Research Paper - Accountant
Research Paper - Accountant
Research Paper - Accountant
This career research paper was entitled “An Eye for Aspiring Accountants” which was
written for students who will take accountancy in college and who wants to be an accountant in
the future. Both quantitative and qualitative data were the information used in this paper chosen
by the researcher. It was a descriptive type of research whereas data will be in words and not in
numbers. This type of research design allows the researcher to gain opinions from accountancy
students and accountants. This paper will help them to overview some insights about being an
accountancy student, and being an accountant. The researcher was able to gather secondary data
from different credible websites. To gather primary data, the researcher conducted survey and
interviews with 10 open-ended questions and 5 multiple choice questions for 15 accountancy
students and 5 accountants. Accountancy students were studying from National College in
Business and Arts - Fairview, Polytechnic University of the Philippines - Manila, and CPA
Review School of the Philippines - Manila. Accountants were working from Bureau of Internal
Revenue, Network Consolidated Cooperative Bank, National College in Business and Arts, and
VEPCO Group Distribution Corporation. To abridge the collated data, being an accountant is a
tough career. It takes a plenty of books to learn accounting theories, policies and standards.
Problems are complicated and many students have been already tricked. Standards are also
dynamic and changing policies lead accountants to review for updates. Despite of the high
difficulty in this career, accountants are fortunate to get a job easily because of the wide scope of
this career in business.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER I :Introduction 4
Scope and Limitation 5
Bibliography 36
Table of Figures
“If you can imagine yourself 5 years from now, who are you going to be?” It is a difficult
question when someone ask that to a young boy who only knows are to dance and to go to school
everyday. A young boy should start asking himself repeatedly and put a lot of considerations
before answering it. I know someone who have been asked like that. I am that young boy.
When I was a kid, a career that I had in mind is being a teacher because my mother is a
graduate of Bachelor of Secondary Education. I like teaching someone and I believe that
knowledge should be spreaded to everyone. I like how my mother tries to teach someone
patiently and calmly. Despite of a low salary, teachers are still doing their jobs to produce a
Back then, my mother had a change in career. She failed to pass the Licensure Exam for
Teachers and never tried to take it for the 2nd time. From being a part-time tutor, she became an
Assistant Treasurer in our barangay. Her job is to provide financial reports like an accountant
does. I think that the career I had in my mind changed, too. When I started living my junior high
school years, I started building myself to know more about accountancy and being an accountant.
However, I had one moment when I got a confusion of my dream career since I joined different
electives such as Journalism, Mandarin, and Information Communication Technology. I have
been stacked between being a journalist, a media arts practitioner, a teacher and an accountant
but one thing made my situation fine. It was when my National Career Assessment Examination
(NCAE) has been released. The result examination suggested that I should take Accountancy and
Business Management (ABM) on Senior High School (SHS) and then, I followed it.
Now, I am taking ABM in SHS. I think that it is the first step to familiarize and to know
the world of accounting. Therefore, I am writing this career research paper for me as an aspiring
accountant and for my co-aspiring accountants as well. I finalized this topic wholeheartedly and
brave enough to take a new journey to the career which I want to be in the future.
In this career research paper, the purpose of the researcher is to collect and to analyze
valid information and opinions about being an accountant. It will focus on prior knowledge about
how an accountant works, being payed and survive on a monthly basis scale. It will also include
the topics about the life of an accountant during their college years. This paper will discuss the
general information about accountancy students in the Philippines. The advices of accountants
The respondents of this career research paper were divided into two groups: (1)
accountancy students, and (2) accountants. Before conducting a survey, the researcher sent an
email whereas letter of request and link of survey questionnaire can be seen. The accountancy
students were gathered from different colleges and universities in the Philippines. Same process
happened for accountants. They have received an email of letter of request and link of survey
questionnaire. The survey was only conducted in the Philippines. However, secondary sources
were gathered from various credible online websites inside and outside this country.
