Har Hit Vaart : What Is Meant by "Digital India"? Digital India?
Har Hit Vaart : What Is Meant by "Digital India"? Digital India?
Har Hit Vaart : What Is Meant by "Digital India"? Digital India?
Digital India
What is meant by ral areas with the high-speed internet Digital India?
networks to access any information
"Digital India"? needed. - a very effective and efficient By AUTHOR
technique which will save time and
By P. HARSHIT man power to a great extent. Vari-
ous schemes regarding this plan have
been unveiled (worth more than Rs Three important elements of dig-
1 lakh crore) such as Digital Locker, ital India are 1. creation of digi-
Digital India is a campaign e-health, e-education, national schol- tal infrastructure 2. digital literacy
launched by the Indian Government arship portal, e-sign, etc. Various and 3. delivering services digitally all
to improve online infrastructure (by events have been held in the presence over the country. It is a most ef-
increasing internet connectivity) and of Information Technology companies fective version of the already exist-
offer Indian citizens an easy online to cover 600 districts in the country. ing National e-Governance Plan by
government services as well as mak- It is the programme which will ben- incorporating nine pillars, which are:
ing India a digitally empowered coun- efits both, service providers and con- 1. broadband highways 2. public
try in the field of technology. Dig- sumers. Though the overall project Internet access programme 3. mo-
ital India, a much ambitious pro- monitoring will be under the Prime bile connectivity everywhere 4. e-
gramme run by the government of Minister himself , there is an arrange- Kranti 5. e-Governance 6. informa-
India to make this country a dig- ment of digital India advisory group tion for all 7. IT for jobs 8. early
itally empowered country. It was (chaired by Ministry of Communica- harvest programmes and 9. electron-
launched on 1stof July (Wednesday) tions and IT) in order to monitor and ics manufacturing In the very start-
in 2015 at the Indira Gandhi Indoor control this programme. This project ing of the project launch, there was
Stadium, Delhi. The aim of launch- has been aimed to be completed by a plan by the government to make
ing this campaign is to: - make India 2019. available high speed internet connec-
a better-governed place of the world tion in almost 250,000 villages and
(promote e-governance). - to pro- other residential areas of the coun-
vide Indian citizens electronic gov- What are the try. This crucial role is played by the
ernment services by reducing the pa- “Bharat Broadband Network Limited
perwork. - to connect people of ru- Components of (BBNL)”, which is really appreciable.
Harshit Vaartha 25TH JUNE 2018 2
Digital infrastructure all through the 9 Pillars of Digital India Program delivery of government or private ser-
country is like a utility to the Indian vices all over the country to its cit-
people as it will make available high izens. 9. Bharat Net programe (a
speed internet delivering all the gov- Benefits of Digital high-speed digital highway) will con-
ernment services with ease and fast. nect almost 250,000 gram panchay-
It will provide lifelong, unique, online
India ats of country. 10. There is a plan
and authenticable digital identity to By AUTHOR of outsourcing policy also to help in
the citizens. It will make easy access the digital India initiative. 11. For
to any online services like handling better management of online services
bank account, financial management, on mobile such as voice, data, multi-
safe and secure cyber-space, educa- 1. It makes possible the imple- media, etc, BSNL’s Next Generation
tion, distance learning, etc. High mentation of digital locker system Network will replace 30-year old tele-
demand of good governance and on- which in turn reduces paper work phone exchange. 12. National Cen-
line services will make available all by minimizing the usage of physi- tre for Flexible Electronics will help
the services in real time through dig- cal documents as well as enabling e- in the promotion of flexible electron-
itization. Digitally transformed ser- sharing through registered reposito- ics. 13. Large scale deployment of
vices will also promote people for do- ries. 2. It is an effective online plat- Wi-Fi hotspots has been planned by
ing online business by making finan- form which may engage people in gov- the BSNL all across the country. 14.
cial transactions easy, electronic and ernance through various approaches There is a Broadband Highways in
cashless. Digital empowerment of In- like “Discuss, Do and Disseminate”. order to handle all the connectivity
dian people will really make possible 3. It ensures the achievement of var- related issues. 15. Open access of
of digital literacy through universally ious online goals set by the govern- broadband highways in all the cities,
accessible digital resources. It will en- ment. 4. It makes possible for people towns and villages will make possible
able people to submit required docu- to submit their documents and certifi- the availability of world-class services
ments or certificates online and not cates online anywhere which reduces on the click of mouse.
physically in the schools, colleges, of- physical work. 5. Through e-Sign
fices or any organization. framework citizens may digitally sign
their documents online. 6. It may
ease the important health care ser-
vices through e-Hospital system such
as online registration, taking doctor
appointments, fee payment, online di-
agnostic tests, blood check-up, etc.
7. It provides benefits to the benefi-
ciaries through National Scholarship A Vision Forward
Portal by allowing submission of ap-
plication, verification process, sanc-
tion and then disbursal. 8. It is a big
platform which facilitates an efficient