Disciplinary Procedure Guidelines
Disciplinary Procedure Guidelines
Disciplinary Procedure Guidelines
Natural Justice are set of rules laid down by courts for the minimum
protection of rights of an individual against any arbitrary procedure adopted
or decision arrived at by judicial or quasi-judicial bodies. Briefly, it means
application of fair play, impartiality, and natural sense of what is right and
what is wrong in domestic enquiries. These are fundamental principles to be
observed by every judicial authority or tribunal.
The Charge Sheet should contain details of all the allegations against the
delinquent employee for which action is proposed to be taken. The Charge
Sheet calling for explanation shall be served on the employee personally or
by RPAD if she/he is not available.
Whenever a Charge Sheet, Show Cause Notice, Order or any other notice is
to be issued to any employee, she/he must be called by the HR
Head/Manager/Executive to the respective Company HR Department and the
HR Head/Manager/Executive must issue the said document to the employee.
At the time of issuing the notice, it must be ensured that at least two
persons must be made available as witnesses. If there is any suspicion that
the employee may not accept the notice, the Security Supervisor/Officer
then be directed to issue the same in the Security Room in the presence of
two witnesses. While choosing the witnesses, it must be kept in mind that
they are not party to the incidents for which the employee is charge
sheeted. At the time of issuing the Notice, the HR Manager / Executive /
Security Supervisor shall readout the contents of the Notice and issue the
same to the employee.
After the notice issued to the employee, her/his signature may be obtained
on the second copy of the Notice. In case, the employee refuses to accept
the Notice, she/he may be informed that the refusal to accept the Notice
would amount to disobedience of the order of her/his superior and it would
constitute misconduct under the Company Standing Orders. Despite of being
told the consequences of such refusal, if the employee still refuses to receive
the order, she/he may be asked to write the facts for her/his refusal on the
notice. If she/he refuses to do so, the HR Manager / Executive / Security
Supervisor shall be asked to make a note on refusal stating the actual words
used by the employee on the first copy of the notice and put her/his
signature below the note. The two persons shall also be asked to put their
signature as witnesses. A copy of the notice may be displayed on the Notice
In case the charges are not proved in the enquiry, she/he is entitled to get
full wages for the period of suspension pending enquiry. Where the charges
are proved and she/he has been awarded punishment, organization has no
obligation to pay wages.
Hence, it is clear that the employee who was placed under suspension
pending enquiry has to pay subsistence allowance as follows:
If all possible and reasonable means to reach the employee fail or if she/he
deliberately or willingly refuses to accept the delivery of the notice or having
taken the notice and fails to attend the enquiry, the enquiry officer has
every right to hold an ex-parte enquiry.
The Enquiry Officer (EO) should always be an impartial person. He can even
be an official of the Company provided, has the knowledge of various
proceedings to be followed. The EO should not be lower in grade than the
delinquent employee.
The enquiry shall commence on the appointed date and time. All the
proceedings must be conducted in the presence of the charge sheeted
employee and the complainant or her/his representative. Before the
commencement, the EO must explain to both the parties, the procedure of
conduct of enquiry. She/he must verify with the charge sheeted employee
whether she/he has received the charge sheet. The contents of the charge
sheet to be explained to the charge sheeted employee in the language that
is understood by her/him.
The EO should ask whether the charge sheeted employee pleads guilty of
the charges made against her/him. First, the complainant should be
examined. After recording her/his statement, the charge sheeted employee
should be allowed to cross examine the complainant, if she/he so desires.
After recording the evidence of all the witnesses of the complainant, the
employee should be given an opportunity to make statement about the
evidence led against her/him. In case, the person assisting the employee
desires to make a statement, the EO may record the same. After cross
examination by the Management Representative/Presenting Officer, the
charge sheeted employee should be allowed to make her/his statement.
Then the Management representative/Presenting officer may be permitted to
cross examine her/him. Later the employee should be allowed to produce his
defence witnesses one after another. Their statement and cross examination
may be recorded. After recording the evidences of both parties, they must
be permitted to present their argument either orally or in writing.
In most of the cases, we are in the habit of ignoring the mistakes made by
the employees without making any note on such mistakes. When the
tolerance level of mistakes has increased, we will start action to terminate
the services of such employees. As there is no record maintained on past
mistakes, it is difficult to give serious punishment since we have ignored
/not recorded all her/his earlier lapses. Hence, the HR department personnel
need to ensure that a note on any mistake is kept in employee’s personal
file with employee remarks / acknowledgement irrespective of the fact
whether we take any action for each mistake or not. Such data will be useful
as and when we decide to impose major punishment.