. Equality “=" shows that the test was executed and success-
ful whereas “undefined" means that, for all we know, the test case was not executed.
If responses do not match due to non-applicability of a pre-condition in the model,
this is represented by “, pre ", whereas if model and implementation produce different
responses, this is represented by “, post ". The first and the third rows represent cases
where both responses match, i.e., both show either successful execution or failure. The
second row represents cases where the pre-condition was satisfied, yet the output was

different. The forth and the sixth rows represent cases where the SUT experienced a
technical failure and hence the test case was not executed. The fifth row represents
cases where the oracle generated a response and the SUT returned a logical error. This
case is reported to the developer as a possible failure that needs further investigation,
as it may be due to a faulty implementation or a partially specified visual contracts.
This is marked with “?" in the results column. Lastly, the seventh row represents cases
where the oracle reported non-satisfaction of pre-condition, whereas the implementa-
tion generated a response.

4.1.4 Adaptation of Output Types

If implementation and model share the same signature, expected and actual output can
be compared directly. However, there are cases where the implementation returns a
result in the form of a complex type, such as a collection of objects. In such cases, the
oracle returns its response as a set of nodes and the adapter needs to process this set
into a suitable form for the driver to carry out the comparison.
The implementation signatures can extend the model signatures by providing an
additional response to indicate if the operation was successful. This response can be
in the form of a numerical error code, a string, or a Boolean. One example from our
running example is bookRoom(. . . ), where the success message of the implementation
is a string “Room Booked...". The model instead reports successful execution of a rule
by means of a Integer return (the room number booked) via the AGG API. We therefore
not only need to maintain separate signatures, but also adapt the results to make them

4.2 Using AGG as an Oracle

Having listed the challenges in using visual contracts as oracles, we discuss how we
have used the AGG 2.0 1 engine [2] and appropriate adapter and driver implementations
to overcome these challenges.

4.2.1 Model as Oracle

In order to link model signatures with production rules in AGG, we map their formal
parameters to the parameters and variables in the attribute context of the rules. An
example is shown in Figure 4.4.

(a) Visual Contract as Rule in AGG

(b) Attribute Context

Figure 4.4: Visual Contract as Rule and Attribute Context Example (a) and (b)

This enables the driver to use the same input parameters to invoke the model and the
available at http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~gragra/agg/

implementation operations. This is enabled by the adapter, which wraps an invocation
of the AGG API inside a call to an operation based on the model signature. Examples
of such invocations are shown in Listing 8.2 (e.g., on line 11).
However, if the signatures involve multi-objects as shown in Figure 2.4, we make
use of rule schemes where an amalgamated transformation [27] returns the set of nodes
corresponding to the multi-object on the right-hand side of the rule. This is shown in
Figure 4.5 where the start graph, as shown in Figure 4.7 contains four rooms and the
right-hand side of the amalgamation shows all of them selected as nodes. Our rule
schemes implement all-quantified operations on recurring graph patterns. The kernel
rule is a common subrule of a set of multi-rules. It is matched only once, while multi-
rules are matched as often as suitable matches are found. In AGG an amalgamated rule
is constructed from all matches found for multi-rules that share the match of the kernel
rule. The rule scheme for operation viewAllRooms(. . . ) is shown in Figure 2.4. Our
adapter is written such that we access the resulting set of nodes and process them to
provide appropriate response as a structure containing the data values.

Figure 4.5: Additional rule for finding all rooms

In the example of Figure 2.4, the kernel rule of the rule scheme for operation
viewAllRooms(. . . ) is the empty rule. That means the kernel rule (and so the rule

scheme) is applicable to every graph, including the empty graph. In AGG, the multi-
rule of the rule scheme viewAllRooms identifies a room. When the multi-rule is
matched to all rooms, we get as many room nodes in the left- and right-hand side
of the amalgamated rule. Our adapter provides access to the list of these nodes and
processes them to return the data for comparison to the driver.

Figure 4.6: Start Graph

At the start of testing, we assume that the start graph of the model and the ini-
tial state of the implementation are in sync. Typically, neither of them have any non-
mandatory data. The synchronization of model and implementation states is maintained
by their co-evolution as long as the results match, assuming that post-conditions of vi-
sual contracts are completely specified. We consider a start state of the system, as
shown in Figure 4.7, for the model as well the implementation.

4.2.2 Partiality of Visual Contracts

It remains to deal with under-specified preconditions. The adapter allows to observe

applicability of rules and their generated output. If the intended behavior is specified
only partially, the model may generate a response while the implementation returns a
logical failure. In this case, we provide developers with both responses and the stack
trace detailing the reasons for the mismatch. The developers can choose to ignore the
results and subsequent test executions using annotation @Ignore if a detailed analysis
reveals that the response is due to a partially specified visual contract.
Listing 4.1: JUnit Test:AddProject
SN Test Case Oracle SUT Result
== ========= ====== === ======
1 bookRoom("Tim", 1) 1 Room Booked ... =
2 bookRoom("Tim", 1) not−applicable Already Booked... =

Based on the information in a log file, we can also compile a summary report where
all detailed test reports are condensed as shown in Listing 4.1, referring to the test cases
in Listing 8.2. The first row represents a successful execution of model and implemen-
tation. The second row represents logical failure responses from model and implemen-
tation. Hence, the system passes both tests.

4.2.3 Failure Handling

Our discussion in subsection 4.1.3 revealed that comparison between the responses of
oracle and implementation is possible only in a subset of cases. In case of a technical
server or communication failure, there is either no response or a timeout on the imple-
mentation side. Since the oracle only covers functional aspects, in this case comparison
is not possible. In order to avoid further processing, we check that there is no timeout
and use an assert statement assertNotNull(. . . ) before comparing the oracle’s with the
implementation’s output, as shown in Listing 8.2 (e.g., line 6 and line 18).
If the client receives a logical failure from the server, we check the response of the
oracle. If the oracle returns true, our custom assertion assertBothSucceededOrBoth-
Failed(. . . ) evaluates to false since there is a mismatch between the two responses.
However, if the oracle also reports a logical failure, our custom assertion evaluates to
true. Listing 8.2, line 20, demonstrates the usage of the assertion. We have already
booked a room (line 5 and line 12) and are trying to book it again (line 17 and line 18)
with the same credentials. Since the oracle’s response is false and the implementation
returns “Already booked", our custom assertion returns true.
It is important to point out that we do not perform literal comparison between the
expected and the actual result since the implementation can report a failure in a vari-
ety of ways. Examples include error messages, e.g., "error occurred..." or "Error code:
9876, check documentation", etc. Therefore, our custom assertions are general enough
to be able to compare a variety of different failure representations coming from the
implementation with the oracle’s response. The composition of assertBothSucceede-
dOrBothFailed(. . . ) is such that it has two parts, assertBothSucceeded(. . . ) to compare
the successful cases and assertBothFailed(. . . ) to compare the failure cases. The sec-
ond part deals with cases where the oracle gives a Boolean response. We allow the
developer to define how the implementation reports failure, based on a set of prede-
fined alternatives.

Listing 4.2: JUnit Test:bookRoomTests

1. log . info ( " − T e s t Case r u n : " + t h i s . getClass ( ) + " : IMPL . RESP . −\ n " ) ;
2. BookRoom bookRoom43 = new BookRoom ( ) ;
3. bookRoom43 . setName ( name ) ; bookRoom43 . setRoom_no ( room_no ) ;
4. myAssert . successMessage = result ;
5. HotelServiceExampleStub . BookRoomResponse bRes = stub . bookRoom ( bookRoom43 ) ;
6. assertNotNull ( bRes ) ;
7. String res1 = bRes . get_return ( ) ;
8. aggEngine agg = new aggEngine ( ) ;
9. ArrayList <String> list = new ArrayList <String > ( ) ;
10. list . add ( " \ " " + name + " \ " " ) ;
11. list . add ( Integer . toString ( room_no ) ) ;
12. b o o l e a n res2 = agg . aggResult ( "C : \ \ h o t e l T h e s i s . ggx " , " bookRoom " , list ) ;
13. myAssert . assertBothSucceededOrBothFailed ( ( Object ) res2 , ( Object ) res1 ) ;
14. BookRoom bookRoom44 = new BookRoom ( ) ;
15. bookRoom44 . setName ( name ) ; bookRoom44 . setRoom_no ( room_no ) ;
16. myAssert . customFaultCode = " a l r e a d y booked " ;
17. HotelServiceExampleStub . BookRoomResponse bRes2=stub . bookRoom ( bookRoom44 ) ;

18. b o o l e a n res4 = agg . applyRule ( " bookRoom " , list ) ;
19. try {
20. assertNotNull ( res4 ) ;
21. assertFalse ( res4 ) ;
22. myAssert . assertBothSucceededOrBothFailed ( ( Object ) res4 , ( Object ) res3 ) ;
23. }
24. c a t c h ( AssertionFailedError e1 ) {
25. System . out . println ( "−−−−−− TEST FAILURE −−−−−− \ n " ) ;
26. System . out . println ( "−−−−−− STACK TRACE −−−−−−− " ) ;
27. e1 . printStackTrace ( ) ;
28. t h r o w e1 ;
29. }


We are left with cases where both implementation and oracle have reported suc-
cessful invocation. The next subsection discusses the different cases for comparing
output values.

4.2.4 Adaptation of Output Types

If the signatures of model and implementation are the same, the output value is passed
to the driver through the variable result. The standard assertEquals(. . . ) can deal with
this case.
If the implementation signature is an extension of the model signature, we proceed
as follows. The oracle informs the driver that the pre-condition was satisfied or not. The
custom assertions allow us to compare the oracle’s response with the implementation’s,
recording the latter. This allows the driver to know how a particular implementation re-
sponds in success cases. This is demonstrated in Listing 8.2 where we first check, by
using assertNotNull, if the service invocation was successful and by using assertTrue
if the rule application was successful. The driver then uses a custom assertion assert-
BothSucceededOrBothFailed(. . . ) by initializing the expected result string to see if the

results were compatible (lines 4 to 16).

Listing 4.3: JUnit Test:viewAllRooms

1. HotelServiceExampleStub . ViewAllRoomsDataResponse vRes=stub . viewAllRoomsData ( ) ;
2. List<List<String>> roomsList = new ArrayList <List<String > >() ;
3. f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < result . length ; i++) { . . . }
4. b o o l e a n res2 = agg . aggEngineGetAll ( "C : \ \ l o c a l a p p \ \ h o t e l T h e s i s . ggx " , "←-
viewAllRooms " ) ;
5. List<List<String>> roomList = new ArrayList <List<String > >() ;
6. roomList = agg . nodeStruct ;
7. assertNotNull ( res2 ) ; assertTrue ( res2 ) ;
8. myAssert . assertSetEquivalent ( roomsList , roomList ) ;

If the implementation returns execution results in terms of a complex type, we

access the data in the response object and the resulting set of nodes from a collection
named nodeStruct in the oracle and use custom assertion assertSetEquivalent(. . . ) to
compare the two sets of values. Listing 4.3 presents an example. We receive the multi-
object from the implementation (Listing 4.3, line 1) and extract the result in the form
of a list. We invoke our oracle and access the result as another list (Listing 4.3, line
6) and test by using our custom assertion, assertSetEquivalent(. . . ) (line 8), if the two
responses were the same.

4.3 Implementation

We have implemented an adapter which makes use of the API exposed by AGG. The
role of the adapter is to receive information about the name of the rule and the parame-
ter values from the driver. The adapter invokes the rule by instantiating the variables in

the attribute context for a possible rule application. Listing 4.4 explains how the input
variables are instantiated.

Listing 4.4: Setting input parameters

VarTuple vars = ( VarTuple ) r . getAttrContext ( ) . getVariables ( ) ;
f o r ( i n t i =0; i<vars . getNumberOfEntries ( ) ; i++) {
VarMember var = ( VarMember ) vars . getMemberAt ( i ) ;
i f ( var . isInputParameter ( ) ) {
i f ( ! var . isSet ( ) ) {
inputPars . add ( value ) ;
var . setInputParameter ( t r u e ) ;
var . setExprAsText ( value ) ; varset = varset + value + " , " ;
else {

Once the input parameters are instantiated, the next step is to find a match consis-
tent with the variable binding. The system needs to find out if the selected operation
corresponds to a rule or a rule scheme. The program execution follows two different
paths depending upon the outcome. The process of finding out if the selected rule was
a rule scheme is shown in Listing 4.5.

Listing 4.5: Executing Step considering rule scheme

Rule r = gragra . getRule ( rulename ) ;
i f ( r i n s t a n c e o f RuleScheme ) {
RuleScheme rs = ( RuleScheme ) r ;
i f ( doStepOfAmalgamatedRule ( rs , gragra . getGraph ( ) , gragra . ←-
getMorphismCompletionStrategy ( ) ) )
System . out . println ( " RuleScheme , Name : " + rs . getName ( ) +" was a p p l i e d " ) ;

If the rule considered for application is a rule scheme, the API call finds and applies
the match differently and the result is also obtained from the system in a different way.
In case of a rule scheme, we apply match considering the rule scheme. Listing 4.6
shows how the match is found and how the result is obtained from the rule scheme
whereas the Listing 4.7 (line-1) shows how a match is found in case for a normal rule.

