Admit Card
Admit Card
Admit Card
Name Sushant
You will not be permitted to appear for the test if you fail to carry the TCS Hall Ticket and any of the above
mentioned documents.
Ø Stationery: You are permitted to carry only pens and pencils. Please carry your own stationery as borrowing
of these items from others will not be allowed. Rough sheets will be provided by TCS at the venue.
Ø Banned Items: Bags, books, mobile phones and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited in the
examination hall. The examination center will not be responsible for safekeeping of these items.
Ø Unfair Means: Adoption of any unfair means at the examination hall will result in disqualication from the TCS
Selection Process.
I hereby certify that I meet the TCS Eligibility Criteria and the information furnished by me in the TCS
Registration/Application Form is factually correct and subject to verication by TCS.
Signature of Candidate