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The Vøring and Møre Basins, Norwegian Sea

The study area is located in the Norwegian Sea, particular in the Norwegian
central Cretaceous deep basins (Møre and Vøring basins). For this 2D modeling
exercise a 190 km section transversing the Norwegian central Cretaceous deep
basins will be used (see red line in Fig. 1). The cross section was constructed by
integrating interpreted gravity and seismic data with lithostratigraphy derived from
the drilled wells. Depth conversion has been determined using well interval velocity
data and stacked velocities from the seismic lines.

Tectonic setting

The tectonic framework of the Norwegian Sea continental margin is characterized by

central Cretaceous deep basins, Møre and Vøring basins, trending NE-SW. The basins
are flanked by paleo-highs, -platforms and the elevated mainland (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Structure map

of the Norwegian
continental margin. The
2D PetroMod model
is built on the cross
section. Figure is
modified after Brekke,

The Møre and Vøring marginal highs to west of the central deep basins are
characterized by thick Early Eocene basalt flows overlying an unknown substrate (Brekke,
2000). To the east of the central deep basins, the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous
Trondelag Platform is the predominant feature. The main basin is bounded by the NW-SE
trending Bivrost Lineament to the north, and Møre-Trøndelag Fault complex to the south

There are two major tectonic events in the region. One extensional event related to
intra-plate continental rifting occurred Mid Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, another rifting
event took place during Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary (Brekke, 2000).

The two major NW-SE lineaments probably reflect the Pre-Cambrian basement, which
control the extensional tectonic activity in the region. In the Vøring basin, the Cretaceous
intervals underwent an early thermal subsidence and a later post-Cenomanian phase of
tectonic subsidence. The Vøring basin was active during Tertiary time with the main phase
of strike slip compression coinciding with Alpine orogeny in Late Eocene and Mid Miocene
(Lundsteen, 2010). The break-up of North Atlantic during Paleocene-Eocene induced
strong volcanism, especially on the Møre and Vøring marginal highs (Skogseid, 1994). In
contrast, Møre basin was generally tectonically quiet throughout Cretaceous and Tertiary
periods, experiencing mainly continuous subsidence.

Two major unconformities can be recognized from seismic data in this area. The base
Cretaceous unconformity is well defined as an onlap surface in the eastern basin flanks
(platform) (Brekke, 2000). The base of Tertiary sequence is an erosional unconformity in
the Vøring Basin and on the flanks of Møre Basin. The erosion thickness remains
uncertain and for the training, the trainees could run different uncertainty models to
improve thermal calibration.

Stratigraphy and sedimentology

Shanmugam et al. (1994) conducted a regional sedimentological study of Cretaceous

sequences in the Mid-Norway region (Norwegian Sea). The study reveals that these
sequences were predominantly deposited in an upper continental slope environment by
slumps and debris flows. Examination of nearly 500 m of core from 14 wells shows eight
distinct lithofacies:

Facies 1 (contorted conglomerate and pebbly sandstone) represents deposits of sandy

slumps and debris flows, possibly in a channel setting. In the Mid-Norway region, this
facies is best developed in the Lange Formation.

Facies 2 (contorted sandstone) is the most widespread and is the product of sandy
slumps and debris flows. In the Mid-Norway region, this facies is typified by basal shear
zones and sandstone rock fragments in the Nise Formation.

Facies 3 (contorted mudstone) indicates deposition from muddy slumps and debris
flows. In the Mid-Norway region, this facies is well developed in the Lysing Formation and
the Lange Formation.

Facies 4 (rippled sandstone) suggests bottom-current reworking. This facies is not

present in our study area.

Facies 5 (graded sandstone) represents turbidity-current deposits and is very rare. This
facies is observed in Lysing Formation,.

Facies 6 (laminated mudstone) is a product of pelagic or hemipelagic deposition. In the

Mid-Norway region, this facies is best developed in the Kvitnos, Springer, and Nise

Facies 7 (crossbedded sandstone) is indicative of tidal processes. This facies is present

only in the Lysing Formation of Smørbukk area, and is closely associated with facies 6.

Facies 8 (laminated sandstone) represents delta front and shelf deposits. These facies
and their association suggest a shelf-edge delta to upper slope environment of deposition.
Existing core data document deltaic facies only in the Mid-Norway region. This facies has
been recognized in the Nise Formation and Lange Formation.

Based on core observation, the following deposition model is developed for the
Cretaceous sequences in this area by Shanmugam et al. (1994) (Fig. 2). In the model,
spatial distribution of all eight facies described above are depicted.

Fig. 2. Deposition model for the Cretaceous sequences in this area (Figure from
Shanmugam et al., 1994).


The main Spekk Formation dark grey shale was deposited in marine anoxic environment.
The restored original TOC of the rock ranges from 6-8% from the available drilling data,
the original HI is usually less than 300 mgHC/gTOC. Therefore, type II kerogen is selected
for this study.

The Lange Formation green to brown claystone was deposited in a shallow marine
environment. The quality of this source rock is minor compared to Spekk Formation. In
some areas, sandstone development occurs in this formation.

The source rock of the Åre Formation consists of mainly coal layers interbedded with
sandstone and claystone. This formation was deposited in coastal plain to delta plain with
swamps. Due to lack of geochemical data, model input could be estimated to be 20%
TOCo and 100 mgHC/gTOC HIo.

Calculation of original TOC (TOCo) and HI (HIo) values for the source rocks of the Spekk
Formation, and Åre Formation were performed by Lundsteen, 2010. The source rock
characteristics of the Spekk Formation are assumed to be more homogeneous and have
a uniform distribution within the study area.

The measured TOC and HI of the potential source rocks have been collected for one
well that encounters the potential source rock interval of the Spekk Formation.

Well: 6506/12-6
Spekk Fm: 4021-4050m = 29m
Lithology: black shale
TOCo wt% 8
HIo 600

In this area, beside the black/grey shale as main source rock, coal is another source to
contribute hydrocarbon for the region. Due to lack of detailed geochemical kinetic study,
we choose Ungerer (North Sea) (1992) type II and type III for kinetics for the shale and
coal source rock respectively.

Waples, D.W. Kamata, H., and Suizu, M. (1992): The art of maturity modeling: Part I: Alternative models
and sensitivity analysis. AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 76, No.1, p. 47-66.
Shanmugam, G., Lehtonen, L.R., Straume, T., Syvertsen, S.E., Hodgkinson, R.J., and Skibeli, M. (1994):
Slump and debris-flow dominated upper slope facies in the Cretaceous of the Norwegian and northern North
Seas (61-67°N): Implications for sandstone distribution. AAPG Bulletin, Vol. 78, No.6, p. 910-937.
Lundsteen, E.B. (2010): Thermal calibration of a three dimensional basin and petroleum system model in the
Norwegian Sea. Master Thesis, Emperial College London. 189 p.
Skogskeid, J. (1994): Dimensions of the Late Cretaceous-Paleocene Northeast Atlantic rift derived from
Cenozoic subsidence. Tectonophysics, Vol. 240, p. 225-247
Brekke, H. (2000): The tectonic evolution of the Norwegian Sea Continental Margin with emphasis on the
Vøring and Møre Basins. In: Nøttvedt, A. et al. (eds): Dynamics of the Norwegian Margin. Geological Society of
London, Special Publications, Vol. 167, p. 327-378.

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