Listing 4.6: Rule scheme application

1. AmalgamatedRule amalgamRule = rs . getAmalgamatedRule ( g , s ) ;
2. i f ( amalgamRule != n u l l )
3. {
4. Match match = amalgamRule . getMatch ( ) ;
5. try {
6. Morphism co = StaticStep . execute ( match ) ;
7. HashSet<Node> nodeList = co . getOriginal ( ) . getNodesSet ( ) ;
8. Node node = n u l l ;
9. Iterator <Node> iterator = nodeList . iterator ( ) ;

In case the rule is not a rule scheme, the adapter finds a match which considers the
values passed to all the input variables in the attribute context of the rule. In case, a
valid match is not found, the rule is not applicable and the adapter returns a Boolean
response “false” to the driver indicating that the rule application considering the given
set of input data was not successful.
In case of a successful match, the transformation step is performed and the value
assignment to the output parameter is found out and shared with the driver. This is in
addition to the result information in the shape of a Boolean showing that the transfor-
mation was possible by the adapter.
The driver is responsible for a comparison between the response returned by the
implementation and the model. Listing 4.7 shows the steps involved in this process.

Listing 4.7: Rule Application
1. Match match = gratra . createMatch ( r ) ;
2. gragra . setGraTraOptions ( t h i s . strategy ) ;
3. match . setCompletionStrategy ( t h i s . strategy , t r u e ) ;
4. w h i l e ( match . nextCompletion ( ) )
5. {
6. i f ( match . isValid ( ) )
7. {
8. try {
9. Morphism co = StaticStep . execute ( match ) ;
10. didTransformation = t r u e ;
11. outPar = getOutputParameters ( r , outPar ) ;
12. f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i<outPar . size ( ) ; i++) {
13. VarMember p = outPar . get ( i ) ;
14. String result = getValueOfOutputParameter ( p , r , ( ←-
OrdinaryMorphism ) co ) ;

The difference in extracting the return values is also presented in Listing 4.6 and
Listing 4.7 where the former returns the result as a node set which needs to be treated to
extract the required information whereas the API is used for extracting the return value
in the later case. We have also implemented custom assertions to support a variety
of success as well as failure response as discussed in the preceding section. These
custom assertions also allow us to compare sets of values from the model and the

4.4 Application to the Running Example

We implemented our hotel example as a web service written in C# using MS Visual

Studio which is a software development tool by Microsoft2 . We developed unit test
cases using JUnit and tested the application as shown in Listing 8.2 and Listing 4.3.

Our initial result was reporting failures in bookRoom and occupyRoom where a mis-
match was found between the server and the model responses. Referring to Table 4.1,
both were example of row 2, where there are responses different from each other.

Figure 4.7: Additional rule for finding all rooms

The structure of the unit test cases is already presented and discussed in detail for
Listing 8.2 and Listing 4.3. We first invoke the service considering a particular opera-
tion and then we execute the model, using AGG, considering the corresponding rule,
passing the parameters using our adapter. We then use our custom assertions to find
out if the two responses could be considered as a success or failure. We implemented
12 test cases for the hotel example presented in Figure 2.2.

4.5 Limitations of the Approach

Our oracle consists of models in AGG which does not support directly the association
of rule signatures to productions rules. We have proposed a way to associate signatures
but, currently, it is a manual process. An automation would provide better support for
our proposal since it would eliminate the possibility of a mismatch between the rule and
the signature. Another weakness is that we can only use basic data types as signature
inputs while associating the rule signatures with production rules. AGG allows basic
data types supported by Java but the programmatic solutions to consider complex data
types as inputs can also be implemented. The adapter is designed such that it receives
information about the name of the rule and the parameter values from the driver and
it also takes care of the difference of the rule signatures between the model and the
In order to make the approach applicable in practice, a solution is required to bridge
the gap in abstraction level and scope between model-based oracle and implementation
automatically. That means for the adapter implementing the model interface to be gen-
erated automatically. Adopting the techniques described in Chapter 4, this is straight-
forward except for contracts containing multi-objects which are realized in AGG by
means of amalgamated rules and for which the extraction of input and output param-
eters has to be implemented manually. More generally, this would require integrating
into AGG and its API the concept of rule signatures defined over the attribute context
of a rule. The test driver on the other hand, with its customizable assertions, is required
to accommodate variations in the use of exceptionts and implementation-specific er-
ror messages, which can vary widely based on the conventions of the application at
hand. Automation here is meaningful only if these conventions could be formalized
and made part of the model.

4.6 Summary

In this chapter, we have used high level visual specifications for oracle development.
Our proposal can equally be adopted to test component-based systems since the idea is
based on executing visual contracts using AGG.
In Chapter 6, we make use of the oracle for finding out if a conflict or a dependency
between two rule applications is exercised at runtime.

Chapter 5

Model-Based Coverage Criteria

This chapter is devoted to introducing our model-based coverage criteria. A user’s

view of a web service is through provided interfaces, which abstract from implemen-
tation details and prevent us from using traditional testing methods based on source
code [15]. We propose to replace code-based by model-based coverage criteria using
semantic service descriptions at the interface level. Specifying the provided operations
by visual contracts, formally typed attributed graph transformation rules, we analyze
their potential conflicts and dependencies [22]. We generate a dependency graph whose
nodes represent rules while its edges indicate potential conflicts or dependencies be-
tween them. They also carry labels showing the nature of the relation, allowing us to
record where data was defined, used, updated, or deleted. Our coverage criteria will
make use of this information.

5.1 Dependency Graphs

In this section, we show how to extract a dependency graph for a system under test
(SUT) from the available interface specification based on visual contracts. A depen-
dency graph (DG) provides us with a visual representation of conflicts and dependen-

cies allowing us to study coverage criteria at the interface level. The nodes represent
rules while its edges indicate the nature of the relation between the nodes i.e., a conflict
or dependency. The edges also bear annotations at the start and the end of the edge to
represent if the data was created, read, updated or deleted by these rule applications.
We use conflicts and dependency analysis explained in Section 2.5 and take ≺ and %
to represent asymmetric versions of these relations. We make use of dependencies and
conflicts analysis to find out if two rule applications depend on each other or disable
each other. Consider rules p and q, if q depends upon p, we write p ≺ q and if q
disables p, we write p % q. The theoretical basis behind this analysis are provided

Figure 5.1: Critical pairs and dependencies

Definition 5.1.1 (asymmetric dependencies and conflicts) Given two rules p1 , p2 we

p1 ,m1 p2 ,m2
say that p2 may disable p1 , written p1 % p2 , if there are steps G =⇒ H1 and G =⇒ H2

without k : L1 → D2 such that m1 = l2∗ ◦ k.

r1 l1 l2 r2
R1 o K1 / L1 L2 o K2 / R2
m∗1 k1 m1 m2 k k2 m∗2
H1 o r1∗
D1 l1∗
/ G o l2∗
D2 r2∗
/ H2

p1 ,m1 p2 ,m2
We say that p1 may enable p2 , written p1 ≺ p2 , if there are steps G0 =⇒ G1 =⇒ G2
without j : L2 → D1 such that m2 = r1∗ ◦ j.

l1 r1 l2 r2
L1 o K1 / R1 L2 o K2 / R2
m1 k1 j m∗1 m2 k2 m∗2
  v ~  
G o l1∗
D1 r1∗
/ G1 o l2∗
D2 r2∗
/ G2

We have represented conflicts and dependencies between rules in our running ex-
ample in Table 5.1. For example we find a dependency

bookRoom ≺ occupyRoom

Similarly, there exists a conflict

updateBill % checkout

i.e., updateBill reads the BillData object, changing the unpaid amount, while checkout
deletes the object.
Using our definition of asymmetric conflicts and dependencies, we define the de-
pendency graph as follows:

Definition 5.1.2 (dependency graph) A dependency graph DG = hG, OP, op, labi is a
structure where

Table 5.1: Conflicts % and dependencies ≺ between rules
First/Second bookRoom occupyRoom clearBill checkout updateBill viewData
(↓) / (→)
bookRoom % ≺ ≺ ≺
occupyRoom %≺ ≺ ≺ |
clearBill %≺ ≺% %≺ |
checkout ≺ ≺ % % %
updateBill %≺ %≺ %≺ |
viewData | | % | |

• G = hV, E, src, tari is a graph,

• OP is a set of (names of) operations,

• op : V → OP maps vertices to operation names,

• lab : E → {c, r, d} × {≺, %} × {c, r, d} is a labeling function distinguishing source

and target types create, read, delete and dependency types ≺, %.

We use the visual contracts specifying the interface to extract a dependency graph,
where rules are represented by nodes labeled by operation names while edges represent
dependencies and conflicts between them. Edge labels tell us whether an edge repre-
sents a dependency (≺) or a conflict (%) and what roles are played by the source and
target nodes.

Definition 5.1.3 (dependency graph of TAGTS with rule signatures) Given a TAGTS
with rule signatures G = (ATG, P, X, π, σ), its dependency graph DG(G) =
hG, OP, op, labi with G = (V, E, src, tar) is defined by

• V= ({p} × π(p)) as the set of all rule spans tagged by their names. If s1 ∈ π(p)
we write p1 : s1 ∈ V.

• E ⊆ V × V such that:
p1 :s1 ,m1 p2 :s2 ,m2
– e = (p1 : s1 , p2 : s2 ) ∈ E if there are steps G =⇒ H1 =⇒ H2 such that
the second step requires the first. The role labels are defined as follows.

1. If an element created by the first step is read by the second, lab(e) =

hc, ≺, ri.
2. If an element created by the first step is deleted by the second, lab(e) =
hc, ≺, di such that label d takes precedence over r.
p1 :r1 ,m1 p2 :r2 ,m2
– e = (p1 : s1 , p2 : s2 ) ∈ E if there are steps H1 ⇐= G =⇒ H2 such that
the second disables the first. The role labels are defined as follows.

1. If an element deleted by the first step is also deleted by the second,

lab(e) = hd, %, di.

2. If an element read by the first step and deleted by the second, lab(e) =
hr, %, di such that label d takes precedence over r.

• OP = P is the set of rule names.

• op : V → OP is defined by op(p : s) = p

Example 5.1.1 [dependency graph] Using the example in Fig. 2.2 we can draw a de-
pendency graph as shown in Fig. 5.2. Consider edge between nodes bookRoom and

Figure 5.2: Dependency Graph of T AGT S representing hotel web service

occupyRoom where the labeling is hc, ≺, ri. That means, an object created during the

first operation bookRoom is read by the second operation occupyRoom with ≺ rep-
resenting the dependency relation. Similarly, consider an edge between clearBill and
checkout where the labeling is hr, %, di. It means, clearBill reads an object which is
deleted by checkout. An examination of the rules reveals that clearBill operates on a
BillData object which is deleted by checkout.
Consider the cr edge between updateBill and checkout which is due to attribute
unpaid. The first rule sets it to a value 0 whereas the second reads it, as part of the
match, to operate.

5.2 Coverage Criteria

Dataflow graphs contain annotations on the nodes to mark places where data is defined
and used in a program [3], [20], [67]. The locations where a variable is defined are
annotated by def, use is indicated by use, and deallocated by kill. Paths are identified
through the system such that they exercise particular coverage criteria. For example,
de f −use coverage requires to find test cases such that all edges in the dataflow graph
from nodes annotated with def to nodes annotated with use are exercised at least once.
Our dependency graphs carry information about dependencies between operations.
We have annotated sources and targets of edges with c (create), r (read), and d (delete).
These annotations are analogous to def, use and kill annotations for traditional versions
of dataflow graphs which also represent the places where the data is defined, used, and
deallocated. Using these labels on edges rather than nodes, we can focus on the type of
access that gives rise to the particular dependency or conflict represented by the edge.
Hence, the information contained in our DG allows us to propose model-based criteria
which are suitable to the platform-independent nature of web services. If we consider
a given set of test cases, we can analyze its coverage if we construct the sub-graph of
DG covered by the set. The possibilities are summarized in Table. 5.2.

Table 5.2: Label combinations indicating conflicts and dependencies
Label Combination Conflict Dependency

cr ×

cd ×

rd ×

dd ×

Using the DG, we can devise different coverage criteria such as cr, cd, etc. The
question is, which of these pairs to include into our criteria. If we demand all cr (create-
read), and cd (create-delete) edges in DG(G), we exercise all dependencies based on
data being defined and used subsequently. If we add cd (create-delete) and rd (read-
delete), we also cover situations of asymmetric conflict. In order to see if a set of test
cases T provides the required coverage, we record all the nodes and edges that T is

Figure 5.3: Start graph

Example 5.2.1 [coverage of test cases] Consider criterion cr + cd and the start state
as shown in Figure 5.3, let T be the set of test runs shown in Table. 5.3.
In the graph in Fig. 5.4, dotted red and the black lines of the show the edges not
covered by the test cases in Table. 5.3, while the dotted blue indicate the edges in the
dependency graph covered by T . This includes all the nodes, but we need to add test
Table 5.3: Test cases providing node coverage
test runs set-I

cases in order to get the required coverage cr + cd. In order to achieve this we add the

Figure 5.4: Cov(DG, T )

test cases in Table 5.4 and analyze the resulting coverage.

Table 5.4: Additional test cases to cover cr + cd

test runs set-II

The first two test cases in Table 5.4 are required to cover the cr edges between
bookRoom and viewData and between bookRoom and checkout and the inclusion of
occupyRoom is required. The third and forth test cases are required to cover the edges
between checkout and bookRoom and between viewData and checkout. The last test
case is required to exercise edges between updateBill, clearBill and checkout. Notice
that the dotted green edges are not covered by any of the test cases as well as the
edge between checkout and occupyRoom is not covered. We need stronger criteria to
include test cases covering these edges, too.

5.3 Summary

In this chapter, we have explored the use of graph transformation systems specifying
service interfaces for the derivation of model-based coverage criteria. We have already
discussed our approach to provide test oracles using the visual contract analysis. In the
next chapter, we record if test runs exercised a statically existing dependency. We also
record which of the steps within the test runs disables matches for the rules within the
graph grammar to assess coverage of conflict relations.

