Name Position Company Name Address: Affidavit

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Republic of the Philippines)

____________________) SS


That I, (Name), of legal age, (Position) of (Company Name), a judicial entity created and existing
pursuant to the law of the Republic of the Philippines, with postal address at (Address) and after been
sworn in accordance with the law do hereby depose and say:

That I am the (Position) of (Company Name) with office address at (Company Address). That the said
firm undertook the accomplishments in the project (Project Name & Work Package) 1331, Quirino
Avenue Tambo Paranaque City, which has been engaged by SPARC PROPERTIES & REALTY CORP. in
conformity with the specification plan, scope of work and terms of conditions and contract;

1. That in connection therewith, all accounts, dues and other obligation of firm to material
suppliers and/or dealers have been fully paid and settled, and at present, there are no more
pending indebtedness in favor of such entities for materials used in the said project;

2. That the likewise, all wages, salaries and compensation due in favor of the works and other
personnel involve or hired including the taxes due for the said project have already been paid
in full of no pending and or unpaid accounts for the same;

3. That the firm hereby relieves the owners and the management of SUNVALLEY CLARK HUB
CORPORATION, from the liabilities or obligations whatsoever in the nature of those above
mentioned, and that my firm shall account for the same;

4. That I am executing this affidavit to attest the truth of the forgoing facts to declare under oath
that there are no pending liabilities or obligations with regards to the aforesaid with
SUNVALLEY CLARK HUB CORPORATION, from (Company Name), and for whatever legal intents
and purpose it may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEROF, I have hereunto set my hands this __ day of _________ at ________


SUBCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of _____________ at the ___________. Affiant
exhibiting to me his Community Tax Certificate No./Driver’s License No. ______________ issued in
________________ issued on _________________________________.

Notary Public

Doc No. …………,

Page No. ……….,
Book No. ……….,
Series of 2019

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