Work Immersion Chapter 1

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Work immersions prepare learners for the real world by training them

how to work in a company and eventually excel in a specific career. The school

needs to ensure that its learners gain various competencies that would have

their future professions ready for employment. The work immersion could be a

challenge to the senior Graduates high school learners. This is why work

immersion are provided by educational institutions to help the preparation of

the learners explore their chosen careers and acquire 21st – Century skills.

According to the DEPED (2012) work immersion For SHS K to 12

curriculum work immersion refers to the part of the SHS curriculum consisting

of 80 hours. On hands-on experience or work simulation which the grade 11

and 12 students will undergo a training to the industrial workplace.

The learners will improve their abilities and builds new skill related to

their career preferences work immersion will have learners gain new skill sets

and improve their existing capabilities. And also through work immersion the

learners get to discover themselves and jumpstart their professional growth.

The 80-hour work immersion shall be scheduled for no more than eight

cumulative or consecutive hours per day. All technical-vocational schools

offering senior high school shall be governed by department of education

guidelines and the safety guidelines set by the technical education and skills
development authority in implementing the work immersion program

supervised by the school head and designated personnel of the partners


Through the work immersion program, the students get a glimpse of

what’s ahead I the chosen career preference can alter every aspect of a person’s

life, including their future career. Student’s career preference can determine

their willingness to choose the right career for their future.

Students who have the perseverance in their career preference will have

a success to their future career. It is important to remember that experience

can lead us to the best choice as a learner.

Statement of the Problem

The main objectives of this study is to determine the effect of work

immersion on the perceptions of the grade 12 ABM learners career preference

specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the career preferences of 12-ABM learners after work


2. What are the perceptions of grade 12-ABM learners on work related to


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