Symbolic URL
Symbolic URL
Symbolic URL
Symbolic URL
This document helps people to learn about Symbolic URL, although I have taken this
document from the Oracle support.
This document provides configuration and administration steps necessary to display external content in
the Siebel User Interface. Displaying an external application in the Siebel User Interface eliminates the
need for the user to enter login credentials such as username and password more than once.
Note that these external applications need to be participating in a single sign-on framework (SSO). To use
SSO, a Symbolic URL has to be configured as described in the Siebel Bookshelf version 8.0 > Siebel
Portal Framework Guide > Integrating External Content > Portal Agent Administration > Defining
Symbolic URLs.
To specify how the external application should be constructed, you need to define arguments and values
to be passed to the Siebel client as part of the request under Site Map > Integration Administration >
Symbolic URL Administration.
In Siebel Tools:
1. In the Object Explorer, navigate to Siebel Objects > Applet and query for the Service Request
Detail Applet record.
2. Navigate to the Control sub-folder and add a new record with the following properties as shown
Control Value
Name Symbolic URL
Caption Symbolic URL
HTML EncodeData
HTML Type Link
Method ShowPopup (NOTE: This is not in the picklist so therefore you
Invoked cannot select it from the list. You must type it in or cut and paste it
into the property.)
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3. Drilldown to the Control User Properties for this new control. Create two new records with the
following properties:
4. Add a control to the Edit web template on the Service Request Detail Applet record. Navigate to
Applet > Applet Web Template folder and query for the Service Request Detail Applet record.
Mouse right click on the Edit record and choose "Edit Web Layout".
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NOTE: Please ensure the Mode is set to Edit from the Mode Drop Down as shown in the screenshot
below in the top left corner.
In the Control properties Window, drag and drop the “Symbolic URL” control created in step 2 above and
place it in any preferred location on the Service Request Detail Applet. Please also drag and drop the
“Symbolic URL Label” label that was created for the control.
5. Navigate to the Siebel Objects > Business Component and query for Service Request record.
Drilldown to the Field folder and create a new record with the following properties:
Field Value
Name URL
Calculated True (Check Mark)
Calculated Value My Popup Applet
6. Navigate to the Siebel Objects > Applet folder and query for "SSO Generic System 1 Applet"
record. Right click on the record and select Copy Record. (The project “ERM Single Sign On”
must be locked in order to copy the applet). Then make the following changes:
Applet Value
Name My Popup Applet
Project Service
Business Service Request
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Class CSSSWEFramePopup
Title My Popup Applet (NOTE: In Siebel versions 7.7 and onwards to
update the Title you must add the “My Popup Applet” value in the
“Title – String Override” property and then you will see the Title
property gets updated with this value automatically.)
Also create a new control on the applet with the following properties:
Control Value
Name URL
Caption URL
Field URL (Refers to the Field created in step 5 above)
Field Retrieval Type Symbolic URL
7. For the new “My Popup Applet” applet record, navigate to Applet Web Template folder and select
the Base record. Update the properties to the following values:
8. Drilldown to the “Applet Web Template Item” folder under “Base” and delete all the records
located under this folder.
10. Open the List > List Column folder and query for “SSOGenericSystem1”. Update the Field record
property with the following value:
Log into the Siebel Application using the new srf file:
1. Navigate to Site Map > Administration - Integration > WI Symbolic URL List.
3. Click on the New button to create a new record with the following values:
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4. Click on the New button again to create a new record with the following values:
NOTE: This launches the external application as a new Internet Explorer (IE) browser, since SSO
Disposition type is Form Redirect. For more information please refer to Bookshelf version 8.0 > Siebel
Portal Framework Guide > Integrating External Content > Understanding Portal Agents > About
Disposition Types.
5. In the Symbolic URL Arguments applet on the bottom, for both Symbolic URLs created above
called “My Popup Applet” and “My Popup Applet_Demo”, add two new records with the following
values depending on how you want to launch the external application.
a. To launch the external application as a full IE window, use the following values:
b. To launch the modal external Application window, use the following values:
7. Navigate to Service > My Service Requests view. The “Service Request List” applet is on top and
the “Service Request Detail Applet” is below. On the form applet below there should be the new
control called “Symbolic URL with Hyperlink” (if you do not see it, choose the “Show More”
dropdown in the upper right corner of the form applet to show all the controls). Click the hyperlink
which will launch the External browser with the site
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