This career research paper will not include specific accounting jobs thoroughly. It will
discuss the Accountancy Act of 2004 briefly. This paper will be beneficial for the students for
who will take accountancy course and for further journey, to those who will be planning to be an
accountant. Students who will do same career research topic will be benefitted as well. For broad
scope, this paper will be set as an eye for aspiring accountants to see the world of accounting.
In this part of research, the researches related to this career research paper have been
collected. The researches were gathered from different credible websites in the Philippines and
other countries. Information will be mentioned in this chapter were collated from various studies
as well. The history of the accounting will be written. The researcher will explain other terms
that help the readers to understand the context of this career research paper.
services available in the firm (Web Finance Incorporation, 2018). It undergoes in a systematic
oversight companies and tax entities (Wohlner, 2018). Accounting is also considered as the basis
of all decision- making. There are different kinds of accounting such as public, private, forensic,
investment, governmental, national income and fiduciary accounting (Sokanu Edu, 2018).
analyzing a problem. They can be taught through logic games, investigations, mysteries. They
need to learn and form concepts before they can deal with details (Lane, 2018).
Basic Accounting Skills
The basic skills for accounting that should be learned first are (1) Journal entries, (2)
Reconciliation, (3) Research, (4) Problem Solving and (5) Reporting. Journal entries used to
record expenses and includes the system of debit and credit. Reconciliations used to verify if the
balance sheet is already balance and to identify errors and corrects. Researching will help the
accountants to provide enough information to analyze the given data. Problem solving will help
an accountant to improve analytical skill for solving financial problems and implement solutions.
Reporting is one of the most important basic skill should an accountant possess because it helps
Father of Accounting
In year 1494, the system of debit and credit was first introduced in the book of Lucio
translation in English is “Everything about Arithmetic, Geometry, and Proportions”. Until 16th
century, his book has been used as the only accounting book during their time. Now, Lucio
History of Accounting
The history of accounting has been traced back to the book of Lucio Pacioli where the
system of debit and credit, use of ledgers and journals can be learned. The 1844 Joint Stock
Companies Act was brought in to place business and economy on a strong foundation and to
increase the public's confidence in the honesty of a business. The problem of not having
accounting standards was resolved in 1953, when the Committee on Accounting Procedures
produced a standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting, called the Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). This act was only implemented in United States and
later on, some european countries adopted the system. In the same year, the computerized
accounting system was introduced by Accenture. In 1961, the first computerized spreadsheet has
been created. The most recent system of accounting is Cloud Accounting where employees,
bookkeepers and accountants can all access the software online at the same time. This
development allows people to work from home and sharing information with the relevant people
(Boxwell, 2018).
accountants can still work even not passing the required prerequisite like board exam (Sokanu,
Certified Public Accountants (CPA) are those accountants who passed CPA Licensure
Exam. They earned a professional designations with education, experience, and licensing. CPAs
can be employed at different sectors of accounting practice such as Public, Private, Academe and
are CPAs but all CPAs are accountants. It is because CPAs are those accountants who passed
CPA Licensure Exam. In addition, most of CPAs can do tax preparation, financial statements,
financial planning, forensic accounting, internal auditing, income tax. CPA’s primary function is
Accountants’ Salary
The following salaries of each job are just approximations: (1) Chief Financial Officers
(CFO) earn P1,000,000 up to P11,000,000 per month in the Philippines and $69,985 up to
$253,407 per month in United States. (2) Accounting Managers earn P300,000 up to P1,200,000
per month in the Philippines and $43,530 to $101,324 per month in United States. (3) Senior
Accountants earn P200,000 up to P700,000 per month in the Philippines and $50,125 to $85,775
per month in United States. (4) Staff Accountants earn P100,000 up to P300,000 per month in
the Philippines and $35,594 up to $61,738 per month in United States. (5) Junior
Accountants earn P100,000 up to P300,000 per month in the Philippines and $31,210 up to
$54,136 per month in United States. (6) Bookkeepers earn P8,000 up to P15,000 per month in
the Philippines and $1,973 up to $2,850 per month in United States (Payscale, 2018).
