Programador Miniflat FM-SM
Programador Miniflat FM-SM
Programador Miniflat FM-SM
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-Max. length of the cable: 1m
-Minimum insulation resistance of cable and flame
classification code
-Max. parasitic capacitance of
detection probe: ≤ 1nF
single flame
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Using non reversible connectors with different number of
poles makes the connection easy and reliable. One way
fast-on connectors of different sizes for ignition and Fig.5
detection electrodes permit their easy installation and
The dual output ignition device allows spark generation on − For technical-safety reasons a regulation shutdown must
one point (3a), two points (3b) or between two electrodes occur every 24 hours (systems for non-permanent
isolated from the metal frame of the burner (3c), see Fig.3. operation).
− Automatic controls are safety devices and shall not be
opened. Responsibility and guarantee of the
manufacturer is invalidated if the control is opened.
− The control must be connected and disconnected only
without the main power.
− The control can be mounted in any position.
− Avoid exposure of the control unit to dripping water.
− Ventilation and the lowest temperature ensures the
longest life of the control.
− Make sure that the type (code and times) you are using
is correct before installing or replacing the control.
Fig.3 − The gas appliance in which the control is installed must
provide adequate protection against the risk of electrical
Regarding the connection of the control units, provisions shock (at least IP20).
such as strain reliefs, sufficient earth terminals and neutral Electrical installation
terminals should be present in the appliance or in external − The applicable national regulation and European
connection boxes. standards (e.g. EN 60335-1/prEN 50165) regarding
With all types it is possible to execute the connecting electrical safety must be respected.
systems as shown in Fig.4. − Live and neutral should be connected correctly, a
mistake could cause a dangerous situation, i.e. the
valves would still be live with the thermostats and limits
switched off. Besides, if live-neutral polarity is not
respected the control performs a non-volatile lock-out at
the end of the safety time at starting up.
− Before starting check the cables carefully. Wrong
connections can damage the control and compromise
(4a) 2 WIRES (4b) 3 WIRES (4c) 4 WIRES
the safety.
− Take great care while connecting the lock-out signal and
reset button: an inversion in the connection can damage
the control.
Fig.4 − The earth terminal of the control, the metal frame of the
burner and the earth on the mains supply must be well
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− Avoid putting the detection cable close to power or Operation
ignition cables. At every start the control unit proceeds to a self-checking of
− Use a heat resistant cable for the detection probe, well its own components. During the pre-purge or waiting time
insulated to ground and protected from possible the internal circuit makes a test of the flame signal amplifier
moisture (or water in general). circuit. A parasitic flame signal or fault in the amplifier
− Use an ignition cable as short and straight as possible prevents the control from starting.
and keep it far from other conductors to reduce t he In the types with control of the fan, before the elapsing of
emission of electromagnetic interference (max.length pre-purge time, the air pressure switch contacts are
<2m and insulation voltage >25KV). checked to prove their "no air flow" state.
In case of live-neutral network with unearthed neutral or live- Only if the test is positive the fan is started and with the air
live network (with centre of the star not earthed) the control pressure switch in "air flow" state, pre-purge time begins.
can operate correctly by means of a built-in resistor. At the end of the waiting or pre-purge times the gas valve is
IMPORTANT: in the event of "partial" short circuits or energized and the ignition device is operated. If a flame is
bad insulation between phase(s) and earth the voltage detected during the safety time the ignition device is
on the ionization probe can be reduced until it causes inhibited and, in the suitable models, the independent
the lock-out of the control. In the presence of this kind auxiliary contact will switch from off to flame detected
of network it is advisable to use our isolation position or the second gas valve will be energized.
transformer type AR1. On the contrary, if the control doesn't detect a flame by the
Checking at start end of TS, it proceeds to non-volatile lock-out, the gas valve
Always check the control before the first start and also after and the ignition device are switched off while the lock-out
substitutions or a long period of non operation of the signal output is supplied.
system. Before any ignition attempt make sure that the When the flame fails during the safety time, then the ignition
combustion chamber is free from gas. device is activated within one second.
Then make sure that: The attached diagrams are useful to understand how each
− if the attempt to start occurs without the gas supply the control operates.
control performs a non-volatile lock-out after TS; Reset of the control
− when stopping the gas flow (while the control is in When a control has gone to non-volatile lockout, an interval
running state) supply to the gas valve is interrupted of 10 seconds should be allowed before attempting to reset
within 1 second and after a recycling, the control the control unit; if this time is not observed then the control
proceeds to a non-volatile lock-out; may not reset correctly.
− operating times and sequence are suitable;
− the level of the flame signal is sufficient, see Fig.6 for the
measuring test;
− the ignition probe(s) is (are) adjusted in the most stable
way for a spark gap between 2-4 mm;
− the intervention of limiters or safety devices causes a
safety shut-down according to the application.
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Miniflat Series
Types FM.. SM..
Via del Pontiere, 31
37045 Legnago (VR)
Tel. +39 0442 635211 - Telefax +39 0442 25683 03/04/07 Subject to amendments without notice
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