Chapter 6

Dynamic Analysis of Dependencies

and Conflicts

In this chapter, we discuss how we use dependency graphs providing static information
about conflicts and dependencies and dynamic analysis of dependencies and conflicts
to assess the coverage of a given set of test runs. We make use of AGG for simulating
the model while tests are executed. In the course of the simulation, which also serves
as a test oracle, conflicts and dependencies are observed and recorded. This allows us
to see if the statically detected potential dependencies and conflicts are exercised at
runtime. For evaluation purposes, we compare coverage with respect to model-based
criteria and traditional structural ones.
The static information about dependencies and conflicts between rules does not
guarantee that they are exercised during execution. We analyze the model state after
each rule application and record if dependencies were exercised. We also examine if a
step in the considered sequence has disabled a match for any other rule in the TAGTS.
Our approach to coverage hence combines static and dynamic analysis of models.

pi p j−1 ◦ ... ◦ pi+1 pj

( ( (
... Li o Ki / Ri ... Lj o Kj / Rj ...
mi m∗i mj mi m∗j
... Gi−1 o Di /
6 Gi ... 5
G j−1 o Dj /
6 Gj ...
∗ ∗
pi p∗j−1 ◦ ... ◦ p∗i+1 pj

Figure 6.1: Dependencies in a transformation sequence

6.1 Dynamic Analysis of Dependencies and Conflicts

We use AGG [2] as an oracle simulating the model while tests are executing. Monitor-
ing the transformation sequences created, we can detect conflicts and dependencies at
runtime and therefore measure the coverage of the dependency graph with respect to a
given set of criteria. We consider dependencies and conflicts separately.

Definition 6.1.1 (coverage of dependencies) A dependency edge p ≺ q is covered by a

p1 ,m1 p2 ,m2 pn ,mn
transformation sequence G0 =⇒ G1 =⇒ · · · =⇒ Gn if there are i < j ≤ n such that
p = pi , q = p j and the residual comatch mij−1 of pi into G j−1 overlaps with the match
m j of p j in accordance with the source and target types of the relation. That means,
there exist a node or edge x or an attribute a in mij−1 (Li ) ∩ m j (L j ) ⊆ G j−1 such that

cr: x is created by pi and read by p j

cd: x is created by pi and deleted by p j

The residual comatch mij−1 of pi into graph G j−1 is obtained by composing comatch
m∗i with the tracking morphism p∗j−1 ◦ p∗i+1 between Gi and G j−1 as illustrated in the
diagram of Fig. 6.1.

This definition is implemented by Algorithm 1, whose input is a sequence of in-

vocations s as generated by the test as well as the start graph of the grammar. The
dynamic detection of conflicts is based on finding, for each graph in the sequence, all
matches for all rules and comparing them via the tracking morphisms. If, for a given
step G =⇒ H, rule q has a match into graph G which is not present in H, this match is
disabled by p. In this case, we have observed a conflict q % p.

Definition 6.1.2 (coverage of conflicts) A conflict edge q % p is covered by a trans-

p1 ,m1 p2 ,m2 pn ,mn pi ,mi
formation sequence G0 =⇒ G1 =⇒ · · · =⇒ Gn if there exists a step Gi−1 =⇒ Gi such
that p = pi and for any match m of q into Gi−1 there is no match m0 of q in Gi such that
p∗i ◦ m = m0 .
The source and target labels of the edge are determined according to one of the
following cases, for a node or edge x or an attribute a in mi (Li ) ∩ m(L) ⊆ G j−1 .

rd: x is read by q and deleted by pi

dd: x is deleted by both q and pi

The implementation is presented in Algorithm 2 with the same input as before and
executing the same sequence of steps on invocation.

6.2 Implementation

We first discuss two algorithms that we use to mark the dependencies and conflicts at
runtime. Algorithm 1 considers the input which is a sequence of invocations s as part
of the test case as well as the start graph of the grammar. For each step in s we apply
the corresponding rule schema or basic rule. AGG stores (co-)matches as mappings
into a pool of graph elements. If an element is deleted it is removed with its details,
leaving a hash value assigned upon creation of the element. We use these hash values to
represent matches and comatches and to calculate their difference and intersection after
each step to find out what was created, preserved, and deleted. We detect dependencies

of type cr and cd by maintaining a list of partial comatches into all subsequent steps
of the sequence, computing the overlaps between matches and partial comatches. The
output of the algorithm is stored in the dynamic dependency matrix and compared
to the static dependency matrix created by AGG when the model was first loaded.
Note that the host graph can change without requiring to recalculate the stored static
information, saving considerable execution time. The comparison of the two matrices
provides the coverage data.
We make use of rule schemes if the signatures involve multi-objects as shown in
Fig. 2.2. The concept of amalgamated transformations is already presented in [10, 27]
where the implementation of this concept in AGG is explained in [63]. An amalga-
mated transformation returns the set of the nodes corresponding to the multi-object on
the right-hand side of the rule. Rule schemes implement all-quantified operations on
recurring graph patterns. The kernel rule is a common subrule of a set of multi-rules.
It is matched only once, while multi-rules are matched as often as suitable matches
are found. In AGG an amalgamated rule is constructed from all matches found for
multi-rules that share the match of the kernel rule.
Consider the dependency graph in Fig. 5.2 and rules bookRoom(r: int, n: String),
occupyRoom(r: int, n: String, out int bNo), checout(r: int, n: String, out int bNo) with
the following test runs.

1. bookRoom(1, “T im”); occupyRoom(1, “T im”, 100); checkout(1, “T im”, 100)

2. bookRoom(1, “T im”); occupyRoom(2, “Fim”, 100); checkout(3, “S im”, 200)

The first sequence exercises a direct cr dependency between steps bookRoom(. . . )

and occupyRoom(. . . ) since the first produces a mapping between the nodes RoomData
and Guest while the second uses it and creates a bill object. Steps bookRoom(. . . ) and

Algorithm 1 algorithm for marking dependencies
Input: size(s)>= 2
set host graph to start graph of GraphGrammar
for <i=0; i<size(s); i++> do
if Rule ri instanceo f RuleScheme then
apply Rule Scheme
apply Rule ri
end if
store hash values of involved graph elements in arrays matches and comatches
end for
for <i=0; i<size(s); i++> do
createdElements[i] = difference(matches[i], comatches[i])
deletedElements[i] = difference(comatches[i], matches[i])
preservedElements[i] = intersection(matches[i], comatches[i])
end for
for <i=size(s); i>0; i- -> do
for <j=0; j<size(s); j++> do
if (intersection(createdElements[j], matches[i-1] <> φ)) then
mark dependency between Rule r[i] and r[j]
repeat the intersection calculation for attributes lists
end if
if (intersection(preservedElements[j], matches[i-1] <> φ)) then
mark dependency between Rule r[i] and r[j]
repeat the intersection calculation for attributes lists
end if
end for
end for

checkout(. . . ) have an indirect cd dependency since the mapping between RoomData

and Guest is created by the first invocation and is deleted by the third. Observe that
these dependencies rely on the matches of the steps as determined by the parameters
of the operations. The second sequence does not exercise the dependency between
bookRoom and occupyRoom because here the guest is assigned is allowed to check
in and a bill object is created for a previously existing booking instead of one done
by bookRoom(1,“Tim"). Similarly, steps bookRoom(1, “Tim") and checkout(3, “Sim",
200) are unrelated since the latter considers a different guest, room and a bill number
not produced by any of the first two.

Algorithm 2 is used for marking conflicts at the runtime which takes the input of
a sequence of invocations s as generated by the test as well as the start graph of the
grammar as in the case of Algorithm 1. At each step we find and store all matches for
all rules in the grammar, computing the difference between the sets of matches into
graph i and graph i + 1 to find out those that were disabled by that step. Each disabled
match represents an asymmetric conflict, which is recorded in the dynamic conflict
matrix. Like for dependencies, this is compared to the result of the static analysis to
calculate the coverage.

Algorithm 2 algorithm for marking conflicts

Input: size(s)>= 2
set host graph to start graph of GraphGrammar
for <i=0; i<size(s); i++> do
if Rule ri instanceo f RuleScheme then
apply Rule scheme
apply Rule ri
end if
store the hash value of graph elements in an array
for all Rule r in GraphGrammar do
find all possible matches and store in an array
end for
end for
for (i=0; i<size(s)-1; i++) do
select all the matches found for ith row
select all the matches found for (i + 1)th row
for (j=0; j<size(row);j++) do
analyze matches details to mark conflict between rule[i] and rule[j]
end for
end for

Consider the following two test runs.

1. occupyRoom(1, “T im”, 100); clearBill(100); checkout(1, “T im”, 100)

2. occupyRoom(1, “T im”, 100); checkout(1, “T im”, 100)

An rd conflict between clearBill(. . . ) and checkout(. . . ) in the first sequence means

that these operations are not executable in the reverse order. Step occupyRoom(. . . ) has
a dd conflict with itself, meaning that it can only occur once in that sequence. The sec-
ond sequence results from choosing checkout(. . . ) before, and instead of, clearBill(. . . )
in the rd conflict.
We consider a test run containing three invocations for explaining our implementa-
tion, as given below. We have numbered the invocations within the test run for ease of
referring to them in the forthcoming discussion and we assume that the matches for all
of the invocations were found with a bill number 100 assigned to the output variable in
occupyRoom(. . .).

1. bookRoom(1, “Tim”);

2. occupyRoom(1, “Tim”, 100);

3. checkout(1, “Tim”, 100);

Considering the first and the second invocation in the above test run, we record the
graph elements in the match and the co-match of the rule application. We record them
in terms of the hash values they were assigned on creation. We keep the hash values
of the nodes and of the attribute lists in two separate lists. The code for storing hash
values for attribute lists involved in a (co-)match is shown in Listing 6.1.

Listing 6.1: Hash Values for Attributes Lists
ArrayList <GraphObject > l = new ArrayList <GraphObject >( m . getCodomainObjects ( ) ) ;
f o r ( i n t i =0; i<l . size ( ) ; i++)
i f ( l . get ( i ) . isNode ( ) == t r u e )
List<String> result = new ArrayList <String > ( ) ;
i n t hCode = l . get ( i ) . hashCode ( ) ;
result . add ( Integer . toString ( hCode ) ) ;
Node n = ( Node ) l . get ( i ) ;
f o r ( i n t j =0; j<n . getNumberOfAttributes ( ) ; j++)
result . add ( Integer . toString ( n . getAttribute ( ) . hashCode ( ) ) )

Once, we have stored hash values for matches and co-matches for all of the invoca-
tions in our test run, we check if a dependency was exercised following Algorithm 1.
Our analysis of the test run reveals that there exists a create-read dependency between
the first two and a create-delete dependency between the first and the third invocations.
While processing the same test run for conflicts, we consider the start graph and the list
of rules in the graph grammar and find out all possible matches. We require this infor-
mation since each rule application can destroy matches. Consider the first invocation
in our test run, bookRoom(1, “Tim") and visual contract for bookRoom in Figure 2.2,
this creates an edge between nodes RoomData and Guest and therefore the application
of bookRoom with same data, i.e., (1, “Tim") is not possible. We capture this informa-
tion together with the reason and record which of the invocations have disabled any
matches. we record the number of matches after each rule application, together with
the details for each of the matches, to verify if a match is disabled and a new match is
enabled reporting same number of matches before and after application. Our approach
for dynamic conflict analysis is shown in Algorithm 2. Examining the considered test
run, we find out that the first invocation, i.e, bookRoom(1,“Tim") renders match of its
successive use, i.e., use of bookRoom(1,“Tim") again with the same parameters as dis-
abled and same is the case for the second and the third invocation. Similarly, the third
invocation, i.e., checkout(1,“Tim",100) renders updateBill(100) and clearBill(100) dis-
abled since it is deleted by the third invocation in the considered sequence. Considering
the considered sequence, the SUT should not allow the booking of the same room by
the same guest again or creating bill 100 again and inclusion of a negative test run is
indeed required to test the SUT.

(a) Covered and uncovered code example

(b) Dead code example

(c) Uncovered alternate behavior code example

Figure 6.2: (Un)covered code (a), Dead and alternate code(b) and (c)

6.3 Application to the Running Example

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of our coverage criteria, we selected the test runs
such that our coverage criteria was to cover all cr + cd edges through the dependency
graph. In order to compare model level coverage with traditional code based coverage
criteria, we implemented our running example as a web service. We calculated the
latter using NCover 2.0 1 . The resulting symbol coverage, branch coverage and method
coverage is shown in Figure 6.4. We inspected the instrumented code of the application
using NCover to see which of the statements were not covered. Our analysis revealed
the following reasons for a lower coverage metric.

1. Exceptions handling code was not executed. This is shown in Figure 6.2(a) and
in Figure 6.2(c) respectively.

2. Some dead code shown in Figure 6.2(b) was no more accessible in the final
version of the service.

3. Additional glue code added by the IDE and default constructors in the classes.
An example of constructors that are present in the code, but not executed during
testing is shown in Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.3: Method Coverage


Figure 6.4: Code Coverage with cr + cd

We repeated the same experiment with criteria rd + dd paths. We consider the same
hotel example and the test runs we have already used in Chapter 5. We additionally
consider the test runs resulting from our conflicts analysis. However, it is important
to note that we are still not able to attain a complete statement or branch coverage.
Our analysis of the instrumented code reveals that there are the following reasons for
a lower than complete statement or branch coverage.

1. The exception related code, as shown in Figure 6.2(a) was also not exercised by
any of the test run. Exception handling code was triggered by technical errors
outside the specification, e.g., a failure to connect to a flat file on the disk drive.

2. The unreachable or dead code, as shown in Figure 6.2(b) (Chapter 5) was still
not exercised.

There is however an improvement in the symbol and the branch coverage but the
method coverage remains the same which reflects that only the test runs were added
with negative expectation.

