Medical Affix

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Affix Meaning Example(s)

a-, an- Not, without Apathy

-ac Pertaining to Cardiac
Acanth- Thorn or spine Acanthocytes
Acr- Extremity, topmost Acromegaly
Adip- Of or relating to fats Adipocytes
-emia blood Anemia
-al Pertaining to Abdominal, femoral
Amylo- Starchy, carbohydrate related Amylase
Angi- Blood vessel Angiogram, angioplasty
Aniso- Describing something as Anisocytosis
Ante- Describing something as Anterior
positioned in front of another
Anti- Describing something as against Antibiotic
Arth- Pertaining to the joints, limbs Arthritis
-ary Pertaining to Coronary, bile
-ase enzymes Lactase
Ather- Fatty deposit Atherosclerosis
-ation process Medication
Bacteri- Pertaining to bacteria Bacteriophage
Bi- Twice, double Binary
Carcin- cancer Carcinogen
Cardi- Pertaining to heart Cardiology
-cele pouching Hydrocele
-centesis Surgical puncture or aspiration Amniocentesis
-cidal Killing, destroying bactericidal
-clast break Osteoclast
Co- With, together Coenzymes
Cryo- cold Cryoprecipitate
Cyan- Denotes a blue color Cyanotic
Cyst(o); cyst(i) Of or pertaining to the bladder Cystitis

Cy(to); -cyte cell Leukocyte

Dis- Separation; taking apart Dissection
-dipsia Condition of thirst Polydipsia
Dys- Bad,difficult, defective Dysentery
Ec- Out, away Ectopic
-ectomy Denotes a surgical operation or Mastectomy, vasectomy
removal of a body part
Ecto- Outer, outside Ectoparasite
Endo- Inside, or within Endoparasite
-emia Blood condition Anemia
eosin red Eosinophil
entero Pertaining to the intestine Gastroenterology
Erythr(o)- Denotes red color Erthyrocytes
Extra- outside Extracellular
Gastro- Pertaining to the stomach Gastric juice
Glauc(o) Denoting a grey or bluish-grey Glaucoma
gloss Pertaining to tongue Glossitis
gluco sweet Glucose
-gnosis knowledge Diagnosis
Hemat-/hemo Pertaining to blood Hematology, haematocrit,
Hemi- One-half Cerebral hemisphere
Hepat- Pertaining to liver Hepatitis
Hyper- Extreme or beyond normal Hypertension
Hypo- Below normal Hypotension
-icle small Ovarian follicle
-ism Condition, disease Dwarfism
-itis inflammation Tonsillitis
-ium structure Pericardium
Leuko, leuco Denoting a white color Leukocyte
Lip(o) fat Liposuction
-logist Someone who studies a certain Oncologist
-lysis Destruction, separation Paralysis
Mammo- breast Mammogram
Mammillo- Pertaining to nipple Mammillitis
Manu- Pertaining to hand Manufacture
Meg(a) Enlargement, million Splenomegaly
Mening(o) membrane Meningitis
Men- Month, menstrual cycle Menopause
Mono- single Monocytes
Morph- Form, shape Morpghology
Nephro- Of or pertaining to the kidney Nephrology
Necr(o) death Necrosis
Oligo- Something as having little, Oliguria
having few
-oma Tumor, mass, fluid collection Sarcoma
Onco- Tumor, bulk, volume Oncology
oo- Pertaining to an (egg), a Oocytes
woman’s egg, the ovum
-opsy Examination, inspection Autopsy, biopsy
Path(o) disease Pathology
Ped-; pes Of or pertaining to foot Pedal, pedis
Ped-; Pedo- Pertaining to child Pediatrician
-penia deficiency Osteopenia, neutropenia
-phagia Condition relating to eating or Phagocytosis
Phleb- Of or pertaining to veins, a vein Phlebotomy

-ptysis spitting Hemoptysis

Py- pus Pyogenic
Ren- Pertaining to the kidney Renal
-rrhage Burst Haemorrhage
Sangui- Pertaining to blood Sanguine
Tachy- Something as fast, irregularly Tachycardia
-thermo heat Hyp[othermia
Thrombo- Of or relating to blood clot, Thrombocytes
clotting of blood

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