Topographic Maps

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Topographic Maps

Lab 2
„ Map projections
„ Map scale
„ Topographic maps
„ Contour lines
„ Topographic profiles
„ Basic map elements

„ “map”: a representation, usually on a flat

surface, of features on the earth showing
respective forms, sizes, and spatial
Map Projections
„ Why “projections”?
„ A globe is the only true representation of the Earth
„ Have many methods of transforming the 3D Earth’s
features onto a 2D flat surface
„ Flat maps cannot exist without a projection
„ Projections distort features in one of the following ways:
ƒ Size
ƒ Shape
ƒ Direction
ƒ Distance
Map Projections: Mercator

Mercator made allowances in this projection and opted for true shape.
But size has suffered… look at Greenland on a globe, then this map.
Map Projections: Peters

Peters distorts shape but gives true size in his projection.

Compare Greenland from here to Mercator’s projection.
Mercator vs Peters – who is right?

„ No single projection is ideal for all

„ Depending on the use of your map, choose
the projection carefully.
„ Learn more about projections here:
Map Scale
„ Scale indicates how much
the Earth has been reduced
for reproduction on a map.
„ Ratio of the image on a
map to its true size

„ Small vs Large scale maps

„ “Small scale maps” show a
large area of Earth with less
„ “Large scale maps” show a
small area of Earth in great
Map Scale: 3 Methods
„ Written/Verbal scale
„ States the ratio
„ “One inch equals five miles”
„ Representative Fraction (RF) scale
„ Shown as a ratio or fraction
„ 1:24,000 or 1/24,000
„ No units provided. *You* apply the same unit of
measurement to both sides of the ratio, and it will be true.
„ 1 inch [on the map] : 24,000 inches [on the Earth]
„ Graphic scale
Topographic Maps
„ Older maps were 15-minute series
„ 15’ latitude x 15’ longitude
„ Newer maps are 7.5-minute series
„ 7.5’ = ¼ of the 15’ maps
„ Often called “quad”rangle maps

„ Standardized color scheme

„ Brown – contours
„ Blue – water
„ Black – human-made features
„ Green – vegetation
„ Red – important human-made features
„ Pink – urban areas
„ Purple – revisions/updates due to aerial photos
Topographic Maps: Contours

„ Topographic maps show the lay of the land

using isolines called “contours”
„ Isoline = line connecting points of equal value
„ Contours connect points of equal elevation

„ A datum is a reference point from which all

elevations are measured.
„ On topo maps, what do you think is the reference
point (“zero datum”)?
Topographic Maps: Contours
„ Rules of Contour Lines
„ Contours are drawn at regular intervals (e.g., every 10
feet of elevation). Called “Contour Interval.”
„ Contours are always closed loops, though they usually
travel beyond the margins of the map.
„ Contours never cross each other.
„ Where contours are close together, they show a rapid
change in elevation. Where they are far apart, they show
a gradual change.
„ Values inside a closed contour line are higher than
outside the contour line.
„ See other rules on page 59 of your lab manual.
Topographic Maps: Contours


„ Spacing between „ Every 5th contour line
each contour line „ Indicated by a heavier
„ This will be a line.
consistent number. „ Helps draw your eye
„ Watch for the unit of to certain intervals.
measurement „ Allows the mapmaker
associated with the to simplify the map –
contour interval. may only label index
contours instead of
every line.
Topographic Maps: Contours

„ The contour interval

is marked with a
specific unit of

„ You can see the

index contours
every five lines.

Contour Interval: 200 feet

Topographic Maps: Contours
„ When reading a map, all points on a contour
line are the same elevation.
„ Otherwise, you must interpolate the point.
„ e.g., “a” = 104 ft
„ e.g., “b” = 170 ft
„ e.g., “c” = 196 ft

Contour Interval = 20 feet

Topographic Maps: Contours
„ Hill: represented by a
concentric series of closed

„ Depression: indicated by
hachure marks on the
downhill side.

„ Rule of Vs: Contour lines

“V” upstream when crossing
a stream. The point of the
“V” points uphill.
Topographic Maps: Contours
„ Contours allow us to find the relief of the
„ Relief = difference in elevation between two points on a
„ Total/Local Relief = difference in elevation between the
highest and lowest points on a map
Topographic Maps: Profiles
„ Topographic maps
show a birds-eye
view of the

„ Topographic
profiles show a
side-view of the
same landscape.
How to
How to
Elevation (m)
How to
Elevation (m)
Topographic Maps: Basic Elements
You should be able to
locate the following:
‰ Map Body
‰ Title
‰ Location
‰ Date
‰ Data sources
‰ Direction
‰ Legend
‰ Projection
‰ Scale

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