Trends and Fad
Trends and Fad
Trends and Fad
A trend is a product or idea that stayed through time because of the benefits people get.
Trend Comes from a Fad
Since a trend has the possibility of transforming into a long-term development
for a future market, a fad on the other hand rarely endures, simply known as a “flash in the pan”
(wise geek). The behavior of the fad quickly rises and immediately falls upon losing discernment
of the novelty item or idea.
Trend Stays Long-Term in the Market
Both trends and fads are interrelated to each other because it can begin with a fad and if it
has a longer lifetime in the market, creates trendy patterns. For instance, painting a wall in hot
pink can be considered a fad however, the thought of applying designer’s color is also looked
upon as something trendy.
Trend Provides Solutions to People’s Problems
Trends solve problem to becoming a tool, a connector that will become valuable to
people as they embrace it (Godin cited from Colleen, 2016).
A fad is seen in a single industry and seldom intersects into other sectors. The best example of
this is the wearing of parachute pants (from thin nylon materials) in the 1980s which was not
received well by the music culture and the youth.
Trends Assesses a Successful Product Evolution
Trend marks a successful evolution of the product or idea being promoted. If fads are not
made, then evolution will eventually end. If observes will take fads as trends, they simply are
crying” wolf” to these organizations and so it takes enough skills to determine its value (Colleen,
Parts and Wholes
Mereology is a study of the wholes they form from its parts. In simple definition it is
grounded on the set and its element or it is the partitioning of relationship between the parts and
that of the entire system.
The words “{Whole” and “part” tell the segregating relationship. The “part-part whole”
arrangement allows individuals to adaptably handle situations by deciphering the semantic
structures of various parts and wholes.
According to Gestalt (shape/form) theory, the world is a functional logical whole, the
events and experiences in real life are arranged into significant components, and the natural
elements have their individual structure.
Though perception Gestalt experts believe that the brain enhances whole forms pertinent
to visual recognition from local to international figures such as scrutinizing the lines, curves,
points, and many other shapes.
1. Proximity
“Objects that are closer together are perceived as more related then objects that
are further apart” (Bradley, 2014).
Lifestyle Networks
41. provides music services allowing members to share, watch, and listen to their
favorite songs though a music recommender known as “audioscrobbler”.
42. Reverb Nation is a website that guides musicians run and manages their careers as well as
suggests to them to the companies where their artistry will flourish.
43. is a social network where 500,000 Christian members watch television programmes
based from the Bible.
44. Flixster is an American movie website that allows users to view new and box office movies.
45. Gaia Online deals with animne works such as virtual worls, avatars, gaming, and many
46. BlackPlanet is social network providing match making profiles, jobs, and political dialogues
among African Americans.
47. Care2 links activists, organizations, and business from around the globe to create a
48. Caring Bridge is a non-profit website that provides help to the needy when they are being
hospitalized, facing medical treatment, or undergoing recovery.
49. VampireFreaks is an online community website featuring Gothic-industrial subcultures.
50. CafeMom is an advertisement-assisted social site where mothers and topics about
51. Ravelry is a website that discusses and teaches people about weaving, spinning, crocheting,
and knitting.
52. ASmallWorld is an exclusive social network with an annual membership of $110 subject for
approval where members enjoy the perks of an international lifestyle club.
53. Nextdoor is a site for neighbors in the United States that allows members to connect with the
person next door.
Travel Networks
Wayn is a social mnetwork geared towards travel allowing members to make their own profiles and
upload photos in the site.
55. CouchSurfing offers a unique privilege for members to browse online when they want to find
a place to stay while on travel.
56. TravBuddy engages in linking and connecting travellers.
Mobile Networks
57. Cellufun is a secret social gaming group where users make avatars to signify themselves and
all these can be accessed to any cellular phone.
58. MocoSpace is a gaming network that embraces HTML5 for mobile phones.
59. Itsmy is another cellular gaming site developed in Munich Germany that allows
communication between gamers.
Video Networks
60. Youtube, one of Google’s subsidiaries is a video sharing site that allows users to upload,
share, and view videos of all genres.
61. Youku is one of China’s leading virtual video and streaming facility, a duplicate of You
Tube. It is only available in Chinese.
62. FunnyorDie is a video site that features comic videos from well-known actors.
63. Tout as a micro-blogging site that allows users to create and send 15-second video clips
known as “touts”.
64. Vine that is owned by Twitter is a snippet video sharing site where members can post 6-
second video clips. It also merges with other social networks.
