Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation
CIO defines digital transformation as “the acceleration By driving digitization at every touch point and at
of business activities, processes, competencies, and every level–employee, customer, and
models to fully leverage the changes and operations—you can catalyze change and add value
opportunities of digital technologies and their across the entire enterprise. Only by innovating at this
impact in a strategic and prioritized way.” But more enterprise scale can you create a long-term
than just acceleration, digital transformation is about competitive advantage that builds demand and
the need for businesses to outpace digital disruption engenders loyalty.
and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving business
Consider your digital
This is where defining a digital strategy is key. To get
your digital strategy started on the right track, you As part of your move to transform from the enterprise
need to change the way you look at digital out, it’s time to change the way you look at your
transformation. Up to now, digital transformation has technology. In the world of enterprise technology,
largely been happening on a small scale. Companies integration has long been a thorny topic. ERP
might have a single app coming out of an innovation represented the birth of “fully connected” systems, but
or marketing department, or an idea adopted by a reality hasn’t always lived up to the idea.
handful of forward thinkers. Sure, those efforts might
have won an award or had influence on one small
segment of the business, but chances are they’ve
been isolated and siloed, and can’t scale to have
significant impact on the organization’s supply chain,
manufacturing, or other key business areas. It’s time to
transform from
the enterprise
and that means doing more than just
automating business processes.
in the cloud or
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