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Law Firm Partnership Agreements PDF

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Law Firm Partnership Agreements

Arthur G. Greene

Healthy partner relationships are based on

both mutual respect and, most importantly, a
comprehensive written agreement.

Arthur G. Greene
has over 35 years’ experience as a practicing Lawyers tend to live with the status quo and do
lawyer and managing partner, and is now a law nothing so long as they are not faced with crisis. However,
firm consultant with Boyer Greene, L.L.C. (www. they should not be lulled into a sense of false security be-
boyergreene.com), and consults with small and
cause nothing bad has happened. It takes only one issue
mid-sized firms on both practice management
issues and the strategic and financial aspects of arising at an inopportune moment to put a firm at great
maintaining a healthy firm. Arthur served as Chair risk.
of the ABA’s Law Practice Management Section Give some thought to what would happen in your
in 1999-2000 and has authored ABA Law Practice
present firm if one of your partners became disabled,
Management books, the most recent of which
are Paralegals, Profitability, and the Future of Your died, or elected to withdraw and set up a practice across
Law Firm, published in 2003, The Lawyer’s Guide to the street. Does your partnership agreement adequately
Increasing Revenue: Unlocking the Profit Potential spell out the rights and duties of the partners under the
in Your Firm, published in 2005, and The Lawyer’s circumstances? Or would there be unanswered questions
Guide to Governing Your Firm, published in 2009.
This article is based on a paper the author prepared
leading to controversy or worse? The discussion that fol-
for a seminar sponsored by the ABA’s General lows will raise a number of issues that require attention in
Practice Section. He can be contacted at agg@ the partnership agreement.
PARTNERS • The agreement should identify the part-
ners and provide the process for adding new partners to
the ranks. How is that decision going to be made? What
is required in terms of a vote? Is a simple majority suf-
ficient or should the admission of new partners require a
supermajority? Should there be a buy-in and if so how is
the amount calculated?
The Practical Lawyer | 19
20 | The Practical Lawyer August 2009

Most firms believe that the admission of part- from the practice of law are to be paid to the part-
ners is one of the most significant decisions to be nership. There are a number of income opportuni-
made and new partners should not be added on a ties related to the law that would not come under
close vote. As a result, firms typically require a su- a strict definition of the practice of law. For exam-
permajority vote, which could be a two-thirds vote, ple, should payments received from teaching a law
a three-quarters vote, or in small firms perhaps a school class in the evening be treated as revenue to
unanimous vote. the law firm? How about royalties from a book on
The next question is should there be a buy-in governing law firms? How about monies received
requirement and if so in what amount? Smaller from serving on a board of directors? Or holding
firms tend to require new partners to pay for their political office? These can be difficult questions to
interest in the firm. The buy-in can provide addi- answer if not addressed in advance.
tional capital for the firm or can be used to com-
pensate the existing partners for their investment DURATION • The Uniform Partnership Act con-
and sweat equity in creating the law firm or in trols issues not specifically addressed in the part-
growing it to its present size. The best approach in nership agreement. That would mean that unless
setting the amount is to include in the partnership the duration of the partnership is addressed, the
agreement the formula for determining the value death of one of the partners would terminate the
of the firm, to which the new partner’s percentage partnership. As a result, most law firm partnership
interest can be applied. Most firms allow for a buy- agreements have a provision that the partnership
in over several years, or in the alternative, the firm will survive the death of a partner. This provision
directs the new partner to a friendly bank, with the is not necessary in a professional association or a
firm co-signing the note. Firms that do have a buy- limited liability company.
in provision also typically provide for a payment to
partners upon departure. CAPITAL • Law firms require capital to fund start-
In recent years, an increasing number of large up, to survive irregular cash flow, to provide the re-
firms have adopted a free buy-in. Under that ap- sources for expansion, or to take on costly projects.
proach, there are no payments to departing part- New capital also becomes necessary when senior
ners. That is referred to as “free in, free out.” partners reach retirement age if their departure
Obviously, the partnership agreement will need from the firm requires a return of their capital.
to specify whether there is a single tier of partners Law firms have limitations with regard to sup-
or two tiers of partners. If the firm has two tiers porting their financial needs. Because law firms in
of partners, it will be necessary for the agreement the United States are not allowed to have outside
to specify the differences in their rights and duties. investors, those sources are limited to capital con-
The second-tier partners will likely have a differ- tributions of partners, loans from partners, loans
ent ownership interest in the firm, different voting from banks or from relatives, and loans in the form
rights, and a different compensation arrangement. of leased equipment. Responsible financial man-
Second tier partners are not normally required to agement requires a balancing all of those sources
buy in and are not responsible for the debts of the of money with capital contributions from existing
firm. and new partners as an important funding mecha-
Another area of partnership concern is the nism.
topic of outside activities. Typically, the partner- Although there are a few large institutional
ship agreement provides that all monies earned firms sufficiently successful to not require a capital
Partnership Agreements | 21