Figure 6.5: Code Coverage with all paths

6.4 Limitations of the Approach

We have proposed an approach to model-based coverage based on a two-step process

combing static and dynamic analysis. Statically, we use AGG’s critical pair and mini-
mal dependency analysis to create a dependency graph over rules representing visual
contracts. These graphs, which distinguish different types of dependencies and con-
flicts, are the basis for coverage criteria. The evaluation of a set of tests based on the
criteria is performed dynamically while executing the model as an oracle.
The approach requires further evaluation in particular in terms of scalability to
longer sequences. It is clear that improvements are possible by reducing the number of
matches kept and compared, using information from the static analysis which provides
a conservative approximation of the real dependencies and conflicts.
The major cost factor is the creation and maintenance of the models. If and when
these costs are outweighed by the benefits can only be evaluated in a more realistic
industrial setting. However, scenarios where specifications are created once and used
repeatedly, e.g., as part of standards, are likely to provide good tradeoffs. In particular,
model-driven development provides a framework where models are core artefact. In
this case the use of models for testing becomes an issue of reusing rather than creating

We need to consider the negative application conditions which would strengthen
the visual contracts specification. This will create additional types of dependency, such
as create-forbid, where one rule creates part of the structure preventing the application
of another, resulting in new coverage criteria.

6.5 Summary

We have proposed, in this chapter, an approach to model-based coverage based on a

two-step process combing static and dynamic analysis. Statically, we use AGG’s crit-
ical pair and minimal dependency analysis to create a dependency graph over rules
representing visual contracts. These graphs, which distinguish different types of de-
pendencies and conflicts, are the basis for coverage criteria. The evaluation of a set of
tests based on the criteria is performed dynamically while executing the model as an
In the next chapter, we work on the proposal for a regression testing approach
considering the model-level information and focussing on web services.

Chapter 7

Model Based Regression Testing

This chapter introduces our approach to model-based regression testing of services.

We discuss two evolution scenarios to our running example to explain our analysis of
impact of evolution. Since regression testing is the process of verifying the quality of
the evolved system, there is a preexisting test suite.
Following the classification in [48], a test case in a regression test suite can be
obsolete (OB) if it is no longer applicable to the new version, reusable (RU) if it is still
applicable and required (RQ) if it tests functionality affected by the changes. Assuming
that the version before evolution is S UT and the version after evolution is S UT 0 , our
assumption is that we have the model, the analysis information and the set of test
cases for S UT . The analysis of visual contracts for S UT 0 allows us to differentiate the
operations that have been added or deleted.
Our approach considers an operation with modified signature as obsolete and the
same operation with revised signature as newly added. We select those operations
where we do not see any evolution in the pre- or the post-condition as not affected
by the evolution at the model level. We collect information about the implementation
related changes to operations which do not impact the model-level information as well.
Based on our model-level information about the evolution, we categorize test cases as

obsolete, reusable and required from the regression test suite, RT S , which contains all
the test cases for the new version. The method is applicable to all software systems that
have interfaces specified in this way, but is particularly relevant for services because of
the lack of access to implementation code and the potential cost involved in running a
large number of tests through a remote and potentially payable provider.

7.1 Evolution Scenarios

In order to explain our treatment of regression testing, we present two evolution sce-
We consider our running example as the base version V1 shown in Figure 2.2. This
allows us to do room bookings, check-in and checkout. The model also provides rules
for updating and clearing bills as well as a rule to query the stored data. The type graph
is shown in Figure 2.4 and a selection of rules are shown in Figure 2.2 and Figure 2.4.

7.1.1 Scenario I

As an evaluation scenario, we start to record the number of visits of each customer to

the hotel, to introduce a promotional 10% discount on all payments of every 10th visit.
This is achieved by an update to rule occupyRoom to count visits, and a change to
clearBill to distinguish the cases where the bill is paid with or without discount. Note
the use of a conditional expression for calculating the value of the paid attribute. The
evolved part of the type graph and the concerned rule are highlighted and shown in
Figure 7.1. We refer to this evolution scenario as version V2 throughout the rest of this

(a) Rule occupyRoom After Evolution

(b) Rule clearBill

Figure 7.1: Rules occupyRoom and clearBill after evolution

7.1.2 Evolution Scenarios II

For the second evolution scenario, there is a requirement for querying information
about the bills and guests, just as operation viewData already provides information
about rooms. The additional rules are shown in Fig. 7.2. We also allow the manager to
give an additional discretionary discount of up to 5% to the guests if he thinks it would
have a positive impact on the overall sales.
We refer to this evolution scenario as version V3 throughout the rest of this chapter.

7.2 Classification of Test Cases

Given a regression test suite RT S for one version S UT of the system under test, we
are going to provide a classification of test cases with respect to an evolution of S UT
into S UT 0 that will distinguish

(a) Additional Rules

(b) Revised Rule clearBill

Figure 7.2: Additional Rules and clearBill after evolution

• obsolete test cases OB, that are no longer executable in S UT 0 , either because
signatures have changed or part of the functionality has seized to exist;

• reusable test cases RU = RT S \ OB, that are still executable in S UT 0 ;

• required test cases RQ ⊂ RU, that are still executable and test new or modified
functionality in S UT 0 .

Test runs may become obsolete because of changes in the operation signatures.
Assuming P is the set of signatures for S UT , P \ P0 are signatures that are valid for
S UT , but invalid in S UT 0 , e.g., due to missing or incorrectly typed parameters where
P0 represents the set of signatures of the new version. All test runs containing obsolete
signatures are obsolete.

In the evolution step V1 → V2, all operations are preserved with their signatures.
Hence all tests are preserved and therefore OB = ∅. For V2 → V3, signatures have
evolved and some new rules have been added. In particular, operation clearBill(bill_no)
is obsolete, so all test cases containing its invocations are obsolete as well. Instead there
are new invocations based on the extended signature clearBill(bill_no, discount).
Test runs in RQ, which exercise operations that have changed are classified as re-
quired. Denote by M ⊆ P0 the set of operations such that either their specification or
implementation has changed. The set of required test cases is therefore given by the set
of all reusable ones RU which contain at least one affected rule invocation.
In evolution V1 → V2, RQ is set of all test runs involving occupyRoom and
clearBill since there are modifications in the visual contracts of these. Considering
V2 → V3, we find that clearBill has been modified and therefore any test runs involv-
ing its invocations are required.

7.3 Coverage Analysis

We have presented model-based coverage criteria in Chapter 5 and a mechanism to

assess the coverage achieved by a test suite in Chapter 6. Considering two versions
V1 and V2 of a system as presented in Section 7.1, we already know the coverage
provided by the existing test suite for V1. For version V2, coverage is affected due
to test cases becoming obsolete. However, there are test cases that are executable for
both the versions, i.e., V1 and V2. Therefore, coverage provided by these test cases for
version V1 could be considered for V2 as well. This information is helpful in deciding
where to add test cases in order to retain the required coverage.

Example 7.3.1 Consider evolution scenario V2 → V3 together with a set of test cases
as given in Table 7.1. From V2 to V3, we notice that the operation clearBill(bNo) has
evolved to clearBill(bNo, desc) and some new operations are added.
Table 7.1: Example test runs for V2
S No test runs
1 bookRoom(1,“J”);occupyRoom(1,“J”,3);viewData(1)
2 checkout(1,“J”,3);bookRoom(1,“J”)
3 occupyRoom(1,“J”,3); updateBill(3,100)
4 clearBill(3);updateBill(3,100)
5 occupyRoom(2,“K”,4);clearBill(4);checkout(2,“K”,4)
6 bookRoom(2,“K”);occupyRoom(2,“K”,4);viewData(2)
7 bookRoom(3,“M”);occupyRoom(3,“M”,5);checkout(3,“M”,5)
8 updateBill(3,100);clearBill(3);checkout(1,“J",3)

We notice that test runs {1, 2, 3, 6, 7} are reusable for version V3 whereas test
runs 4,5 and 8 have gone obsolete. However, we cannot retain the coverage by required
set of test runs since we need to rerun them again and we do not know if their execution
would be successful. Therefore, we can consider the coverage provided by RU \ RQ for
V3. Inspecting Table 7.1, we find out that the test runs going obsolete due to clearBill
have also rendered updateBill(. . . ) not covered. We, therefore, need to add test cases,
so that operation updateBill(. . .) is also covered.

Algorithm 3 algorithm for marking conflicts

Input: Coverage report for each test case
Input: sequence numbers of OB and RQ
for (i=0; i<size(OB + RQ); i++) do
for (j=0; j<size(total test cases); j++) do
if coverage due to OB OR coverage due to RQ then
mark potentially uncovered
end if
end for
end for
for (i=0; i<size(total test cases); i++) do
for (j=0; j<size(OB + RQ); j++) do
if RU cover edges marked as potentially uncovered then
mark as covered
end if
end for
end for

If we record and analyze coverage with respect to RU \ RQ, we can execute the
required set of test cases and update the coverage accordingly. We can reuse coverage
information of reusable test cases if we maintain information about the coverage by
each test case separately. We record which of the test cases have gone obsolete and
which ones are required for retesting.
Algorithm 3 presents how we implement our coverage analysis for regression test
suites. The algorithm considers coverage information for each test case and the set of
obsolete as well as required test cases as the input. We first mark which of the edges
in the dependency graph have become potentially uncovered by dropping obsolete and
required test cases. We take one more iteration where we consider all the reusable test
cases removing markings if they exercise the marked edges.

Example 7.3.2 Considering versions V2 and V3 and test cases given in Table 7.1; our
coverage analysis is shown in Figure 7.3.

Figure 7.3: Fault seeding with L-Care

Here, the symbol C reflects that the edge was previously covered and is still covered
by the reusable set of test cases, N means that it was previously not covered and U
means that the edge was previously covered but has become uncovered due to test
cases going obsolete.

7.4 Application to the Running Example

For each evolution, the evaluation is performed in five steps that are outlined below
and explained in more detail throughout the section.

1. Generation of test cases.

2. Validation of the quality of the entire test suite.

3. Classification of test cases into OB, RU, and RQ.

4. Validation of the quality and required size of RQ by comparing the results of

executing RQ and RU.

5. Analyzing resulting coverage.

7.4.1 Generation of Test Suite

We generate test cases manually, based on the information in the model, but without
applying a formal notion of coverage. The completeness of the test set is evaluated
instead trough fault seeding, i.e., deliberate introduction of faults to be detected by
the execution of test cases. We generate 11 test cases for version V1, 11 test cases for
version V2 and 14 test cases for version V3. The test runs for V1 are shown in Table 7.2
from which we select RQ for rerunning on V2 and the start state of the model is shown
in Figure 7.4.

Table 7.2: Example test runs for V1
S No test runs for V1
1 bookRoom(1,“J”);occupyRoom(1,“J”,3);updateBill(3,100)
2 occupyRoom(2,“K”,4);viewData(2);clearBill(4)
3 clearBill(3);updateBill(3,100)
4 updateBill(3,100);clearBill(3)
5 occupyRoom(3,“M”,5);checkout(3,“M”,5)
6 updateBill(3,100);updateBill(3,100);clearBill(3)
7 bookRoom(3,“M”);occupyRoom(3,“M”,5);viewData(5)
8 bookRoom(4,“N”);occupyRoom(4,“N”,6);checkout(4,“N”,6)
9 checkout(1,“J”,3);bookRoom(1,“J”);occupyRoom(1,“J”,3)
10 viewData(1);checkout(1,“J”,3)
11 updateBill(4,100);clearBill(4);checkout(2“K”,4)

Figure 7.4: Start graph for version V2

7.4.2 Validation of Quality of Entire Test Suite

The percentage of the seeded faults detected provides a statistical measure of the ca-
pability of the test set to find similar errors in the system, i.e., a measure of confidence
in our test suite [59]. In order to decide which faults to introduce we identified suitable
fault types, and then developed rules for seeding them automatically. After applying
the rules to the code of the system, we execute the entire test suite to assess its quality.
In an iterative process we add test cases until all of the seeded errors were detected.
Faults are classified by [37], into domain and computation faults. A domain fault
results from control flow errors, where programs follow the wrong path, while a com-
putation fault occurs when the programme delivers incorrect results while following a
correct path (usually due to errors in assignments or invocations). More specifically,
we have followed the fault types discussed in [56], which also supports calculating a
measure of confidence in a test suite as shown in Table 7.3.

Table 7.3: Distribution of seeded faults

Code Examples
Correct Statement Mutant Statement
(int i = 0; i < x; i++) (int i = 0; i < x; i+=2)
return true //return false
filename = path + "tak12"; filename = “C:" + “tak12";
if (this.bill[i].getBillNo() == billNo) if (this.bill[i].getBillNo() != billNo)
file_read() //file_read()

Our choice of fault based techniques for evaluation was motivated by our require-
ment to select a subset of test cases as RQ and see if they can uncover all of the seeded
faults to ensure that they execute all parts of the code identified as impacted by the
We develop rules for seeding them automatically. After applying the rules to the
code of the system, we execute the entire test suite to assess its quality. In an itera-
tive process we add test cases until all of the seeded errors were detected. Rules for
seeding faults according to these types are implemented in the source code transforma-
tion tool L-Care1 , which allows to define markers based on XPath queries as shown in
Fig. 8.14(a) on an XML representation of the code.
A sketch of this XML in tree form is shown in Fig. 7.5(b). Examples of the original
and the fault-seeded code are shown in Fig. 7.5 (c) and (d) respectively. Table 7.4 shows
the total number of faults seeded for each version where a breakdown into the different
types along with typical representatives is shown in Table 7.3.
We added test cases such that they were enough to uncover all the seeded faults.
used fault seeding technique introduced by Mills (1972) as explained in [59]. Fault
A product of http://www.atxtechnologies.co.uk/

Figure 7.5: Fault seeding with L-Care

seeding gives us the confidence measure C = 1 if n > N and S /(S − N + 1) if n ≤ N

where S is the number of seeded faults, N is the total number of non-seeded (indige-
nous) faults. The estimated total number of faults can be found by N = S n/s where
n is actual number of non-seeded faults and s is the number of seeded faults detected
during testing.
We tested all the three versions, extending our test suites until all the seeded faults
were detected. We seed faults in the modified classes of V2 and V3 only and execute the

Table 7.4: Distribution of seeded faults
Fault Type # of Seeded Faults
V1 V1 V2
Wrong declaration 26 26 29
Wrong assignment 2 2 2
Wrong proc. handling 8 8 11
Control faults 0 0 2
I/O faults 6 6 9
Total 42 42 53

two sets of required test cases RQ to determine if all of the seeded faults are discovered
and how many test cases are actually required to discover them. We have seeded 13
and 24 faults in V2 and V3, respectively, the smaller numbers owing to the size of
the changed classes in comparison to the entire code base. The results are reported in
Table. 7.5.

