SBR Design
SBR Design
SBR Design
AUTHORITY: The Clean Streams Law (35 P.S. §§691.1-691.1001) 25 Pa. Code Chapter
DISCLAIMER: The policies and procedures outlined in this guidance document are
intended to supplement existing requirements. Nothing in the policies or
procedures shall affect regulatory requirements.
DEFINITIONS: Maximum day dry weather flow - the largest volume of flow to be
received during a continuous 24 hour period during dry weather,
expressed as a volume per unit time.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provides for the regulation of wastewater disposal “to preserve and
improve the purity of the waters of the Commonwealth for the protection of public health, animal and
aquatic life, and for industrial consumption and recreation.”
These design standards have been prepared as a guide to those persons responsible for the design and
permitting of sequencing batch reactors. These standards have been developed as an addition to the
Domestic Wastewater Facilities Manual, and have been numbered to allow insertion into the Manual
when the Manual is updated.
DEP considers the registered professional engineer whose seal is affixed to facility design documents to
be fully responsible for the adequacy of all aspects of the facility design and compliance with the state
standards and requirements. DEP approval or issuance of permit does not, in any way, relieve the
design engineer of this responsibility.
The design of wastewater facilities should not be limited by minimum requirements, but must meet the
needs of the particular situation. It is not the purpose of this document to set forth data which can be
used without due regard for the requirements of the particular project under design. The judgment of the
skilled professional engineer is still required to apply these data. DEP will apply more stringent criteria
when, in its judgment, their use is justified. With the foregoing qualifications definitely understood,
DEP considers the standards set forth in this document as generally representative of good engineering
New processes and variations of processes are proposed from time to time. Lack of description or
criteria for a process does not suggest a process should not be used, but only that consideration by DEP
will be on the basis of information submitted with a specific design. The Domestic Wastewater
Facilities Manual explains the requirements for experimental processes in a section entitled
“Applications for New Processes.” Data on newly proven processes are usually not sufficiently
developed and final standards cannot be adopted immediately or included in a revised document.
Tentative standards for such processes will be available as information is submitted and reviewed. DEP
reserves the right to amend this document if and when necessary to incorporate such new processes.
Any such amendments will be posted on DEP’s website and incorporated into the document then
reprinted at a later date.
88.1 General
The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) process is a fill and draw mode of the activated
sludge process in which all major steps occur in the same tank in sequential order - Fill,
React, Settle, Decant, and Idle. The SBR may be used where wastewater to be treated is
amenable to aerobic biological treatment. This process may be used to accomplish
carbonaceous and/or nitrogen and phosphorus removal. The design should be based on
experiences at other facilities and should meet the applicable requirements under
Domestic Wastewater Facilities Manual (362-0300-001) Sections 40, 60, and 80.
88.2 Pretreatment
a. Pre-Screening Devices
A bar screen with maximum opening of 5/8 of an inch meeting the other
applicable requirements of Section 51.1 of the Domestic Wastewater
Facilities Manual, or
A comminutor with automatic reversing controls meeting the other
applicable requirements of Section 52 of the Domestic Wastewater Facilities
b. Screens
c. Grit Removal
d. Alkalinity
Piping for chemicals to allow for alkalinity adjustment (if necessary) should be
provided to the influent flow equalization tank and/or SBR tanks. The minimum
alkalinity should be kept between 40-70 mg/L at the decant phase.
a. Influent flow equalization must be considered for all SBR systems. Systems not
using flow equalization should utilize a means of allowing the SBR system to
operate with a tank offline.
a. The basic parameters for the tank design include the hydraulic, organic, nitrogen
and phosphorus loading. These parameters should be in accordance with Section
82.32 of the Domestic Wastewater Facilities Manual. These are used to determine
the tank size, cycle frequency, rate of draw and discharge of treated effluent and
total oxygen demand. Temperature is an important consideration when dealing
with nitrogen removal.
b. The effective part of the tank (the volume between the lowest operating level and
the highest level, allowing for at least 18” of freeboard) should be sized to contain
the volume of the peak hourly flow received during that portion of the SBR(s)
cycle time when there will be no forward flow or the volume of one batch,
whichever is larger. In addition to this, side stream/recycle flows should be
included in the sizing.
