OneCIS - ASME CA Connect Brochure
OneCIS - ASME CA Connect Brochure
OneCIS - ASME CA Connect Brochure
CA Connect
About ASME
The purpose of CA Connect is to streamline the work associated with the certification
and accreditation process. This includes the submittal of applications, change requests,
processing of payment, scheduling reviews, processing reports, and issuing certificates.
CA Connect also provides access for customers and outside contractors to interact with
the system to view and manage their own information.
Certification applicants will apply for new certificates and renewals online. It also will
allow certification applicants to view the status of their applications. For the outside
contractors which provide inspection services, CA Connect will allow them to easily view
their scheduled reviews, as well as allowing them to upload reports from the reviews
they undertake.
Logging In
To login to CA Connect do the following:
1. Go to
2. Enter your e-mail address and click "Next"
3. If it is your first time logging in you will be prompted to enter your e-mail address
and then confirm it. See the Register as a New User article for more details
4. Enter your password. If you have forgotten your password use the "Forgot Your
Password" link
5. Click Submit
6. You will be taken to the Company Selection Screen
Company Selection Screen
Each company entry in CA Connect can only be associated with one program type.
Furthermore, each company entry in CA Connect can only be tied to one plant address.
For this reason, an individual representing multiple locations or branches of their
company will need to select from various company records within CA Connect. To this
end, once you have Logged In you will need to select a company. Simply select the
company from the list given and you will be taken to the My Accounts page.
If your company is not listed in your account then you will need to use the "Add a New
Company" link. See the article on Adding a New Company.
Notifications sent to you that are related to your applications, certificates and
companies will appear in your notifications section
Clicking on the Subject link will open the notification, where you can view who the
notification was created by, the date it was created, what the notification is
regarding, and the message associated with the notification
Can View All Notifications by clicking on the Notifications link in the top menu bar
My Calendar Section:
Click on the Cert Review link on the left to go to the application page. Accept the
dates of the Review or Survey on the Scheduling Tab
Applications Section:
Can page through the applications using the pagination links at the bottom of the
Can page through the list of change requests by using the pagination links at the
bottom of the list
Notifications View
Notifications are automated messages sent to you by CA Connect. They occur as the
result of events that occur during the course of your application for certification.
Notifications will be sent via e-mail to the e-mail address you use as your account
login as well as archived on the CA Connect notifications page.
This view is designed to show users a list of automated notifications. You can use the
page-through capability at the bottom of the list to navigate through your notifications.
7. Viewing an Application
Submitting an Application
Companies can submit applications through CA Connect to acquire new certificates and
stamps or to renew pre-existing certificates and stamps. The application is the first
step in the conformity assessment process.
2) To renew existing certificates, use the "Up For Renewal" link next to the old
application at the bottom of the My Accounts page.
Either way, completing an application is a multi-step process; click the link to receive
detailed information about that step:
1. Company Information
2. Certificate Information
a. Type of Application
b. Program
c. Certificate(s) and/or Stamp(s)
a. Conditional Forms
e. Travel Information
3. Review
This section has a listing of all of your Certificates. Click on the checkbox next to the
certificate you want to submit the change request for. Change requests that affect
company information (e.g. Company Name or Plant Address) will need to affect all
Specify Changes:
Free text field. Users are required to fill out this field when submitting a change request.
Free text field. Users are required to fill out this field when submitting a change request.
Q: For a Change in shop Location how does a Certificate Holder comply with the
requirements in the above Question if they are not required by the Code to use
the services of an AIA?
A: For Certificate Holder's of V, HV, UV, UV3, TV, UD, and TD Certificates of
Authorization, ASME will require the ASME Designated Organization to conduct an
audit of the Certificate Holder to provide written verification of the following; 1. The
address of the new location, its distance from the previous shop location and that the
new shop location is within the same jurisdiction as the current location listed on the
Certificate(s) of Authorization; 2. That there are no changes in upper management or
QC personnel affecting the company’s quality Control Program; 3. That there has been
no change in the scope of manufacturing activities as currently listed in the scope of the
Certificate(s) of Authorization; 4. That there is no major equipment change; 5. A
summary of the audit conducted by the ASME Designated Organization at the new shop
location to ensure that the Certificate Holder is implementing their Quality Control
System, previously accepted at the last ASME review; and 6. That the ASME
Designated Organization has tested two pressure relief devices per test medium
manufactured/assembled at the new shop location and the tested pressure relief
devices have met the applicable requirements of the ASME Boiler Code. The Certificate
Holder will have the option of either having the audit for a revision to their existing
Certificate(s) conducted or a review for early renewal of their Certificate(s).