7.4.3 Classification of test cases into OB, RU, and RQ

We classified test runs for V1 into OB, RU, and RQ and seeded and repeated the same
for V2. We record the number of test cases in each category produced by our clas-
sification as well as the number of test cases actually successful in finding faults. Of
step V1 → V2 we recall that OB = ∅ because none of the existing operations were
modified but number of tests in RQ are 10 since there was an internal modification in
the rule occupyRoom and clearBill.

Table 7.5: Test case classification and success rate

V1 → V2 V2 → V3
Test cases produced successful produced successful
Obsolete (OB) 0 0 5 0
Reusable (RU) 11 0 6 0
Required (RQ) 10 4 0 0
New (NT ) – 0 – 8

With the second evolution step, 5 out of 11 existing test cases were classified as
obsolete OB due to evolution in clearBill. The new test cases required to replace OB

were able to find all the seeded faults and none of the remaining test cases in RU found
any fault, but 3 new test cases in NT had to be produced to detect faults seeded into
newly added operations. That means, our reduction in the size of test suites has not
resulted in missing any faults.

7.4.4 Validation of the quality and required size of RQ

After applying to the resulting test set the classification described in Section 7.2, we
validate the completeness of RQ against RU by seeding errors into the classes of our
service implementation that were modified in the recent evolution step. We then run
the tests in both RQ and RU, comparing their results. The evaluation is based on im-
plementations in C# of the three versions of the running example. The programming
environment Pex2 has been used for automated unit testing of individual classes. Pex is
able to generate test cases based on analyzing the source code, with the aim of detect-
ing faults that could lead to runtime errors such as inappropriate exception handling. In
our report below we do not include these tests because unit testing is part of the cod-
ing at the provider’s site while we are concerned with service-level acceptance testing
by the client. Therefore, test cases we have generated are concerned with deviations
from the public specification of the service interface. The actual testing revealed that
a smaller number of tests from RQ i.e., 4 would have been sufficient. For version V2
there was no test case selected as RQ and this was confirmed by our actual executions
as well.

7.4.5 Coverage Analysis

We analyze the coverage by RU \ RQ tests and reapply RQ to find out if the coverage
is retained. For the coverage analysis, we first consider versions V1 and V2. The test

runs for V1 are given in Table 7.2. Our test case classification reports 10 out of 11 tests
as required. The only reusable test run is given in the 10th row of Table 7.2 and, there-
fore, the coverage analysis reveals that only the edge between operations viewData and
checkout is still covered as shown in Figure 7.6.

Figure 7.6: Coverage analysis output for version V1

Considering evolution from V2 to V3, we find that the operation signature for clear-
Bill has gone obsolete and three new operations are added. We found that we required
8 new test cases where 5 went obsolete with RQ = ∅. Our coverage analysis shows
that the following edges are covered after this evolution. The coverage analysis re-
vealed that the edges marked as U require test cases to retain the coverage as shown in
Figure 7.7

7.5 Limitations of the Approach

There are a few limitations of the approach. The approach classifies more than the
optimally required number of test cases as required RQ. The reason for this is that
we consider all potential situations where the impact of change in one part could have
affected the quality.
If we can further pinpoint the impact of change, we can provide a more fine tuned

Figure 7.7: Coverage analysis output for version V2

version of the selection criteria such that a lower number of test cases are selected as
required for rerunning. Another possibility is to classify different changes and select
the test cases accordingly.
New test cases will be required to validate the newly added operations, but the
generation of test cases is out of the scope of this thesis.

7.6 Summary

In this chapter, we have presented a method to reduce the size of a regression test suite
based on an analysis of the dependencies and conflicts between visual contracts speci-
fying the preconditions and effects of operations. We have also evaluated the approach
through the development of a case study, showing that (1) the reduced test sets could
find all the faults detected by the larger sets while (2) being significantly smaller, which
we present in the following chapter.

Chapter 8

Case Study: Bug Tracking System

In this chapter, a case study is presented to evaluate the developed approaches and to
perform a critical analysis of the results. This chapter also presents the limitations as
well as threats to the validity of the evaluation. We first discuss the experimental setup
before we turn to the results and evaluation.

8.1 Bug Tracking System

This section is devoted to introducing the implementation and model of the case study
before we use it for evaluation of our approaches.

8.1.1 Service Implementation

We have derived a web service from an open source desktop application1 , originally
called BTsys, and replaced its GUI by a service interface. Such a service could be use-
ful, for example, in order to allow automatic bug reports through applications detecting
faults or in order to integrate bug tracking data into higher level functions. The service
is implemented in C# and it provides operations to manage projects and users, report
available at http://btsys.sourceforge.net/

faults and issues. Development teams can access fault reports and update their status.
The signatures for the operations are shown in Listing 8.1. The complete interface
contains more than 30 operations. Throughout the rest of the chapter, we speak of the
web service as the implementation and refer to the visual contracts as the model.

Listing 8.1: BTSImplementationInt

public String AddProject ( String title , String description ) { . . . }
public string AssignProject ( Int32 userID , Int32 projectID ) { . . . }
public String DeleteProjectByID ( i n t projectID ) { . . . }
public ProjectInfo getProjectByProjectTitle ( String projectTitle ) { . . . }
public List<ProjectInfo > GetProjects ( ) { . . . }
public List<ProjectInfo > GetProjectsForUser ( Int32 UserId ) { . . . }
public String UpdateProject ( Int32 projectId , String title , String description )
public String AddBug ( Int32 creatorId , Int32 projectId , String initialIssueMessage ,
s h o r t issueStatusId , Int32 priorityID ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String DeleteBug ( Int32 bugId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c v o i d DeleteBugForProjectAndUser ( Int32 projectId , Int32 userId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c List<Bug> GetAllBugs ( )
p u b l i c List<Bug> GetAllBugsForProject ( Int32 projectId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c List<Bug> GetAllBugsForProjectAndUser ( Int32 projectId , Int32 userId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c string UpdateBug ( Int32 ID , Int32 creatorId , Int32 projectId ,
s h o r t statusId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String AddUser ( String fullName , String userName , String password ,
Boolean isDeveloper , Boolean isTester , Boolean isAdmin ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String DeleteUserByID ( i n t personID ) { . . . }
p u b l i c List<String> GetUsers ( ) { . . .
p u b l i c Boolean IsValidPassword ( String userName , String password ) { . . . }
p u b l i c List<String> GetLogins ( ) { . . . }
p u b l i c UserInfo GetUserInfo ( Int32 userId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String GetUserInfoForUserName ( String userName ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String GetUserInfoForUserId ( Int32 userId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String UpdateUser ( Int32 userID , String fullName , String userName ,
String password , Boolean isDeveloper , Boolean isTester , Boolean isAdmin ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String AddIssue ( i n t projectID , String issueMessage ,
Int32 creatorId , i n t statusId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String DeleteIssues ( Int32 issueId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c String DeleteIssuesForProjectAndUser ( Int32 projectId ,
Int32 userId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c List<Issue> GetAllIssues ( ) { . . . }
p u b l i c string UpdateIssue ( Int32 ID , Int32 projectID , String issueMessage ,
Int32 creatorId , i n t statusId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c List<String> GetUsersForProject ( Int32 projectId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c List<String> GetPossibleStatuses ( Int32 userId , Int32 projectId ,
Int32 statusId ) { . . . }
p u b l i c v o i d UpdateXUserProject ( ProjectInfo project , ArrayList users ) { . . . }

8.1.2 Model Artifacts

We specify the operations as visual contracts. Visual contracts for a selection of opera-
tions are shown in Figure 8.2 whereas Appendix A is used to represent visual contracts
for all the operations shown in Figure 8.1. We have appended “out” with the output
parameters in the signatures to distinguish them from inout parameters, as shown in
Figure 8.1. Parameters in the operations are used as variables in attribute expressions
in the visual contracts. Consider Figure 8.2(a), where the signature addProject(t:String,
d:String, out Id:int) has parameters t and d which are also used in the contract addPro-
ject to represent the possible sets of values for title and description. The parameter Id
is appended with “out” to represent the fact that it is an output parameter and it rep-
resents the project id which is returned by the system. The signature associated with
the visual contract in Figure 8.2(b) has a set of integers as output. The interface listing
these signatures is shown in Figure 8.1. The signature getAllProjects(out p:Set(int))
associated with the visual contract in the Figure 8.2(b) has a multi-object as output.
The pre-condition of the visual contract shown in Figure 8.2(b) allows us to find a
match for any number of Project nodes. The post-condition states that the rule applica-
tion has no effect. This allows us to model a query to select data from the system state.
The models specifies functional requirements only, without addressing error handling
or reporting. This may result in differences in signatures. For example, at implementa-
tion level addProject has return type String to carry success or error messages of the
operation, while the model only records applicability or otherwise of the corresponding

Figure 8.1: Model level signatures

8.2 Test Oracles

We have presented a model-based approach to test oracles in Chapter 4. This section

discusses the evaluation of our proposal using the bug tracker case study. In particular,
we intend to find out the overheads of using our approach to test oracles. For evaluating
our approach, we ask the following questions:

• Are there cases where the oracle reports false positives?

(a) visual contract: addProject

(b) visual contract: getAllProjects

(c) visual contract: assignProject

(d) visual contract: deleteProjById

Figure 8.2: visual contracts (a), (b), (c) and (d)

• What is the execution overhead of the oracle?

8.2.1 Setup and Execution

We tested operations in our bug tracker service by writing a client in Java using the
integrated development environment (IDE) of Eclipse2 . A test case is shown in List-
ing 8.2.
available at http://www.eclipse.org/

Listing 8.2: JUnit Test:AddProject
1. org . tempuri . BTSysServiceStub . AddProject addProject160 = . . . ;
2. addProject160 . setTitle ( title ) ;
3. addProject160 . setDescription ( description ) ;
4. myAssert . successMessage = result ;
5. AddProjectResponse resp = stub . AddProject ( addProject160 ) ;
6. assertNotNull ( resp ) ;
7. String res1 = resp . getAddProjectResult ( ) ;
8. aggEngine agg = new aggEngine ( ) ;
9. ArrayList <String> list = new ArrayList <String > ( ) ;
10. list . add ( " \ " " + title + " \ " " ) ;
11. list . add ( " \ " " + description + " \ " " ) ;
12. b o o l e a n res2 = agg . aggResult ( "C : \ \ l o c a l a p p \ \ b t s . ggx " , " a d d P r o j e c t " , list ) ;
13. assertNotNull ( res2 ) ;
14. assertTrue ( res2 ) ;
15. myAssert . assertBothSucceededOrBothFailed ( ( Object ) res2 , ( Object ) res1 ) ;
16. agg . save ( ) ;
17. org . tempuri . BTSysServiceStub . AddProject addProject161 = . . . ;
18. addProject161 . setTitle ( title ) ;
19. addProject161 . setDescription ( description ) ;
20. AddProjectResponse resp2 = stub2 . AddProject ( addProject161 ) ;
21. assertNotNull ( resp2 ) ;
22. String res3 = resp2 . getAddProjectResult ( ) ;
23. b o o l e a n res4 = agg . applyRule ( " a d d P r o j e c t " , list ) ;
24. assertNotNull ( res4 ) ;
25. assertFalse ( res4 ) ;
26. myAssert . assertBothSucceededOrBothFailed ( ( Object ) res4 , ( Object ) res3 ) ;

In order to provide the test oracle, we need to include, in our project, the AGG
engine3 which provides the API, Our adapter, and our set of custom assertions which
help in comparison. In order to answer the questions stated in the preceding subsection,
we implement unit test cases using the JUnit framework provided by Eclipse. We
provide custom assertions for comparing the model and and execution responses and
available at http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~gragra/agg/down_V203/index.html

Figure 8.3: Initial state of the model

we also provide an execution log in case of a failure for the developer to inspect and
decide if the failure is due to under-specification of visual contract. We consider the
initial state of the system as shown in Figure 8.3 for test runs in Table 8.1 and the
initial state as shown in Figure 8.4 for test runs in Table 8.2.
For the second question regarding the execution overheads, we write parameterized
test case trying to add two projects with the same credentials in the model and in
the implementation. We compare the execution responses considering the model as an
oracle and providing the results manually for comparison.

8.2.2 Results and Evaluation

The results are reported based on Table 4.1. The model and the implementation for the
cases shown in Table 8.1 report comparable results. Therefore, the assert statements
report either “true” representing that the model and the implementation report com-
parable responses or both report “false” to represent that both the model as well as

Figure 8.4: Initial model state
implementation register a failure.