Accounting Firms
Accounting firms are places and offices where accountants help business owners stay
financially stable, maintain financially organized, tax compliant, prepare for business growth and
There is no typical workplace for an accountant in the sense that they are just about in
any business. A bigger company may have an accounting department that employs many
accountants, and would have a hierarchical structure. There may be only one accountant at a
branch office, who might report to a supervisor at the regional or head office. Most of the
accountants are working in offices with air-conditioned rooms. Some accountants are in different
Accountants work more than 40 hours per week (5 days). Most of them has no secondary
The Bureau of Internal Revenue is one of the agencies of Department of Finance. BIR
collects more than half of the total revenues of the government. This is the place where most of
the accountants go to pass the financial reports and tax entities. BIR collects taxes through tax
laws enforcement for national progression and changing filipino lives (Bureau of Internal
Revenue, 2018).
Educational Requirements
Students who want to take accountancy in college should take Accountancy and Business
Management (ABM) in Senior High School (SHS) for them to be prepared in taking accountancy
in college (DepEd, 2018). Students who want to be an accountant should take Bachelor of
study in Accountancy is a higher degree over CPA. Having this degree will give you more job
Only those graduate of BS Accountancy can take the CPA Board Exam. Passing this
assessment would be a great opportunity for accountants to take higher position in a company.
Passing this assessment means being a licensed accountant or so called Certified Public
Accountant. CPA Board Exam conducted every May and October of the year (Philippine
the Accounting School Center of Excellence in the whole Philippines. However, University of
the Philippines - Diliman is still on top on producing CPAs with 100% passing rate (Commission
on Higher Education, 2016).
These are the following personal traits are in need for an easy employment as an
accountant. (1) Organization because it needs an organized files and everything should be well
placed. (2) Time Management because accountants are required to pass the financial report on
due. (3) Adaptability because accountants work for different kinds of clients. (4) Communication
because being able to communicate well in writing and in person will help you to get a job, work
as a team with your colleagues, interact with clients and, with time, advance professionally. (5)
particular company. (6) Leadership because accountants provide consulting services, which
means that they offer advice and business solutions to help companies improve their operations,
The only law that scopes the tasks and responsibilities of all accountants can be read at
Republic Act of 9282 entitled “Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004” or known as “Republic Act
No. 9298.” Both Senate and the House of Representatives passed this act last February 6 and 7,
2004. Later on, Ex-President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo finally approved this act last May 13,
2004. This act has 5 articles and 44 sections. It is also stated the four different sector of
accounting practice such as Public Accountancy Practice, Practice of Commerce and Industry,
Academe Practice, and Governmental Practice (Official Gazette of Republic of the Philippines,
Accounting Fraud
One of the most common vices in the law of accountancy is called Accounting fraud. It is
health. It involves an employee, account or the organization itself and is misleading to investors
and shareholders. A company can falsify its financial statements by overstating its revenue or
Health Problems
The common health problems of an accountant are: (1) back problems, (2) weight gain,
(3) mental illness, and (4) exhaustion. Due to long period in sitting position, many accountants
complain about back problems. Most of the accountants who feel stress are gaining weight
because of the habit of stress eating. More than stress, accountants experiences mental illness
like depression and anxiety due to the too much exposure of pressure and cramming. Lastly, they
also faces exhaustion and over fatigue on being tired of travelling and tax seasons deadlines
(Healthable, 2018).
In this chapter, the research design used for this career research paper will be discussed.
The type of instrument will explain as well. The process of collecting data are in this chapter.
The description of needed respondents are included also. The results of the conducted collection
Research Design
Qualitative research is the research design used in this paper chosen by the researcher. It
is a descriptive type of research whereas data will be in words. However, this research paper
used numerical data which will be explained through words and presented through charts and
graphs. This type of research design allows the researcher to gain opinions from accountancy
The researcher used questionnaire as an instrument on collecting data for this career
research paper. The questionnaire composed of 10 open-ended and 5 multiple choice questions.
