Beis Moshiach #618
Beis Moshiach #618
Beis Moshiach #618
Likkutei Sichos Vol. 9, pg. 175-183
what degree of detail – Divine
providence extends. The opinion of
Rambam41 is that Divine providence
only extends to human beings. In
seeming contrast with the Rambam’s
Translated by Boruch Merkur view is that of the Baal Shem Tov,
who opines that Divine providence
applies even to the mineral kingdom,
as well as the plant and animal kingdom. However, the
following well known insight of Chassidus42 resolves the
two approaches, explaining how the statement of the
Rambam actually does not contradict the approach of the
Baal Shem Tov.43
There are two general manners of providence from
Above: a) as it is plainly revealed, b) as it is clothed within
the concealment and the garments of nature, and the like.
Rambam’s statement – that there is no Divine providence
over the mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms – only
applies to the revealed providence from On High. [That
is, only man is governed by revealed Divine providence,
whereas the concealed providence from G-d applies to
Accordingly we can understand why it is said
specifically regarding the Jewish people that G-d will
“hold the hand of every single person,” notwithstanding
the fact that also regarding the exiles of the “gentile
nations” it is certain that providence determines whom
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Keren Hashono
Ato Horeiso
To All Of Anash And Tmimim whjha
The Rebbe was accustomed to request after the selling of the Pesukim of "Ato Hereiso" that the
following should be announced "Your word to Hashem is equal to physically giving to a person."
In many of his Sichos the Rebbe recalled words of the Alter Rebbe concerning the greatness
of the quality of alacrity in all matters pertaining to Torah and Mitzvohs, especially regarding
the Mitzvah of Tzedaka, he stressed, that one should act as quickly as possible.
In keeping with this dictum we wish to remind all those who had the merit of buying a
Posuk of Ato Hereiso this Simchas Torah for the Merkos (which is under ihe leadership of
Rabbi S.M. Simpson in accordance with the Rebbe`s instructions) to bring their pledge in as
expeditiously as possible to the offices of either Rabbi Simpson or Rabbi Groner or to send in
their pledge to the address below.
Keren Hashono: A special tzedoko fund which the Rebbe established in 5714, from
which tzedoko is given twice a day (except Shabbos and Yomtov), before Shacharis and before
Mincha> This assures that all participants in this fund, fulfill the mitzvo of tzedoko twice a
day. One is to contribute sums in the amount of days of the coming year. This year, 5768 has
383 days. The sums can be in pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars etc., for each member
of the family.
May giving of this Tzedaka speed the coming of the full Geulah through the revelation of
Melech Hamoshiach.
Rabbi S.M. Simpson Rabbi Y.L. Groner
P.S. Based on the Rebbe's Sichos those individuals who were not able to buy a
Posuk on Simchas Torah can still participate by sending their donations now.
Pidyon money etc. can also be sent to the abovve.
Please make all checks payable to KUPAS RABBEINU.
Eretz Yisroel address: KEREN KUPAS ADMU"R / P.O.B. 1247 / KIRYAT MALACHI / ISRAEL
By Ofra Badosa
By Rabbi Sholom Dovber HaLevi Wolpo
Translated By Michoel Leib Dobry
By Avrohom Rainitz
in the US. Today he works for the said, ‘Yehoram, the Rebbe is giving
out honey cake with a special
United Nations as Special Adviser to bracha for a good, sweet year. It’s
worthwhile coming.’
WAFUNIF’s President, and Coordinator “I was the representative of the
Likud movement in the US and
of WAFUNIF’s Culture of Peace since I was very friendly with the
Trade Attaché at the Israeli
activities. * Ben-Shalom tells of his Consulate, Mr. Manny Buber, I
association with Chabad, about the called him and suggested that we
go together to the Rebbe.
Likud ministers whom he brought to the “Due to traffic, we arrived late
and as our car stopped at the
Rebbe, and about his great admiration entrance to 770 and I saw that the
area was empty, without the long
for the Rebbe’s leadership. line, I sadly realized that we had
missed the Rebbe. Then I suddenly
heard people yelling at us, ‘Come
When I called Mr. Yehoram Shabbos, invited me for this quickly! The Rebbe is still waiting!’
Ben-Shalom to arrange a time for Shabbos and I couldn’t refuse.” We “I ran forward and opened the
an interview regarding his agreed that we would talk on door. There stood the Rebbe,
connection to the Rebbe, he Motzaei Shabbos. smiling. Aside from secretaries,
surprised me when he said he We began the interview precisely nobody else was there. It looked as
would be spending Shabbos Slichos where Ben-Shalom’s relationship though the Rebbe had been waiting
in Crown Heights. “The terrific began with the Rebbe – at the especially for us. We approached
bachurim from Chabad who come entrance to 770, near the Rebbe’s the Rebbe and after he gave us
to our shul in Manhattan every room. Ben-Shalom was very moved lekach and a bracha, he motioned
By Zev Crombie
By Nosson Avrohom
silence, one of the officers got up We realized that if my mother had that if we left on Shabbos too.
and said to my mother, “Do you been frightened by his threats and We left Sunday morning by
want to change your mind? You asked to rescind her request, we train to Austria via Poland. I was
have the right, and we will ensure would not have received the thrilled but my father’s face was
that you will only suffer minimally permission that had already been inscrutable the entire time.
from your traitorous actions. If granted! The Rebbe simply took us Whenever the Polish border
you don’t change your mind, we out of Russia in the most legal, guards entered the compartment,
will act accordingly.” official way, though it was he knew that the danger was not
My mother was brave and said, miraculous! The Rebbe changed yet past. It was only when
“I appreciate what the communist the order of nature. We were Austrian policemen came in that
government has done for me, such ecstatic. he knew that the Russian
as my sons studying in university, In the following days, until we nightmare had ended. My father
and who knows whether, when we left Russia, we experienced a few went over to the Austrian border
get to Israel, they can continue glitches. The first was that our guard and hugged and kissed him
studying. But the Germans exit permit was in effect for four and then he hugged us.
murdered my entire family and I days and it was Thursday. We ***
have only one brother in Israel went to Moscow immediately and When the Raskin family arrived
and he is sick and very weak. This arrived on Friday where we got a in Eretz Yisroel they settled in
is why I want to go and help him. visa for Israel. The Russian exit “Tochelet” (which later became
If he was strong enough, I would permit expired on Sunday. We part of Kfar Chabad).
ask him to come here and be with asked two rabbanim whether we In Tishrei of that year, the
me.” could leave on Shabbos. One Rebbe paid for tickets for all the
A few moments of silence paskened that we should desecrate Chassidim who had left Russia, so
prevailed, moments in which we one Shabbos in order to be able to they could come to 770. The Vaad
trembled. The officer suddenly observe many other Shabbasos but in Kfar Chabad, that had the
changed his tone and took out a the other rabbi, a Chabad Chassid, responsibility of distributing
signed letter which permitted us to said the permit expired Sunday tickets, decided to give them only
leave. He gave it to my mother. evening and if the Russians to those over age 20.
We were openmouthed in shock. wanted to foil us, they could do “I was just 20, but my brother
“Strengthen your faith and bitachon. airport. I said that if the Rebbe
had blessed me, I wasn’t changing
It’s just a matter of nerves.” my plans.
By Rabbi Yaakov Shmuelevitz, Chabad house-Beit Shaan
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