Table 8.1: Successful test runs

Operation Test Run
AssignProject testAssignProject(48, 55)
DeleteProject testDeleteProject(3065)
GetProject testGetProject()
GetProjectByProjectTitle testGetProjectByProjectTitle("Project 2")
GetProjectsForUsers testGetProjectsForUsers(7)
UpdateProject testUpdateProject(3305, "new Unit Testing",
"new project")
DeleteBug testDeleteBug(45)
DeleteBugForProjectAndUser testDeleteBugForProjectAndUser(48,55)
GetAllBugs testGetAllBugs()
... ...

However, the assert statements evaluated to false for the operations shown in Ta-
ble 8.2 considering the start state as shown in Figure 8.4. The model was showing that
the operation execution was successful whereas the implementation was registering a
failure. These operations are shown in Table 8.2.

Table 8.2: Test runs related to under-specified visual contracts

Operation Test Run
AddProject testAddProject("Unit Testing", "project")
AddBug testAddBug(48, 55, "first incident report", 1, 1)
AddUser testAddUser("tim", "occ", "fim")
... ...

Our detailed investigation considering the log files reveals that the failure is due
to a mismatch between the model and oracle response related to 5th row of Table 4.1.
Considering the example of operation addPoject, we find that the visual contract is
under-specified, allowing to add a project with same title twice, whereas the imple-
mentation restricted such entries. The fault trace is shown in Listing 8.3. We do not test
for technical or communication failure since this is out of scope, as the model covers
the functional aspects of the system.

Listing 8.3: Stack Trace Example

INFO : −−− Test Case run : c l a s s org . tempuri . addProjectTests : IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSE←-

12−Jun −2012 1 7 : 4 2 : 0 6
STDOUT : The result was : Error occurred w h i l e saving data . . .
Error Message : The changes you requested to the table were not successful because
they would create duplicate values in the index , primary key , or relationship .

Stack Trace ...

12−Jun −2012 1 7 : 4 2 : 0 6
STDOUT : File name : C : \ localapp \ aggEngine_V202 \ Examples_V164 \ BasisUsing \ bts . ggx

12−Jun −2012 1 7 : 4 2 : 0 6
STDOUT : Transformation non−deterministically . . .
12−Jun −2012 1 7 : 4 2 : 0 6 STDOUT : The gragra was set or not : t r u e

STDOUT : Rule addProject : step is done


12−Jun −2012 1 7 : 4 2 : 0 6 STDOUT : −−−−−−−−−−−−−−− TEST FAILURE −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−

12−Jun −2012 1 7 : 4 2 : 0 6 STDOUT : −−−−−−−−−−−−−−− STACK TRACE −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−
12−Jun −2012 1 7 : 4 2 : 0 6 STDERR :
junit . framework . ComparisonFailure : expected : < [ t r u e ] > but was : < [ Error occurred w h i l e ←-
saving data . . .

We minimized the execution overhead by creating the object to communicate with

the model and the implementation only once. The total execution time for our unit test
cases was 12.64 seconds as shown in Figure 8.5.
The result of conducting the experiment with and without the use of model as
oracle to find out the execution overheads is shown in Figure 8.6(a) and Figure 8.6(b)

Figure 8.5: Test Case Execution Time

respectively. The execution time for a test case using the oracle was around double for
both the successful and the failure case as shown in Figure 4.4.
Referring to the questions raised in Section 8.2 and answering the question regard-
ing false positives, we get a difference in the two responses if the visual contracts are
under-specified. We provide execution logs for all such cases to document false pos-
itives so that the developers can analyze them more carefully. Our results regarding
execution overheads show that the time taken for model execution is double the time it
would take without considering model as an oracle, as shown in Figure 4.4. However,
the maintainability of test cases seems to be an advantage in use of oracles as opposed
to manual oracles since the rules are specified only once and can be executed as many
times as required. Therefore, the execution time does not seem to be a problem if we

(a) Execution time running model as oracle

(b) Execution time without running model as oracle

Figure 8.6: Test case execution time

consider the benefits of using automated oracles.

8.2.3 Threats to Validity

Currently the execution time required to execute the tests does not contain the time re-
quired by the developers to understand how visual contracts are developed, how AGG
works, and how to use our oracle proposal. There is a requirement to conduct experi-
ments to see the effectiveness and usefulness of the approach such that one group tests
a web service with the help of our adapter and the second group considers the tradi-
tional measures. For our experiments, we considered an average sized SUT as a case
study and we need to consider bigger examples to see the scalability of the approach.

8.3 Coverage Analysis

In this section, we evaluate the relation of our model-based approach with traditional
code-based coverage criteria where the system specifications in terms of T AGT S are
analyzed for conflicts and dependencies between the visual contracts or operation sig-
natures specified as production rules. The DG is developed and the test cases consid-
ering suitable coverage criteria are selected and the code based coverage is analyzed
for results. We also use multiple rules to represent different outcomes of one oper-
ation depending upon different data values passed to the operation signatures which
give us a chance to cover more paths through our S UT . For evaluating the quality of
our coverage criteria as well as the effectiveness of the test cases, we have conducted
experiments considering the following questions.
Since the code is not available for services or components, the tester would not have
access to code-based coverage data. Therefore, using model-based criteria instead, we
are interested in the following:

• We want to compare the model-based coverage reported by dynamic dependency

analysis for a given test suite with code based coverage.

• We also evaluate the scalability of our approach in terms of the size of the speci-
fications, the length of a test case, and number of test cases that can be executed
in a given period of time.

8.3.1 Setup and Execution

The model is formally represented as a typed attributed graph transformation system

(TAGTS) where the visual contracts are specified as production rules over the type
graph representing the class model of the service as shown in Figure 8.7.
We evaluate coverage with respect to model-based coverage criteria in relation to

(a) type graph

(b) start graph

Figure 8.7: type graph (a) and start graph (b)

code-based coverage. Using our own AGG-based tool to measure coverage with re-
spect to the selected criteria on the model, we determine code-based coverage with
respect to the most common criteria using the NCover tool.4 In particular, we consider
symbol and branch coverage. The first is essentially a more fine-grained version of
See http://www.ncover.com/

statement coverage, including elements in expressions. The second requires that, for
each condition of a branch (such as in an if, while, do while, etc.) both positive and
negative outcome should be tested.
Model-based coverage is based on the dependency graphs in Fig. 8.8 and 8.9.

Figure 8.8: Dependency graph for ≺ relation.

For measuring the scalability of approach, we conduct experiments with large se-
quences of invocations.

8.3.2 Results and Evaluation

Results are reported in Table 8.3, where each row represents a selection of basic or
combined model-based coverage criteria. We report the number of test cases necessary
to achieve this coverage, the average length of these test cases, and the corresponding
code-based coverage achieved with respect to the two criteria.
Figure 8.9: Dependency graph for % relation.

Table 8.3: Label combinations indicating conflicts and dependencies

S/N Criteria # of test average length Symbol Branch
cases of test case Coverage Coverage
1. cd 10 3 49.19% 45.07%
2. cr 8 5 52.10% 56.34%
3. cr + cd 10 7 83.50% 87.32%
4. cr + cd 14 9 91.91% 92.96%
+rd + dd

We consider the results discussed Subsection 8.3.2 and present our evaluation of
these results. Considering the first row of Table 8.3 where the coverage criterion cd
is used, we require eight test cases of average length 3 achieving 49.19% symbol and
45.07% branch coverage. For criterion cr the values are slightly higher, while combing
the two coverage jumps above 80%. Obviously, some of the nodes are required by both
criteria, such as addProject which is involved in both cr and cd edges.

The forth row represents the results for complete coverage of dependencies and
conflicts in the dependency graph, but failed to provide complete coverage with respect
to code-based criteria. Further analysis revealed that the remaining 8 − 9% correspond
to code that is not executable as part of the normal behavior. This includes exception
handling code triggered by technical errors outside the specification, e.g., a failure
to connect to the data base, or glue code added by the IDE. An example is shown in
Figure 8.10 where the code fragment in the rectangle is triggered by a technical failure.
Since the approach is concerned with testing against functional specifications, technical
exception handling is out of scope and the failure to cover it based on functional testing
is not surprising.

Figure 8.10: Unreachable code example

We have evaluated the scalability of our approach by considering the size of the
specifications in terms of the number of rules and the size of the start graph as well
as the length of the test case. Our case study has 31 rules with the start graph having
12 projects, 9 users, and 1 bug, plus priority and issue objects. We compute the static
information, i.e., critical-pairs and minimal dependencies, only once using AGG’s API
and store them locally for repeated use. The time taken for this calculation is 783.53
seconds, while loading the stored data for subsequent use takes 1.72 seconds. This is
acceptable given that the effort is only incurred once, but we have to be aware that
the runtime is quadratic in the number of rules and exponential in the size of the rules
themselves. That means, large numbers of complex operations will continue to pose
challenges. On the other hand, service interfaces should be high-level, and split up if
they become too large.
We also conducted experiments with different lengths of test cases. We produced
a routine to automatically provide inputs for test case repeating only two rules, i.e.,
for adding and deleting a project repeatedly. That means, the size of the graph re-
mains stable. The time taken for executing test cases of lengths 25, 50 and 100 was
4.579, 12.844 and 65.189 seconds, respectively, while the system crashed with an out
of memory exception for a sequence of 106 steps. The problem here is the maintenance
of partial matches for all earlier rules into later graphs of the sequence, which incurs a
cost quadratic in the length of the sequence in terms of the memory used. It should be
noted that in practice, most test cases will be short (e.g., [9] states that the majority of
faults are revealed by test cases of size 2), but the size of the longest possible sequence
is still a limiting factor.
Executing 14 test cases of average length 9, as required but the 4th combination of
criteria in Table 8.3, takes about 15 seconds. The effort is in fact linear in the number
of test cases, so there is no significant barrier to executing large test suites.

8.3.3 Threats to Validity

The validity of the evaluation, in case of model-based coverage criteria and use of
dynamic dependencies is limited by several factors. First, the implementation of the
case study, if non-trivial, is relatively small, although the interface (and model) are of
reasonable size. The sequences for evaluating scalability in terms of the length of test
cases are clearly artificial, but based on our knowledge of the implementation we can
say that the actions of the rules in the sequence are marginal for the effort, which is
caused by maintaining and comparing matches into a large number of graphs. The start

graph of 25 nodes used for the evaluation is probably realistic for tests with specifically
created data, but tests using real data will require much larger graphs. These may rep-
resent not only a challenge to scalability, but also call for automation of the generation
of start graphs from initial test data.

8.4 Regression Testing

In this section we evaluate both the correctness of our method and the reduction in the
set of test cases obtained. We have used the same case study to verify our regression test
suite selection methodology. For evaluation purpose, we have measured the sufficiency
of our test suite using fault seeding, i.e., deliberate introduction of faults to be detected
by the execution of test cases. The percentage of the seeded faults detected provides a
statistical measure of the capability of the test set to find similar errors in the system,
i.e., a measure of confidence in our test suite [59].
In order to decide which faults to introduce we identified suitable fault types, and
then developed rules for seeding them automatically. After applying the rules to the
code of the system, we execute the entire test suite to assess its quality. In an iterative
process we add test cases until all of the seeded errors were detected. We evolve the
system and classify the test cases into RQ, RU and OB and rerun the tests in both RQ
and RU for comparison of results. We answer the following questions:

• Do the smaller sets of required test cases RQ find the same faults as the larger
sets of reusable test cases RU?

• What is the difference in size between RQ and RU and what would be the small-
est test set able to find the faults seeded?

For each evolution step the evaluation is performed in four steps that are outlined
below and explained in more detail throughout the section.
1. Generation of test cases.

2. Validation of the quality of the entire test suite.

3. Classification of test cases into OB, RU, and RQ.

4. Validation of the quality and required size of RQ by comparing the results of

executing RQ and RU.

5. Analyzing resulting coverage.

We, first of all, introduce three versions of the case study in which the evolution in
the system is discussed below.

8.4.1 Setup and Execution

In this section, we first present an evolution scenario in two steps. Then we use the
scenario to illustrate our approach to regression test suite reduction. The base case for
the Bug Tracker allows us to record projects, users and reported faults. A selection of
rules and type graph are shown in Figure 8.11.
In the first evolution step, the Bug Tracker service is extended in order to record
Issues with the projects, i.e., concerns raised by users that may not be faults yet indicate
deviations from their actual needs. The additional rules and extended type graph are
shown in Fig. 8.12.
In the second evolution step we include a feature to record, among other details, a
priority level while adding a bug. That means, the signature of addBug(. . .) is changed
as well as its specification by the rule. Not surprisingly therefore, the modified oper-
ation will have additional dependencies, such as addU ser(. . .) ≺ addBug(. . .). A mi-
nor update to addI ssue(. . .) means that the description of the status is preset to “First
Report” when the issue is initially reported. There is no change to the signature in
this case, and the dependencies and conflicts are not affected. The new version of the
changed rule along with the type graph are shown in Fig. 8.13.

(a) start graph

(b) addProject (c) addUser

Figure 8.11: type graph (a) and rules addProject (b) and addUser (c)

Generation of test cases: We generated test cases manually, based on the informa-
tion in the model, but without applying a formal notion of coverage. The completeness
of the test set is evaluated instead trough fault seeding, i.e., deliberate introduction of
faults to be detected by the execution of test cases.

