Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure
Peer Pressure
Peers can be the friends or college whom the teens meet every day. Most of the time, they are
dealing with the ones whom they have been similarities in terms of behavior and thinking. This
makes the teens closer to the peers. These teens normally spend much time with peers compared
to the time they spend with the parents. For this reason, it will be possible that peers will affect
them a lot in various aspects. If you are the parent, you have to be familiar with the advantages
and disadvantages of peer pressure that surround your
Peer pressure leads teen to come up with right choices or decisions in life. Good peers influence
in shaping one’s personality in positive ways.
In most cases, this is not about pressure all the time, but an inspiration which in return, makes
good changes.
The urge of being a one of the peer groups is about feeling accepted and included. There can be a
natural tendency of behaving like the other members of the group. For instance, the members of
the group are focused on performing well in their class while accomplishing regular lessons
carefully. As a result, your child will be affected with such kind of behavior.
With peer pressure, teens can potentially get matured and acquire the ability of taking informed
decisions. You are going to notice that they are succeeding in making their targets and goals
When the peers exerted a negative behavior, it can totally hamper the success and progress of the
teens. Staying with a bad company forces the teen to be influenced by the bad habits like taking
drugs, smoking and drinking.
Most of the time, people gravitate to certain individuals who have social power or social weight
which are usually promoting harmful ideas and habits.
Teens may also be foolish or brash or develop bad attitude or unkind demeanor.
By simply learning about the pros and cons of peer pressure, you can guide your teens in the
right path. As a parent, you have to know the people whom your child deals with. In this way,
you can check whether they are good influence to your teen or not.
MUET Writin g March 201 6
Questio n 1 - Suggeste d TI OASC s
1. ( Num ber of) Heart Attac k C ases am ong Men an d Wom en a nd Act ivit ies Perform ed ( 2011- 2 015) .
2. Heart At tacks S uffered by Men a nd Wom e n ( 2011- 2015) an d Activi ties Perf orm ed ( for 5 Years) ( 2011- 2015