Matrix Philosophers
Matrix Philosophers
Matrix Philosophers
Philosophers of Education
2.) Plato the teacher is the -Plato says that to This method of -idealism is -In idealism
(Idealism) symbol or model of become a teaching is not traditional Assessment is a -It provides a
Plato describes “reality” good character, he philosopher or suitable for young philosophy of means for focusing complete
in his Theory of Forms. is the masters of king, a person has or elementary level education in teachers’ collective guideline for
For him the “Form” is all sort of to go through all of students which teacher attention, examining the students,
actual substance of knowledge the processes of because they are has central role their assumptions, teachers,
'Things' which 'Formed' - the teacher has education. not habitual for who has to be and creating a learning
matter and perceptible the central role in -He describes the listening long time. role model so shared culture activities and
reality. Plato wants the teaching- aim of education This method is only that the students dedicated to many more.
convey the message that learning as to drag every used for adults. will adopt his continuously -In current age
matter is real and can be -The teacher has man out of the model to become improving the idealism has
experienced as a rational right to choose cave as far as good citizen. quality of higher been week as
living entity; it is not a suitable content possible. - Lecture method learning. much
mere projection of from the available -Education should is considered the -Assessment emphasis of
consciousness. literature and to not aim at putting most important requires making the education
teach. knowledge into one in which a expectations and is put on the
-The student is a the soul, but at delivers lecture standards for quality realistic
passive receptor, turning the soul and students explicit and public; approaches,
who has to gain toward right listen to the systematically still it has its
the knowledge desires continuing teacher. gathering evidence impacts in our
transferred by the the analogy -Teacher selects on how well education
knowledge. between mind and any topic or issue performance system.
-The teacher sight. for teaching first matches those
certifies the -The overarching he teaches the expectations and
disciple at the goal of the city is topic then asks standards; analyzing
successful to educate those the questions and interpreting the
completion of with the right about that topic. evidence; and using
education as per natures; so that -Teacher provides the resulting
the above given they can turn the feedback and information to
age levels (Singh). their minds students improve document, explain,
sharply towards themselves and improve
the Form of the according to the performance.
Good. teacher’s
- Teacher
students do not
participate in a
well manner and
do not
understand the
taught content.
3.) John Dewey -Education and -According to Each student A whole - learning through - Development
(Pragmatism) life are Dewey comes to a curriculum can personal experience of activity and
interrelated, not The teacher is not classroom as an be created with of the child experience
John Dewey was a separate. a dictator but only individual who has activities based - The child has to be based
leading proponent of the -Children learn a leader of a developed a on multiple placed in real learning.
American school of best by doing, by group. different type of intelligences in a situations which he - to develop
thought known acting on the -Teacher should intelligence. This way that develops has to tackle social
as pragmatism, a view world. have knowledge of means that each different fields of efficiency.
that rejected the -Continuity of students’ interest student has their intelligences for - Harmonious
dualistic epistemology experience is and provide them own intelligence each student; development of
and metaphysics of essential to social superiorities and such curriculum individual.
modern philosophy in growth. environment. weaknesses. Called will be more - Education
favor of a naturalistic -teacher should a learning style, student-centered. perceive
approach that viewed believe in these intelligence Students will through
knowledge as arising democratic values. domains determine then discover the activity and
from an active -The teacher how easily or best ways by experience.
adaptation of the human should have difficultly a student which they’re - Creation of
organism to its knowledge of can learn through a able to receive new values
environment. On this social specific teaching information. and
view, inquiry should not conditioning. method. starting each day continuous
be understood as The teacher by gathering growth
consisting of a mind should not over children for a
passively observing the shadow the group meeting,
world and drawing from personality of the where the
this ideas that if true pupil. development of
correspond to reality, language skills is
but rather as a process an inevitable
which initiates with a outcome.
check or obstacle to -Planning
successful human cooking activities
action, proceeds to in which children
active manipulation of learn important
the environment to test math skills in the
hypotheses process.
-Taking a nature
walk for a hands-
on exploration of
important science
4.) Skinner Learning can The schools can The teacher can Learning occurs The teacher needs to Behaviour
(Behaviorism) occur through use the principles help students learn as a result of record the student’s modification
associations. The of operant by conditioning responses to progress towards . establish a
classical conditioning to them through stimuli in the achieving a goal favorable
conditioning eliminate the identifying the environment that behaviour. Keeping environment
process works by element of fear desired behaviors are reinforced by records of student’s by removing
developing an from school in measurable, adults and progress will allow unfavorable
association atmosphere by observable terms, others, as well as the teacher to assess stimuli that
between an using positive recording these from feedback if his plan is might
environmental reinforcement. behaviors and their from actions on working. complicate
stimulus and a Positive frequencies, objects. learning
naturally reinforcement is identifying -choose the
occurring perhaps the most appropriate proper
stimulus. widely used reinforcers for each inforcers for
Different factors behavioural desired behavior, desired
can influence the technique in the and providing the behavioral
classical school setting. reinforcer as soon manifestation.
conditioning as the student - begin
process. During displays the shaping
the first part of the behavior. desired
classical behavior by
conditioning using
process, known as immediate
acquisition, a reinforces for
response is desired
established and behavior.
strengthened. - evaluates
Factors such as results and
the prominence of reassess for
the stimuli and future
the timing of development.
presentation can
play an important
role in how quickly
an association is
-Learning can also
occur through
rewards and
Behaviorist B.F.
Skinner described
conditioning as
the process in
which learning
can occur through
reinforcement and
5.) Jerome Bruner Curriculum is Experiential The learners are Practical and - Experimentation Learners learn
(Constructivism) focused on how learning which prepared to live in Experiential Problem Solving things and
A major theme on the learners actively involves learning society and learn Learning activities, Reporting concepts by
theoretical framework of create or construct through skills and doing or thru
Bruner is that learning knowledge out of experience, not attitudes. experience.
is an active process on their experiences. through simple
which learners construct ideas. Recognizes
new ideas or concepts that an
based upon their individual
current/past knowledge. should be
The learners select and socially
transform information, efficient and
construct hypotheses, productive..
and make decisions
relying on a cognitive
structure to do so.
Cognitive structure (i.e.,
schema, mental models)
provides meaning and
organization to
experiences and allows
individuals to “go beyond
the information given”.