Table 8.4: Distribution of seeded faults

Fault Type # of Seeded Faults
V1 V1 V2
Wrong declaration 6 8 9
Wrong assignment 23 34 35
Wrong proc. handling 27 32 35
Control faults 22 27 29
I/O faults 27 32 35
Total 105 133 143

Following the same approach as reported in subsection 7.4.1, we have generated 41

test cases for version V1, 51 test cases for version V2 and 54 test cases for version V3.
Figure 8.12: BugTracker, evolution to Version 2

Figure 8.13: BugTracker, evolution to Version 3

Validation of quality of entire test suite: Rules for seeding faults according to these
types are implemented in the source code transformation tool L-Care5 , which allows
to define markers based on XPath queries as shown in Fig. 8.14(a) on an XML rep-
resentation of the code. A sketch of this XML in tree form is shown in Fig. 8.14(b).
Examples of the original and the fault-seeded code are shown in Fig. 8.14 (c) and (d)
respectively. Table. 8.5 shows the total number of faults seeded for each version as well
as a breakdown into the different types along with typical representatives.

Classification of test cases into OB, RU, and RQ: We classified the test cases of
one version into obsolete, reusable and required subsets and reran the subset RQ on the
next version. Considering step V1 → V2, we classified 41 test cases that were existing
A product of http://www.atxtechnologies.co.uk/

Figure 8.14: Fault seeding with L-Care

for V1 and we found out that all of them are reusable. The result of classification is
shown in Table 8.6.

Validation of the quality and required size of RQ: We seed faults in the modified
classes of V2 and V3 only and execute the two sets of required test cases RQ to de-
termine if all of the seeded faults are discovered and how many test cases are actually
required to discover them. We have seeded 28 and 18 faults in V2 and V3, respectively,
the smaller numbers owing to the size of the changed classes in comparison to the
Table 8.5: Distribution of seeded faults
Code Examples
Correct Statement Mutant Statement
new object[6] new object[0]
args[0] = DateTime.Now; args[0] = “ ”;
throw ex //throw ex
if (conn.Open == ...) if (conn.Open != ...)
conn.Open() conn.Close()

entire code base.

8.4.2 Results and Evaluation

The results are reported in Table. 8.6. We record the number of test cases in each
category produced by our classification as well as the number of test cases actually
successful in finding faults. Of step V1 → V2 we recall that OB = RQ = ∅ because
none of the existing operations were modified. Unsurprising, therefore, none of the re-
maining test cases in RU found any fault, but 10 new test cases NT had to be produced
to detect faults seeded into newly added operations. With the second evolution step, 10
out of 39 existing test cases were classified as required RQ, of which 5 where success-
ful in finding faults. Again, 15 new test cases where added such that 12 were added to
replace the test cases going obsolete due to evolution in signature of addBug and 3 new
ones to cover features not addressed by existing test cases. That means, our reduction
in the size of test suites has not resulted in missing any faults, i.e., the numbers of faults
discovered using RU and RQ are the same.

Table 8.6: Test case classification and success rate

V1 → V2 V2 → V3
Test cases produced successful produced successful
Obsolete (OB) 0 0 12 0
Reusable (RU) 41 0 29 5
Required (RQ) 0 0 10 5
New (NT ) – 10 – 15

The reduction in size is significant, but probably still not optimal, because a smaller
set of 5 rather than 10 test cases would have been sufficient. This is despite an exhaus-
tive error seeding strategy, which produced faults of the designated types wherever this
was possible in the code. The reason could be in over approximation of dependencies
and conflicts which, like in many static analysis approaches, leads us to err on the
cautious side.

Analyzing resulting coverage: We find that the coverage is retained in case of V1 →

V2. However, the edges shown in Table 8.7 have become uncovered due to test cases
going obsolete in case of evolution V2 → V3.

Table 8.7: Uncovered edges

S No Edges
1 Edge between assignProject() and delBug()
2 Edge between addBug() and deleteBug()
3 Edge between addBug and delBugForProjectAndUser()
4 Edge between updateBug() and delBug()
5 Edge between addBug() and getAllBugsForProjAndUser()
6 Edge between addBug() and getPossibleStatuses()
7 Edge between getPossibleStatuses() and delBug()

8.4.3 Threats to Validity

Considering our results of regression test suite reduction, the assessment depends on
the quality of the original test suite, which was evaluated by fault seeding while us-
ing the set of reusable test cases RU as a benchmark for the required ones RQ. But
fault seeding will only deliver relevant results for the types of faults actually sown,
while unexpected or unusual faults are not considered. Our approach here was to use
approaches to fault classification from the literature, but in order to gather relevant
statistics about the costs savings possible we would require data on error distributions
from real projects. Scalability of the approach as well as the coverage analysis needs
to be verified considering large scale case studies

8.5 Summary

We considered a publicly available desktop application and converted into a web ser-
vice for evaluation of our presented approaches. We have shown how we can benefit
from the use of a model as an oracle and how effective are our model-based coverage
criteria. We have presented the limitation of the proposal regarding models as ora-
cles and explained treatment to the false positives reported by our approach. We have
demonstrated our coverage analysis based on dynamic dependencies and conflicts and
evaluated the scalability of our approach. We have also applied our regression testing
approach and evaluated its effectiveness and efficiency.

Part III

Comparison and Conclusion

Chapter 9

Comparison to the State of the Art

In this chapter, we give a critical account of some of the competing approaches for
model-based test oracles, coverage criteria, and regression testing. We also compare
and contrast our results to highlight the salient points as well as the limitations of our
approach. We compare our use of visual contracts for test oracles and model-based
testing. We summarize our research objectives as follows:

• Since web services hide implementation details, we require a model-based ap-

proach to test oracles.

• Web service testing bears additional overheads and testing is, anyway, a time
consuming activity. Therefore, we require model-based coverage criteria to as-
sess the completeness of test suites.

• We also need a model-based approach to regression testing allowing selective


Our requirements are motivated by non-availability of implementation details in

case of web services, and the fact that web services testing involves additional costs
such as service invocation costs, usage of network resources, etc. We evaluate our

contributions with respect to our objectives, provide a comparison with competing ap-
proaches and comment on the suitability and effectiveness of our proposal.

9.1 Test Oracles

Our approach for test oracles, model-based coverage criteria as well as regression
testing is based on the analysis of visual contracts formalized as a TAGTS. We first
describe how visual contracts have been used previously before commenting on our
Visual contracts have been used in [31] for interface specification of services as
well as for model-based testing [33, 50, 29]. The use of visual contracts in [33, 50, 29]
is supported by a formal interpretation as graph transformation rules. The approach in-
troduced in [33] specified visual contracts as rules in a TAGTS for deriving functional
tests and used JTest and Parasoft for test execution.
Visual contracts are also used in [29] for formalizing pre- and post-conditions of
use cases to be used as test models for the generation of logical test cases. This work
provides the basis for establishing a relation between UML specifications and visual
contracts and proposes a test suites generation mechanism for required and provided
interfaces. The work reported in [29] proposes to make them executable for the gener-
ation of test cases.
Visual contracts have been used in [50] not only for testing individual operations
but also for operation sequences. The work proposes a mapping between visual con-
tracts and Java modeling language (JML) assertions that can be considered as providing
an oracle. A mapping between visual contracts and the Java classes using JML is also
reported in [51] where the authors have proposed how correctness of the implementa-
tion can be verified against the specification. The proposal considers a runtime asser-
tion checker where the use of visual contracts is to specify the data state transformation

between a pair of UML object diagrams representing pre- and post-conditions. Visual
contracts are also used in model-driven development (MDD) e.g., in [24] where the
authors have made use of graph transformation principles for solving horizontal and
vertical model transformation issues. The models are then transformed into JML asser-
tions and monitoring is done through the help of an Eclipse plug-in and JML assertions.
Our use of visual contracts provides a means of executing specifications through
an adapter linking the model signatures with rules in AGG. We derive a dependency
graph (DG) using critical-pair analysis. We base our model-based coverage criteria
on annotations on the start and end points of the edges between nodes in our DG. We
check, dynamically, if a static dependency was exercised. This is novel to our approach.
We exploit the information present in visual contracts for providing a test oracle
by filling gaps in abstraction between service implementation and visual models. Ora-
cles can be realized by a manual process, a separate program implementing the same
process, a simulator producing parallel results, an earlier version of the same software,
checking values against known responses, etc [35]. An oracle should be independent
of the SUT in providing its responses and could be based on specification or the im-
plementation artifacts [72]. Several approaches for test oracles are presented based on
system specifications [61], documentation [58], and parallel implementation [71, 6].
Test oracles for web service testing are proposed in [68] where each service has
several implementations and there is a training phase to make available the oracle in the
first place. Another approach [17] is based on the idea of metamorphic testing which
emphasizes the usage of relations between the inputs and the outcomes of several ex-
ecutions of a method under scrutiny. This allows the reuse of existing test cases to
generate more test cases. [17] use these metamorphic services as access wrappers pro-
viding encapsulation to the actual SUT. The test oracle is in the metamorphic services
which compute the follow-up messages and predicts results of the SUT.

Table 9.1: Comparison test oracles approaches

Approach and Author Comparison with Our Proposal

Visual Contracts used for unit test- We use visual contracts and provide exe-
ing with JTest [33] cutable specifications for testing
Visual contracts for test oracles us- We use model-level information and pro-
ing JML where Graph transforma- vide model as an oracle where we specify
tion rules are translated into JML visual contracts as rules in AGG and exe-
assertions [50] and a runtime asser- cute them using API
tion checker [51]
Group testing by applying one test Our proposal does not need a training
case to all web services in a group phase and the result is not based on a ma-
with outputs stochastically ranked jority vote
and oracle established if majority of
web services report the same out-
put [68]
Metamorphic services are used as We directly execute the visual contracts
access wrappers providing encapsu- specifying the operation formalized as
lation to the actual SUT and provid- rules in TAGTS where the model is made
ing test oracle by comparing results executable as an oracle
of metamorphic service that com-
putes follow-up message and pre-
dict results of actual service [17]
Visual Contracts are used for test We execute visual contracts as oracles
case generation [29]

Test sheets for oracles where UML Outputs are computed by executing visual
and OCL are used to represent the contract considering system start state
operational features of web services given as start graph
under test [4]

Test oracles for web services are also proposed in [4] where tables describing sets
of test cases, called test sheets, are used. These tables contain inputs and the sets of
possible outputs. The approach builds on concepts defined in the Framework for Inte-
grated Test 1 . The approach suggests a manual process for the provision of test oracles
for web services [12].
Our approach [43] is different from those mentioned above. We propose a mech-
anism to execute service specifications and do neither rely on a training phase nor do
we require the additional overhead required for metamorphic testing. Our work is also
different from [29] where visual contracts are made executable for generation of test
We provide a comparison of our approach with the competing approaches in Ta-
ble 9.1. Our objective was to use model-level information to provide test oracles which
neither require additional wrappers, as required in [17], nor depends upon the stochas-
tic analysis of outputs for establishing an oracle. Our proposal of executable specifica-
tions is an automatic process, in contrast to the proposal of [4] where test oracles are

9.2 Model-based Coverage Criteria

Coverage criteria for dataflow-based methods include all de f paths, all de f −use paths,
etc., where de f and use are the labels on nodes to annotatate where a data element
available at http://fit.c2.com

was created and used respectively [67, 26, 60]. Coverage criteria for control-flow
graphs are statement coverage, which ensures that all statements are executed at least
once; decision coverage that every decision point is invoked at least once[11, 39, 8],
etc. We have analyzed visual contracts and presented our analysis in the shape of a
dependency graph based on which we determine model-based coverage criteria. For
this, we considered model-level information about dependencies and conflicts between
operations. Dataflow graphs considering specifications are presented in [8], where the
specifications are first analyzed for correctness. A DG is then constructed and the test
paths are identified.
Specifications have been considered for control-flow graph (CFG) development for
web services in [49] using resource description framework (RDF) schema. RDF graphs
are extracted from the functional specifications of web services comprising axioms
defining pre-conditions and effects of invocations. A CFG is derived from these graphs
and the extracted CFG is then interpreted as extended finite state machine (EFSM) to
define coverage criteria. Semantic Web service descriptions in (WSDL-S) are used to
construct a finite state machine (FSM) by first expressing pre-conditions and effects
using the web ontology language (OWL) having semantic web rule language (SWRL)
extensions [65].
There are several approaches to testing web services based on dataflow graphs ex-
tracted from semantic information [7, 65, 36]. The approach discussed in [7] is aimed
at testing service composition using BPEL specifications. BPEL is also considered
in [36], where dependency analysis is carried out over variables acquired from WS DL
interface description to extract paths through the graph of the BPEL specification. Cri-
teria for data flow testing, originally established in [26], are applied by [52] to the
functional testing of services using BPEL and WS DL. The authors of [54] have made
use of call-based dependence graphs for coverage in object-oriented systems. They in-
corporate both control and data dependence. In our approach, the combination of data
and control flow analysis could be interesting when considering service specifications
complementing visual contracts with orchestrations. However, our handling of data de-
pendencies is more advanced than what can be extracted from operation signatures in
Rather than using finite state machine or control-flow information, we have con-
structed dependency graphs through visual contracts analysis formalized by rules in
a TAGTS. Approaches to model-based testing using data dependencies for object-
oriented systems are also considered in [18, 13].