c. The plant hydraulic capacity should be based on treating 100% of the maximum
month average flow.
d. The basins should be sized to treat 100% of the maximum day dry weather flows
without advancing cycles. Cycles may be advanced to process maximum day wet
weather peak flows to assure biomass retention and treatment stability.
e. Consideration should be given to dividing the required aeration tank volume into
two or more units at all plants. For plants designed to receive maximum monthly
average flow of 50,000 gpd or more, total aeration tank volume should be divided
among two or more units capable of independent operation to meet applicable
effluent limitations and reliability guidelines.
g. Flow division control facilities preceding the SBR tanks should be designed for
greatest operating and maintenance convenience, flexibility, continuity of
maximum effluent quality, and ease of installation of future units. Automatic
influent valves or dedicated influent pumps should be provided for each basin, if
more than one basin is provided. A means of isolation and /or bypass should be
provided for each of these valves to allow for servicing.
h. The aeration tank volumetric loading should not exceed 15 lb BOD5/day/1000 ft3
[0.24 kg BOD5/(m3·d)] based on the maximum daily BOD5 load to the aeration
tank. Higher loadings may be acceptable with proper justification and
j. A means of completely emptying each reactor of all grit, debris, liquid, and sludge
should be provided.
2. The baffling or manifold should direct the influent wastewater into the
sludge blanket.
m. SBR systems should be designed to interrupt flow during the SETTLE and
DECANT phases, but may choose to operate as a continuous influent feed system.
In this case, the reactor should have a minimum length to width ratio of 3:1 with
inlet and outlet separation maximized.
n. Each reactor should be provided with inter-reactor overflow to another SBR tank
or a storage tank.
o. The detention time at minimum water level at maximum monthly average flow
should be at least 12 hours.
1. SBR with one or two basins should be provided with equipment that is
accessible for inspection, routine maintenance, and operation from the top
or side of the basin without dewatering the basins.
r. Tank bottoms should be sloped towards a drain or sump. Circular basins should
be sloped towards the middle for maintenance. For rectangular basins slightly
slope to one corner to allows for hosing down the unit.
t. Every wall of the SBR should be water tight and resist buoyant uplift when
v. The tank should have a minimum freeboard of 18 inches at the maximum liquid
Mechanical mixing independent of aeration should be provided for all plants designed to
provide biological phosphorus removal or denitrification. The aeration and mixing
equipment should not interfere with settling.
a. Mixing Systems
2. The mixing system should be sized to thoroughly mix the entire basin
from a settled condition within 5 minutes without aeration, regardless of
7. Mixing systems that are fixed to the floor (rather than floating and
removable) should provide provisions for additional equalization or
storage as necessary to dewater and inspect the fixed equipment.
b. Aeration Systems
1. The aeration equipment should be suitable for varying water depths and
cyclical operation in a sequencing batch reactor based on experience with
installations handling similar wastes and loadings. The discharge pressure
of the blowers should be established at the maximum water depth.
2. Oxygen transfer rates from the aerators based on average water depth
between the low-water level and the maximum water level for the critical
flow conditions, should be considered to provide a dissolved oxygen
concentration of 2.0 mg/L during aeration.
10. The aerator mechanism and associated structures for mechanical aeration
system should be protected from freezing and ice accumulation.
11. The SBR design should allow for the removal of air diffusers or
mechanical aeration devices without dewatering the tank or inhibiting the
operation of other equipment.
12. If a jet aeration system used, the jet motive pumps should be either located
in a dry pit, or furnished with a means to remove submersible jet pumps
without dewatering the tank.
a. Design should allow the decanter to withdraw decant fluid from beneath the liquid
surface, regardless of liquid depth, down to the minimum allowable water level
specified. The decanter should not pass through the water surface before or after
decant where scum, foam and floatable may enter the weir.
b. The decantable volume of the SBR system should be sized for at least 100% of
the maximum day dry weather peak flow without changing the cycle times.
c. The decanter capacity of the SBR system with the largest reactor out of service
should be sized to pass at least 75 percent of the peak daily flow without changing
cycle times.
e. An adequate zone of separation between the sludge blanket and the decanter(s)
should be maintained at all times during the decant phase.
f. Decant inlet velocities should be limited throughout the decant phase to prohibit
vortexing, entry of scum or other floating material, or disturbance of settled
sludge layer.
