What Is AMOS
What Is AMOS
What Is AMOS
AMOS stands for Analysis of Moment Structure it is an SPSS module and it is used for to do
path analysis and Confirmatory factor analysis. It is an SPSS module. We can graphically draw
the model on it and can perform calculations it output analysis shows weather our model is fit
and has significant values with each other. It can also be considered visual method of Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM).
According to the model fit summary of AMOS value of CMIN/DF should be lie in between 3-5
and our value of the model is 3.225 which mean our model is fit.
Another table under the model fit summary shows about the model fit values and how much our
model is fit we will look at the values of NFI, TLI and CFI
According to the AMOS model fit summary value of NFI should lies between 0-1 indicate a very
good fit. Table shows the value of 0.938 which indicates model is fit
TLI also show that how much our model is fit. It should also lie in the range of 0-1. Our value is
0.765 which indicates a very good fit
Value of CFI close to 1 also indicates a very good fit. Our value is 0.953 which indicates a very
good fit.
Baseline Comparisons
Another head under the AMOS out data are estimates. They show weather. It shows whether the
hypothesis have significant value or not. P values should be less than equal to 0.05. Values of are
independent variables with the impact of mediating variable is having significant values
Psychological distress
Unfair treatment
Workplace competition
Dependent variable:
Mediating variable:
Unfair treatment such as aggression, injustice, unfairness bullying and incivility engage
employees to practice workplace cheating behavior. Employees experiencing unfair treatment
tends to have low motivation and low satisfaction, use unfair and unethical means which creates
unhealthy relationships in organizations. P value of WCB UT is 0.06 which indicates that it is
Estimate value of workplace com petition
P value of NWR WCB is 0.241 which indicates that it is not significant. WCB do not have a
mediating impact on NWR. Hence, WCB do not lead to NWR. The reason to this is that as there
are two types of mediation full and partial. As we are using full not partial mediation that’s why
our mediating variables doesn’t shows significant impact on independent or dependent variables.
SPSS Analysis:
We have conducted Regression and factor analysis on SPSS in regards to our research.
Factor analysis:
Principal component
Maximum Likelihood
Principal axis factoring
Varimax and Promax are used as rotation methods.
Measures of sampling adequacy between 0.7-0.8 are acceptable and above 0.9 are
It is 0.846 hence it is acceptable.
As the sig value is 0.00 < 0.05 hence it is significant.
Use eigenvalues greater than 1 to retain the factors.
Practical implications:
Employees should take workplace competition in a positive way rather than practicing unethical
means as of now cheating is common behavior in corporate sector so workplace competition
should be taken in a positive way. Employees should utilize their skills and energy in an
effective manner despite of psychological distress despite of engage in psychological distress
employees can use remedies to get free from stress. Employer should treat their employees with
justice by implementing laws of justice in corporate sectors. This research would be helpful to
employees in order to increase employee’s motivation and to minimize unethical conduct in the
organization or overall corporate sector.
Future area of the research:
Other contextual cues will be considered in future that leads to unethical behavior.
Job security
Work family conflict
Performance pressure
Intention to leave.
The research in future will help organizations and employees in order to minimize
negative consequences of psychological distress, unfair treatment and workplace
competition. And motivate employees will not engage in unethical means in the