contribution, most firms are set up to receive capi- ity vote would be decided based on a simple major-
tal contributions from new partners. The amount ity vote.
of the capital contribution to be made by new part-
ners should either be specified in the agreement MANAGEMENT • Partnership agreements for
or better yet based on a formula described in the relatively small firms will provide that the manage-
agreement. Once a partner makes a capital con- ment of the firm is reserved to the partners to be
tribution, that capital account is maintained, with delegated as they deem appropriate from time to
additions and subtractions from time to time, until time. Other partnership agreements may provide
the partner’s departure. the basic provisions setting up a management com-
Many law firms are undercapitalized. Give mittee structure or a managing partner structure.
consideration to your capital structure and consid- Regardless of the management approach adopted,
er retaining some earnings within the partnership care should be taken to make certain the partner-
to strengthen the financial standing of the firm. ship agreement remains free of the details.

VOTING • The partnership agreement should ad- PROFITS • The distribution of profits is a criti-
dress several aspects of voting. For starters, the firm cal provision in a partnership agreement. Although
some firms described in detail how the profits will be
needs to decide whether to have per capita voting or
allocated, the better course is to create the structure
weighted voting. Per capita means one partner one
in the partnership agreement and leave the detail
vote and is utilized by most partnerships. Weighted
to a vote of the partners. You don’t want a partner-
voting means that a partner’s vote is weighted de-
ship agreement that has to be amended every time
pending upon the partners’ respective interests in
there is a change in allocating the compensation.
the firm. For example, if the interest of partners A,
The agreement may provide a broad general
B, and C are 55 percent, 25 percent and 20 percent
description of the allocation process. For example,
respectively, their votes would be weighted in those
the agreement may state that “the profits will be al-
same proportions. In that simple example, partner
located based on a subjective system as determined
A would control every majority vote based on a 55 by the partners from time to time.” Or, the agree-
percent interest in the firm. On the other hand, if ment may state that “the profits will be allocated
an issue required a supermajority of two-thirds, based upon a formula as determined by the part-
partner A and one other partner could control the ners from time to time.” The goal is for the part-
vote, but partners B and C could not control the ners to be able to amend the factors or adjust com-
vote because their total interest in the firm is less pensation as among the partners without requiring
than the two-thirds vote necessary. an amendment of the partnership agreement.
This brings us to the consideration of majority
votes and supermajority votes. A typical partner- RETIREMENT • Retirement can be either vol-
ship agreement will set forth certain issues that will untary or mandatory. Firms that saw senior part-
require more than a majority vote. The issues iden- ners work into their 80s, with all the attendant risks,
tified as requiring a supermajority vote would be were the first to consider adopting mandatory re-
those deemed most significant and might include tirement at a certain age. The mandatory retire-
the admission of new partners, the purchase or sale ment concept can be modified by a provision that
of real estate, an offer of partnership, a merger, etc. allows for annual contracts after the retirement age
Any issue not specified as requiring a supermajor- as determined by management on a case-by-case
22 | The Practical Lawyer August 2009