g. For reactors where simultaneous fill and decant occur, the location and design of
the influent and effluent ports should prevent short-circuiting through the tank.
h. The decanter should draw decant fluid from below the water surface and a means
of excluding solids, especially floating solids and scum, from entering the
decanter during any phase of the cycle besides the decant phase.
j. Protection against ice build-up on the decanter(s) and freezing of the discharge
piping and decant valves should be provided.
l. The design should eliminate the potential for the decanters to get stuck at a level
where they are not intended to operate.
m. The design should include a mechanical restraint to prevent the decanter from
falling below the sludge blanket level.
n. A fixed decanter should not be used in a basin where simultaneous fill and decant
may occur.
o. Additional settling time before a discharge may begin must be considered for
systems with fixed decanters.
p. Fixed decant equipment and decant volumes that do not accommodate the
maximum monthly average flow should be provided with an equalization basin.
q. An SBR system utilizing more than two basins should allow the decanting of at
least two tanks simultaneously. If the systems are using two tanks, the
downstream equipment should be sized based on the maximum number of tanks
decanting at the same time.
a. Decant flow equalization facilities should be considered for all facilities, and may
be required for discharges having potential for stream bed scouring and/or other
water quality impacts.
b. The basin should be of sufficient size to store the differential between the average
decant rate and the maximum discharge rate from the equalization basin times the
decant time and time between decant available.
c. These basins should also have a means of removing solids from the bottom of the
unit, such as a sloped bottom with a drain or sump.
a. A sludge removal system separate from decant piping should allow sludge to be
wasted during the DECANT and/or IDLE phases.
b. The sludge wasting points should be away from the decanters if wasting can occur
during the DECANT phase.
d. Where there is a possibility for siphoning of the sludge to occur, siphon breaks
should be installed.
e. Automatic wasting controls should be provided in all designs to insure that over
wasting of sludge will not occur; however, manual controls for adjustment by the
operator should also be included. The controls should allow for operator
adjustments for the duration of the wasting period.
f. The capability to transfer sludge from each reactor to another should be provided
to allow for seeding of other reactors if needed or to allow for the use of off-line
g. If decant pumps are used for sludge transfer, all solids in the decant piping should
be flushed and recycled back to the SBR.
h. All sludge transfer and wasting pumps should be accessible for maintenance
without dewatering the tank.
1. The design and installation should consider all factors affecting the flow
and organic loading for each cycle, such as diurnal, first flush, industrial,
3. Each control panel should be provided with a remote access such a modem
so the program can be modified or reloaded in a short period of time.
b. Both automatic and manual controls should be designed and installed to allow
independent operation of each tank.
d. A means of recording and displaying all activities of the SBR process, including
the time and status of each cycle stage and batch change and all alarms should be
1. The current process cycle stage and time remaining should also be
recorded and displayed.
e. A scroll-through display that identifies each cycle’s length and time remaining in
the current cycle should be provided.
g. A fail-safe timer control which cannot be adjusted by the operator, allowing not
less than 20 minutes between the REACT and DECANT phases, should be
h. All designs should include a “high flow” mode with a program that will recognize
flow above the diurnal peak flow. All equipment and controls should be designed
to accommodate this high flow mode and to optimize the treatment processes. A
i. All designs should include programming and operational capabilities for lower
than average startup flows and loadings that may be realized during new system
startup and/or other prolonged periods where the plant may experience flows and
loadings less than the design criteria.
1. Pumps: manual/off/auto
2. Valves: open/close/auto
k. Control panel visual displays or indicating lights should be installed and similar to
those that are provided for flow-through systems and should include the
1. Mimic diagram of the process that shows the status and position of any
pumps, valves, blowers or aerators, and mixers;
3. Instantaneous and totalized flow to the facility and of the final discharge;
88.10 Disinfection
a. When chlorination is used for disinfection, the chlorine contact tank should be
sized to assure a minimum contact period of 15 minutes at maximum decant rate
unless decant equalization is provided. The dosage should confirm to Section
103.32 of the Domestic Wastewater Facilities Manual.
88.11 Sampling
a. Composite samplers should be provided that allow for at least three equal-sized
samples from each batch of effluent discharged from the reactors.