Reunion Networks
65. Classmates is a social network that connects and links high school friends and classmates as
well as uploads the high school yearbook.
66. MyLife (formerly and serves as a tracer in finding family members,
friends, business partners for a certain amount.
67. MyHeritage keeps and shares family history where members can create their family tree at
the same time examine ancestry records.
Business Networks
LinkedIn is one of the biggest and largest business and employment websites where employers
post jobs and member who are job hunting may apply.
68. Video as a professional network encourages business managers and entrepreneurs to engage
advertising campaigns and delve into a new vision for European trading.
69. Ryze allows its business oriented members to get in touch with their business contacts, avail
of a homepage, and get advices from business experts.
70. Xing is similar to LinkedIn that permits closed groups to discuss business privately.
Pre-teen, Teen, and Young Adult Networks
71. WeeWorld is a gaming site for teenagers where they can meet new friends, do instant
messaging, and chat-based avatars.
72. Habbo is a gaming website for teenagers in Finland that makes them to select their avatars,
meet new friends, and do instant messaging.
73. Tuenti is a Spanish technology enterprises that started as a “Spanish Facebook” but trough
time has provided an online experience using their own application and website.
Blogging Related
74. Xanga provides photo blogs, weblogs, and profiles for its users.
75. Solaborate showcases technology experts and corporations so they may have easy access for
opportunities and collaboration in the creation of products and services.
76. Plurk is a micro-blogging and social network that sends not more than 210 characters for
links or short message updates.
77. LiveJournal make members sustain their blogs, diaries or journals.
International Social Networks
78. Mixi is a famous match making social network website in japan featuring the members’
79. Douban is a Chinese website that offers search engines and provides feedback ratings of
music, books, and movies.
80. Renren (Xiaonei Network) is another social website and Chinese internet finance enterprise
to 30 million college students.
81. Odnoklassniki is a people finder website among Russian society in finding old friends and
former classmates of 200 million users.
82. NK is a school social website in Poland preferred by alumni and students in high school and
83. Netlog is a Belgian website where teenagers make their own web page, chat, play games,
share videos, and meet new acquaintances.
84. StudiVZ considered as the largest social networks in Europe features college and university
85. Friendster gaming website in Malaysia, prior to redesigning the social network.
86. Kaixin001 gaming network in China that draws workers doing white collar jobs.
87. 51.Com is one of the biggest social networks in China connecting more than 50 million
88. Nexopia Canadian website that invites members aged 14 and above then in later years lowers
it to 13.
89. Draugiem networking website in Latvia that shelters start up groups and companies.
90. Glocals a Swiss social website intended for immigrant groups when members establish,
communicate and meet among themselves.
91. Cyworld South Korean social website that allows members to make friendships among
members through the use of avatars.
Globalization is the unrestricted allocation and relocation of services, goods, and capital
from different zones across nation.
Five Globalization Theories
Internalization is the cross-border affairs between nations and globalization which signifies
growth of global exchange and collaboration.
Liberalization, some laws concerning government laws will be lifted, creating a “borderless”,
and “open” for the economy of the world.
Universalization also allow the proliferation of experiences and inventions like the creation of
the Gregorian calendar, cars, restaurant, farm life, decolonization, and among other things.
Westernization or Modernization where social structure contemporariness like rationalism
(philosophy that emotions or religious inclinations are not the basis of forming opinions and
actions but rather reasons and experiences), capitalism (allowing individuals and companies to
own products and do business rather by the government), industrialism (develops and operates
factories and business) as well as bureaucraticism (government or business system with
regulations and methods of organizing and doing things).
Deterritorialization includes the restricting of geography where social space is no longer a
barrier and everything is connected making the world borderless.
1. Economy
Trade is the interchange of goods and services among the economies of various nations.
Global finance is translated as capital flow through the exchange of financial instruments
or assets among nations by public or private entities.
Foreign AID
Aids is the transmission of funds in form of loans or grants or may be in combination of
both as well as the giving “technical assistance or capacity building”.
2. Politics
Power is so much wielded in the first world countries wherein they create allies to other
Territorial Based Political Societies
Multi Layered Regional and Global Governance
3. Migration (People & Culture)
Migration can be provisional or a permanent transfer of residence among individuals
between nations.
Migrants can be classified as (1) permanent immigrants, (high-and-low skill workers, (4)
asylum applicants, (5) refugees (6) undocumented individuals, (7) visa free migrants, and
(8) students (Goldin & Reinert, 2007).