Table 9.2: Comparison of model-based coverage approaches

Approach and Author Comparison with Our Proposal

Model-based conformance testing We use information about conflicts and

of web services where extended dependencies between visual contracts
WSDL specifications are used to specifying operations in a web service
derive finite state machine for gen- and propose coverage criteria to find out
erating test cases and providing completeness of a given set of test cases
predicate coverage [65]
BPEL processes are analyzed for We consider model-level information and
collecting dataflow information to analyze visual contracts formally speci-
test compositions [36] fied as rules in a TAGTS
Control-flow analysis for coverage We propose a dataflow based coverage
extracted from service specifica- criteria by representing the dataflow re-
tions considering RDF schema [49] lated information as a dependency graph

Using Frankl-Weyuker dataflow We identify data creation, read and dele-
criteria to test BPEL services where tion for coverage and, instead of all-
BPEL and WSDL are considered uses, we propose create-read, create-
for test case generation and all- delete, read-delete and delete-delete cri-
uses is considered as coverage teria covering more options than all-uses
criteria [52]
Dataflow based analysis for web We propose coverage considering opera-
service compositions [7] tions within a web service
Dependence representation for cov- We consider dependency graph and use
erage [54] based on control and labels on the edges for the proposal of
dataflow information using notation coverage criteria for web services
for object-oriented systems
Testing of web service composi- Our proposal of coverage criteria is
tions is proposed by considering dataflow based and does not consider
BPEL and timed extended finite state machine related coverage
state machine for criteria, e.g., tran-
sition coverage [46]
Integration testing using dataflow We formalize dataflow information as
information where the authors in- dependency graph to test web services
troduce a formal language to de- where the coverage criteria is proposed on
velop dataflow diagram for path the basis of edge labels resulting from the
coverage for object-oriented sys- use of formal concepts of conflicts and
tems [18] dependency analysis in theory of graph
transformation [22]

Converting UML state machines Our focus is web services where we rep-
into flow graphs based on events resent the information as a dependency
and actions where OCL expres- graph to propose dataflow based coverage
sions associated with nodes in the criteria for a given set of test cases
flow graph are analyzed for refining
state-based criteria [13]

We have made use of web service specifications by means of visual contracts for
deriving a dependency graph to define coverage [32]. Dependencies and conflicts ex-
tracted by critical pair analysis provide a simple representation of the system at the in-
terface level, abstracting from detailed control flow. Our model-based analysis makes
us independent of programming languages and platform related details, which is suit-
able for the platform-independent nature of web services. We provide a comparison of
our approach [42] with the competing approaches in Table 9.2.
Considering the comparison given in Table 9.2, our approach covers combinations
of create, read and delete effects on data than [52] which only proposes to cover
all-uses as coverage crieteria. We consider operations within one service in contrast
with [7, 36]. Our coverage criteria are based on conflicts and dependency analysis
where approach in [65] uses guard conditions and extended finite state machines to
provide predicate coverage. The approaches in [54, 18] consider dependency graphs
derived through a different process and provide coverage for object-oriented systems
whereas our focus is web services.

9.3 Regression Testing

Several techniques [45, 19, 14] have been using model level information for regression
testing. Extended finite state machine (EFSM) are considered in [45], where interaction

patterns between functional elements represented by transitions are used for test set
reduction. Two tests are considered equivalent if they represent the same interaction
pattern. Therefore, whenever a transition is added or deleted, the effect of the model on
the transition, the effect of the transition on the model and any side effects are tested
for. That means test cases are selected with respect to elementary modifications of the
state machine model.
EFSM are also considered in [19] where a set of elementary modifications (EM)
is identified. Two types of dependencies, data dependencies (DD) and control depen-
dencies (CD) are discussed. A state dependence graph (SDG) represents DD and CD
visually and a change in the SDG leads to a regression testing requirement to verify
the effect of the modification.
The technique presented in [14] uses UML use case and class diagrams with op-
erations described by pre and post conditions in object constraint language (OCL). A
unique sequence diagram is associated with a use case to specify all possible object
interactions realizing the use case. Changes in the model are identified by comparing
their XML metadata interchange (XMI) representations. An approach to regression
testing of web services suggested by [57] makes use of unit tests based on JUnit. Test
cases are produced by the developer, who generates QoS assertions and XML-encoded
test suites and monitors I/O data of previous test logs to see if the behavior is changed.
The approach discussed in [64] constructs a global flow graph by requiring a flow-
graph from each party in the collaboration. It then defines call nodes as a special nodes
for remote service calls to record the operation name and the service uniform resource
identifier (URI). A CFG containing a call node is converted by inserting the call graph
corresponding to that call node. Whenever an operation is modified, the previous and
the resulting call graphs are compared to find the differences and all downstream edges
are marked as “dangerous” once a modified node is marked.

Table 9.3: Comparison of regression testing approaches

Approach and Author Comparison with Our Proposal

Maintaining JUnit test cases for re- We analyze visual contracts to identify
gression testing where service inte- impact of change and select test cases into
grator maintains a log of test cases subsets and perform coverage analysis to
and executions and QoS assertions see if the resulting test suite retains cover-
for preexisting test cases are gen- age
erated by a Java toolkit where tests
and assertions constitute executable
contracts [57]
Develop control-flow graphs for We analyze the information in terms of vi-
composite web services where sual contracts where our focus is how the
control-flow information for change affects the model. We also need
web services is considered. The to know which of the code artifacts were
approach is applicable to web accessed during update. Our focus is dif-
services compositions where the ferent as we consider one web service and
change information is analyzed not compositions
by maintaining and updating call
graph and by identifying dangerous
edges [64]
Extended finite state machine con- We evaluate the change in model through
sidering control and data depen- visual contracts and do not consider con-
dence to construct a state depen- trol dependence
dence graph which is used to iden-
tify the effect of modification [19]

Model-based regression testing us- Our analysis is based on visual contracts
ing data dependence analysis where analysis and not on extended finite state
Extended finite state machine is machines and the application domain is
used for dependence analysis in web services
object-oriented systems for reduc-
ing regression test suites [45]
UML designs are considered where We consider visual contracts to repre-
pre- and post-conditions are given sent pre- and post-conditions formalizing
as OCL constraints and the changes them as rules in a TAGTS for analysis and
in model are analyzed by analyzing propose a regression testing approach for
their XML representation [14] web services

Our approach [41] is different in the sense that not only we consider the impact of
evolution for selective retesting but we also propose a coverage analysis mechanism to
see if there is any requirement of new test cases to retain coverage as well. Dependency
information used, e.g., in [45, 19] is instead derived from state machines. Pre and post
conditions on application data are also used with [14].
While conceptually close, our visual contracts are more easily usable than a textual
encoding in OCL and provide a formal operational semantics with a well-established
theory of concurrency as a basis for verifying formally the correctness of our approach.
We provide a comparison with our approach in Table 9.3.

9.4 Summary

We have presented in this chapter a comparison of our approach to some of the state-
of-the-art approaches. Considering our approach to test oracles, we were able to use
model-level information to provide test oracles which not only handle a variety of

challenges. We have also provided a comparison where specifications have been con-
sidered for coverage criteria. We have also covered approaches where visual contracts
were used for testing purposes. Lastly, we have presented a comparison of our ap-
proach with approaches considering model level information as well as approaches for
web services.
Our use of visual contracts for proposing test oracles, coverage criteria and regres-
sion testing is unique for providing an executable model as an oracle. Our analysis of
visual contracts specifying operation in a web service formalized as rules in a TAGTS
to arrive at dependency graph and annotating the edges with labels to propose coverage
criteria is also novel. Our proposal of analyzing visual contracts for regression testing
and coverage analysis for evolved version of the system is also original.

Chapter 10

Conclusion and Outlook

This chapter provides a conclusion and discusses possibilities of future extensions to

the work presented in this thesis.

10.1 Conclusion

We have used high level visual specifications for oracle development, in line with the
platform-independent nature of web services and mainstream software modeling lan-
guages. Our contribution is not in the generation of test cases, but in helping the tester
to implement them by automating the decision, if the response from the operation being
tested is correct. This information is present in visual contracts and should be reused
rather than re-implemented. Other test-related activities, such as debugging, are not
directly affected. In order to generate test oracles, an adapter needs to translate invo-
cations of services under test into rule applications, passing and converting parameters
and interpreting replies. We differentiate logical failures from technical or communi-
cation failures and provide support for the developers to handle issues pertaining to
partial specification of visual contracts. We also provide a mechanism to handle differ-
ences in how web services report the success or failure.

We have proposed an approach to model-based coverage which is based on a two-
step process that combines static and the dynamic analysis. Statically, we use AGG’s
critical pair and minimal dependency analysis to create a dependency graph over rules
representing visual contracts. These graphs, which distinguish different types of de-
pendencies and conflicts, are the basis for coverage criteria. The evaluation of a set of
tests based on the criteria is performed dynamically while executing the model as an
We have presented a method to reduce the size of a regression test suite based on
an analysis of the dependencies and conflicts between visual contracts specifying the
preconditions and effects of operations. The method is applicable to all software sys-
tems that have interfaces specified in this way, but it is particularly relevant for services
because of the lack of access to implementation code and the potential cost involved in
running a large number of tests through a remote and potentially payable provider. Fi-
nally, we have evaluated all of the work on test oracles, model-based coverage criteria
as well as the model-based regression testing on small scale examples as well as using
average sized cases studies.
However, there are a number of future research directions that were identified dur-
ing the course of this doctoral research and which are presented in the forthcoming

10.2 Outlook

The work reported in this thesis has a number of possible future directions. We discuss
a selection, where the order is not significant.

10.2.1 Test Case Analysis and Generation

We have assumed a given set of test cases. A future research direction is to consider
test case generation from visual contracts using path expressions over the dependency

Figure 10.1: Test Case Generation Example

We would allow test cases to be added to the test suite incrementally where we
analyze the resulting coverage for the newly added test case as well as the benefit of
the addition. The process should go on until coverage with respect to selected model-
based coverage criteria is achieved. The automation should also support developers in
finding suitable and minimal sets of test cases that provide them with full dependency

graph coverage. In case they intend to add test cases manually, there should also be a
process for manual addition. Automation should also support visual contract analysis
for input space partitioning [55] for test suite generation.
We have made initial progress on a tool shown in Figure 10.1, that proposes test
cases for addition analyzing which additional conflicts and dependencies this new test
case exercises.

10.2.2 Learning Visual Contracts

The research proposed in this thesis assumes that the visual contracts are available. We
can imagine several methods to arrive at visual contracts. Apart from extracting the
contracts from available semantic information, we could make use of learning tech-
niques considering observation sequences from which the pre- and post-conditions
forming visual contracts are learnt.

10.2.3 Rules Signature for Multi Objects

Currently, our theoretical contribution addresses TAGTS with rule signatures returning
basic data types only. The research goal is to extend the theory so that rule signatures
could be associated with rule schemes as well.
This would require to allow the output parameter to be of type S et(s) for a sort
s ∈ S to return a response in case of a rule scheme with a multi object. The mapping
function given in our definition of TAGTS with rule signatures would assign to each
rule name p ∈ P a list of formal input and output parameters σ(p) = x̄ = (q1 x1 :
c1 s1 , . . . , qn xn : cn sn ) where qi ∈ {, out}, ci ∈ {, S et} and xi ∈ X si for 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
This would also change the way we handle labels and we would need to extend our
definition of observation from transformation sequences, accordingly introducing rules
with multi objects and their applications.

10.2.4 Application Conditions

We plan to extend our theoretical formulation to include negative application condi-

tions (NAC). This would allow us to specify visual contracts in a more expressive
manner. Consider rule occupyRoom in our case study presented in Figure 2.2, addition
of NAC as shown in Figure 10.2 prohibits more than one nodes of type BillData to be
associated with one room booking.

Figure 10.2: Test Case Generation Example

This would require us to introduce more edges in the dependency graph to cover
additional relations between rule applications where one rule produces a graph element
which is forbidden by an application application condition.

10.2.5 Evaluation of Effectiveness of Proposal

We intend to evaluate the approach with developers in order to assess the benefit of
a model-based approach, where oracle and test coverage are provided, against a more
informal documentation of the service interface where no such help is given. Seeding
faults in the service implementation, this would allow us to assess the added value of
the model-based approach.

Appendix A

Visual Contracts: Bug Tracker Service

In this appendix, we provide a list of visual contracts for our case study of the Bug
Tracker service in this appendix. In case of rule schemes, we also show how the visual
contract is given by a kernel rule and multi rules. We show this in a square box where
the upper part represents the kernel rule and the lower represents the multi rule, as
shown, e.g., in A.5, below the visual contract.

Figure A.1: Visual Contract for Rule AddProject

Figure A.2: Visual Contract for Rule AssignProject

Figure A.3: Visual Contract for Rule DeleteProjectById

Figure A.4: Visual Contract for Rule GetProjectByProjectTitle

Figure A.5: Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetProjects

Figure A.6: Visual Contract for GetProjectsForUsers

Figure A.7: Visual Contract for Rule UpdateProject

Figure A.8: Visual Contract for Rule AddBug

Figure A.9: Visual Contract for Rule DeleteBug

Figure A.10: Visual Contract for Rule DeleteBugsForProjectAndUsers

Figure A.11: Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetAllBugs

Figure A.12: Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetAllBugsForProject

Figure A.13: Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetAllBugsForProjectAndUser

Figure A.14: Visual Contract for Rule UpdateBug

Figure A.15: Visual Contract for AddUser

Figure A.16: Visual Contract for RuleScheme DeleteUserById

Figure A.17: Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetUsers

Figure A.18: Visual Contract for Rule IsValidPassword

Figure A.19: Visual Contract for Rule GetLogins

Figure A.20: Visual Contract for Rule GetUserInfo

Figure A.21: Visual Contract for Rule GetUserInfoForUserName

Figure A.22: Visual Contract for Rule GetUserInfoForUserId

Figure A.23: Visual Contract for Rule UpdateUser

Figure A.24: Visual Contract for Rule AddIssue

Figure A.25: Visual Contract for Rule DeleteIssues

Figure A.26: Visual Contract for Rule DeleteIssuesForProjectAndUser

Figure A.27: Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetAllIssues

Figure A.28: Visual Contract for Rule UpdateIssue

Figure A.29: Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetUsersForProject

Figure A.30: Visual Contract for RuleScheme GetPossibleStatusses

Figure A.31: Visual Contract for Rule UpdateXUserProject


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