Miami-Dade County Public Schools Are Turning Classrooms Into Connected Communities
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Are Turning Classrooms Into Connected Communities
Miami-Dade County Public Schools Are Turning Classrooms Into Connected Communities
Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) is reinventing the way it educates the next generation of students.
With over 400 schools and 50,000 staff, M-DCPS is the fourth largest public school district in the United States.
Since staff and teachers are spread across schools and educational departments this resulted in
communication silos. Using Workplace, M-DCPS is creating a community among staff and teachers,
bringing thousands of educators together to connect, share best practice and technology integration
strategies. In the process, Workplace is improving culture and raising the bar on instructional impact.
Delivering a clear message to teachers and staff “Workplace has been a great addition
As Workplace has many of the familiar features of Facebook,
M-DCPS staff were able to hit the ground running right away - to the district’s communication
a relief for busy teachers who don’t have any spare time in the
day. Staff use Workplace to disseminate important updates and
and collaboration toolbox. This
announcements - both on a school level and from the M-DCPS platform has limitless possibilities
district office - to all schools in the district.
for bringing District and school site
Workplace has also empowered other staff like food workers staff together, and it has allowed us,
and bus drivers. They can now access critical organizational
information and participate and contribute to discussions. as an organization, to break the
Bringing teaching staff together to raise the bar on
barriers of traditional communication.
educational practice and professional development Through Workplace, our employees
Using Workplace has allowed best practices to flourish at M-DCPS.
Principals broadcast morning announcements or share best are contributing to the greater good
practices from the classroom. Teachers also post regular of the entire organization by sharing
updates in shared groups about lesson plans and creative
activities they organize to support student learning. ideas, best practices, resources, and
One teacher shared in a group a detailed post with photos of highlighting their accomplishments.”
two teachers co-teaching in action. Another teacher took his Marie Izquierdo, Chief Academic Officer
class out for a day of kayaking and live-streamed some of the
fun to Workplace. The video received a positive response and
Making school operations run more effectively
provided an interactive way for other teachers to learn about
Of the teacher onboarding process, Leonid shares,
different activities they can take their class out on.
“Workplace is what we use to bring people on board and
make them feel like part of the family, which is huge for
Workplace has also become a vital resource for teacher support.
a district of this size.” Workplace has greatly facilitated
M-DCPS is using Workplace to run professional development
this process as we are able to add new hires to relevant
activities such as webinars, mentoring and coaching sessions,
groups – New Hire, Grade Level, and Professional
which they manage and promote using Workplace. Executive
Development Groups from day one.
Director Leonid Rabinovich uses Workplace Chat to check in
regularly with employees throughout the district.
Workplace News
Groups Live Feed
Video Chat