basis. In that circumstance, the partner who still The partnership agreement needs to specify the
brings great value to the firm can be retired from obligation of the partnership to a disabled partner.
the partnership under the mandatory retirement There are a number of different approaches, some
provision and then enter into a one-year contract, providing full compensation for a certain period of
subject to renewal, for a certain level of services on time while others may provide partial compensa-
an annual basis. This is an excellent way to allow tion for a period of time. The important factor here
protection from the older partner who is both un- is that all partners understand the rules going in.
productive and a risk, while at the same time allow- The firm may elect to provide disability insurance
ing the valuable lawyers to work beyond the man- after a certain period, thereby limiting the firm’s
datory retirement age at the discretion of the firm. obligation. Other firms will leave it to the partners
Most firms have eliminated provisions for un- to select and pay for their own disability insurance,
funded retirement benefits. The unfunded arrange- knowing that the commitment of the firm is lim-
ments were simply agreements that the partnership ited.
would support retired partners from the earnings The agreement should address temporary dis-
of the firm. Unfunded retirements were common- ability and permanent disability, with different
place in the 1950s and 1960s, but as firms grew provisions in terms of the compensation paid. In
the challenges of producing adequate compensa- drafting the agreement the partnership should also
tion for the working partners as well as benefits for consider how disability determinations are going to
retired partners made unfunded benefit unrealistic. be made. What if there is disagreement? How are
In fact, some firms liquidated just to get out from disagreements resolved? It is safest to have a pro-
under oppressive retirement benefit commitments. vision with a process for making these determina-
Currently, firms often limit the retiring part- tions, which frequently include acquiring a doctor’s
ner to a return of capital and any benefits under opinion.
a funded retirement plan. In the interest of funda-
mental fairness, transitions have been managed by DEATH • If the partnership survives the death of
allowing partners nearing retirement age to retire a partner, there needs to be a provision for paying
under the existing unfunded system, while putting the estate of the deceased partner that partner’s
in place funded retirement benefits for the younger share of the value of the partnership. Does the es-
partners. tate of the deceased partner simply receive a return
of capital invested or is the estate of the deceased
DISABILITY • One of the most difficult decisions partner entitled to receive its pro-rata share of the
unexpectedly forced on a partnership is how to value of the partnership? If the plan is to employ
handle compensation to the partner who becomes the latter, then the question arises as to how the part-
disabled. The partners’ loyalties and instincts may nership is to be valued. Typical business appraisal
be generous, but the financial strain on the partner- methodology can be applied to a law partnership,
ship can be devastating. If the partnership agree- but it may be better to provide a specific formula in
ment does not have a guiding provision there will the partnership agreement. The formula can ad-
be intense pressure on the partners to continue pay- dress the specifics of a law business, such as how to
ing the disabled partner irrespective of the firm’s treat work-in-process, receivables and contingency
financial situation. Partners support each other and cases.
it may be perceived as unseemly to cut off compen- The final issue concerning the death of a part-
sation to a disabled partner. ner involves the right to continue to use the name
Partnership Agreements | 23

of the deceased partner in the firm name. Assum- • A sample of the letter to be provided clients of
ing there are no local ethical rules to the contrary, the departing partner outlining that the client
most lawyers would prefer to continue the brand has a choice of having that client’s file remain
for marketing purposes rather than constantly with the firm or be turned over to the departing
changing the name of the firm. A simple provision partner.
in the partnership agreement will give the remain-
ing lawyers that choice. These provisions reinforce the general obligations
of a partner and avoid uncertainty.
WITHDRAWAL • A partner’s decision to with-
draw from the firm raises similar questions con- EXPULSION • A provision for expulsion of a
cerning the value of the partnership interest. Some partner is necessary in order to protect the part-
firms treat withdrawal the same as death or expul- nership from a partner who for one reason or an-
sion while other firms create a disincentive by em- other is no longer willing or able to be a productive
ploying a different financial arrangement should a member of the group. For example, a if a lawyer is
partner voluntarily withdraw. There is no require- disbarred and can no longer practice law than that
ment that a departing partner be treated the same lawyer no longer qualifies to be a partner in a law
irrespective of the reason for the departure. partnership. The partnership agreement should
There are additional issues concerning the provide that a disbarred lawyer is automatically ex-
rights and duties of the partner to the firm after a pelled. There may be other circumstances in which
decision has been made to depart. So long as the the partnership wants to clearly retain the discre-
partner is a member of the firm, the partner owes tionary right to expel a partner. In order provide a
the primary duty to the firm. It would be improper basis for exercising that discretion, the partnership
for the departing partner to give clients advance agreement should specify those circumstances that
notice or lobby them to elect to follow the depart- would give rise to possible expulsion. The circum-
ing partner to a new practice setting. The best way stances could include bankruptcy, suspension from
to manage a departure is to have the rights and the practice of law, conviction of a crime, viola-
responsibilities clearly set forth in the partnership tion the partnership agreement or other actions
agreement. Typical provisions include: that are harmful to the partnership. The expulsion
• The departing partner’s duty to not take any of a partner is one of those issues that should be
action that compromises the interests of the decided based on a supermajority vote and not a
firm; simple majority.
• A requirement that the departing partners pro- Under the circumstances, the partnership
vide the other partners with a certain notice agreement needs to specify the nature of the no-
before any departure; tification to clients and the rights of the expelled
• The right of the remaining partners to acceler- partner to a return of capital and/or a payment for
ate the departure date should they deem it to be the expelled partners interested in the firm.
in the best interests of the firm;
• The specific requirement that a departing part- DISSOLUTION • The dissolution and liquida-
ner not notify any client of the intended depar- tion of a law partnership needs to proceed in an
ture prior to a joint letter signed by both the orderly fashion in order to protect the rights of the
departing partner and a representative of the firm’s clients and the interests of the partners. As
firm; might be expected, at a time of impending dissolu-
24 | The Practical Lawyer August 2009