There are separated set of questionnaire for the different two types of respondents. The
respondents of this career research paper were divided into two groups: (1) accountancy students,
and (2) accountants. Accountancy students were gathered from different colleges, universities
and review centers such as National College in Business and Arts - Fairview, Polytechnic
University of the Philippines - Manila, and CPA Review School of the Philippines - Manila.
There are 5 respondents in each institution. The accountants were gathered from sector of public
accounting, commerce and industry, government and academe. The respondents were only 5
from Bureau of Internal Revenue, Network Consolidated Cooperative Bank, National College in
This pie chart is entitled “Ranges of Tuition Fees of Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
per Semester”. 60% of the accountancy students were paying less than P20,001 in taking BS in
Accountancy every semester. These students were mostly from state universities. 40% of the
This pie chart is entitled “Population of Accountancy Students Who Planned to Pursue
Master of Science in Accountancy”. 66.7% of the population of accountancy students who has a
plan to take Master of Science in Accountancy in the future. These students seek for a high
opportunity after taking this master. For some reason, only 33.3% of the population of
accountancy students who has no plan to take Master of Science in Accountancy in the future.
Figure 3. Review Center Enrollees
This pie chart is entitled “Population of Accountancy Students who has a Plan to Enroll
on a CPA Board Exam Review Center”. 100% of the population of accountancy students has a
plan to to enroll themselves in a review center before taking CPA Board Exam. The reason to
this percentage is the high difficulty of the exam. As in the past years, CPA Board Exam is one
Figure 4. Aspiring Accountants in Sector of Accounting Practice
This pie chart is entitled “Population of Accountancy Students Based on their Desired
Accounting Practice” . This pie chart reveals on which sector of accounting practice are going to
work in the future. 40% of the population of accountancy students plans to work in a public
accounting where they can work in an accounting firms. 33.3% of the population of accountancy
students plans to work in a private accounting where commerce and industry can be found. Only
governmental where they can work in Department of Finance and any government agencies.
Unfortunately, no one has a plan to work under the sector of Accounting Education or Academe.
Figure 5. Accountancy Students Satisfaction Rate
This pie chart is entitled “Being an Accountancy Student Satisfaction Rate” . In the poll
conducted, the respondents rate it from ‘5’ to ‘1’ where ‘5’ is the highest rating and ‘1’ is the
lowest rating. 40% of the population of accountancy students rate their satisfaction ‘4’ as being
an accountancy student. 33.3% of the population of accountancy students rate their satisfaction
‘3’ as being an accountancy student. 26.7% of the population of accountancy students rate their
2. Among your top 3 courses that you want to take in college, where do accountancy placed
3. What factors do you consider before you decided to take accountancy in college?
4. What are the skill and talents needed for this course?
6. If you failed in this course, what other course do you think you can be enrolled which is
7. What are your favorite things about being an accountancy student? Why?
8. What are your least favorite things about being an accountancy student? Why?
9. What do you look forward before you take CPA Board Exam?
10. What can you recommend for a person like to take similar course?
Almost all accountancy students decided to take accountancy course in college because
someone in their family is an accountant who suggested it to them. More specifically, their
parents are already accountants. Some students took it because of it is in demand and suggested
Accountancy are mostly placed at 2nd and 3rd out of the top 3 courses of the accountancy
students wanted to take in college. It is because of the unavailability of their 1st choice course in
a university they will enroll. Some students reasoned that their 1st choice course is really
expensive compared to the tuition fee every semester of an accountancy course. Few of the
students choose accountancy as their 1st choice, and few of the students also choose it as not
accountancy course because they want to have an enough salary to help their family. Some
students considered the approval of their parents before taking accountancy course in college.
Some students also considered their skills and talents because they think that this would be a help
for them to know if they can manage the difficulty of the course they are going take. Only few
students thought that they should consider the distance of the school from their home and the
quality education that accountancy can give to the students because accountancy scopes every
aspect of business.
Being analytical, patient and having a reading comprehension skill are the important
skills that most of the accountancy students told the researcher in taking this course because
accounting has a lot of tricky questions and processes needed to do are long and time consuming.