A: Please review the information contained on the ASME webpage, listed under
"Additional Information" titled "Notice on Request for Extension of Expiration Dates for
Certificate(s)" - In addition, if the renewal review is conducted less than 6 weeks prior
to the certificate expiration date you can request the ASME Team Leader to fax the
Qualification Review Report (QRR) to ASME along with the Team Leader's
recommendation as to whether an extension should be granted by ASME.
A: The Certificate Holder needs to inform ASME of the address change due to postal
redesignation of the building number, street name, zip code, etc. ASME will issue a
revised Certificate of Authorization provided the Certificate Holder's AIA of record
provides sufficient documentation to ASME to support the Certificate Holder's request.
Where there is no AIA involved in the Certificate Holder's Code activities,
documentation from the postal authority and/or the jurisdictional authorities where the
shop is located would be needed to support the request. There is no charge to revise
Certificates of Authorization due to postal redesignation.
A: See "Process to Request Name Change on Certificate(s)" Note: Name changes are
available for companies undergoing a reorganization or wishing to change the "brand
name" on their Certificate, where all essential QC personnel and workforce involved in
code activities has essentially remained unchanged and there has been no change in
continuity in their quality program meeting ASME quality control requirements. A name
change is not available to a company that only purchases the physical assets (i.e.,
building, equipment) of a Certificate Holder. Certificate and stamps cannot be
transferred from one corporate entity to another corporate entity. A full ASME review is
required for a different corporate entity to get an ASME Certificate of Authorization and
stamp. When requesting a name change the corporate entity requesting the name
change is required to submit a letter to ASME on the letterhead of the Corporate name
stating that the newly named corporate entity accepts all responsibility for ASME
stamped items produced under the certificate of authorization bearing the "new"
company name but containing the certificate number previously issued under the "old"
company name.
A: A full ASME review is not required for a Holder of an ASME S who applies for an A
or PP Certificate. A full ASME review is not required for a holder of an ASME U or S
Certificate who applies for a UM Certificate. ASME will require written verification from
both the ASME Team Leader who conducted the latest review for U accreditation and
the Certificate Holder's AIA, who participated in the review, that the Certificate Holder's
Quality Control Manual and QC System have been revised to include all additional
Code requirements required to fabricate components for the requested Certificate. Upon
receipt of a favorable recommendation from both the ASME Team Leader and the AIA
and the receipt of applicable fees, ASME will issue the requested Certificate and stamp.
A: It is ASME policy to assign new Certificate numbers under the following situations:
on the issuance of a Certificate of Authorization for the first time; and when a current
Certificate Holder's Certificate of Authorization has expired prior to the date the renewal
review was held and no extension was granted by ASME due to failure by the
Certificate Holder to submit the renewal application and fees to ASME at least 3 months
prior to the expiration date on the Certificate(s). However, the Certificate Holder may
submit a written request to ASME stating the reason they wish to have their expired
Certificate number reinstated, and the reason for the late submittal of their application
for renewal of their Certificate. ASME may grant the request provided: 1. The lapse in
certification from the expiration date on the old Certificate of Authorization to the date of
issuance or the new Certificate of Authorization has not exceeded three months; or 2.
The review was conducted within the three month period but ASME was unable to
process the Review Team recommendation within the three-month period.
A: There are Authorized Inspection Agencies that operate around the world. Please see
the AIA list on the ASME web site. Some have listed a website where you can find the
locations of their local offices. Otherwise a phone number, fax number and E-mail is
provided where you can ask the AIA directly.
Q: Do Authorized Inspection Agencies help write the manual or just review it?
A: You may contact the Authorized Inspection Agencies regarding the services that they
provide outside the duties required of them by the ASME Code. Many AIAs will assist
the applicant in developing a quality manual.
A: ASME can provide support through the application process to obtain a stamp. We do
not provide consulting services to develop a quality system that will meet the
requirements of the ASME Code. Providing consulting services to a company to arrange
their quality system, which we would then approve, would pose a conflict of interest.
The Applicant’s contracted Authorized Inspection Agency should be able to provide
assistance in development of an acceptable QC Manual and provide guidance
regarding what will be covered in the ASME review. Additional information regarding
development of a QC Manual can be found in the ASME Applicant’s Checklist which
can be found on the ASME website.
CA Connect
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