tion, the partners are often more focused on their CONCLUSION • There will always be a tempta-
individual career futures than in winding up the old tion to put the partnership agreement on the back
partnership. In order to avoid a chaotic situation, burner. There will always be pressing client matters
the partnership agreement needs to specify the du-
that take up almost every moment of a firm’s time.
ties and responsibilities of each partner to the part-
nership in the dissolution process. But at some point, a problem in the management
When problems arise that are not covered by of the firm will arise and if the written agreement
an agreement, it will be impossible to get a resolu- was overlooked due to the everyday pressures of a
tion that is in the best interest of the firm due to law practice, that problem will sap the vitality and
lawyers arguing from the perspective of their own success of the firm, or worse. Law firms without
self-interest. Lawyers who have faced that dilemma
written agreements, or without adequate agree-
have learned the hard way how important it is to
get an adequate comprehensive agreement in place ments, are waiting for trouble to strike. Law firms
before problems arise. Now is the time to correct that have them will avoid that trouble—or at least
any deficiencies in your law firm agreement. have a way to manage it well.

To purchase the online version of this article—or any other article in this publication—
go to www.ali-aba.org and click on “Publications.”


Law Firm Partnership Agreements

For a law firm to serve its clients, it needs to function well. To assure that level of high function, the firm
needs a well-considered, written partnership agreement.

• With respect to the partners, the agreement should address:

__ The process for adding new partners to the ranks;
__ The requirement of a vote and whether there should be a buy-in requirement and, if so, in what
__ Whether there is a single tier of partners or two tiers of partners;
__ Outside activities;

• The agreement should have a provision that the partnership will survive the death of a partner.

• The amount of the capital contribution to be made by new partners should either be specified in the
agreement or better yet based on a formula described in the agreement.

• The partnership agreement should address several aspects of voting. For starters, the firm needs to
decide whether to have per capita voting or weighted voting.
Partnership Agreements | 25

• Partnership agreements for relatively small firms will provide that the management of the firm is re-
served to the partners to be delegated as they deem appropriate from time to time.

• With respect to the distribution of profits, the best course is usually to create the structure in the part-
nership agreement and leave the detail to a vote of the partners.

• Retirement can be either voluntary or mandatory. The mandatory retirement concept can be modified
by a provision that allows for annual contracts after the retirement age as determined by management
on a case-by-case basis.

• The partnership agreement must specify the obligation of the partnership to a disabled partner. The
agreement should address temporary disability and permanent disability, with different provisions in
terms of the compensation paid.

• If the partnership survives the death of a partner, there needs to be a provision for paying the estate of
the deceased partner their share of the value of the partnership.

• Some firms treat withdrawal of a partner the same as death or expulsion while other firms create a
disincentive by employing a different financial arrangement should a partner voluntarily withdraw.
There is no requirement that a departing partner be treated the same irrespective of the reason for the
departure. Typical provisions addressing withdrawals include:
__ The departing partner’s duty not to take any action that compromises the interests of the firm;
__ A requirement that the departing partners provide the other partners with a certain notice before any
__ The right of the remaining partners to accelerate the departure date should they deem it to be in the
best interest of the firm;
__ The specific requirement that a departing partner not notify any client of the intended departure before
a joint letter signed by both the departing partner and a representative of the firm;
__ A sample of the letter to be provided clients of the departing partner outlining that the client has a
choice of having that client’s file remain with the firm or be turned over to the departing partner.

• A provision for expulsion of a partner is necessary in order to protect the partnership from a partner
who for one reason or another is no longer willing or able to be a productive member of the group.

• To avoid a chaotic situation, the partnership agreement needs to specify the duties and responsibilities
of each partner to the partnership in the dissolution process.

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