Some of the accountancy students said that having discipline and enough determination would be
BS in Accountancy Difficulty
All accountancy students said that accountancy course is a difficult. Most of their reasons
are the presence of tricky questions and theoretical problems, a wide variety subjects required in
this course, the dynamicality of accounting standards, plenty accounting concepts, long processes
Fallback Course
There are two courses in mind of most of the accountancy students that they can enroll
Most accountancy students like to solve and to analyze problems no matter how difficult
these are. It is because of the thought that the more it gets harder, the more it becomes fun. One
of the favorite things about being an accountancy student, as they said, is being with their friends
who are always with you during your ups and downs while studying accounting.
Two of the least favorite things, as pointed out of accountancy students, are being sleep
deprived and dealing with difficult problems. These two things are showing cause and effect
whereas they deal with different difficult problems that leads them to study harder and sleep late
to understand everything they do not know. The other least favorite things of some of the
accountancy students are dynamicality of accounting standards, stress and quota grades.
Before taking CPA Board Exam, almost all accountancy students are looking forward for
themselves to be completely prepared, equipped, determined and motivated because they are
aware that the exam is going to be difficult. Only few students are planning to have bedtime and
For a person who will take accountancy as their course in college, accountancy students
are recommending them to be prepared in this course since it will not going to be easy and stress
will always be present. Some of them are also suggesting to think twice and just follow what
The Poll : Accountants
Sector of Accounting”. 40% of the population of accountants were currently working under the
sector of private accounting. 20% of the population of accountants were currently working under
the sector of public accounting. 20% of the population of accountants were currently working
under the sector of government accounting. 20% of the population of accountants were currently
Figure 7. Average Salary Every Month
This poll is entitled “Average Salary of an Accountant per Month”. 60% of the
population of accountants were currently being payed of P20,001 up to P40,000 per month.
These accountants mostly were employees at BIR and private accounting. 40% of the population
of accountants were currently being payed of less than P20,001 per month. These accountants
Figure 8. Working Hours Each Week
This poll is entitled “Average Working Hours of an Accountant per Week” . 100% of the
hours in 6 days per week. These period does not include the overtime and take home works of an
Figure 9. Accountants with Secondary Source of Income
This poll is entitled “Population of Accountants with Secondary Source of Income” . 60%
processes took a long hours to be done and accountants were being stressful especially during
deadline. 40% of the population of accountants has secondary source of income. These
accountants are those who has no enough income for their family and who work under the sector
Figure 10. Accountants Satisfaction Rate
This poll is entitled “Being an Accountant Satisfaction Rate” . In the poll conducted, the
respondents rate it from ‘5’ to ‘1’ where ‘5’ is the highest rating and ‘1’ is the lowest rating. 60%
of the population of accountancy students rate their satisfaction ‘4’ as being an accountant. 40%
of the population of accountancy students rate their satisfaction ‘3’ as being an accountant.
2. What skills and talents are required for this career? Why?
3. What are the required qualifications for this career? Degree? Training?
4. What are the benefits that you receive? Insurance? Bonuses? Holidays?
5. What do you do everyday as an accountant?
6. What companies have you ever worked for as an accountant? How many years did you
work in each company?
There are two reasons why accountants chose the career that they have now. Most
accountants chose this path because they consider their family’s desired job for them and
someone from their family is already an accountant. Some accountants see the opportunity that it
can give to them and to their family such as easy employment and high salary.
Almost all accountants said that an accountant should possess basic mathematical and
analytical skill to survive basic and complex accounting standards. Some accountants said that an
accountant should be patient and hardworking since difficulties are always present in this kind of
job and processes are way too long to commit a single mistake.
Educational Requirements
All accountants took Bachelor of Science in Accountancy when they were in college
within 4 to 5 years. Some accountants took the CPA Board Exam for them to be licensed and get
more designation and opportunities. Before taking CPA Board Exam, most of them were
enrolled in a review center but few students only passed the exam. Most of the accountants took
Benefits of an Accountant
The only benefits most of the accountants have ever received are mandatory government
benefits like 13th month pay, leaves and other bonuses. Benefits depends on a company because
every company has its own policies regarding of giving some benefits.
Normally, accountants are doing accounting cycle in daily basis. Some accountants are
checking daily reports, budget and any other updates about the financial status of the company
Workplace of an Accountant
Most of the accountants are working in banks and companies. Several accountants can be
found inside of Department of Finance and business district such as Cubao Business District,
Bonifacio Global City and Makati Central Business District. Some companies they have worked
before are Network Consolidated Cooperative Bank, Eco Hotels Philippines, VEPCO Group
Most Difficult Portions of Being an Accountant
One of the most difficult part of being an accountant as pointed out by accountants is
having wrong entries because even a one mistake takes a lot of things to change. Some
accountants pointed out that they have a problem of sleep because there are times that
accountants are not yet done and the deadline is nearly approaching.
All accountants are saying accounting is difficult because of the complex and changing
accounting standards. They are keep on telling that these challenges hone them to be a good
accountant. But then, some accountants are saying that being an accountant is not really difficult
if you prepare yourself and surround yourself with proper guidance and right knowledge to learn.
Only few accountants received a retirement plan because companies only give it to those
accountants who have worked for long period of time and who give success to the company.
All accountants’ advices to aspiring accountants are the following: (1) make sure that
their decision is already final, (2) be firm on every decision no matter what it takes, (3) be
prepared and knowledgeable, (4) study hard, and (5) enjoy the journey of being an aspiring
This career research paper is entitled “An Eye for Aspiring Accountants” which is written
for students who will take accountancy in college and who wants to be an accountant in the
future. Qualitative research is the research design used in this paper chosen by the researcher. It
is a descriptive type of research whereas data will be in words and not in numbers. This type of
research design allows the researcher to gain opinions from accountancy students and
accountants. This paper will help them to overview some insights about being an accountancy
student, and being an accountant. Based on the results gathered, most of the students took
Bachelor of Science (BS) in Accountancy because their family advised it to them. They thought
that this would be the way on being an accountant. Accountancy is not their really 1st choice
course. Accountancy mostly placed at their 2nd or 3rd choice course and some students never
thought to take this at the first place. Accountancy mostly costs of less than P20,001.00 per
semester in state universities like Polytechnic University of the Philippines and P20,001 up to
P40,000 per semester in colleges like National Business in Business and Arts. Accountancy
students really driven on solving accounting problems and even though this path is difficult, they
never give up because they have their friends who feel the same atmosphere in the world of
accounting. If ever they failed this course, they have a plan to take BS in Accounting Technology
or Business Administration - Major in Finance. After graduating, all students have plans to enroll
in a Review Center before taking CPA Board Exam. They were looking forward to be relaxed
and fully equipped before taking the exam. Only some students planned to pursue higher study in
this field and most of them were planning to work at the sector of public accounting, commerce
and industry, and government accounting. For accountants, they chose this career because of
their family as well. Most of them employed at the sector of public accounting, commerce and
industry, and government accounting. They earn less than P20,001 and some earns P20,001 up to
P40,000. Due to the long hours of work, most of them has no any sideline job. All of them are
still receiving 13th month pay but only some receives a retirement plan. Both accountancy
students and accountants suggested to all aspiring accountants the following advices: (1) make
sure that their decision is already final, (2) be firm on every decision no matter what it takes, (3)
be prepared and knowledgeable, (4) study hard, and (5) enjoy the journey of being an aspiring
plenty of books to learn accounting theories, policies and standards. Problems are complicated
and many students have been already tricked. Standards are also dynamic and changing policies
lead accountants to review for updates. Despite of the high difficulty in this career, accountants
are fortunate to get a job easily because of the wide scope of this career in business.
After conducting this research, the researcher suggests the following advices to the future
3. Respondents might be came from outside of the Philippines to view some points in other
4. Choose a specific accounting job from different accounting practices such as Forensic
Healthable, 25 March 2018. Retrieved from Accessed 30 April 2018.
Talent Egg Incorporation, 8 September 2014. Retrieved from Accessed 30 April 2018.